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Need Help Deciding....

Started by Dracconia, May 28, 2008, 11:36:43 PM

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The Shanara series is really good... it is one of the other series I am reading currently as well.  I started with the original trilogy and have gone all the way to the last book in the series.  This newest series crosses the Shanarra storyline with the Knight of the Word storyline.  Very interesting so far...
Gentleman Rogue

Drake Starsong

Yeah the Shannara series starts turning into a new series he wrote..the name is escaping me though...

Also the original series (sword, elfstones, wishsong) are being turned into big budget movies :)
Yo ho Yo ho!


The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher (first book is called Storm Front) is one of my biggest recommendations to friends. Really really good stuff.

He's got another series called the Codex Alera (first book is called Furies of Calderon) that's also good though you really have to get past the first book (it was, iirc, his first published book so it's rougher than his other stuff).

I quite like Naomi Novik's Temeraire series.

And I recently read Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce and enjoyed them a lot more than I expected. (I didn't know what to expect from her, to be honest)

Lord Figaro

I went looking for info about the Shannara movies and found the following info on the Sci Fi web site:

    We've been wondering when this was going to happen, and frankly it's long overdue if you ask me. Warners has bought movie rights to Terry Brooks' long running fantasy saga, the Shannara series. The 14-book story follows the Shannara family - half human, half elf, all blessed with a gift of magic that will be needed to save a post-apocalyptic Earth (sorry to spoil that for you if you didn't already know). Other studios have sought the rights to the series for years, but Brooks turned them all down. Hopefully, Warner sweetened the pot with something more than mere money, and a little creative control might have been the way to woo this hesitant author. Brooks is the world's second biggest selling fantasy author (behind JK Rowling). At this time, Warner plans to start the film series with book 2, The Elfstones of Shannara. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this doesn't go the way of the Wheel of Time movie series and get lost in the mire.

Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana


If they butcher these movies....can I get them for Pre-Meditated Murder?

Is that legal...come on...someone will back me....

*sighs* ok...I know I know...a bit to crazy...

Worth a try!
PR ~Faire Daughter~

Drake Starsong

I'm with 100% on that Dracconia  ;D

Yo ho Yo ho!

Charlotte Rowan

A few suggested series:

The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney. It's a kids' series but it's really addicting! Good for a light, spooky read.

The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny

The Kushiel series (first one is Kushiel's Dart) by Jacqueline Carey. Slightly naughty, somewhat erotic, fantasy series. My favorite thing about it is the BEAUTIFUL names of the characters. :)
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.

Phillip McGuinness

Quote from: Charlotte Rowan on May 30, 2008, 09:23:53 AM
The Kushiel series (first one is Kushiel's Dart) by Jacqueline Carey. Slightly naughty, somewhat erotic, fantasy series. My favorite thing about it is the BEAUTIFUL names of the characters. :)

Yeah, those are good. I'd also recommend A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin (and the rest of the books in the series), and Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.
Got any ale?

Cassandra Joybells

ooh yes, The Chronicles of Amber awesome,
Game of Thrones, better yet,
i also recommed Terry Goodkind, Wizards First Rule. great adventure, passionate lovestory, evil regime,  everything you need in a sweeping saga which is still ongoing
also, The Black Company by Glenn cook, tales of a mercenary troop fighting on the wrong side (they are fighting the good guys very refreshing take.
anything by Robin HObb....The LIveship series, The Assassin's Apprentice
if you like heartwrenching tales try Guy Guvriel Kay a Tolkien protege, A Song for Arbonne, for one all are excellent of his
or Steven Erickson, The series A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen.....incredible
of if you like strong female characters, i highly recommend Kristen Britain Green Rider and First Rider's call, Brilliant
again anything by Stephen R. Donaldson can't get enough of that guy.
or try John Marco The Eyes of God a nice take on the old familiar love triangle of rought knight, good king and faithless wife ala Arthur and Gwen.

makes me want to read them all again and i probably will!!!! ::)


Quote from: Cassandra Joybells on June 03, 2008, 08:00:07 PM
i also recommed Terry Goodkind, Wizards First Rule. great adventure, passionate lovestory, evil regime,  everything you need in a sweeping saga which is still ongoing

Ya know? I got into Goodkind for awhile, but OH! MY! GOD! does his story move s-l-o-w!!!!!

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Tad Willams Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is a good three book (4 in paper) series. He has another new fantasy series that I have read book 1 and have book 2 (3 isn't out yet) They are the Shadowplay and Shadowmarch books. While not as good IMHO to the Memory, Sorrw and Thorn, they are good.
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


I just finished the last book "Confessor" from the Wizards First Rule series and all and all, I could not have enjoyed all 11 of them any more.  I only wish the story was not over.  His writing style, in my opinion, takes a lot of pains to explain his philosophy of the individuals, since the whole premise of his story is a battle between the philosophy's of several groups of people and yes, can be a bit long winded, but all and all, it was worth every word to me. 

Charlotte Rowan

OMG, I just finished Twilight by Stephenie Meyer... a friend recommended it and I wasn't sure I'd like it, but I LOVED it! SUCH a great love story. She's really great at describing that feeling when you meet someone new, someone for whom you feel an attraction that is destined to grow into a deep love, and you can't think about anything but them. *Sigh...* What a great feeling.  :D

Definitely will have to check out the rest of the series while I wait for Rob to finish the last Joseph Delaney book!  ;D
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.


I highly recommend the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke.  The third (and final?) book won't be out until sometime this fall, but the first two, Inkheart and Inkspell, are really good.  They're easy reads, though, so even though they're not thin books, they go by rather quickly.  She also has a book called The Thief Lord that I absolutely adore. 

I'm also rather fond of The Black Jewels Trilogy.  It's actually the series that got me into reading fantasy.

It's not part of a series, but I have a book called I, Mona Lisa that I love as well, but I cannot remember the author at the moment, she has an odd last name, though. 

There's also His Dark Materials (the series containing The Golden Compass) by Philip Pullman, if you've not read those yet. 
Mischievous Little Imp.

Lady Neysa

Quote from: Charlotte Rowan on June 06, 2008, 08:54:50 AM
OMG, I just finished Twilight by Stephenie Meyer... a friend recommended it and I wasn't sure I'd like it, but I LOVED it! SUCH a great love story. She's really great at describing that feeling when you meet someone new, someone for whom you feel an attraction that is destined to grow into a deep love, and you can't think about anything but them. *Sigh...* What a great feeling.  :D

My daughter loves these books!  I just started reading it myself, and it's pretty good already.  I have to get it read pretty quickly because in 2 weeks we're going out to WA state to visit relatives. They live in Sequim, which is only about an hour and a half away from Forks.  We're gonna go there so my daughter can see all the landmarks mentioned in the books.  I hear the town of Forks has made a very big deal about these books and they have done guided tours, book signings,etc.  Unfortunately the only tour they are doing while we're there is the day after we arrive and we won't be able to make it.  We'll still have fun exploring on our own though. My daughter can't wait!