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Forums will not be converted

Started by John, May 12, 2008, 04:47:54 PM

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I have the Microsoft Sql database backup file from the forum but I can't restore it on the server. Several things on the server are not working since the last hack.  I've tried my best but I'm not going to get the forums converted to vBulletin.

I'm not able to release the backup because of the previously published terms of service.

I'm ordering the server be dismantled. At that point will no longer redirect to I'll check with Lady Serena and Tom if they want to host the redirect before pulling the plug.

I'm sorry it's come to this.

Amras Elfwine

John, there is no need for any apology. We appreciate all you and DB have done, indeed, all the moderators and members of this extended "family". It was a heroic try against the forces of this modern, no-life evil called "hacker", and we must simply endeavor.

I offer this to the forum, that this rising phoenix that is is, in and of itself, a literal "rebirth", or "renaissance", of all that we hold dear. We have the chance of being an actual, letter of the definitiion of the word renaissance, and I, for one, welcome the opportunity. Those of us that were here during this heroic struggle shall become as Henry V's warriors at Agincourt, and those not here will think them selves accursed that they do not have the scars that we earned here, at R/F's RENAISSANCE!

Can I get a HUZZAH!

Come with me, and let us all rededicate ourselves to the SPIRIT that keeps us here, The Spirit of Ren, and we shall, together, endeavor to make this site better than ever.

Pass me an ale, would ye?

Love to all!!
R/F member since 2004
"They say that men who go warring afield look ever to the next hope of food and of drink." ~Tolkien

"Who are you callin' plushy??" ~ Todd the Squirrel

Welsh Wench

I'd like to say thank you to John and DB for keeping our old forum on life-support.
There comes a time when you have to know when to pull the plug and let it go.

Huzzah for the time they have put into this and for the fortitude to tell us the Phoenix will rise from the ashes.


I'd like to say one thing to us all---and it is kind of a hard lesson--
But if there is ANYTHING you want to save, do it now!
Pictures, stories, any postings!

We were fortunate to save what we could but alot of faire pictures and pictures of the day were lost.
It is sad that the hackers were able to take this away from us, but there is one thing--
we still have each other.

And it will take more than hackers to destroy that.

Now...may I raise a flask in respect and the spirit of REN to each and every one of you.
May we all lift up our voices in this song--

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


Huzzah, Amras!!

Never thought I could get stirred up over a speech about a message board, but ya did it!!
While I'm newer than a lot of you, I'm glad to have this chance to help re-build what you all started!!
You fought the good fight, John, but technology can truly be the Devil Himself!!


I'm sorry to hear that so much will be lost! :'(

Amras, is there any chance of saving our stories before the plug is pulled?
Got faerie dust?

Amras Elfwine

Trill, I trust John, and by his description, the data is unrecoverable, excepting a miracle by NSA...and they don't come cheap.

Chin adventures await us.

Maelstrom, I am priveleged to be at your side during this war against ignorance.
We shall prevail!

And, with Welsh Wench as our figurehead, how can we fail?  ;)
R/F member since 2004
"They say that men who go warring afield look ever to the next hope of food and of drink." ~Tolkien

"Who are you callin' plushy??" ~ Todd the Squirrel

lady serena

John,DB, and all R/F people,

You are all welcome to stay if you wish this to be your new home, Thomas and I are willing to host it as long as you all would like us too. We are here to help and serve.  :)
Guppy # 81
Fins up


I think this would make a nice new home for R/F!
And thanks to all on the "tech side of things" John, DB, Tom, Serena!
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL

NoBill Lurker

Do not feel bad John, you've fought a long and hard battle to try to save the unsaveable ( Is that even a word? Nope just check the dictionary, oh well. ;D ) .

Mayhap we need to come up with an award or medal for all your hard work! Because you truly deserve one!!!

Now we just have to start anew!

All of those threads that have been gone over and over, become new and fresh!

Just think how it will revitalize our brains to have to come up with all those great ideas that were in the old forums!

So shake off those cobwebs and roll up your sleeves, it's time to get to work making this our new Home!

RIP our dear old forums...... :'(

And hello to our new beginnings........HUZZAH! ;D

So what are you doing this weekend?
I'm going to BARF!!!
You're going to...wait...WHAT???


For whom the bell tolls...

Sigh.  Such is life in the internet age.  Thanks for trying John. 
Mimosas - They're Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
SWG, Chapter 1, co-founding member


Aye, all be alright because no matter what happens, the connections we have will still reach from coast to coast.

I say this with a big hug you, (one in person, actually, as soon as I see you next John)

when one door closes, one opens.
We survived. We will rise up.
And we will conquer.

Huzzah for our family!
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)

Lady Renee Buchanan

A friend gave us a wall plaque when we moved into our new house 5 years ago.  It says
"A house is built of bricks and stone.  A home is made of love alone."

Well, the old site may have been our house, but the forum (and all it's members) is our home.

No matter what the outer packaging looks like, the Ren spirit is alive and well wherever we are.  Love conquers all.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


It's about the people, not the posts. May the old forums RIP....but at least we're still here! Thanks to our wonderful admins for all the hard work, and let's raise our tankards to new beginnings!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

That last night I kept reading old posts about movie recommendations and how characters came to be.  I remember reading posts of members I've had the pleasure to meet over the past year and how their characters developed and I kept thinking to myself, "why do I keep reading these?, they are 4 years old and I need to get some sleep".  I'm glad I read as long as I did that night and yes I do wish I would have kept reading.  Hopefully I will have the pleasure of enjoying adult refreshment and listening to their tales in person and/or re-reading them again in this, our new home.
"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


Although we find ourselves sad that the old forum must leave, this is a wonderful opportunity.  Starting new will be exciting.  Yes, a lot of written wisdom will be lost...but the real wisdom is in the members of R/  This is the opportunity to start anew.  All the old, negative things will no longer be read.  In the spirit of REN we can rebuild a newer, better, REN community!  Yes, it will take time and hard work, but I'm more than willing to help however i can and I'm sure those who are more wise than I are more than willing to share their knowledge and experience! 

*Raises Tankard*

"A true Renaissance of a wonderful community tool.  Huzzah to John, DB, and all the moderators that have brought us so far.  Huzzah to a new beginning for R/!"

Love you guys!