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Martin Montgomery and Lady Flame are about to enter Wedded Bliss!

Started by Martin Montgomery, February 04, 2011, 01:26:03 PM

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Martin Montgomery

  Allright, THAT should have gotten your Attention!
    My lovely Bride, Dawn (AKA Lady Flame of the Clan Procrastination) and I wish to see as many Happy Friendly Faces at the Blessed Event ( February 19th RAIN OR SHINE! At Sherwood Forest Faire!) We had a Hard Choice, have the Wedding/Handfasting that we WANTED.......or have an event that our Families might attend!!  So we are having BOTH!!  We want Our FAIREMILLY to help us celebrate Our Handfasting, which will not be the LEGAL Ceremony and Our Families should attend the Actual Tying of the Knot a week later. The handfasting will take place (Hopefully) around 3:30pm at The Seven Sisters. A "Reception" will be at the Clan Procrastination Campsite. Any and All are welcome to stop by and tell us "Hi!" IF you wish to stay awhile, I Think that a POTLUCK Attitude is happining and Munchies would be Helpfull. NO Gifts are expected!!  BUT if you are so inclined, any help with the COSTS that we are amounting (We are doing this Without help from Either Family!) would be GREATLY appreciated!
We hope that you are able to join us on this Eventfull Day and it will give us Many Happy Memories for the Future!!

           Martin Montgomery.......Monte Martin
           Lady Flame.......Dawn Lawson

This is a CROSSPOST!!
Half the man I used to be!! 
Member of Culloden Moor

Queen Bonnie

Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Alas, reality intrudes & we will not be there for the blessed event. Will be sending you good energy and blessings on the day.


Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

Lady Amy of York

Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Marques de Trives

Mead Swilling Lech

Martin, Ginette and I REALLY wanted to be there but have a commitment with our daughter that evening and cannot make it.  We both REALLY hope to see you at faire that Sunday to wish you guys well!
Whiskey was invented to keep us Irish from ruling the world.



I am trying my darndest to be there to see this awesomeness in person! But if I cannot make it (truth be told, right now it's looking grim :( ) I send warmest wishes and happy thoughts (and perhaps some rum via rennie-courier) to the two of you! I wish so much I could be there to witness this amazing celebration of such a beautiful union; you two are always so radiant with happiness and love every time I see y'all! I am sure it will be amazing and hope there will be pictures (somebody better post them, please? :))

<3 Juju
"To Err is Human. To ARRR is Pirate"
Time flies when yer havin' rum!
McLotofus | PhoenixRisen | GearheadGamerGeekGirl


Can't wait - Should be a good day of blissful blissness (o:
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara