
West => Arizona Renaissance Festival => Topic started by: Marcos Charron on February 07, 2009, 06:22:51 PM

Title: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 07, 2009, 06:22:51 PM
Fellow Folk,

Well, not being totally one of the cool kids I am sitting here writing this, instead of keeping an eye on the Frenchman and seeing if I can get a closer relationship with the good folks from Guinness. But still opening day had it's share of good, and more than a better share of letting us know what's in store for the economy. I for one did not see the shrinking economy in the people standing in line to buy food and beer, or in the shops scarfing up the bits and bobs to please their better half. Really, I saw a group of people, mundane as they be, having a good time, and taking a well earned break from life outside the gates. Lots of smiles, a few drunks wanting to let themselves be known and a few new friends seen, as well as a few more met face to face at last.

Driving out to the faire was a bit scary though, I was still doing 45 mph by the time the gates were in sight and I had to think to myself that this did not bode well. But the long lines at will call and the crowd in front of the gate soon showed me that me fears were for nothing, good times or bad, people, even mundanes still need faire.

As soon as I was throught the gate the comfortable world of faire was there, the smells, sights and sounds. A stroll around the grounds, a tidbit here, a drink there (and why don't the non alcohol whench's have a tip jar"?) and then back to the Dancing Pig to wait for Owain to show up. Feet resting, throat cooled and the new sword no longer digging a trench in my shoulder I have the chance to look around and see what the past 10 months wait has been for. Music playing, people singing, new garb being shown off, and the French trying to kiss every hand within spitting distance. I don't know what I did to get to this point in my life, but I would not change it for anything.

Except maybe a smile from Julianne and Lady Jess, and even then I would not change a thing, but walk a bit taller cause I would be floating from all that sweetness!.

Damn!, I do love my faire.

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Morgan Dreadlocke on February 08, 2009, 12:06:26 AM
The fortune tellers 'o the NWS was wrong on the weather (180 degrees again). Ya could nae ask or hope fer better conditions. Warm, sunny an light breeze. Head count seemed down from last years openin' day which was, in all honesty, an elbow ta elbow melee fer the first few hundred yards. Sawr a few things shiney that needs be acquired. The trees around the Falconers Heath was in full bloom and twas indeed a sight fer eyes acustomed ta the low desert winter. Old faces was agreeted and many new faces was meet.

C R, put a poultice on that thing and weave the full tale fer us :-X
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 08, 2009, 10:36:57 AM

Good to meet you in the flesh at last.

Let's hope our "music lesson" comes to fruition, that chance to sit in with such talent is reward enough.

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Morgan Dreadlocke on February 08, 2009, 10:39:42 PM
Feel free ta rattle me cage wi' any news ;)
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Julianne on February 09, 2009, 06:36:40 AM
Hmmmmm  it was cold, wet, hail, blustery winds.....


It was so good to be on Faire Grounds and I loved it
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: crazyrennie on February 09, 2009, 08:57:21 AM
News from the other side of the ropes
It was great to meet and re-meet several of you-
Truly the only things brighter than the Sun on Saterday was the beautiful faces that came by the Falconers Heath.

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 09, 2009, 09:32:26 AM

It's started, and we have what looks like a good run if opening weekend is any clue. Despite the nay saying of Captian BringDown at the weather forcast, and Buzz Killington at the department of "The world is ending", mundanes showed up, our people are well and we have another chance to be together and enjoy each other and the faire we love so much.

So as I sit here, being the reprobate that I have trained so hard to be, I can only look at the calender and hope Friday gets here soon so we can get the big Presidents Day weekend started.

Gonna be a long week.

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Ista Sharrasi on February 09, 2009, 10:44:57 AM
It was a fine thing to see all the wonderful faces again! I always enjoy my faire, and first weekend is already over :( It went by so fast! I hope the rest of festival doesn't do the same thing! *wants it to last and last and last*

At count, our opening day was somewhere around the 8,000 count, but then again we don't count in all the under-5's since they don't require tickets. We will find out sundays count on the upcoming saturday. :)
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Lord Figaro on February 09, 2009, 11:24:03 AM
Sounds like it was fun. If we didn't have other plans that weekend I was expecting to be there. But I'm sure looking forward to being there Presidents day weekend at least. Can't wait can't wait.
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 09, 2009, 01:13:45 PM
Lord Fig,

Can't wait to see you and your good Lady!

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Avidd on February 12, 2009, 03:48:16 PM
It was great to meet many of you. Saturday was beautiful. I hope to visit on the three day weekend next year.
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 12, 2009, 04:24:47 PM

Hope you can make it back before the end of faire.

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Julianne on February 13, 2009, 06:01:56 AM
Quote from: Avidd on February 12, 2009, 03:48:16 PM
It was great to meet many of you. Saturday was beautiful. I hope to visit on the three day weekend next year.

Avidd it was a pleasure meeting you!  I wish the weather had been more agreeable on Sunday.  As you are a visitor of many a fine faire throughout the country I hope AZRF was as enjoyable as others you have attended.

I hope you had some fun during your visit (despite Sunday's rain/hail/wind/chill) and we'll look forward to seeing you next year too. :)
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 13, 2009, 09:33:59 AM

It's Friday!

Churchills tonight!, faire all weekend!

Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Comte de Gilbert on February 13, 2009, 10:06:20 AM
Title: Re: Opening Day Observations
Post by: Marcos Charron on February 16, 2009, 05:02:37 PM

Another weekend gone, more weather that would make the COC dizzy, and lot's of good people and times. Let's hope this keeps up!
