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Whats the Tale about the Tails?

Started by Cynthia_Orella, June 30, 2009, 01:30:29 AM

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Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Quote from: Cynthia_Orella on July 10, 2009, 11:36:29 PM
I never got around to updating this... So I was talking to the girls at the braiding booth and they said it has something to do with more of a period reference. I guess in the period people would have worm fun tails and such to get the Bodily Vermin off of them. So they don't want people giving off the idea that they have body vermin.

I know doesn't make a lot of sense but made more sense to me than someone on entertainment ticking off the director of the owner. One the entertainment director can't make the boothies do anything. The owner could, but I don't see him really caring enough...

Oh and It wasn't on the last weeks newsletter....

I have a STRONG feeling this also is just a rumor.

Tails were NOT worn by people and certainly NOT the common or lesser folk in Renaissance Times. The Flea fur as it has come to be called or Zibellini was worn by nobles most often women. The Zibellini appears in a few paintings from the era but there is little to no fact about them. Once again it is believed that by having the Zibellini on the person would attract the flea off of the body and onto the fur. But to be honest this is not very likely as we ALL know fleas are a parasite that feeds off of blood and require a live host and a warm one at that. A Zibellini was dead and had no warmth or blood to it and if it did anything it would attract fleas to the person.

A good story is one of Thomas Beckett in medieval times who almost never bathed. It is said that when he died and his body was being preped for burial the fleas and bugs were swarming off of him thus making it hard for anyone to change his clothing preparing him for burial.

It is most like a Zibellini was a decoration much like a mink is today, or a cap or what ever fashion item.

SO I really do not think this tale is true either. Personally I'd just let it rest and wear a Hamster instead.
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e

Princess Alice

So the story is, the tails apply more to cast than to booth workers.  You were right about a cast director not being able to tell boothies what to do.  However, I also think that lots of boothies don't want to piss anyone off either.  But I still believe the fairy story, because I've heard it from a few higher ups.

I have heard the vermin story, but it is strangely the EXACT same story the tail sellers use to explain why Rennies use tails.  I think someone just heard the story about the vermin, whether true or not, from the vendors, and thought that it explained why we shouldn't wear them.
Real Men Eat Fish.

Mischief Snicklebritches

ew. if the rennies are wearing them because they think it a suitable replacement for bathing, Im going to have to seriously rethink coming to faire. That's disgusting. Not only did they not work back in the renaissance period *I heartily agree with LD* but they reallly wouldn't work now. Not with all of the processes that have been developed to skin and tan and such with chemicals and whatever else they use. A flea would be like....uh...hmmm furry thing thats cold and smells funny....warm, blood-filled human...hmmmm. whiiiiiich one? /sarcastic

I have been at this faire for a looooooooong time. And truth be told this isn't the first time the "no tails" rule has come up. That's been around for a while. At least since my first year in '03. I have been friendly with all of the fairies since that time and dont recall any of them wearing neon tails. In fact I dont recall neon tails even being sold until the last couple of years. So, I agree with Hey-aren't-you and am going to have to go with the boothie just making stuff up. *nod*
How do I know I haven't missed it?!...what if it WAS the chicken!

Radu the Gypsy

Besides, every good rennie *knows* that Patchouli is the only substitute for bathing...


SO I didn't get a chance to read this weeks newletter. Any mention of the tails? or have they stopped talking about them there?