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The Immortals

Started by NORSEMAN, February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM

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The days warmth seemed too penetrate my chamber and I was not sleeping well I remembered back long long ago a time while fighting in Jeruselum the warm stagnant air of the chamber I was assigned there, the smells, the wierd foreign tongues being spoken outside it all seems so long ago but soon I drifted off and didn't wake until the soft blue twilight had begun too cool my room and I knew it was time for another day or night!.

I arose and dressed going down too meet Georg where he informed me of the return of the gypsy girls too the village along with the booty I'd sent them from the Brigands and as always they were gratefull but this day I had something more on my mind than just the local affairs, I had a premanition someone was coming too see me and this usually held true then I was shaken back too the present by Anya.

Anya I believe we have guests on the way! but for now what would you say too some hunting?, Prague is much closer for us than the map would seem and I often hunt there it seems every sort of riff raff, outcast, thief, murderer and the like all come too Prague on the way South its a place one can hide and feel for a while human I actually like too mingle among them sometime.

So what would you say my dear ready for some fun?.


I did tell Anya that I never take the innocent there only those who think they own the night and there are plenty of them who would attack a helpless stranger and then I slice the neck so as too not show vampire marks.
There are those who willingly give themselves too you that is fine just harm them not, I'm not sure of the men! but I know the women find a vampire as a lover too be a very great thing as there are things we can do no mortal is capabile of!.

We set out and was in Prague in mere minutes even though it was over a days ride from the castle too Prague I liked that because if anyone should be coming from Prague too assault me they will have too spend a long or rather short night in the woods at my mercy!, I have a sence of trouble anyway.

Once we arrived in Prague I told Anya she may find hunting alone a more exhilarating experience and for her it should be simple the rogues will pounce upon her at first sight!, "Bon Appitite my dear!".


I wasn't too remarkably hungry tonight and really didn't care if I found anyone or not when suddenly the silence of the night was split by a womans scream and using my powers as a vampire I travelled there almost immediately too find a small one room house down a dark alley being burgularized when the thieves were caught in the act by the owner a female!, they slit her throat and left her dead upon the cobblestones.

I became more irrate than I believe I ever had!, this woman was even pregnant!.

I pounced upon the man outside but too simply kill him would have been far too humane for this wretch and I bound him too a walkway post and proceeded on too the others inside, one a great brute with the knife was likely the one who had killed the woman and he I backhanded knocking him against the wall and unconscience.

I turned too the other one and demanded "Who killed the woman?", he shivering pointed too the one I suspected lying on the floor so I asked him "Have you ever thought what it would be like too die?", he replied "No" and began begging this infurated me only more for what mercy had he shown this woman lying dead in the street and so I said "Now you shall find out!" and I thrust my arm through his chest and pulled out his heart as the light of life faded from his eyes he tried too scream but it was too late for that and he fell over backward and now for the great brute!.

This brave man must feel the terror he gave too the helpless one outside lying there dead with her unborn child and I picked this wretch up and carried him outside throwing him into the street and turned back too the first man.

To him I said you are a brave group killing a pregnant woman now see the true power unleashed against you and your kind! and I slapped the brute in the road awake from his stupor and immediately the great hulking man grabbed at me but I just held him off the ground at arms length and let him scream for a bit then tiring of hearing this welp he struck at me again and I ripped his right arm from its socket before his very eyes and too send him on his way in style I took his other arm for good measure and told him "You will die but slowly from these wounds know now I do this for the woman lying there!".

I turned too his friend still bound against the post and bore my fangs for him too see and drank his blood as the great bleeding brute started too run toward the lights of a nearby tavern but I never had any intentions of letting him reach this and simply outrun him and stood before the tavern smiling as he spurted blood and ran about slowly bleeding too death and just when his life was about too pass and a sudden calm came on him I pulled the same knife out he cut the womans throat with and he screamed attempting too kick back but it was no use a vampire has the strength of many men and I held him tight as I slowly cut his throat as he'd killed her.

I couldn't help the woman but I wrote in blood on each of these rogues "Murderer" and I disappeared into the blackness of the cool night I was going too the girl in the tavern the gypsy girl who danced tonight I'd embrace her and I soon was at the tavern and from across the room I spotted her she eventually made it around too me while actting as thought she cared not but one look from my eyes and she was suddenly leading me back too her room tonight will be a night she will remember well.

She shut the door and pushed me down on the bed loosing her blouse as she lay across me then using her hands pushed her skirt down and off being completely naked now and we made love in the most incredible ways she could imagine and not until nearly 3:00 a.m. could she barely stay awake from exhaustion and I stood over her beautiful shapely body and run my hand over her soft sleek thigh and bent down litely biteing her on the upper thigh and she moaned and arched up in complete pleasure, her blood was warm and sweet but I took not enough too harm her and she drifted off into a deep sleep so I slipped out the crack in the locked door and was soon outside.

The cool air felt good against the hot passion I'd felt inside and I felt like walking some before I found Anya and returned home, this place I'd known for centuries and I could see in my head the way it looked long ago with dirt streets and goats on the main road!, how things had changed.


I wandered through the streets making notes on where everything in the city so I would be able to make it back to the gates before morning to meet up with Jozeph. I was worried about hunting in the city but Jozeph told me as long as I was careful and made sure to remove the bite mark it would be fine.

I headed down an alley where I could hear a man trying to have some fun with a young girl who was crying and asking him to leave her alone. I came up behind him the girl heard me come and yelled for me to help her.

"Shh sister you better head back home father will be worrying about you."

The man turned to look at me and he smiled he let the young girl go and she ran off as if the devil where behind her.

"You shouldn't butt in where you don't belong but I will have as much if not more fun with you."

"Oh that is where you are wrong. It is I who will be having the fun."

He came at me but with one strong kick he was flying down the alley, I heard him hit the ground and it sounded like his leg broke. I walked to him at a vampire pace this caused his eyes to widen.

"What are you?"

"Have you heard of the angel of death?"


"I'm not that but I will bring about your death."

I smiled down at him and showed him my fangs. He tried to yell but no voice came out and before he could regain it back I glamoured him. I bite into his neck and could tell he had been drinking but it did not matter to me. After he was drained and dead I slit his neck as Jozeph advised.

Brushing off my clothes I continued down the alley thinking about Jozeph's comments about men I had to laugh I'd only been with one human after changing and with Tor both very different very enjoyable experiences. I wasn't sure if I was ready to take a human lover but it was very tempting. I decided to wander the city to become more acquainted with it as I hoped that Jozeph would let me stay.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Lady Christina de Pond

I felt the brush of his fingers across my face
"Essy wake up"
I stirred to his passionate kisses and soon found him on top of me it was hours later as i sat combing out my soft curls that Trent came up behind me
"Essy my Love i can't come back anymore"
I spun off my stool and stood facing him
"Why Trent?"
" It's Catherine she's pregnant"
" Trent for heaven's sake I warned you i told you. If you had only Listened to me. there were other options"
" Essy i loved you from the day i layed eyes on you. I still love you but immortality isn't for me. I need to work  life away and do things for people and in the end of my life die."
" Like i chose this either Trent remember my dear it was your father who hunted down the Vampire it was his son who came to visit and repay your father but your father offered him a romp with me. While i slept waiting your return. his passion and his lust drove him and he couldn't control himself he bit and bit and bit or have you forgotten the way i looked when you returned home and found me on deaths door  only to find me transformed. Remember we both agreed that it would be best for us both if the village believed i died and you had me buried"
" i remember Love i remember you also told me that i shouldn't take another wife and offered to make me immortal as well but i decided i didn't want to live that way. after a time and family telling me i should remarry I did to satisfy them"
" At the very least Catherine doesn't have to worry about your father"
" no but i still do have you heard anything else about him?"
" Trent i told you last i heard was he was seen traveling the roads near Prague"
Trent wrapped his arms around me and ran his hands over my body I turned in his embrace and we shared one last heated exchange before he left.
He was only gone a short time before i pulled out a steak and tossed it onto the grate over the fire I knew Trent would not be back and Catherine would never have to worry about her father-in-law seeing how i had taken care of him shortly after his betrayal. I would never have told Trent this but his father was no more. As i pulled the steak off the rack still raw but enough fire kissed to my taste i decided to move on Trent was the only thing that had kept me in this Woodland Cottage it was time to set out on my own and see what i could find who knows maybe i would even find Love again
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


As I wandered about the old town reminicing about the olden times a familiar smell attracted my attention it was another vampire but this one putrid and the archtypical sterotype of what a vampire was thought as and I recognized the scent and followed it towards an old ruined church and there upon the beams far in the back of the half collapsed ceiling I found Beezle!.

Beezle as always liked too dine upon children and was thus engaed when I arrived, I judged not one on their tastes only how they left the victim Beezle knew this and smiled a gristly smile through his cadaverous looking face as he swallowed the last sip of blood from it.

Beezle was very old much older in fact than I and he used too tell me stories of the ancient Egyptian courts where he once fed he was the messenger of the queen vampire and no doubt brought news for me.

Why Beezle what brings you here?

Hello MiLord I bring tidings of the Queen she requests all be present at the Equinox and I've visited all save you lord and wished too see my old friend last so I might stay a while with you its been a long time but you've not changed I followed you earlier and you still fight as a knight for the weak mortals slaying righting the wrongs and defending the weak I see!.
It shall one day be your downfall no doubt , but as I said earlier the Queen is in Vienna for the Spring Equinox and wished all judges too attend.

Vienna you say?, mmmh I haven't been there in a long time!.

Oh its changed Milord nothing as it once was its all fops now!, they even wipe they're powdered faces with scented hankies once they've dined upon a victim!, most discusting! and they coddle some humans as you know in the past this was never done I long for the old times when you slept in the dirt and drank too your fill for it was the right way!.

Beezle!, times change and we must change with them for the old ways die and too cling too them would bring death too us as well, if your finished with your supper you know my rules!, now let us depart already the moon sets and I have a visitor now you will like her for she is very beautiful her name is Anya.

Poor child I left her too hunt alone her first night in Prague!, you see the old ways are still in me just a little dusty!, now let us go find her and return too the castle where you must tell me of all the news its very remote here and I have so few guests anymore!.

Milord pardon me but you killed all the others here remeber?, the queen is still mad about that but she loves you and no doubt always will she'll let you get away with it as long as you pleasure her the way you do ha ha ha haa ha ha!.

We entered the fading night and began too seek Anya, as always it didn't take long too find her and we all departed too the castle, Beezle steadily talking as he always did telling of the events and he travels, the old Cappodocian was no telling how old and I liked too hear his stories.

Soon we arrived back home and the gypsies pulled the main gates shut behind us already the sky showed blue in the East and I asked Beezle if he wanted his usual room and by his grin I could already tell the answer and he headed off toward the old crypt, Anya and I went inside where it was more comfortable and sat down in front of the fire I asked her of her hunt but knew already there was a single droplet of blood on her cheek.
I told her not too fear old Beezle he was harmless just a messenger for the Queen and she was calling us for the Spring equinox in Vienna so Anya must find some new clothes as this is like one of the biggest occassions there is and everyone dresses well, maybe except Beezle and he still even finds a new shroud for the occassion!.

Lady Christina de Pond

I packed my few bodices my spare chesime and and put on two of the skirts and packed up the third. I put a few coins in my pouch and hid the rest in my hidden pouch under my skirt. i pull on my cloak and close the door to my cottage If only Trent had listened to me and not chose to be mortal we could have stayed in our happy little cottage in the woods.
for last time sakes i strolled through town and stole to Trents house if anyone saw me they would think they saw a ghost everyone believed i was dead and so for them i was. I slipped to the window and watched Catherine piddling in the kitchen then i saw Trent enter and she greeted him happily. I slipped away i knew Trent would not come back to the cottage in the woods not after Catherine had greeted him like that daily and welcomed him home. Trent would be happy with her. I left a Rose on the window seal and i began walking I only discovered that i could walk faster than i had thought.
I neared Prague and decided to find a place to sleep i found a cave and prepared to sleep the day away.
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari



"Yes Anya."

"I don't think I have ever been that far south before. And new clothes?."

Jozeph laughed at the light in my eyes he could problely guess I hadn't had new clothing in a long time that I hadn't fashioned myself.

"Though you look stunning in your hunting attire you will need new clothes for the visit with the queen."

I laughed and if I could blush I would have.

"So new clothes, a bath, a bed, so life is pretty good."

Jozeph and Beezle laughed.

"Oh young Anya you have no idea what Vienna has in store." Beezle told me.

Beezle seemed nice enough a little odd but nice.

"So Anya did you enjoy the city?"

"Yes Jozeph I did. I got to feed and I went to a tavern and listened to music and flirted with the young men there."

"Go Anya and take a bath and rest Beezlem Georg and I will make plans for the trip."

I followed one of the maids into the one of the bathing rooms she helped me washed my hair for me as a relaxed in the hot water. I could see why Jozeph like his home here. The young woman held a robe out for me when I got out of the bath and lead me back to my room. She looked like she wanted to ask questions but did not. I smiled she was use to Jozeph but a female vampire was something new to her. I curled up in the bed and feel fast asleep.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


As always I never slept much or rather long at a time!, but the day had caused me too be confined too my chamber but it had all the lushness of the finest palaces over the years I'd gathered books, art, odd and unique items, I even had a small study and workroom off of the chamber that was completely enclosed with the castles seven foot thick walls so each treshold was more like a hallway than just threshold, when you entered the chamber you came into an antichamber and there was the way I designed it so noone could just walk in upon me.

This antichamber had some unique features including a rolling stone three foot thick that could be rolled in too completely close off the otter door in  case of attack and various hidden slots and loops too shoot arrows through from inside the main chamber and all the doors were heavy iron doors with crossbars.

The entire castle had been fixed more or less this way and since the rooms no longer held my friends I thought I should give one of these too Anya so I rang for Georg who came immediately.

Georg!, when Anya awakes I want you too give her something, one of the special rooms for her own there she will be more comfortable and safe and fetch for her that young man the blacksmith with the large muscles that we hire from the village the one the women like bring him back here and have him scrape all the pig dung off himself and be waiting for her she should like him but make sure he has no qualms of this!, Georg winked and wheeled about leaving the chamber in total darkness now I must get some rest.

Lady Christina de Pond

I awake from dreaming of a time when i was mortal and i was a young bride I sign it wasn't but a few years back. I emerge from the cave i know if the hunting is good then i may stay here a few days before moving on. I had not quiet taken to the taste of human blood I had only tasted it a few times in desperation when hunting was Bad Trent always knew when it was and had offered me some of his blood. it was only a few times and i always found something the following day.
Now things were different i would have to feed when I could but never on an innocent. I began my rambling through the woods only to discover a fellow sleeping apparently out hunting. He was in his 20's probley a woodsman with a young family. i made sure he would not wake up until morning and drank some of his blood. then i wondered off leaving him a small token to find when he woke. thats when i caught a wiff of it.
The smell of others the smell of a vampire i knew that somewhere close there was a vampire if not more than one.
I didn't know if it was the vampire who had turned me an i wasn't sure i was ready to find out. I wasn't going to hunt him or her down I would deal with them when our paths cross still tonight there was more to do more to hunt
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


I woke up in the late afternoon I could hear someone pacing back and forth in front of the door. Throwing on a long shirt I opened the door, it was Georg. It was hard not to laugh as I watched his eyes widden at the site of me.

"Yes Georg?"

"Jozph has a gift for you."

"Oh this is a surprise. Let me get dressed."

I turned to go back in the room aware that Georg was still watch it didn't bother I was only going to put on my breeches. As I walked back to the door Georg still had a smile on his.

"You will like yours gifts young Anya."

I smiled warmly at Georg and motioned for him to show the way. We went deeper into the castle and we stopped at a door. Georg opened the door and I looked in, I could tell it had recently been cleaned and was in a very regal fashion.

"Jozeph has given you your own suite. Your things are being brought down. There is a bath room, study, a small guest bedroom and a bedroom of your own of course."

I stood dumb struck. As I stood there Georg handed me a key.

"He has given me a home?"

"Yes I have."

I turned to see Jozeph standing behind Georg. I couldn't help it and I walked over to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss.

"I don't know what to say."

"So you like it?"

"Yes I love it and I haven't even made it past the door."

Jozeph laughed and pushed me through the door. There he explain about how this room had come to be and that it was now for me to use as well as everything in it. Georg told me that my shares from our victims would be kept in the small hidden room in the bathroom he than gave me another key and showed me how to access my small treasure room.

"Oh Jozeph I have no clue how to thank you. So many years of sleeping in caves, cellers, under hay."

"There is one more gift in your bedroom. Just so you know I do have another key to this suite in case something should go wrong but you have the only key to the other room. Georg and I will leave you know. Enjoy your other gift."

The two men left and I walked to my bedroom. I could smell a human and hear a heart beat. I opened the door slowly and say a strapping young man waiting on the bed.

"Wow they Georg did not lie. I am Dalibor or Dal for short and I am yours to do whatever you like with."

The man smiled and me and patted the bed for me to join him and I did.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Hah! the look on Anyas face was priceless at the room!, I can't imagine what she thought about the blacksmith!, I decided since she would be occupied for the evening I would head toward Prague by myself I always enjoyed long walks and afterall theres nothing whatsoever for me too fear in those woods and I was enjoying the sounds of the wildlife and smells of the forest when another scent came upon me it was the scent of another vampire!.

I threw my head back an sniffed it was close!, there! she saw me and began too run so I chased her for a while she was a comely maiden and I thought maybe this could be fun so I lept up into the tree tops and moved as a shadow across them, she slowed not seeing me behind her and finally stopped with me above her in the trees and at once I pounced down behind her she turned suddenly and I grabbed her and kissed her, she shoved me back and yelled "What the hell!".

I had too laugh "I'm sorry my dear but I've never been able too resist a woman running from me", she relaxed somewhat and demanded "Who are you rogue?", I my dear am Jozeph Bartos .

She yelled at me then "well who is Jozeph Bartos", never mind that my sweet I am judge for this area and the true question is who are you and why are you crossing my territory?.

She didn't speak and I thought for a moment she'd cry, "I'm sorry please forgive me my dear, you must be hungry since you obviously have been in this forest for a while would you like too feed?.

She didn't respond much mostly shook her head but she followed me as I walked off toward the road she reached up too her head and looked faint so I opened a vein in my wrist and let her take from it and once revived some she told me her name "I'm Essy".

Essy I can see your not comfortable with the vampiric conditions and your going too starve here in these woods please accompany me home and there we shall get you a proper meal I do keep some condemned criminals as spares in my dungeons, you can clean up and we'll see what too do for you!.

She talked little but followed me closely back toward the castle, I had Georg bring up a criminal and glamoured him telling him too go too her and present his neck which she pounced upon at once and I left her there with a maid too take her fill I informed the maid too tell her not too leave this man alive!.

I will be upon the battlements!


Now since both of the ladies are occupied I resumed my trip too prague and soon found myself in the tavern where the dark gypsy dancer noticed me she was dancing and danced over beside the table and there for a long time enticed me with her sumptious figure but she had work left too do and the night was young and so am I!.

I walked out into the inky blackness of the Prague night it was darker than most and was tiny flakes of snow falling as was the tempeture I walked about the city and finding no sane person around I just continued my stroll when at the outter gates of the city they were denying admittance too someone the city guards were having a time with these young blade there were seven of them all knights upon horseback and only four guards and freightened ones at that, I could hear they're hearts pounding and they were ready too give in but I stepped forward and yelled "Halt" at these rogues.

The surprise of the knights was only exceeded by the surprise of the guards!, and one of the men yelled "Who is this who dares question a knight on the way too the holy land?".

I replied "None other than a knight stands before you!, now be off with you puppies before you get your tails stepped upon!", this went over about as well as I thought it would and the first knight dismounted and said "I've not been insulted such in all my life and you will now pay with yours!".

I asked the man but one thing much too the guards relief, " sir would you do the courtesy of accompanying me too the forest yonder there is a place I shall allow you too defend your honor but beware young man for you shall die!", he just laughed and said "Old man lead on and I pray this is a good spot for I will bury you there!".

We removed too this location and again he dismounted with his friends laughing as though this should be quick and even took bets on the number of blows!, the young knight raised his sword into position but yet I stood there motionless the night beginning too take on an erie glow as the snow accumulated about us and he yelled "Varlet you want too die you don't even defend yourself!", but yet I answered "I am ready and you will die this is your last warning!".

The knights doubled the bets and when finished I just laughed at them and this infuriated the knight so much he ran toward me sword held aloft too strike and that he did, I reached up and grabbed his sword in mid air between my palms and held it as he jerked too loose my grip but loose it did not come and he pulled a dagger out and thrust deep into my chest too the great laughter of his friends!.

But I didn't fall and they're laughter turned too fear they're hearts betrayed them!, and I pushed down with the knights sword driving the pommel deep through his vizor and into his puny head he feel dead as I held the sword aloft too meet his friends who charged in force!.

I threw the sword killing the closest and withdrew the dagger from my chest and threw it into another but they found that so many horses being used against a single man created more of a hinderance than help, I jumped into the saddle behind another and used his own sword arm too slay another then twisted his thin neck sideways and broke it thus leaving but one left this one was supper!.

He charged me with an axe but as a vampire I easily stepped out of his strike and as he past I grabbed him out of the saddle holding him on the now snow covered ground I told him if he was a knight then make peace with whatever god he worshipped but he just cursed me so I took his blood then ripped his head from his body else he become vampire from the kill, I then gathered the armor, weapons, money and horses and started back toward the castle and again it reminded me of my early days of conquest and booty besides I was anxious too see the wench once she was washed back at the castle!.

Georg met me outside taking the things too the barn and told me the girl waits with Anya in the great hall master I shoved open the massive wooden doors and entered.


As I headed down the hall near the entrance I was suddenly called by Beezle the Queens messenger, "Sir I regret but I must be heading back too Vienna is there a message you have for her?", I thought for a second and then told Beezle too come with me into the next room where a desk was and I wrote out an account for her magesty and sealed it with a wax seal.

Beezle appologized again and said "I regret I must go but she wants me back by Sunday and I saw an orphanage on the way here, you know how I love baby back ribs! ", poor Beezle he's always been more ghoul than vampire but I bid him well and sent the queen a small token even queens are women and love gifts!.

I then went on toward the great hall and entered too find Anya talking with Essy, I couldn't help asking Anya if she liked her present, I could tell by her expression she did!, so Essy I said please tell us of yourself we know little about you, what clan do you belong too?, where are you from?.

Lady Christina de Pond

"I'm from Nachod I married a rich merchant he was kind and we had been married a little over a year when he and some men from the town decided to go hunting. for my protection my husband bid me to stay with my inlaws so i did. If i had stayed in our home i might have been safer than under the care of my father-in-law. When vengance came calling the coward handed me over to the vampire and when my husband found me i was on deaths door and when i woke i was a vampire. we discussed it and decided it best if everyone thought i was dead and so i lived in a cottage in the woods for two years with my husband coming to visit nearly every night. I would have stayed there but a few nights back he told me that his new wife was carrying his child and that he wouldn't be back so i packed up and left" I explain
my audience listens carefully to my story
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari