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Phoenix Risen! (Official Roster Thread)

Started by *Teach*, August 09, 2009, 03:19:27 PM

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We are Phoenix
We are Risen
I have been honored with the task of presenting a new clan to the renfaire world.

We are Phoenix Risen!

Boss: Zaubon
A$$holette: Lishy
Scribe & Money Grubber: Lady Trinn
Talker & Member God: Teach
Camp Thug: Dennis

Leaders of the clan truly are servants of the clan. We do not take lightly the responsibilities we are given. There will be other positions such as Camp Boss that will be filled as time goes by. These positions were determined based on who was present last night. They are not necessarily the final word on who will be in what spot forever. Those of us with 2 or more jobs will be seeking someone to take one of the positions off our hands as time permits.

We would also like to announce an open enrollment period. From now until TRF starts we will be accepting new members. Anyone who wishes to join, please contact Teach or Zaubon and we will let you know what to do. Open enrollment means we are not having a sponsorship period. All new members must be approved. We will not add anyone to the roster until you have made contact.  After TRF starts, we accept membership applications until the end of faire when we will make an announcement of who has been accepted.

We would also like to announce our intention to camp at row 0 across the road from Chaos. We realize that this will depend largely on the land grab at the time. Exact location will depend on the camp boss for the weekend.

There will shortly (by the end of the week) be a website set up with all of the clans rules, member lists, leader positions (and the explanations thereof) and anything else we can think of to add. If you have *any* questions before then please feel free to contact any one of the clan leaders you wish and we will be happy to help.
Website is now up (and still be added to, be patient)
Forum can be found at

*Phoenix Risen is born. Let the rum flow*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


For now, I will be maintaining the official camp roster, which will be available on the forum website by the end of the week, as well as posted here.  

Teach & Lady Trinn
Lishy & Dennis

Anita Goodman
Chris B & AnnMarie
Isisdy (Shawn & Antoinette)
Keeper of the Bar and his trusty steed, StudMuffin
Lady Elizabeth
Lady M
Lady Rochelle & Michael
Lady Shadow & Her Shy Hubby
Lord Jarhead
Night Wolf
Pat McGroin
Rani Zemirah
RenStarr & Lady Bonnie
Ryk Rakham and Jezz the Belle (Rick and Sherry)
Sarvia Rose
Sir Mitch & Lady Melissa O hEignigh
Sir Richard and Lady Bear
Thomas Eagle & AllyCat
Willa Swallow

Ill try to check back and keep this updated daily.

I cant wait to see the great things to come for Phoenix Risen!

Muintir Go Deo!
SquishyLishy, Squeak, 1/2 of D-Lish
Clan o hEighnigh

Sir Martin

* topic stickied *

Good luck to Phoenix Risen and best wishes to all clans/fellowships.


Thank You kind sir!
*owe you a drop or two of rum!*

OK, I am starting to get questions from different folks on different things (rules etc.)
So this will be a FAQ posting that I will add to as questions come in.

Question: Can I belong to other clans along with this one?
Certainly! We are not in the business of telling you who you cannot hang out with. Your friends are your friends.
We do ask that if you want friends to camp with us that you ask beforehand however. This is mostly to help with planning.

Question: Do I need to be a member to camp with you?
Of course not. We realize there are reasons that you may not be able to commit to a clan. Again, just ask ahead of time so that we can save space for you etc.

Question: You guys have a lot of food, isn't that expensive?
Yep. Also time consuming. If you are camping or eating with us we ask two things. 1- To help on costs we are figuring a donation of $20 per adult per weekend is enough to cover all meals. If you only plan to eat one meal, a donation of $5 would cover you just fine. 2- Help clean up! Pitching in to help clean after meals is everyone's responsibility. If you don't know where to pitch in, as the weekend's camp boss where you can help.

Question: Do I have to camp with you guys every time I am out there?
Nope. Truthfully you can be a member who doesn't even camp. We are here to have fun, not infringe on you having fun.

Question: What are your membership requirements?
These will be posted on our website once it is up. Gimme time to get that one together. Probably be Tuesday of next week when I actually get it all ready.

Question: How do I join?
Currently you can just send a note to me or Zaubon and we'll take it from there. Once the site is up, there will be a contact form to fill out.

Question: What are your clans rules/policies?
We have those written out, but they will be posted on our site. (Kinda long post and I don't want to fill the thread with long boring stuff). If you have specific questions just send them to one of the leaders listed above and we will answer as best we can.

Question: My clan doesn't allow me to join other clans, what can I do?
We will have an "honorary member" section for those who want to be listed as such. Ask your clan if that is acceptable and we will list you in that fashion.

Question: Do I need to post in this thread to be considered?
Not exactly. You can definitely do it that way and that does help us in keeping track of things, but all you really need to do is send me or Zaubon a note.

That's the most common ones I have been asked so far. If you have any question for the clan please feel free to ask. I will be adding to this list as questions come in.

*Question: Do I really have to buy rum for Teach to be a member?
Sigh... I was told that rule wasn't feasible but no one is stopping you if you want to do it on your own.*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Huzzah! And welcome to those who are interested in Phoenix Risen, either as potential members or just from curiosity.  We are a group of friends that enjoy faire and sharing with one another.  While we are still new and developing what will be our final form, we will be working from a set of written rules that have been mostly decided upon, but are subject to revision as we learn and develop into exactly what we want to be.
I'm sure many of you are wondering at the odd sounding and arrogant titles we have chosen for ourselves. Those titles are a deliberate attempt on our part to remind ourselves to first, not take ourselves too seriously, and secondly to remind us that we are here to have fun. While I am Boss, the Board will operate in a very open manner, while not boring the membership with the day to day details of trying to get and keep organized.
Please be patient with us, and in a few days the new web site will be up and you are all invited to look over the rules and other basic information we have to offer. 
As has been said several times already, if you have questions do not hesitate to contact Teach or myself.

Phoenix Risen

Lady Rochelle

Huzzah!  Well Teach, if you will have me and the hubby ( Michael) we would be honored.
Let the games begin !


I'm really excited about this new group. You're some of my favorite people and, of course, you have my support. Let me know what I can do to help. Was great seeing you all this past weekend, too.
Gnemesis Gnomie, Drunkengnomes#137
Captain Indigo of the High Ship Inebriation
Indigo, Warlord of the Chaos Kingdom of Azaroth
Claw Member


I totally agree Z! (I think we should have a rule about new members bring in more rum though...)

Lady Rochelle, it's great to have you aboard! Pull up a chair and let's get to the fun.

Andi, thanks for the excitement! It's going to be a great clan... I just know it

*Funny though... thought there would be more rum bribes to the member god... dangit*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"



Glad to have you Mac....looking forward to the TRF will be welcome stress relief!
Captain Mammurus Snobrificus
DRay Mcnubbin
Ray Ray


Zaubon & Teach,

I respectfully request membership in your new clan.  I must do so during open membership drives else I'd never be admitted.  I fear for now I shall be a non-camping member but when I get that teardrop trailer...(I know, Zaubon, I have been saying that for 2 years).

And StudMuffin too, unless you discriminate against horses.
Landshark # 97
Member, Phoenix Risen


Studmuffin is definitely in.
Keeper... hmmm
I dunno
I suppose...
Of course you're in. Glad to have ya!

*Man's given me rum before and wonders if we would let him in...*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Sir Mitch O hEignigh

It is with honor and pride I request the addition of myself and Lady Melissa O hEignigh to become part of the Phoenix Risen Clan.
Bail o/ Dhia ort
*Images and URLs are not allowed in signatures* -Admin


Welcome to the newest members of Phoenix Rising!  
Indigo, we are honored to have you amongst us.  It was a joy meeting you and I know we much value your input, support, and friendship!
Macintyre, shall be a pleasure having such a finely kilted young man in our presence!
And welcome Keeper and Studmuffin!  I absolutely love bars, and horses- though the two in conjuncture might be more along a Scott's dream and not something an Irish girl would dream of.  Hehe!
Sir Mitch O hEignigh and Lady Melissa O hEignigh, since youre my parents and all, I guess we will let you in, should you promise to behave.  Ha, just kidding- I dont behave, why should anyone else?!  We are super excited to have y'all!!

Only a Texas wench would say y'all. . .  Huzzah to new friendships and beginnings, Huzzah to Phoenix Risen!
Muintir Go Deo!
SquishyLishy, Squeak, 1/2 of D-Lish
Clan o hEighnigh


Hello everyone ! So happy to see its all up and running, i'm sooooo excited and still a little sad I couldn't come to sherwood to meet some of the members i haven't meet yet. Add Shawn and I to the Roster! Also let us know if there is any need of help in any area fore we are willing to help . OOOOh just saw that I need to contact Z or T... I'm shy I'll have Shawn do it. hahahahaha!