
Create a Character => Create a Character => Topic started by: Nimue Masters on April 26, 2013, 09:21:11 PM

Title: Water, water all around...
Post by: Nimue Masters on April 26, 2013, 09:21:11 PM
... And not a drop to drink.

Well my name is a glorious one!  I love what my Lady has given me, (full name is Nimue Marina), and I want to place it into full usage! Water has a great influence in what my persona is to be, and since I am a wench, I want a mix of both. I am thinking of doing a Siren/ Water Nymph persona for the most part, and I have the make up planned out. And I'm a Wench first and foremost, so that plays a lot into my persona. I have about four different garb ideas planned out, and to actually execute them is something else entirely.

As someone who is just starting off in Faire, is there anything I am missing from the equation? I know I need to brush up on my stories of Nimue in the Arthurian tales, where else should I look for ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Title: Re: Water, water all around...
Post by: Orphena on April 30, 2013, 10:05:27 AM
Greetings Nimue,

I think that costume and makeup is a fantastic place to start. Brushing up on the tales is a great idea - although expect that not everyone will "get" your character. Decide how to describe yourself - in words or deeds, so that even those who are unfamiliar with the specific character you are portraying can relate.

I am also a big fan of accessories - which can provide points of interest.

I would say do an image search on Google for artwork or similar portrayals - when I was planning my mermaid costume, I found several watery interpretations that sparked an idea!

Happy hunting!

Title: Re: Water, water all around...
Post by: Nimue Masters on May 19, 2013, 10:08:45 PM
I meant to reply to this ages ago, but I am happy for all the advice! I am loving accessories, and there are ton that are beach inspired. I actually started an album on facebook and just fill it with pictures and ideas for myself. :D
Title: Re: Water, water all around...
Post by: Aderin on May 30, 2013, 02:14:17 PM
Nimue, I love your creativity and audacity! I am avid for seeing your costume ideas! :)