
Pirate Festival => Port of Call => Topic started by: Obadiah Jib on June 19, 2009, 11:13:36 PM

Title: You are shipwrecked Part 9
Post by: Obadiah Jib on June 19, 2009, 11:13:36 PM
You have decided to approach the new arrivals on your island and attempt to form a crew.  You believe the Dutch slavers will return and that might give you the chance to capture their ship in a surprise ambush.  Neither the strange rosary nor the parrot seems to indicate danger.

If you approach the Africans they are fearful of you.  They mutter among themselves in a few different tongues.  It seems they have a difficult time communicating among themselves as well.  The only thing they have is barrel of water.  After a short time they flee from you.  Looks like you will have to go this one alone.

If you go to the Portuguese they are shocked to see a fellow European on the island!  They have a few axes and hammers and look ready to defend themselves but also appear willing to talk.  If you do not speak Portuguese you are luck that all of them speak at least some Spanish and one of the older men is fluent in English having served as the Captain of a ship that traded in Port wine with Plymouth, England.  You quickly discover that the Portuguese were the victims of a mutiny on a trade ship.  The Captain, his wife and daughter are among those marooned.  Five merchant traders round out the rest of this group.  Although the merchants know more of trade and cargo they have some experience with shipboard life and are willing to help you.  They tend your injuries and you are able to heal three wounds!

If you go to both of the groups you see problems right of the start.  The Portuguese appear unwilling to work with a group of slaves.  But one of the merchants among the Portuguese comes to your aid.  He served on a slave ship many years ago and speaks several of the western African tongues.  Your natural charisma seems to seal the bond.

When the merchant speaks with the slaves they reluctantly return and listen.  They have almost no experience with sailing vessels but are willing to try if given their freedom.  A simple enough request to which you heartily agree.  You know it will be difficult as the island has only the most limited resources for food and water.  If a ship doesn't come soon you will all starve to death or die of dehydration.  You organize the two groups into two mixed parties.  One builds a crude raft out of the remains of your ship and timber found on the island with the help of the Portuguese tools and meager belongings.  The second party forges for food.  The barrel of water will be rationed.

Three days pass when you again see sails on the horizon.  This time you see fours sets of sails.  By dusk you see the Dutch fluyt again.  You also see a pinnace that looks similar to the design of your Indian friends' canoe.  The two remaining ships look like a three masted barque and a brig, neither flies a national flag.  The only question is which ship will you try and approach/ take?

NEXT WEEK:  The End of the adventure
Title: Re: You are shipwrecked Part 9
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on June 19, 2009, 11:25:09 PM
i go for the dutch ship i have enough people and my groups have meshed well
Title: Re: You are shipwrecked Part 9
Post by: Welsh Wench on June 20, 2009, 07:16:41 AM
I throw my hat down and yell, 'OH, *^^&$$%$%!!!!!!  This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?'

OK--serious answer here before I read The End.

I take the brig. The Dutch can't be trusted and the Indians are going nowhere I want to go.
Title: Re: You are shipwrecked Part 9
Post by: Lady Amy of York on June 29, 2009, 11:26:50 PM
Leave  the island, i have  a good  deal  going here. I  make  the Portugesse  my business  partners.  we hire  the  slaves  and  we go  to work  building a   island  vacation resort . ;D
Title: Re: You are shipwrecked Part 9
Post by: Blue66669 on June 30, 2009, 08:56:06 AM
I'll take on the Dutch I think. I'm in for a little fighting!