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lady amy of york-good news for a change !!

Started by Lady Amy of York, May 10, 2008, 03:40:09 PM

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Lady Amy of York

 Since i notice a couple inquiries on here on how I am is the latest..
    I  went and saw my thoracic surgeon  last week in Albany.  He was pleased with how the incisions are healing. 2 of them are just about all the way healed now, and the others are getting there.  But over all he was very pleased.

I saw my family doctor earlier this week,  and my blood sugar levels were good. Did say i had some signs of arthritis  developing in my back and a bulging disc which could explain some of the back  pain.

Overall, I  am back on my feet and walking around.     I  still get alot of discomfort in  the middle of my back, but am taking it one day  at a time.
   I still get the numbness and shakes off and on too. I asked my family doctor   about that and he felt it was probably something neurological but i refuse to go back to the neurologist here after he did not tell me about the tumor i had on my spine.

So for now, like i said  i take it one day at a time.  I can't complain.  Alot of people have it worse then me ! I just have to keep smiling and keep the faith, and  count my blessings.   Like i said, it could always  be worse !    I  do what i can, and what I can't do, so be it ! Although at times it does get to me, but then i remind myself  what is really important.

hugs all-Amy ;D
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

Hang in there, Amy. 

Despite all that you have been through of late, your strength and faith are an ispiration to us all.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde

Taffy Saltwater

It sounds like you have made real progress and you should be proud of all your endeavors to get to this point.   Take care of yourself - we have you in our thoughts.


Glad to hear you are up and about,Amy!
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL

Lady Ann of Draycott

Thanks for the update Amy! Glad to here that you are back on your feet! Take it slow and hang in there!  ;D 
Collector of Wine and Roses
Clan McLotofus Elder
Landshark No. 96

Lady Amy of York

Thanks everyone ! Yep, I am hanging in there, and determined to get stronger each day !  ( somedays easier said  then done  :) ).   But nothing is going to keep me  from going to faire this year  !      <  knocks on wood ! >
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Baroness de Vale

Definitely keep up the positive attitude Amy! It's gotten you so far already and I know it will carry you even farther! Hugs!


Lighting a candle of healing and strength for you.  Keep Positive! Super Hugs Lady! Peace and blessings
When I'm gone look for me beneath your boots, for I have returned to the ground from which I came.   Walt Whitman

Lord Clisto of York

Glad to see you have thwarted this beast. Nice to be on the recovery.... A bow and hand kiss for thee.

Lord Sir Clisto
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lady Amy of York

Quote from: sir clisto on May 16, 2008, 02:12:20 AM
Glad to see you have thwarted this beast. Nice to be on the recovery.... A bow and hand kiss for thee.

Lord Sir Clisto

Thank you sir !   ( blush ! )
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


I love you sis! I am so glad you are on the road to being better!

PR ~Faire Daughter~


 I had not seen this post till now so I`am  sending you this now, sorrry for not doing it before. I`am sorry you have not felt well but  I`am so glad you are up and around. I`am glad to hear you are keeping the faith, because faith can move mountians. and I`am glad you are looking to go the fair, haveing some kind of goal will encourage you move toward it. Keep smiling my friend and be encouraged today for prayers are going up for you, you have not been for gotton in you time of need.  I did really pray for you. I wasn`t just saying I would,  I really did.  have a wounderful day 

Lady Amy of York

*************  JUNE  9 **********************************
  I was doing pretty well. Waling around. Being active. Feeling pretty good ecept  for pain in my back still.

Well about 2 weeks i took afall outside. Landed pretty hard on my right side. Having had broken bones before, i knew right away something was wrong. Right foot and right hand were killing me. But i went into the local urgent care, said they felt  foot and wrist were just sprained, but they took xrays anyway.   Foot and ankle  continue  to bother me,  but I know sprains  can be sometimes more painful then breaks.

Well now, 2 weeks later i get a call from them this evening, saying they just got my xray results back today, the foot is fine, but my right wrist appears to be fractured.  ( i wonderd why it was  getting slightly  swollen and hurting  still and was ready to have it re looked at ).    So i am suppsoe to see an orthopedic doctor for furthur evaluation.
  Needless to say i am fumeing cause it took this long to notify me.  The wrist has probably started to try to heal by now.
   They told me not to use it all until i see the orthopedic guy, and that i may need to have a cast put on it. Great this is my right wrist. I am right handed.
    Do i scream now  or later !
           I tell you i was doing so good too.  I give up !  LOL ! This could only happen to me !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Master James

Amy my dear you need NEW DOCTORS!  I don't think they have done one thing right for you YET.  I'm talking the locals you go to that is.  Please get better fast.  Healing thoughts and prayers continuing your way.
Why can't reality be more like faire?
Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51

Lady Amy of York

i agree sir. Now My thoracic surgeon was great. He got the tumor out, but of course he was not a local doctor. But the doctors around here, welll.....Yea, they just have a hard time keeping good doctors on around here. No one wants to live up in the mounatins in the rural country arrea. Go figure ! True the winters are cold and very snowy, but he rest of the seasons  it is goregous up here. ! 

Oh well ! Yea, i hope I heal fast, other wise  I'm going to be breaking someyhing else, and aint me I'm talking about ( refering to my doctors necks,  lol ! ).

Thanks Master James, dear friend  for  the well wishes ! Thi is very fustrating. I know it could be worse, but still,not to notify me till 11 days later.
   I have lost all faith in the medical profeesion. and it is not just around here locally. True i have had some good dcotors, but the majority of them..well no comment.   I tell you if you find a doctor you like noe  a days you are lucky !

  Heck my pets get better care then i do. Seriously the vet we have for our dogs  and horses is great.  They even call up once amonth just to check on our my pets are.  When ever the dogs for their checkups, they cute  doogie bandanna's  to wear.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn