
Back Stage => Mundane Topics => Topic started by: Blue66669 on July 21, 2008, 01:16:12 PM

Title: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Blue66669 on July 21, 2008, 01:16:12 PM
I really enjoyed this on the last go round, and I'm sure some things have probably changed since then. So, give em up, what are 10 things we don't know about you?

1. I collect hair from friends and family. Yep, I have my husband's ponytail in a jar...
2. My daughter is named for my alter ego, Lady Evangelyque.
3. I am completely and utterly OBSESSED with planning events.
4. I'm afraid of clowns, bugs, and lifelike dolls.
5. If I could, I'd go everywhere barefoot.
6. I don't swim in water that I can't see my feet in.
7. I've never seen a lightning bug.
8. My faire hair actually weighs about 5-7 lbs.
9. I never go anywhere without my iPod.
10. I'm completely OCD about almost everything. Control issues LOL....
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on July 21, 2008, 02:26:01 PM
1. I enjoy gummy bears
2. I Love hiking and the ocean
3. i hate all shoes except for boots yet i have a dozen or more pair of shoes
4. I am the only cowgirl i know who doesn't own a horse.
5. I know how to have a blast at Ren faires when i go alone but i really don't like going alone
6. I really love being a southern girl but i can't wait to move
7. I'm a rebel i don't like being ordered around
8. i refuse to take an Iq test
9. I am a huge fan of the sims
10. I'm an ex-gamer girl being how xbox made me mad

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 21, 2008, 02:29:33 PM
1.) I am a published scenario designer for a Dos based PC game in the 90's (Age of Rifles Scenario Expansion)
2.) I won 2nd place in said design and won $300 in military art. Two are hanging on my wall at home
3.) I used to ride bulls and bareback broncs
4,) I'm third generation born in the US on my mom's dad's side, yet have had direct decendants who fought in the Revolutionary war and American Civil War, and Blackhawke wars on the Suax and Fox side
5.) I have twin 13 year old boys (who live with my ex in Idaho)
6.) I used to be a lead singer rhythm guitarist and sometime keyboard player for an all original heavy metal band in the early 90's (Albion Kross)
7.) Had air play on three major Colorado rock radio stations with said metal band
8.) Used to ride Moto-X for fun but never raced (not good enough)
9.) Have experienced BOTH gender's (Finally in the one I know I was supposed to be in Some know this, some don't)
10.) Grew up on the Quarter Horse race track as my dad used to train Quarter Horses
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: CatAshtrophy on July 21, 2008, 05:23:31 PM
1. My favorite food ever is popcorn.
2. I liked math and physics in school, and I was almost a physics major in college.
3. I have a terrible habbit of chewing ice cubes.
4. I used to play drumset and other percussion instruments like marimba and xylophone.
5. I dislike chocolate, but Kit-kat bars are an exception to this rule.
6. I was a premie when I was born and weighed less than 5 pounds. I was the smallest baby in the regular nursery and so the nurses nicknamed me "Peanut."
7. I played Judo when I was little.
8. Sometimes I dream in French, but have never even been to France. I took French for a total of 6 years.
9. I'm horribly addicted to celebrity gossip websites. I think I should give it up, but I haven't been able to manage to do so yet.
10. I love frogs.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: eloquentXI on July 21, 2008, 07:55:09 PM
1. I've been painting and drawing before I could talk.
2. I've never been outside of the United States and I've never been east of Nebraska/Missouri in the United States.
3. I think wet socks are the most disgusting thing ever.
4. I have never lived in a city that has more than a 2000 person population (that changes in a month, I go from a town of 800 to a city of 105,000+).
5. I am, proudfully, the youngest active R/ member!
6. Horror movies are my worst enemy, thanks to a overly vivd imagination
7. I could live off of Sonic ice.
8. They almost cut off all of my baby-toes when I was born because they curled funny.
9. I was born just off the Rocky Mountains in Colorado
10. Thanks to faire, everytime I'm interested in a guy, he has to look like he'd look good in a kilt before I'll think about dating him.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady_Claira on July 21, 2008, 08:21:45 PM
1. I used to look up at the moon and say "I'm going there someday" and then my dad showed me the movie Apollo 13 and I've never wanted to be an astronaut since.
2. I play at least 5 instruments at an intermediate level or higher
3. I own at least 14 different instruments from all over the world.
4. I've been to 10 different countries.
5. I absolutely love thread style rpg's, particularly a star wars one that started on Facebook and then moved to another site for more convenience.
6. I love trance music
7. I make more money working under the table than I do working for actual business. (Yay for still being able to babysit)
8. I don't drink anything carbonated. So no soda or beer or anything like that.
9. I am a sucker for things that taste sickly sweet.
10. I collect porcelain dolls. (I currently have 34 on display in my room)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: knarlyknot on July 21, 2008, 08:40:43 PM
1. I collect turtles, not live ones.
2. My brother is a missing person.
3. I always dry off in the same order when exiting the bath.
4. I love old books.
5. I hate Barbie, but I do own 2 (Princess of Ireland & Galadriel from LOTR)
6. I'm extremely emotional, must be because I'm a Scorpio.
7. I'm trying to become a vegetarian.
8. I'm a bit OCD.
9. I talk to my Dad almost every day.
10. This was harder than I thought it would be.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Charlotte Rowan on July 22, 2008, 09:39:58 AM
1. I don't really believe in reincarnation, but at the same time I honestly think I might have been a dog in a past life.
2. I don't like any carbonated beverage, except every now and then a hard cider.
3. My normal body temperature is 97.9.
4. I have an anaphylactic allergy to caramel.
5. I refuse to ever use a tanning bed.
6. When I was about 12 years old, I sponsored a child in Africa for about a year.
7. I absolutely abhor the tradition of the bouquet toss at weddings.
8. I love my last name, but I can't wait to change it! (Those of you who know my middle and last name know why!)
9. I hate talking on the phone.
10. Swimming in lakes and indoor pools grosses me out, but the ocean and (most) outdoor pools are okay.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Gwen aka Punstergal on July 22, 2008, 09:44:52 AM
1. When I was a kid I LIVED at an amusement park which was one of the longest surviving permanent (non-seasonal) youth attractions in the state of Texas.
2. My family sold the Texas Renaissance Festival the carousel that they bought and refurbished in around 1989.
3. I graduated valedictorian of my highschool (about 245 students in my class).
4. I have an almost 15 month old daughter that I'm teaching sign language to.
5. I LOVE cooking food combinations that people think are really weird until they try them and find out that somehow they work together (I put chopped black olives, pickles, tomatoes, spinach, and yellow corn in my tuna, for instance, before I serve it on wheat or dark pita).
6. I am a rope artist, in that I both make things out of rope by tying strange knots and such, and that I can do decorative tying on people for costuming, concept art, and fashion or fetish photography.
7. I enjoy doing photo-manipulation and am teaching myself more tricks in GIMP so that maybe I can start doing some freelance artwork from home as another source of income (all my work has been for personal use or bartered for other folks work so far).
8. I am a total environment/energy conservation nut and write articles for various forums about things you can do in your own home to save money & energy and leave a smaller footprint on the world.
9. I'm addicted to Doctor Who!
10. LISTS are one of my favorite things in the world. I sometimes find old notebooks just full of lists that I have made.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: RumbaRue on July 22, 2008, 12:08:51 PM
1. Have a geode/rock collections

2. Play 12 string guitar - well it's been many years and my singing voice isn't what it use to be.....yes I still have the guitar.

3. I love fishing fresh or saltwater pier fishing

4. I like saltwater taffy and Rolos

5. I have three birds, a parakeet, a Mustached Parakeet, and a Senegal Parrot

6. I have six cats, Shadow-17, Smoke-16, Magic-7, Jasper and Kiki - 4, and Luna-2.

7. I have two calico Betas in a special divided tank so that they can see each other, but not kill each other. BTW-great fun to watch - you can buy the divided tank at Petco.

8. I write poetry (there will be a book soon in winter/early spring with some of my work and others doing Pirate poetry for sale)

9. I enjoy giving gifts to people who don't expect anything

10. I am a Star Wars fan -but not a fanatic

and just because,

11. I love to laugh!

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: *Teach* on July 22, 2008, 12:37:39 PM
1- I have a son who just graduated and is starting college this year
2- I met and married my wonderful wife at TRF (ok ya'll prolly knew that one)
3- I'm a nerd who loves learning new stuff regardless of what it is
4- I am certified (and qualified) to teach any science class from 6th grade on up.
5- I am (probably) starting school this spring to become a principal (no one I know would have ever thought that growing up)
6- I barely graduated high school because I was lazy (they thought I was a bit slow... with an IQ of about 147... nope, just bored and lazy)
7- I prefer working in schools with poorer kids because I feel needed.
8- I prefer watching cartoons to regular TV or movies (Pixar and Disney are my favs)
9- I love canned vienna sausages (dont eat it often because hey... I'm fluffy enough)
10- I really enjoy cooking and learning new tricks (which is how I got into loki making)

*11- I really like rum... a lot... a whole lot... way more than I probably should*
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: SirRichardBear on July 22, 2008, 01:09:13 PM
1.   I love old B/W movies
2.   I love books
3.   I hate video/computer games
4.   Can't stand the beach or Ocean but wanted to be a sailor growing up
5.   I hate all popular sports
6.   I like the dark.
7.   Can't stand loud, music or noise of any kind except for fire works and explosions.
8.   Hate crowds
9.   Have not watch network TV in 30 years have not seen any of the popular TV programs  everyone seems to be always talking about
10.   Roller coasters and amusement parks bore me
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Whistler Fred on July 22, 2008, 02:40:36 PM
1)   I've been fascinated with trains since I was a kid.
2)   I have an embarrassingly large amount of CD's, everything from the complete works of J.S. Bach to Led Zeppelin (no disco, rap, or hip-hop, however – I'm terminally unhip when it comes to post '70s pop).
3)   I love the sound of medieval and renaissance period instruments.
4)   I go to a church where the pastor is an African-American woman and the choir director plays guitar in a heavy metal band.
5)   I participate, and occasionally game master, in a super-heroic RPG called Champions.
6)   I played the piccolo solo in "Stars & Stripes Forever" on July 4, 1976.
7)   I first met my wife of some 28 plus years while on tour with my college choir.  I still think she's beautiful.
8 )   I once played in a "garage" rock band at a party for deaf people.
9)   I've played flute works written by Aaron Copland and Samuel Barber in front of both composers.
10)   While in college, I briefly took violin lessons.  Don't remember a thing about them now!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: nliedel on July 22, 2008, 04:27:48 PM
1. All four of my kids have issues. Two are adopted and two birth. We have Tourette's, Autism, Fetal alcohol syndrome and Asperger's.
2. I am more than half crazy, see number one.
3. I've been married for thirteen years.
4. I'm running a marathon this fall.
5. I hope to compete in an Ironman next fall.
6. My Spouse is my best buddy, but he's closely followed by my Siberian Husky, who is my running partner.
7. I've lost thirty pounds in three months (Training) and am not fitting into my clothes. Which would be wonderful, if I was not constantly taking in my garb.
8. I think I'm going to do well as a character at MIRF, but I'm secretly terrified I'm going to be a dork.
9. I'm in complete and total awe of some of the people at MIRF. They know more than I ever will about tons of things and they've been more than kind to me.
10. If I could be in a ren cast year round, I'd pack the kids up and head on out. Ask me about that one at the close of season. I might change my mind.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: CapnFayeCutler on July 22, 2008, 04:28:08 PM
1 - I have a degree in Biology and Geology, and I'd rather spend all day and night outdoors. (okay some know that)
2 - I'm obsessed with sports - Especially football and hockey
3 - I've got OCD - I count steps as I walk, I eat one thing at a time, I don't let my food touch, I like things balanced and even, etc...
4 - Despite this, I am NOT a clean freak by any means
5 - I hate brown m&m's...I'm sorry but they taste different
6 - I wear socks two days in a row, IF I even wear socks.
7 - I collect movie ticket stubs and fortunes from fortune cookies
8 - Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had never tried sushi. I did, and I LOVE IT (Thanks Blue!)
9 - I can out belch most men (oh wait some of y'all know that too)
10 -  I'm a spelunking camping hiking fossil hunter. Rockhounds unite!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Noble Dreg on July 22, 2008, 04:42:13 PM
Yikes, I'll try again...

1. Pretty girls make me nervous.
2. I HATE spiders!
3. I am not, nor ever have been really happy.
4. I collect Sinclair Dinoland "Mold-O-Rama" figures.
5. I play the flute.
6. I always wanted to be a paleontologist.
7. I have seen my own apendix, and no, it has not been removed.
8. I have the worlds ugliest toenails.
9. I love Cottage Cheese on Butter Noodles.
10. I build and fly R/C models, love airshows, but have no desire to fly the real thing.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Joyce "Delfinia DuSwallow" Howard on July 22, 2008, 05:24:48 PM
1- I'm finally going to be a grandmother.
2- I love dogs and going to dog shows.
3- I am raising a 13 yr. old child, who is not mine.
4- I love to go boating and crabing.(nothing like chesapeake bay blue crabs!)
5- Carrot cake is my favorite cake.
6- Thai food is my new thing, taste so good.
7- I'm from Luray, Va.
8- Enjoy decorating my house for Christmas.
9- Love going for long rides.
10- LOVE going to sunfest in OC in Sept.for the kite fest.

;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: DeadBishop on July 22, 2008, 10:44:48 PM
Let's see.....

1)  I was a storm chaser for several years.  (Would still be if I had the time) 
2)  I've been struck by lightning.
3)  1) and 2) have nothing to do with each other.
4)  I absolutely hated beer up until about 3 years ago.
5)  I used to stutter when I was younger.  I fixed it through self discipline.  Sometime when I'm excited or mad it
     comes back.
6)  I was the first person in the U.S. who wasn't a Nikon employee to use and shoot the D70 and D2x SLRs.
7)  I'm scared of needles, but have a tattoo and plan on getting more.
8 )  I'm obsessed with flashlights.
9)  I've seen someone die right in front of me.
10) I was a member of the forums for almost a year and a half before I ever posted.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Nicolette on July 22, 2008, 10:57:22 PM
I wasn't going to answer this, but sometimes my lesser judgement gets the best of me.  OK.  Some of you know these things, but most don't.

1.  I have vertigo to a mild degree, which is probably why I hate to fly and don't like amusement parks.
2.  My father was a bank robber.
3.  I was one half of the first couple to be legally handfasted in the US in 1977 (to our knowledge and the knowledge of the presiding witches who conducted the ceremony).
4.  I suffer from stage fright, despite the fact that I've chosen a very large and difficult-to-hide instrument to learn (harp).
5.  I can't stand to be tickled.
6.  Or have my mouth covered.
7.  I don't know how to swim.
8.  I have an irregular heartbeat.
9.  Several people in my life have died untimely and unforeseen deaths. 
10. I have a secret.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Nicolette on July 22, 2008, 11:03:32 PM
Quote from: Deadbishop on July 22, 2008, 10:44:48 PM
Let's see.....

1)  I was a storm chaser for several years.  (Would still be if I had the time) 
2)  I've been struck by lightening.

From a song by Vance Gilbert...

Twice struck by lightning
My fingers still tingle
Sometimes I can't feel
The very tips of my toes
And on a good day my heart skips
Only one beat
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Angus on July 23, 2008, 12:06:22 AM
1. I have Tinnitis.
2. I am an Inventor.
3. I've been in 2 Helicopter crashes.
4. I've been shot.
5. I've been stabbed.
6. I have an IQ well above average, yet I often fake not knowing something...
7. I am a coffee snob, yet I hate, and never patronize Starbucks.
8. I am a Army Veteran of the 1989 Panama Invasion. (OP:Just Cause/Blue Spoon)
9. I am fiercely loyal to my Friends and Family.
10. My right shoulder, (broken 3 times) and right knee, (broken once, dislocated twice) hurt almost all the time.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Mistress Charlotte on July 23, 2008, 01:04:05 AM
1 – Heights literally make me weak in the knees
2 – At 16 I climbed a 7 story tower with 5 British sailors to raise the Union Jack over a San Diego campground.
3 – I wanted to be an artist all my life but followed the practical path hating it all the way
4 – I was very good at all subjects of math when I was in college but couldn't tell you the trigonometric functions to save my life today.
5 – I trained in the Cecchetti method of ballet my entire youth.
6 – I can play the clarinet
7 – I have to answer to my God for a terrible sin that I not only did once.... But did it twice... on purpose.
8 – I don't do "fur"
9 – I've had a rhinoplasty
10 – I fall in love with the fictional characters in the books I read and it takes me months to get over it.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: KeeperoftheBar on July 23, 2008, 07:21:17 AM
1.  I had polio as an infant. 
2.  I am a CPA.
3.  I am a Freemason, a Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner.
4.  I've lived in Texas for 22 years. (Originally from Montana).
5.  Went to my first renaissance festival in 1987 and have not missed a year since.
6.  I have no desire to get married.  Which does not bother my girlfriend.
7.  I do not particularly like children.  Which does bother my girlfriend.
8.  I have an older brother who is a mundane.
9.  I had a heart attack two years ago which made me miss TRF's closing weekend.
10. StudMuffin was given to me by my cousin.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: TiaLD77 on July 23, 2008, 08:49:31 AM
1. I have sucessfully hand raised 3 pairs of kittens, that were abandoned at birth.
2. I hate being chased by people on all fours, or their knees.
3. I was born 7/7/77 & am the 7th Grandchild on my fathers side.
4. I have been as far east as London England, and as far west as Scottsdale Arizona.
5. I have an Atari & still Play it.
6. I paint Ceramics.
7. Up untill 1999 I was a nail biter.
8. I live in Punxsutawney PA, but have never gone to Gobblers Knob on 2/2
9. I have Fired a Cannon and a Mortar with Live rounds
10. I have snuck onto PA University property to bury a cat.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: PurpleDragon on July 23, 2008, 09:50:40 AM
1. I am a Freemason
2. I was on 6 of the 7 continents before I was 25 years old.
3. I am a veteran of the USAF
4. I despise anti-American comments, regardless of your reasons for saying them.
5. I do not discuss politics or religion with friends. (I want to keep them as friends)
6. I have worked for the same company for the last 10 years.
7. I have been married a total of 4 times.
8. I have a son who is now 21 years old. (but have not seen him since he was 3 thanks to his mother)
9. I have 24 years of sobriety under my belt. (Yes, I still drink but I now do not live in the bottle)
10. I am an ordained minister. (My record for weddings performed and couples staying together is currently perfect, 6 weddings, 6 couples still married dating back to 2002)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Will Gamwell on July 23, 2008, 12:14:29 PM
1.  I have a 9 year old son
2.  My son's first name and my first name have the same meaning.  Mine is the Irish form of John and his the Scottish (purely not intended)
3.  I used to play bass guitar
4.  I have 9 siblings and 28 neices & nephews...and 1 more due later this year
5.  I am 1'1" taller than my mother, and anywhere from a 1'2" to 0'10" taller than all of my sisters
6.  I was supposed to be taller, but due to an injury my growth stopped at 15.
7.  Just recently adopted two kittens.  Simba (orange tabby) and Java (black with brown eyes).
8.  Had a fantastic 40 minute chat with actor Mark Margolis at the MSP airport earlier this summer.
9.  Despite being labeled a jock in high school, I never watch sports on TV or follow them otherwise
10.  Most first impressions of me are that I am "shy", or "the strong, quiet type".

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: renren on July 23, 2008, 12:23:38 PM
1.I used to be quite musical.. piano lessons, clarinet, school choir
2.I was a (vol) firefighter for 4 years (in my more physically fit days)
3.I really, really scared of heights(can barely climb a ladder, but can go for a helicpoter ride, go figure)
4. I'm phobic about torndaoes, :o
5. and spiders :o
6. holding a pen in my mouth makes me want to barf
7.I was a nurse, before my oldest dtr was born
8.I heat spit, slobber.. people, dogs, doesn't matter.. makes me wanna hurl
9.I love handheld fans, used to collect them.
10.I was so shy as a child, and loved cats so much, I alsmost never spoke, but Meowed ::)  Oh, that must've been so fun for my mom!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: fluffy tail on July 23, 2008, 01:54:33 PM
1. I hate slugs. Snakes are OK.
2. I love to cave and feel every comfortable underground.
3. Retired USAF.
4. Flown in a jet fighter. It will rock your socks.
5. Except for Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota been in all the other state.
6. Lived 14 years in Germany (see 3) and deployed a year in Italy. Also have time in the desert.
7. Hate to go barefoot. High arches make it very hard to walk.
8. Only female mechanic at the plant I work at.
9. Very shy and quiet person.
10. I love to read.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Saber on July 23, 2008, 02:34:11 PM
1 - I hold the national record for the shortest duration of service in any branch of the military (3 hours, USMC)
2 - I have a broken back (T11 and 12 - Car crash, subsequently caused number 1)
3 - I am a sex educator, working on doing it professionally
4 - I love alcohol, but cant drink more than a single drink 1-2 times a week due to bleeding ulcers, one of which ruptured a couple days ago
5 - I have been shot, stabbed and bitten by a human - All of which bear scars
6 - I have 37 body mods, only one is a piercing and 5 tattoos (subdermal implants)
7 - I can play, very well, the bass, drums, keyboard/piano, rhythm bones and bodhran
8 - I sing Johnny Cash at karaoke and have had lacey underthings tossed at me
9 - When I was little I wanted to be in the Tour de France
10 - I hold records at 3 firing ranges for speed and accuracy with a sidearm
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: PurpleDragon on July 23, 2008, 02:46:56 PM
Quote from: Saber on July 23, 2008, 02:34:11 PM

8 - I sing Johnny Cash at karaoke and have had lacey underthings tossed at me

Umm... I'll be needing those back okay?  ~ROFLMAO~

((in case it doesn't come across as such.. this post was purely done for comedic relief))
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Blushing on July 23, 2008, 02:49:41 PM
1 - I'm still rather shy - especially when not in garb.
2 - Once upon a time I could say words and/or phrases in seven languages
3 - I love learning new things
4 - I learn how to play the guitar because I was told that girls couldn't play drums
5 - When I was little, I was in a Disney Channel commercial with my family.
6 - I've performed with chorales at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm
7 - I very much enjoy cooking and baking, but more so sharing meals with friends
8 - Several years of speech therapy couldn't get rid of my lisp
9 - I love traveling, with a good traveling companion or on my own
10 - I'm generally very good at remembering faces, but horrible at remembering names.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: renren on July 23, 2008, 02:51:07 PM
Quote from: Angus on July 23, 2008, 12:06:22 AM
1. I have Tinnitis.
2. I am an Inventor.
3. I've been in 2 Helicopter crashes.
4. I've been shot.
5. I've been stabbed.
6. I have an IQ well above average, yet I often fake not knowing something...
7. I am a coffee snob, yet I hate, and never patronize Starbucks.
8. I am a Army Veteran of the 1989 Panama Invasion. (OP:Just Cause/Blue Spoon)
9. I am fiercely loyal to my Friends and Family.
10. My right shoulder, (broken 3 times) and right knee, (broken once, dislocated twice) hurt almost all the time.

I agree, on the coffee snob,and I'm also a tea snob!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 23, 2008, 02:54:14 PM
WOW what fun it is reading about ALL of the interesting people we have on the forum.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Ginette on July 23, 2008, 03:21:36 PM
These are all great! I feel like I know everyone just that much better.

1. I like only the red and clear gummy bears
2. I don't like chocolate but LOVE Reese's Peanut butter cups
3. I hate talking on the phone but can text all day long
4. I can touch my tongue to my nose (My daughter can too)
5. I can't stand to be tickled
6. I can't wear anything with animal prints on it.
7. The only time I can eat corn is if I pick it off the stock myself.  (I come from a long line of farmers)
8. My husband and I got married twice but nither of us have been divorced.
9. One of my brothers (I have two younger brothers) lives in Hawaii with his girlfriend and their 2 year old daughter in a tree house.
10. I was in AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Officer Training Corp.) all 4 years of high school.  http://en.wiped.orgy/Viki/JROTC
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on July 23, 2008, 03:42:10 PM
10 things you were probably better of not knowing...!  :D

1. Grew up without A/C in south TX, and would still rather have a fresh breeze though the house instead
2. BIL is 25 years older than me, kid sis is 18 years younger than me
3. I'm a "fire horse" (s'plains a lot)
4. But I'm also a "closet" introvert. Go figure.
5. 5th generation Texan
6. I dream in color; didn't know until I was a teen that only about 5% of the population does.
7. Cold is actually painful to me
8. The hospital I was born in was so small it didn't have a nursery
9. Abnormal psychology and unusual medical conditions fascinate me
10. I love Gregorian chants
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Blue66669 on July 23, 2008, 03:59:40 PM
Ok, since this is totally fun, I think I could share a couple more...

11. I was a figure skater in my younger days, competitively. I've shared ice time with Tara Lipinski...*shudders*
12. When I was in middle school, I had a talent manager, who was forming an all girl singing group.
13. I too will only eat the red and clear gummy bears as well.
14. I purposefully get all of my tattoos on my spine, so that there is little damage to the art as I age and my weight fluxuates.
15. My hair refuses to grow longer than shoulder length.
16. I can write with both hands and both FEET, in CURSIVE.
17. At the age of 10, I mastered riding my bicycle in circles, while standing on the seat, with NO HANDS.
18. My FAVORITE video game is Kingdom Hearts, and I have both of the theme songs in English AND Japanese.
19. I'm currently trying to learn how to sing in three languages.
20. I was one of the first females in Texas to play football on the boy's team in 7th grade, that would be somewhere circa 1992. I was a linebacker...
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: maelstrom0370 on July 23, 2008, 04:15:18 PM

1.  I've never cheated on a girlfriend
2.  If we played "6 Degrees of..." I could connect myself to Jack Nicholson, Sharon Tate and Charles Manson.
3.  There's a town in Tennessee that's named after my family.
4.  I'm related to 2 world famous people, one is an athlete who died LONG before I was born and the other is a musician who isn't close enough to show up for holidays.
5.  I've never been out of the counrty...except for Windsor, Canada for 2 bachelor parties  ::)
6.  I served in the USAF and, while I never rose above the rank of Sgt, I was able to tell Full Bird Colonels what to do and once chewed out a 2-star General without repercussion.
7.  I don't have a single creative bone in my body, despite years of role-playing games and turning out a short story about once a month.  Trust me, if you read them you'd understand.
8.  I'm absolutely fascinated with vampires and werewolves.  I wanted to ammend this.  I love vampire and werewolf stories, folklore, what-have-you but I absolutely HATE the "Eurotrash-softcore-androgenous" style made OH so popular by the likes of Anne Rice and Laurel K. Hamilton.
9.  I hate religion but whole-heartedly believe in God.
10.  I make accquintences often but have only 1 close friend.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: maelstrom0370 on July 23, 2008, 04:27:16 PM
Oh yea, and.....

11.  I LOVE scarey movies but The Exorcist STILL scares the BEJEEBUS outta me!  :o :o
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: knarlyknot on July 23, 2008, 04:34:09 PM
Blue's right, so much fun the first time, I'll go again.

11. I want to be a midwife.
12. I, too, can touch my tongue to my nose, can also make taco, and turn it completely over!
13. I won a scholarship to study dance in NYC at the age of 12 and 14, studied dance from the age of 3 to 18.
14. My husband and I have moved 7 times in 11 years.
15. I have seen a brown bear in the wild in Alaska, too close for my liking.
16. I believe in reincarnation and I believe that I may have been a black man in a previous life.
17. At one time I wanted to be on a search and rescue team or fire department
18. I had a trainer interested in training me for the Olympics in track.
19. I have vertigo so bad that I don't even like to rock in a rocking chair, it makes me sick.
20. My husband and I have considered leaving the country.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 23, 2008, 04:36:11 PM
Quote from: maelstrom0370 on July 23, 2008, 04:15:18 PM

2.  If we played "6 Degrees of..." I could connect myself to Jack Nicholson, Sharon Tate and Charles Manson.

Gee in that case I know all the world leaders and all of hollywood. My cousin Tracy Wahl is a producer for NPR, who interviewed former President Jimmy Carter, you get the idea LOL

Never thought about it that way. I guess I might be connected to Kevin Bacon LOL

And since this is fun

11.) I have a fear of spiders especially blackwidows
12.) rattlesnakes don't bother me, nor do any snakes
13.) I have a fear of Tornado's and have been in or near them more times than I can count on my hands.
14.) I was in the Army as a Cavalry Scout (19 Delta)
15.) I lost my virginity at 28 (truth)
16.) My great grandafther raced in the Cherekee Strip (Oklahoma land race)
17.) My great grandfather had two horses stolen by the Dalton gang
18.) The only time I have been out of the USA was on business for 1 week to Boblingen German and Loved every minute of it.
19,) Played football all the way from midget (5th grade) all the way to my Senior year from Tackles (offence and defensive), to ends (offence and defensive), to Full Back and Linebacker where I scored the schools first ever touch down, 1st interception, to Nose Tackle
20.) Love Rocky Mountain Oysters
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: jinx on July 23, 2008, 05:50:09 PM
1-I hate bugs with a passion, but I don't mind camping/being outside.

2-I can't stand to have anything right up in my face, especially hands, thanks to my mother's boyfriend (I was 3).

3-I have never met my absolute best friend in the world face-to-face...even though he only lives 9 hours away.

4-I met my husband at Walmart.

5-I lost my virginity on my best friend's (well, up until the past few years) birthday, and she conceived her son on mine.

6-I chose my wedding date (September 18th) because it fell directly between the anniversaries of my grandmother's wedding and my favourite aunt's wedding...two of the most stable, wonderful, loving marriages I've ever known.

7-Most kids have an imaginary friend...I had an imaginary duck.

8-If I'm in a large crowd of varied emotions (think: the mall on the day after Thanksgiving), I almost immediately have a panic attack.

9-I correct people a LOT.

10-I read encyclopedias for fun.  xD

--On the "6 Degrees" subject, I can connect myself to Johnny Depp in 2 steps.  I have a friend whose uncle worked on the 2nd and 3rd Pirates movies with him.  =D (He's apparently one of the nicest guys in the world, at that.)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Saber on July 23, 2008, 05:51:42 PM
I can connect myself to Johnny Depp in 1 step.... I work for the company that provides his internet  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia on July 23, 2008, 10:31:59 PM
1. I am a certified Feng Shui Consultant.
2. My Great Grandmother was a high class lady of the evening, left her husband and my Grandmother to go back to it.
3. That same Grandmother was my closest relative and would have grown up with her had she not gone to the other side.
4. I am somehow related to George Washington through my paternal Grandfather.
5. Same birth paternal Grandfather ran a bar for the mob.
6. I've seen a friendly ghost.  No it wasn't Caspar.
7. I too can touch my nose with my tongue.
8. I overcame my fear of spiders with Greek Mythology.
9. I shoo insects outside alive when at all possible.
10. Did a 1 month very intensive study of Holocaust Literature my Freshman year in college.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: renren on July 24, 2008, 12:23:08 AM
11.Am fascinated by morbid,creepy stories, paranormal
12. despite the fact that I want to, and people around me claim they have, I have NEVER seen a ghost!
13. < my lucky number, born on a Friday the 13th. :)
14. If someone tries to tell me NOT to do something, chances are I WILL!
15. I look almost exactly like my deceased aunt, who died years before I was born, and my name means"reborn".
16. My friends claim to have seen "me" in the abandoned farmhouse that she lived in... and then walked into the hunting cabin right next to it,and about fell over!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Element of Air on July 24, 2008, 01:25:52 AM
1. I can not have coffee, alcohol, and mint, they all make me vomit.
2. I have a hard time swimming in water when I can not see through it to the bottom.
3. I have had fainting spells from one month of age and that are still unable to be explained to this day and many tests have been run.
4. I ADORE Cleaning and organizing.
5. I have far too many goals for myself. I want to be a model, actress, artist, animator, graphic artist, interior designer, video game designer, entrepreneur, photographer, sculptor, astronomer, oceanographer, archeologist, and everything else.
6. I have a love for fantasy, imagination, comics, anime, manga, and sci-fi.
7. I learned to cook about 4 months ago and am now dang good at it.
8. I LOVE Earthquakes and the "wrath of mother nature".
9. I have known Chris (My boyfriend) and been best friends with him since I was 10 and he 13.
10. I love adrenalin rushes.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Will Gamwell on July 24, 2008, 08:48:11 AM
Quote from: Element of Air on July 24, 2008, 01:25:52 AM
2. I have a hard time swimming in water when I can not see through it to the bottom.
Ditto!  Almost drowned when I was 4.  Hate not being able to see the bottom.  But love swimming, so I just suck it up and swim.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Marietta Graziella on July 24, 2008, 08:48:39 AM
1.  I have worked as a costumed singing telegram delivery person.
2.  I have been in the innermost chamber of the pyramid of Cheops on the Giza plateau when the lights went out.
3.  I can not watch other people touch their belly buttons-it makes me queasy.
4.  If you touch my belly button, it makes me throw up.
5.  I wrote chalk messages on the bombs we dropped over Iraq during Desert Storm ('90/'91).  USAF Incirlik AB, Turkiye.
6.  I have taught classes in Nuclear Weapons Safety, Movement, and Handling.
7.  I almost died during surgery to remove cancer from my body.
8.  I have been to Faire in disguise so I could play shamelessly and without judgement.
9.  I have had sex on a double decker bus in London, the Underground in Paris, a water taxi in Venice, and a train thru Munich (all with the same man-my husband).
10. I wish my life were as interesting as it used to be.  *sigh*
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Welsh Wench on July 24, 2008, 09:00:43 AM
Wow, MG.   :o

I think you have us all beat with #9!   ;)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Marietta Graziella on July 24, 2008, 09:03:24 AM
Heck, I left out a bunch!  I didn't want to get kicked to John's Inn! :o ;D

Remember, we lived in Europe... it's a lotttttt different over there.  Plus, this was almost 20 years ago.  But thanks for noticing. ;)

Quote from: Welsh Wench on July 24, 2008, 09:00:43 AM
Wow, MG.   :o

I think you have us all beat with #9!   ;)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: SirRichardBear on July 24, 2008, 09:06:29 AM
11. Had a building fall on me when I was 5 it took two hours for them to dig me out.
12. I was seven before I laughted still don't do it much.
13. Worked in an illegal coal mine for six years
14. I broke my back 15 years ago.
15. I know how to hold a grudge once waited 10 years to get even.  Yes it was worth it.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Alacrity on July 24, 2008, 09:12:34 AM
Can't resist a list game.

1.   I'm 6 foot 4" tall and my wife is 5 foot 1"
2.   I have a lot of close friends I have never met in person, thanks to the internet
3.   I help run a D&D based website called the Red Dragon Inn (
4.   I love the acting and shtick at the faire, but am too shy to participate
5.   I love camping, canoeing, white water rafting and the outdoors.
6.   I plan everything to extreme. I even plan my spontaneity
7.   I dream of being a fantasy writer one day
8.   I consider the love between myself and my wife to be True Love – like in the books.
9.   I can quote "The Princess Bride" verbatim
10.   I am in the middle of a Paternity leave, taking care of my 7 month old son –and loving it!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Gwen aka Punstergal on July 24, 2008, 02:20:22 PM
Wow.. there's a lot of folks in this forum with the freaky tongue-to-nose talent! Do I get bonus points for being one of the rare cases of an ADULT who is completely tongue-tied? Can't stick the darn thing out at all. Every dentist I've ever seen has offered to cut it for me, amazed that I don't show traces of a speech impediment (usually they cut it when you're a kiddo, because you can't speak correctly with it). I figure it's too late to fix it now, I've gotten used to the unique accent that comes from the way I shape my mouth to make certain sounds.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Rahne on July 24, 2008, 02:55:11 PM
This is easy for me because I am new here and nobody knows anything about me yet, but I'll try to list interesting things.

1.  I love RPG's mostly play D&D, but have dabbled in Shadow Run, and some hero games as well as D 20
     modern only have played a few on line games EARTH until it died and now Guild wars.
2.  I am an RN and work in a behavioral health clininc in Erie PA
3.  I have 3 children 1 boy 2 girls respective ages 11,10,4 The oldest, my son has Asperger's Syndrome
4.  My kids look forward to the faire (GLMF)as much as my husband and I do, and I enjoy taking them, but
     I love going with out them and being the kid myself for the day.
5.  I am actually rather shy around people I don't know. We have been going to GLMF for several years now
     and I recognise many people as regular attendees, but don't really know any of them.
6.  I spend about 5 hours each week in Karate classes, currently working on my brown belt.
7.  This is the only on line forum that I have posted on.(exception our karate class forum, but that doesn't
      count since I know everyone there)
8.  I'm married to a campus police officer who was my high scool sweet heart.  Been togeather since SR   
      year graduated in 1990, Married in 1995 we've been married almost 13 years now.
9.  I love to read fantasy and Science fiction books.
10.  I have only been drunk twice in my life (I'm 35)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: maelstrom0370 on July 24, 2008, 03:25:14 PM
Quote from: Lady de Laney on July 23, 2008, 04:36:11 PM
Quote from: maelstrom0370 on July 23, 2008, 04:15:18 PM

2.  If we played "6 Degrees of..." I could connect myself to Jack Nicholson, Sharon Tate and Charles Manson.

Gee in that case I know all the world leaders and all of hollywood. My cousin Tracy Wahl is a producer for NPR, who interviewed former President Jimmy Carter, you get the idea LOL

Never thought about it that way. I guess I might be connected to Kevin Bacon LOL

I never claimed to actually know them, in fact, the only "celebrities" I've ever met  are a C/D-list former sitcom star who came to the Island last year to film an Indie film and an  80's adult film star when I used to work as a chauffeur.  I'm not even  going to TRY and say something happened...I just drove her from Point A to Point B and back to Point A for about a week.  She was a pretty cool lady, though, and a great tipper!

12.  I once held a Top Secret Security clearance (it's not as cool as it sounds)
13.  I don't know how to drive a motorcycle, nor have I even ridden on one, but I once spent a season touring with and working at a Harley swap meet selling knives and running a grill.

There's probably more, but I don't remember a good portion of my mid 20's to my early 30's.  Yea...I was "that" guy.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: maelstrom0370 on July 24, 2008, 03:28:14 PM
Quote from: Alacrity on July 24, 2008, 09:12:34 AM9.   I can quote "The Princess Bride" verbatim

LOL...I was gonna list something similar...only mine's "Vacation"!  :D ::)
A friend and I used to watch with the sound off as kids and quote it word for word!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on July 24, 2008, 03:42:58 PM
Quote from: maelstrom0370 on July 24, 2008, 03:28:14 PM

LOL...I was gonna list something similar...only mine's "Vacation"!  :D ::)
A friend and I used to watch with the sound off as kids and quote it word for word!

Same here- I can quote "Blazing Saddles" in time with the actors.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on July 24, 2008, 03:50:43 PM
11.I'm extremely creative. but i can't use a sewing machine worth 10cents
12. I"m a slight germaphobe
13. I'm kinda a bee charmer
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Yrose on July 25, 2008, 12:51:33 PM
1. I was first married at 15.
2. I'm a survivor of incest.
3. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to organizing.
4. I've had surgery in Curitiba Brazil.
5. My daughter is multi-racial.
6. I've known my current husband since I was 2 yrs old.
7. I weight 450 lbs once.
8. I've been a dispatcher in Houston for 13 yrs and know the key map by heart.
9. I'm a certified nurses assistant and an apprentice plumber.
10. As a child I stopped talking for two yrs when my parents got divorced.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tygrkat on July 25, 2008, 01:25:11 PM
Ok, I'll play too  :)...

1. My entire back is tattooed ~ with tiger stripes! {hence the screen name  ;)}
2. I don't really like potato salad or macaroni salad ~ too much mayo, I think.
3. I know how to eat fire.
4. I was once on the Leeza Gibbons show, and was almost a contestant on the Weakest Link {American Version, with the guy host who's name I can't remember  :P}
5.I have been reading since age 2, and took the SAT in 5th grade, but barely graduated high school one year later than I should have {something to do with actually having to show up every day...}
6.I'm another member of the "pretty shy until you get to know me, and then you'd never guess it" club
7.I once volunteered at a sanctuary for exotic wildlife and have scratched a tiger on his tummy...often
8.I have two Dads and two Step-Moms {my Step-dad remarried in March '07 after my Mom passed in 2005}
9.In addition to the work on my back, I have 4 other tattoos, including a flowering vine on my left ear.
10.I was recently ordained as a minister in the Universal Life Church and want to begin officiating non-traditional weddings and commitment ceremonies
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
11.  I missed being on Jeopardy by 1 question on the test.
12.  I was in the movie "A Long Walk Home" with Dwight Schultz, Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg.
13.  I have been married 4 times including this current marriage.
14.  I was the only American at my first wedding. (It was held at the JOP in London England)
15.  I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;)  (don't ask why.. you might get an answer).
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Pat McGroin on July 25, 2008, 02:18:43 PM
1.   I've had 2 brain surgeries, one in 1982 and the other was in 1995.  I have an arachnid cist that is to big to remove (bigger then a tennis ball). Will have the rest of my life.
2.   Like to have died during both.
3.   Rode bulls for three years. I got stomped into the ground so I hung up my spurs.
4.   Could never touch my nose with my tongue.
5.   Shook Garth Brooks hand in a small Bar up from my house when he was just a warm up band for Merle Haggard.
6.   Didn't get my driver's license until I was 21.
7.   After my first surgery I grew over 18 inches in 5 months.
8.   I went back to college after being out of school for 10 years.
9.   I've moved 4 times in my life, all within a short walk between each place.
10.   Have only one tattoo of a Celtic bird that I designed on my left arm. Working on my second one.     
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Ginette on July 25, 2008, 03:07:14 PM
Quote from: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
15.  I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;)  (don't ask why.. you might get an answer).

I gotta ask even if I get an answer!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Luciana on July 25, 2008, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;) 

So .... what do you know about women's lingerie?

* inquiring minds want to know *
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: daylight on July 25, 2008, 03:38:29 PM
 I`am marreid and have been with my husband for 32 yrs and Still very much in love with him today
I love people and love making them smile, I enjoy all my friends they are dear to me
I`am a reg barber, and do cut hair and alll the frils that go with it.
I have 2 childeren both girls, who are now adults and married and are raising their familes
I have four grand childeren whom I adore and think the sun rises and sets in them
My husband and I own a Mech Shop, and been in business for 15yrs
I love dogs and have 3 dogs, two small ones and large one
I love to decorate my home, I decorate for all the seasons, with all that stuff I just love it, stuff stuff
My husband  Plays in a band, He is the bass player, in threater in MO
I love to go to ren fairs, I have met some of the nicest people there, and I have so much fun
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 25, 2008, 04:02:33 PM
Quote from: luciana on July 25, 2008, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;) 

So .... what do you know about women's lingerie?

* inquiring minds want to know *

I know why, but I'm not sayin  ;)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Noble Dreg on July 25, 2008, 06:37:52 PM
Quote from: luciana on July 25, 2008, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;) 

So .... what do you know about women's lingerie?

* inquiring minds want to know *

I'm thinking..."what a silly thing to say, 'women's lingerie', like there's men's lingerie".  So I got curious and googled "men's lingerie" me, don't!   :o

God the image is burned for all eternity in my mind.

Thinking now we need a new thread, "10 things I wish I DIDN'T know about my fellow rennies"!   ;D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Renee Buchanan on July 25, 2008, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: x0x_teach_x0x on July 22, 2008, 12:37:39 PM
5- I am (probably) starting school this spring to become a principal (no one I know would have ever thought that growing up)
6- I barely graduated high school because I was lazy (they thought I was a bit slow... with an IQ of about 147... nope, just bored and lazy)
7- I prefer working in schools with poorer kids because I feel needed.

Gee, teach, why does "Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back"  keep running through my head?

Mr. Kot-tair      ;)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Capt Gabriela Fullpepper on July 25, 2008, 08:04:11 PM
Quote from: Lady Renee Buchanan on July 25, 2008, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: x0x_teach_x0x on July 22, 2008, 12:37:39 PM
5- I am (probably) starting school this spring to become a principal (no one I know would have ever thought that growing up)
6- I barely graduated high school because I was lazy (they thought I was a bit slow... with an IQ of about 147... nope, just bored and lazy)
7- I prefer working in schools with poorer kids because I feel needed.

Gee, teach, why does "Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back"  keep running through my head?

Mr. Kot-tair      ;)

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: BubbleWright on July 25, 2008, 08:42:45 PM
1- My Dad was Filipino and my Mom was Boston Irish

2- My Dad was a cook in the Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine. This makes me a genuine
"son of a sea cook".

3- My first 7 years after High School were spent in a religious order, where I became Brother Felix. I left when I realized that it was necessary to go back into the world, because I was not being challenged or rewarded in ways that meant something to me.

4- My older brother Danny and my youngest brother Steven both died of AIDS. Yes, they were Gay.

5- In 1985 I created a cross State bicycle ride for Delaware that crosses the narrowest part of the
State (12 miles) twice. It is called "The Delaware Doublecross" and continues to have as many as 600 riders.

6- In 1999 and 2000 I won the Smithsonian Kite Festival's "Theme Award", the 1st and 2nd year it was offered.

7- In 2004, a friend and I put together a bubble festival, "Bubbles Over Colorado" in Manitou Springs. (

8- June 21, 2008, along with about 400 other people, I brought 2 of my bubble machines to "Times Square" where we made billions of bubbles as thousands of other people looked on. (

9- I sent a post card secret to the online blog "Post Secret" and it was posted for all to see.

10- I am a Type II diabetic.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Renee Buchanan on July 26, 2008, 08:18:30 AM
1.  My friend Lynn donated a kidney to me in 2003 because I was near death suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease.
2.  I have been surfing since I was 16 years old, albeit on and off, depending if we've lived near the ocean.  I adore the ocean, barely tolerate pools, and don't like swimming in lakes.
3.  I am deathly afraid of snakes -- and that includes worms, and mice and rats (because their tails look like worms).
4.  I met my husband Steve when I showed up on his doorstep in St. Lucia (the island) on Christmas Eve with the flu.  It's too long a story for here.  If you really want to know, ask me.
5.  I'm an Acolyte and Chalicist at my church.
6.  I am a Cursillista and have been asked to be the Rectora of the Spring, 2009 weekend for the Diocese of Chicago.
7.  My most favorite song in the whole wide world is, and has always been, Layla. (imagine that!)
8.  I've lived in 5 countries, 5 states, and visited 34 foreign countries.
9.  I love to rollerblade.
10. I've been on 3 different television shows demonstrating Brass Rubbing, and Renaissance Magazine wrote an article about me called, "Interview with Brass Rubbing Expert, Renee D."

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: *Teach* on July 26, 2008, 10:00:45 AM
Quote from: Lady de Laney on July 25, 2008, 08:04:11 PM
Quote from: Lady Renee Buchanan on July 25, 2008, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: x0x_teach_x0x on July 22, 2008, 12:37:39 PM
5- I am (probably) starting school this spring to become a principal (no one I know would have ever thought that growing up)
6- I barely graduated high school because I was lazy (they thought I was a bit slow... with an IQ of about 147... nope, just bored and lazy)
7- I prefer working in schools with poorer kids because I feel needed.

Gee, teach, why does "Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back"  keep running through my head?

Mr. Kot-tair      ;)

You'd be suprised How often I hear that lol

*and how often I have been gifted rum by fellow teachers...*
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Taffy Saltwater on July 26, 2008, 04:39:34 PM
1.  Both my and my son's first grade teachers were named Mrs. Ball;
2.  Have gone whale watching in New Zealand and a day trip to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia;
3.  Am a card carrying member of the Rolling Stones Fan Club;
4.  Did the walk the red carpet thing at the premiere of POTC III;
5.  Spent a week in Kauai for my 50th b'day and two weeks in Australia/New Zealand for my bf's b'day; and as a result
6.  I can tell you more about koalas than you'll ever want to know;
7.  My left arm is significantly shorther than my right (long fall off a short cliff);
8.  My second toe is longer than my big toe;
9.  Can't play video games for squat; and
10. Am a descendant of the Spanish conquistadors who settled in Northern New Mexico - Santa Fe area - in 1598.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: SleepyArcher on July 27, 2008, 11:18:58 AM
1. I am an RN and work Pediatrics; ER, NICU, PICU.
3. I have ADHD...
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Yrose on July 27, 2008, 02:58:24 PM
Quote from: Sleepy on July 27, 2008, 11:18:58 AM
1. I am an RN and work Pediatrics; ER, NICU, PICU.
3. I have ADHD...

Hey Sleepy got three out before distraction, not
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Sir Ironhead on July 27, 2008, 08:16:05 PM
1.  I was in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (Navy JROTC) thru high school but joined the Army
2.  I have dealt with PTSD since the Gulf War in 1991
3.  I had a mullet in high school (didn't conflict with #1 but it did get cut off my senior year)
4.  I have a learning disability; I can tell/talk about a subject but can't put it in writing
5.  I was reading at a college level by second grade
6.  I could discuss military history at a college level by third grade
7.  I will tan on my arms and face but will burn everywhere else
8.  I can't climb a rope
9.  I can stand and walk normally in 5 inch heels
10 .  A relative on my mothers side was a Knight of Rhodes (we're talking about 25 generations ago)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Kiss-me-Kate on July 27, 2008, 11:41:11 PM
I will give this a shot...

1. I am a twin.   My sister died when we were six months old. 

2. I was also a preemie.  I weighed 3Lbs, 14oz. when I was born.  My father could hold me in the palm of his hand,  and my Mom has a picture of giving me a bath in a mixing bowl.

3. I have been married twice.  #1 to my high school sweet heart and #2, well, I have no comment.   ;D  Neither lasted more than two years.  (I was young and impetuous...)

4. I am a type 2 diabetic. 

5. I am painfully shy.  I was too afraid to meet everyone from here the first year I was on the forums.  I only met everyone after fest season was over at a pub night.  (glad I got over that!!)

6. I hate large crowds.  Mostly because of the noise; I can't hear.   I also don't like the lack of control.  I struggle with it at fest, but can usually get over it.

7. I am afraid of the dark, I sleep with a nightlight.

8. I did not fly until I was 29, one month after 9/11.  (Needless to say I was a tad nervous...)  I flew to southern Cal, and obviously, survived.   

9. I own my house due to a family tragedy.  It was not bequeath/given to me.

10. I LOVE camping.  I had never camped until last month. 

And Teach, I think you would be a great principal. 
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Celtic Lady on July 28, 2008, 12:16:36 AM
Well since I'm new to this group there are way more than 10 things you don't know about me. However since I'm limited to 10 here they are:

1. I'm extremely shy.

2. I've never been married but have been engaged 4 times (I'm marrying #4 next year.)

3. My son is 21 and the love of my life is 29.

4. I used to raise pet rats.

5. I am the eldest of 3 daughters in my family.

6. I spent my whole life in Michigan until January 14, 2007 when i moved to Iowa.

7. I used to own an Arabian horse which I trained and showed.

8. I think Robin Williams should run for President.

9. I'm terrified of heights and heights over bodies of water.

10. Spiders and other creepy crawlie things scare me.... no matter how small they are.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Leyla on July 28, 2008, 05:38:33 AM
Quote from: Sleepy on July 27, 2008, 11:18:58 AM
1. I am an RN and work Pediatrics; ER, NICU, PICU.
3. I have ADHD...

ROFLMAO hehehe

That cracked me up Sleepy!  ;D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: RenRobin on July 28, 2008, 08:20:36 AM
1. I am terrified of snakes...the only good one is a dead one.

2.  I am a former volunteer fire fighter and EMT and my first fire to help put out was at my parent's farm.

3.  I once won a contest for peeling a banana with my toes.

4.  I have met a few celebs just by happenstance.  One of my celeb encounters was with Patrick Ewing when he ducked into the lingere shop, that I managed, to ditch the fans that were following him and a friend.  The Nicks were in town to play the Spurs.   This was when I lived in SA.  I helped him sneak thru my back door to the lot where his limo driver was waiting for him.

5.  I find baking theraputic.

6.  My husband and I watch the tour de France every year, since 1999, even though neither of us are riders.  We watch other bicycle races as well, but the tour is a must.

7.  On of my guilty pleasures television shows is American Gladiators.  :P

8.  I love crafting.

9.  I am a Food Network Junkie.

10. Since watching the movie Fight Club, I refuse to buy home made soap from anyone.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: PurpleDragon on July 28, 2008, 08:54:24 AM
Quote from: Noble Dreg on July 25, 2008, 06:37:52 PM
Quote from: luciana on July 25, 2008, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: PurpleDragon on July 25, 2008, 01:37:39 PM
I know more about women's lingerie than just about any man I know. ;) 

So .... what do you know about women's lingerie?

* inquiring minds want to know *

I'm thinking..."what a silly thing to say, 'women's lingerie', like there's men's lingerie".  So I got curious and googled "men's lingerie" me, don't!   :o

God the image is burned for all eternity in my mind.

Thinking now we need a new thread, "10 things I wish I DIDN'T know about my fellow rennies"!   ;D

Oh, I could have told you NOT to Google THAT topic... sorry you have THOSE images stuck in your head.. they can be a bit much when they are NOT what you are looking for.. LOL

As to the others that were "interested" as it were.. seek out my post in the "Now and Then" thread and you MIGHT figure out the answer.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Ginette on July 28, 2008, 03:52:24 PM
11. I have a thing for rubber duck.

12. I like Old Navy tank tops so much I wear them all the time, even in the winter.

13. I want to move to and live in Hawaii and Ireland.

14. My favorite restraint has been around so long that when my husband's grandparents moved to Austin they started eating there 40+ years ago. My father in law took my mother in law there when they started dating 30+ something years ago and my husband took me there when we dated 10+ years ago.  We try and go once a month to our favorite restraint. 
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Saber on July 28, 2008, 03:53:54 PM
Quote from: Ginette on July 28, 2008, 03:52:24 PM
14. My favorite restraint has been around so long that when my husband's grandparents moved to Austin they started eating there 40+ years ago. My father in law took my mother in law there when they started dating 30+ something years ago and my husband took me there when we dated 10+ years ago.  We try and go once a month to our favorite restraint. 

Favorite Restraint eh?  wow.... John's Inn... here we come!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Ann of Draycott on July 28, 2008, 04:30:11 PM
I just found this topic so here goes...

1.  I am also terrified of snakes, ALL snakes, even the little bitty grass ones.  I passed out once at a party when a guy backed me into a corner trying to get me to touch his pet boa. They called EMS and everything.  Boy, was that guy in a lot of trouble.
2.  I was born in Urbana, Illinois.
3.  I am athletically challenged. I suck at anything related to sports. When I was in Middle School I worked in the Library so I could get out of PE.
4.  I met my husband on a Church-related singles retreat and we dated less than two months before we became engaged.  We've been married for 17 years and I can't even imagine my life without him.
5.  I wish I lived in Minnesota.
6.  I can't put eye drops in my eyes, nobody else can either.
7.  I love snow.
8.  I hate that my birthday typically falls on the hottest day of the year. 
9.  My favorite season is Winter and my favorite holiday is Christmas.
10.  I was in a wet t-shirt contest in college...AND WON!

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: SleepyArcher on July 28, 2008, 05:17:29 PM
Hey Kiss-me-kate: I was also a premie weighing in at under 3 pounds. My mom has a poloroid picture of me in the isolette getting a bath in a little sterile bowl about the size of a cereal bowl. I looked like an alien baby. I have "obviously" caught up in wieght now.

4. I was a premie
5. I am an Eagle Scout
6. Twice married; first after HS and it didnt work out, now married to love of my life.
7. I love to read medical mystery books.
8. I love history and hope to travel to Egypt, Ireland, England and Iceland, well of course the Bahamas.
9. I grew up in the wrong time period...about 500 years too late.
10. At times I "DON'T" wear anything under my kilt..... :o  :o  :o  :o  :o (yea like you wanted to know...)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Rahne on July 28, 2008, 06:06:06 PM
11.  I have 1 tattoo of a dragonfly on my right foot.  Went with my mom (60 at the time) and my aunt to get it after their sister (another aunt 2nd oldest of 10 kids) passed away last June.  It was a frist for all of us.

12.  I hate shoes, especially dress shoes. I wear my lace up faire shoes to work almost every day because it is as close as I can get to being barefoot.  The only heals I'll wear are boots.

13.  My favorite movie is The Princess Bride, followed closely by A knights Tale.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Amyj on July 28, 2008, 08:17:45 PM
OK...I'm in!!!

1. I'm painfully shy unless I know at least one person in the place, then I'm totally outgoing and nutty.
2. I've been with my present boyfriend for 17 years and still going (unfortunately, Missouri doesn't recognise common law marriage!  ;))
3. I'm scared to death of spiders and only slightly less scared of balloons.
4. I used to be the voice of the Jagermeister Smooth Stuff Catalog ( I would totally "1-900" it up too! he he he!  :-*)
5. I love peanut butter on my BLT sandwiches (trust me...try rocks)
6. I can't sleep facing a wall.
7. I am almost phobic about uncovered windows at night...I hate not being able to see what is out there.
8. I can't stand Poinsettias
9.I am nuts for severe weather of any kind...I'm the one who runs OUTSIDE when the tornado sirens go off so I can hopefully see it...and I'm a certified storm spotter
10. I'm related to both Walter Cronkite(who my cousins have had brunch with in the last 2 years) and Cole and James Younger (of the Jesse James Gang) about extremes!!!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Blue66669 on July 28, 2008, 08:29:01 PM
HEY!!! Walter Cronkite went to my middle school!!!

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Kiss-me-Kate on July 28, 2008, 08:32:19 PM
Quote from: Sleepy on July 28, 2008, 05:17:29 PM
Hey Kiss-me-kate: I was also a premie weighing in at under 3 pounds. I have "obviously" caught up in wieght now.

Me too, honey.  Me too!!

I myself, had a preemie, she weighed in at a staggering 1LB 15 1/2 oz.   She was relatively healthy too.  We didn't get to bring her home until she tipped the scales at 4Lbs.

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: DeadBishop on July 28, 2008, 09:40:51 PM
Quote from: Sir Ironhead on July 27, 2008, 08:16:05 PM
4.  I have a learning disability; I can tell/talk about a subject but can't put it in writing

Interesting. I have the same learning disability. 

11.  Along with the above, I was told it was a form of dyslexia; along with not being able to write as such, I also have a difficult time with comprehension while reading which goes along with it.  It could take me a hour just to get through one page of a book, because I would have to go back over and over each sentence to understand it.  (It took me all of 5th grade to read the Hobbit)

For example, it probably took me 5 minutes to write out this post.  It also took me another 5 minutes to re-read this post several times just to make sure it made sense.  I never would have passed any of my college classes that required written papers without the help of Nyte writing them out for me. 

Now with that in mind, try to explain how I managed nearly 20,000 posts on the old forum...   ??? ::) :P
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Sir Ironhead on July 28, 2008, 09:48:34 PM

Now with that in mind, try to explain how I managed nearly 20,000 posts on the old forum...   ??? ::) :P

Skill?  Talent?  Evil twin posting when you're not looking?
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: FaireGirl69 on July 28, 2008, 09:59:39 PM

1. I like the sound that is made from tapping two marshmallows together.
2. I am afraid of spiders - not paralyzing, but still afraid.  I mostly fear them jumping on me.  I don't know when or why this fear started, but I have been this way for a long time.
3. I recently got more tattoos...I have a total of 6 now on my body.
4. I used to have a size 6 shoe before getting pregnant with my first.  Now I'm a size 7.
5. I wanted to be a clown for Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus when I was 19.
6. I used to do live mannequin modeling in a store window in Brooklyn, NY when I was 13.
7. I love Punxsutawney Phil and all things having to do with Groundhogs and Groundhog Day!
8. I love to sing Karaoke although I haven't done so in a few years now.  Having no babysitter makes it a bit difficult these days now that I'm a mother.
9. I was bowling from age 7 until 27 when I had to stop due to having tendonitis in my wrist.  My current bowling ball has Mickey Mouse on it.
10. I am a Disney Fanatic!  My daughters' names are Ariel and Aurora, we have a cat named Belle, and some hermit crabs called, Jasmine, Cinderella, Snow White, and Tinkerbell.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: SleepyArcher on July 28, 2008, 10:32:17 PM
I think it was Nyte who posted all that DB.....She has always complained shes always tired...well yea writing all those posts would do that  :D  ;D  ;)  :P
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: brier patch charlie on July 28, 2008, 10:42:04 PM
Well, here go's, now everybody will know how strange I'm. If they didn't know all ready.

1. I was married 5 years to an Army BRAT, and have been divorced 13 years.
2. I'm suffer with chronic depression, line one still has a lot to do with it.
3. I hate dogs, but love cats.
4. I have a fetish for dark hair, olive skin women with thick eye brows. ( Latin women, just.... well back to lines one and two.
5.I love to hunt, but I all most cry when ever I run over a squirrel or small animal when I'm driving.
6. I was an Army photographer for a while, I won all Army and took honorable mention all Forces Europe with two of my photos, and to think I thought the photos sucked!
7. I have no kid's, and have been told by the VA, don't count on having any. A little something from all that stuff I came home with from the first Gulf War, little things to all ways remind me of my days in the Army.
8. I play the violin, but all ways wanted to play the bagpipes. But I was given my Great Grandfathers fiddle so thats what I learned to play, wished it been pipes instead.
9. I had lipo- done because the Army said I was to fat and were going to give me the boot.  Like , I can't help I like to eat........... pies, cakes, cookies and anything else that's left on the table!  OK, see line two for this one.  And a woman who loves to cook, I'm there new best friend!
10. I was blond as a child, but grew out of it. But I still have  blond moments , like omg why am I writing this!

This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Riot on July 29, 2008, 08:20:43 AM
Oh why not.. =)

1. I am actually quite a shy person until you get to know me and I'm comfortable with you.
2. When outside faire I tend to be very much a homebody and tend not to be the first person to talk.
3. I was dianosed with clinical depression at the age of 12
4. I refuse to take any medication for the above after a stint of meds when I was 18 nearly caused me to have a complete breakdown (the doctors don't refer to it as a complete because I recovered from it enough that I can fuction in everyday life).
5. I still have ticks from the breakdown, but tend to recluse myself away from people when it happens or if it is small and in front of people I sluf it off as nothing or a mistake. In fact I can only remember maybe 3 times where someone figured what was happening.
6.. I was a gymnist until I was almost 16, but do to a severe ankle strain (which I still have problems with, though I was told I would of been better off breaking it)) I had to drop out.
7. I have to sleep on the side of the bed farthest from the door.
8. I have a form of dyslexia, and as much I want to read books I tend not to because it takes me so many times of re-reading a page just to see the words and be able to process them I usually give up.
9. Yet I compehend things very quickly and after all the tests I've had over the years because doctors thought I was stupid from having so many problems with the reading of words they discovered I am quite the opposite. I also do not admit to it, nor talk about the dyslexia or speech impediment due to all the cruel things said to me over the years, I am very sensitive about it.
10. There are 3 people in this world I would do anything for, 1 is my grandmother, 1 is Lady Jessica, and my best friend James. I also take it quite seriously.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Rani Zemirah on March 02, 2009, 01:32:30 AM
Ok, I'll play...

1. I've been to every state in the Union except Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Hawaii.

2. I have lived in a tent for over a year at a time, more than once, twice through Colorado mountain winters.

3. I worked at the Grand Canyon for 8 months in '88, and I was there for 8/8/88.

4. In '86 I hitchhiked from Key West, FL to Seward, AK, taking a detour to attend the Indy 500. Bobby Rahal won!

5. I have called my mother from the bottom of the Grand Canyon, the park across from the White House, and 15 miles out to sea, as well as every other interesting place I've ever been where there was a phone.

6. I spent a season shrimping off the coast of WA & OR.

7. I worked in a placer gold mine in AK for several weeks.

8. I have traveled through 3 Canadian provinces, hitchhiking, dangerously ill with bronchial pneumonia, and hallucinating from a fever of 103 degrees. I was given 5 days by the Mounties to get through the country before they came looking for me... (only not-so-nice people I met in Canada)

9. I can weave hats and baskets from palm fronds, and have made a living from it more than once.

10. I have learned that saying I will never do something probably means I will be forced to at some point in my life... so I try really hard not to say that anymore!   ::)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: wyckdblyss on March 02, 2009, 09:36:27 AM
1. I have never been married, but have been engaged 2 times.
2. I collect dragons and faeries.
3. My son was named after a knight of the round table - Gareth.
4. The farthest from home I have ever been was Las Vegas, Nevada
5. I live on the outskirts of Houston, Tx
6. I work for a school district.
7. I still have the same best friends, since elementary school (2nd & 3rd grades respectively)
8. I am very single. :'(
9. I suffer from depression, and have for over 10 years.
10. I can pick things up and pinch with my toes.  ;D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Harbinger on March 02, 2009, 12:17:58 PM
ok, here goes,

1.  I will always take the road least traveled, even to my detriment
2.  I sometimes whine about my circumstances, see number one
3.  I grow roses, again see number one
4.  My favorite quotes are "you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas." and "It is one of life's greatest compensations, that we can not sincerely try to help someone else without helping ourselves."
5.  I love motorcycles, and the open road
6.  I am an army brat
7.  I can remember when you could but a Big Mac, fries, and a Coke, and get change back from a dollar
9.  I despise party politics, but will avoid cans of worms
10. I adore my family


Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Zoë on March 02, 2009, 09:40:57 PM
1. I never eat an entire french fry.  I eat about 3/4 of it and put it back on the plate.  Sometimes I do it with chips too, and I have no idea why.
2. My feet did not touch real grass until I was almost 2 years old because we lived in base apartment housing in Berlin GE.  As a result I hate being barefoot now and usually wear my shoes until I go to bed at night.  I wear flip-flops in the summer and that's okay, as long as my bare feet do not touch the ground.  If I am barefoot, my toes curl up absolutely involuntarily. 
3. I have SAD, or seasonal depression.  It's the reason I could only stand to live in New England for a year.
4. I am the oldest female on my dad's side of the family.  There was previously a gap of 75 years between my great-aunt and me; she died 4 years ago and I only have 1 younger female cousin on my dad's side. 
5. Between both my parents I have no biological aunts.  My dad has 3 brothers and my mom has 5 brothers.
6. I would love to test drive really fast cars for a living.  (read: I would love to speed recklessly without getting caught.)
7. I have 12 piercings and 2 tattoos, and no, getting a needle pushed through my lip did not hurt that badly.  It's biting the stud that really hurts.
8. I once bruised my sternum from the inside after having a panic attack and hyperventilating. 
9. I write, a lot.  I'd love to become a published writer but we'll see how that one works out.  I'll try being a teacher first.
10. I have over 20gb of music on my computer, a good chunk of which are bootleg audio of Broadway shows.  Don't tell.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on March 02, 2009, 10:33:33 PM
Rani, I can so relate to #10! Never say "never"; I prefer to say "I have no intention".

as for the rest of your!

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Rani Zemirah on March 02, 2009, 10:49:36 PM
LOL... I was very restless in my early youth, and determined I was going to do everything I'd ever thought sounded like an adventure! I'm more settled now, but still love to travel, and I could write 1000 things more than 10...

And I usually just try to believe these days that I am open to the possibilities... so much easier than eating my words!  LOL   ::)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Martin Montgomery on March 02, 2009, 11:55:28 PM
 I shouldn't but......
#1 At my heaviest I weighed over 600 Pounds.
#2 Because of #1 The Doctors gave me less than Two years to live. (That was OVER two years ago!!)
#2.5  I had Gastric Bypass Surgery on October 31st 2007. (I now weigh in at a Svelte 299 Pounds!) 
#3 I form friendships (Male and Female) quickly and as a result have been used,hurt and/or despondant for long periods of time.
#4 I have Never been married. (Or engaged,handfasted,co-habitated or dangerously serious about someone :'(  But I will never Give Up!!)
#5 I am a HOPELESS ROMANTIC! (That was an easy guess!)
#6 My friends I see at fair I count among my closest. (And some I only talk to on This Blessed Forum!)
#7 I have lived in Texas almost my entire life,my family drove up the Western States,Drove the Alaskan Highway and came down the Eastern States! (It took several Months! I was six months old at the time and don't remember much!)   
#8 I am from a large (And LARGE!) family 6 Kids- Mike,Mark,Margaret,Melissa,Matt and Yours Truly,Monte!

#9 As a result of my work,(County Jailer) I have been hit,punched,kicked,slapped,spit at and almost urinated on! ( Yet my biggest fear is needles or getting a shot! :-[ )
#10  I am Honest to a Fault- (As I told a woman ,once, I am not smart enough to keep up with Lies)
#10.5 I really didn't like my answers -but refuse to change them!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: LadyDracolich on March 02, 2009, 11:59:42 PM
Ok.. I'll play too...

1) I am TERRIFIED of sharks!!  I don't swim in the ocean b/c of it.  It's the only paralyzing fear I have.
2) I have random attacks of claustrophobia when I get too close physically to too many people (or even just one sometimes).
3) I read entirely too much.  As many as 7 or 8 books in a week on occasion (and I never forget the story afterward) .
4) I detest the sound that fingernails make on cotton socks when you are putting them on.  Some people have the 'fingernails on chalkboards' thing, mine is fingernails on socks.  Makes my teeth tingle.
5) I have been struck by lightening, twice.
6) I am completely enamored by fashion styles of the 40s!  I want a wardrobe!!
7) I like to climb things.  Rocks and fire towers in PA, Mt. Fuji in Japan, a Myan temple in Mexico, the Washington Monument in DC, the Empire State in NY, and the High Point monument in NJ.  
8) I'm a karaoke queen!  I love karaoke!  (I don't care if anyone I'm with sings, as long as I get to!)
9) I love old movies!  Black and whites.. it doesn't matter, as long as it's made before 1970, then I get picky.  I love Greta Garbo and Bette Davis. (see #6)
10) I got my first horse (ok, it was a 2 yr old Shetland pony stallion, clearly my parents were NOT horse people) when was 2 because I was allergic to cats and ducks (yeah, we tried ducks) when I was younger and dogs seemed to have a way of disappearing.  I'm sure they would have re-thought the horse thing if they'd realized it was going to start a 30 year (and still going) love affair.  I'm no longer allergic to cats or ducks.  I've moved on to veggies now. ;)

There we go. :)
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Rani Zemirah on March 03, 2009, 12:14:53 AM
Lady D, I'll sing karaoke with you anytime!!!

And Mt. Fugi?!? I am impressed!!!  :o
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lord Figaro on March 03, 2009, 12:27:15 AM
Quote from: Deadbishop on July 28, 2008, 09:40:51 PM
Now with that in mind, try to explain how I managed nearly 20,000 posts on the old forum...   ??? ::) :P

Massive doses of  coffee coupled with mega sleep deprivation?

Quote from: LadyDracolich on March 02, 2009, 11:59:42 PM
8) I'm a karaoke queen!  I love karaoke!  (I don't care if anyone I'm with sings, as long as I get to!)

Sounds like we'd have fun with that one. To bad you never got to go to the MNRF. We usually would follow up the Saturday at fest with a night of karaoke at the bar I worked at. Though I do enjoy when I can get others up to sing. Especially those who say they'll never get up to sign. We have a few people here that said that, but we got them up anyway hee hee hee.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Anna Iram on March 03, 2009, 01:32:39 AM
I'm in:

1)My uncle, for whom I was named wanted to "adopt" me, have me move to Alabama to live with him and my aunt and  study to be an opera singer. My parents refused , but I sometimes wonder...what if?

2)To celebrate my 40th and my having quit smoking I hiked the Grand Canyon.

3) When I lived in NYC I had an imaginary bear I'd take with me if I had to be out late at night.

4) I had some really intense abdominal surgery a couple years ago for which I opted to stay awake. I watched the entire five hour surgery via an overhead monitor. I've literally seen my own guts. ;D

5) I used to have a blonde mohawk. Modified and kind of girly rocker. You can see me walk past the camera in Madonna's first film in the Danceteria scene. Don't all rush out at once.  ;D

6) I "saved" Bullwinkle's last ride through the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. I was bartending next to where they were inflating the balloons and they were missing a plug. I was notorious for saving odd caps and corks for just in case. Just in case came. He was retired after that show but my trusty jar of bottle caps got him through. It was the pellegrino cap that did it. I've also been inside one of the giant Thanksgiving ballons. I was working as an extra on the remake of Miracle on 34th Street and after morning makeup and costume there was always a long wait. I'd walk up the block to where the balloons were being inflated and they'd let me run around inside. It was really really cool.

7) I never collect live seashells. Don't care how beautiful they are. To me what's beautiful is the creature that made that beautiful shell. Consequently I get really sad in shell shops.

8)I write *much* better than I speak. I'm kind of shy.

9) I go out of my way to find grapes *with* seeds. I like they way they crunch.

10) 15 years ago I had a psychic reading done. It's on tape. Some of what was spoken of began to happen immediatly. Some , including certain names and very specific occurances have just come into being this year and even this very week. Freaky!! :o

Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tammy on March 05, 2009, 12:47:21 AM
Ok...I'll play along...
1. My great great grandmother grew up near Annie Oakley...and could out shoot her. I have an ivory rose pen that belonged to Annie. They stayed friends, and my grandpa has letters from Annie to her.
2. I married my high school sweetheart...separated from him 11 days after our 5th anniversary.
3. I can also touch my nose with my tongue, form the taco, and an upside down taco.
4. I rescued a raccoon. She's my life. ( some of you might know that.) She'll be a year old in June!
5. My first tattoo was in 1996, and it's of a raccoon. I had no idea I'd ever have one (raccoon)!
6. I love to make websites using HTML code and Notepad.
7. I was a card carrying member of the Boy Scouts of America (I'm a GIRL!)
8. I've partied with the Hell's Angels.
9. My grandpa played drums for Dean Martin one night.
10. I have an obsessive personality...which makes the "take it a day/step at a time" stage of dating SO HARD! I can't stand to not know if he likes me as a friend, or actually wants to date me...or just has plans on trying to use me. I'm SO tired of the last one!!!!!!!  :'(

Ok...that's enough...
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Zoë on March 05, 2009, 02:17:45 PM
Quote from: Tammy on March 05, 2009, 12:47:21 AM
7. I was a card carrying member of the Boy Scouts of America (I'm a GIRL!)

How did that one work out?
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Bugsy on March 05, 2009, 04:19:24 PM
1)  I've had the nickname Bugsey since I was born (actually it's Bugsey Bear)

2)  I can be veryyyyyy shy.  Don't mistake that for snobbery!

3)  I haven't had my hair cut in probably 10 years.  It wont grow any longer than it is.

4)  I will do everything I can to avoid getting water on my face.  yes, that means I don't wash it!  lol, eww.

5)  I have never tried sushi and never will.  I will also never eat strawberries or parmesan cheese ever again.

6)  I groomed a horse last weekend!!!  that's a huge deal, because I hate them! lol.  But, it was just too gorgeous.  I think it's name was Guinness.

7)  I love having different lifestyles, I'll try all of them.  In high school I was a cheerleader, but wore tie-dye and went to Phish concerts.  I can mesh with about any 'group'.

8.)  I have a small obsession with Elvis


i'll have to fill in the last 2 later.  it's dinner time!
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Jack Daw at Work on March 05, 2009, 05:25:36 PM
I suppose it's my turn:

1.  I'm a blood relative of a noteworthy pioneer aviator (in the record books, but probably not in many history texts);
2.  I was an exceptional trumpet player in junior high and high school and won a few awards;
3.  I played jazz trumpet in a stage band for a time, but now I can't touch the instrument;
4.  I have 3 college degrees and I'm still an idiot;
5.  You still don't know what I wear under my kilt;
6.  I've never smoked pot;
7.  My word is my bond;
8.  With the Alamo Challenge charity, I road my bike from Houston to San Antonio one year;
9.  My 2 best friends I've had for 34 years;
10.  I started out as a lefty, but can do pretty much anything with both hands.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Tammy on March 05, 2009, 05:31:38 PM
Quote from: Zoë on March 05, 2009, 02:17:45 PM
Quote from: Tammy on March 05, 2009, 12:47:21 AM
7. I was a card carrying member of the Boy Scouts of America (I'm a GIRL!)

How did that one work out?

hehehe.....I was in an after school computer program that was sponsored by the Boy we all got membership cards.  ;D
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Keno on March 05, 2009, 06:03:01 PM
1) I love to travel.
2) I rather make things than go out drinking..
3) I over plan things so I can cut out all the crazy ideas.
4) I make my homes into a inner world.
5) I'm always trying to learn something in the dumbest times.
6) I know when something bad is going to happen..
7) I know that I'm going to be alone.
8) Sometimes I wish I would just run away and start over.
9) I'm a cat person.
10) I'm a photographer and a script writer, maybe a movie maker when I get my camera.
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: AnyuBoo on March 05, 2009, 06:32:07 PM
While waiting for the kids to come home and testing out my new "Borg Implant" (Miracle Ear-type listening device that hooks on one ear), I think I'll give this a try as well.

1. I was born in Budapest. (It's possible that some might already know this about me...)
2. Because of #1, English isn't my 1st language (it's also not my 2nd...that was German as I lived in Austria before coming to Canada, but because of the intensive study to learn English, I can remember only a little of the German).
3. When I was a kid, intensive speech therapy classes caused me to develop a bit of a speech impediment.  (The classes were to get me to be able to properly pronounce the English "R" and "TH".  Well, I can do that now, it just sometimes takes me a few tries to get anything out.)
4. It took me well into my adult years to at least partially overcome my fear of needles.  (Enough to get an IV when needed and to not freak out at the dentist.)  :P
5. Despite my fear of needles, I want to get a tattoo (or two).  I have in mind the Fianna glyph (Werewolf RPG) and the Hungarian crest.
6. I have what is defined as "moderate" hearing loss, but many people don't notice because I can read their lips and fill in the blanks of what I don't hear. (Hence partly the reason why I rarely look people in the eye...I'm too busy watching their lips.)
7. Like so many others here, I too, am one of the "very shy till you get to know me" club.
8. I can write with both hands...and both feet.  (According to hubby, that's just freaky.)  :D
9. I'm seemingly afraid of heights, but it's not heights I'm afraid of, per se, just falling. (I love to fly, and have no qualms about being at the edge of a cliff...just so long as there's a sturdy plane keeping me in the sky, or a nice railing at the edge of the cliff.)  :)
10. I met Restaurant Makeover's chef David Adjey just a few days ago at the local mall.  THAT was neat (he's really a nice guy).
Title: Re: 10 things we DON'T know about you!
Post by: Lady Pagos on March 08, 2009, 12:29:50 AM
Ok, here goes:

1. I spent my high school years in boarding school
2. I was in a sorority
3. I majored in Botany/Microbiology and minored in Sociology and Environmental Studies
4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE bugs!  I find them absolutely AMAZING!
5. My absolute favorite place I have visited is the Galapagos Islands.  I cried so hard when I had to leave....
6. I have riflery awards from the NRA
7. I was fortunate enough to visit the rainforests of Panama.  I'm all for saving them, but I doubt I will ever return.
8. I'm a water snob.  Not just any bottled water will do for me :)
9. I love watching cooking shows but I'm an awful cook.  Sometimes I screw up toast.
10. When I was little I collected EVERYTHING!  Buttons, marbles, rocks, quarters, pennies, erasers, turtles and unicorns to name a few....