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Photos, photos and yet even more photos

Started by Capt Gabriela Fullpepper, August 03, 2008, 02:05:56 PM

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Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

WOW 792 photos taken on Saturday and that's with me deleting about a dozen. 2.42Gb of data stored on my drive just for those photos.

While many are doubles, or triples, or even quadruplets, There are some REALLY good pictures and some very cute ones too. I maybe using a few onmy business cards which Ineed to get made up again as I ran out of them over a year ago and never felt like making more. I tend to make them individual with a dozen different photo's on them, that way people can get an idea of what I do and I can tailor my cards to what they are interested in. Now to sell or make money from this... YEAH RIGHT!

So with the stuff I did last week, and the ones this week it will probably be two years before all are posted. LOL just kidding. I will posting them soon, but as you know I do my own web design and that makes it take a bit longer, but it makes them a bigger part of me.

Today is an R&R day as I came home with major sinus issues and Toki is still getting over his. I hope Sunday finds you all well

I am so bummed faire is over for another year, but I am so glad I have meet so many new and wonderful people and made friends with them. I hope we can keep in touch and maybe gather over our down time in the future.

You are all great people, HUZZAH to you all and Many Thanks for all you do.

Lady de Laney
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


Quote from: Lady de Laney on August 03, 2008, 02:05:56 PM
WOW 792 photos taken on Saturday and that's with me deleting about a dozen. 2.42Gb of data stored on my drive just for those photos.

792 Photos.  O.o

In a typical Faire day, 10:30 - 6:30, a total of 8 hours, 480 minutes, that means you took an average of 1.65 photos per minute.

Of course, I know you were there early, and were there after cannon when I headed to the showers, so I'm going to say you were there 9 hours.   So, a total of 540 minutes, which averages to 1.46667 picutes per minute.  This is a good guess because you still have to take a few minutes to use the facilities occasionally, and maybe actually eat and drink, the the minute average would be off for those times. 

Hot damn.  I know I'm a shutterbug, but good lordy, that's a lot of picture taking.   I'm impressed. 

(Any chance you're going to post all 792 of them?)   ;D

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Not Likely.

Many are of the same subject taken just seconds apart. I take a shot, then take another, then maybe zoom in or out or both and take again. This allows me to get the best possible picture of someone. As I mentioned once in another post a Pro photographer told me that in a roll of 24 if you got 1 great shot, then your doing good but then again that was film and not digital but I would expect near the same results. It's just with digital we can delete and edit som emuch easier at much less cost and take far more pictures with a greater chance of getting that great shot.

Now I'm not pro so I consuder myself lucky to get 1 good shout out of 50. Usually I do better than that, but sometimes I don't. I'm the kind of person who just gets inspired by something and sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes my best shots are what I call "On a whim" or "mistakes" Those are the ones that just seem to happen with out me knowing it, and I am happy with it for more than 15 seconds. I'm an overly critical person on what I do artistically and what I like 1 day, I look at again and say, "I can do better than that"!

So I took one bathroom break (I have a huge bladder, even with drinking 3 bottles of water, 4 lemonades, 1 glass of iced tea before faire and about 30 minute break to eat and sit and chat with a GF that was there and about a 15 minute break in a nice shady spot with a mist (Not that I misted, Toki did though) So all in all I had about 1 hour of down time. I started shooting pictures at 9:30 and stayed to a little after 7. So I had about 8.5 hours of photo time which is what 510 minutes at 732 photos (In reality was over 800 because I deleted some before I took the 792 count) so on the average I think that is 1.568627 pictures a minutes :)

HOLY SHUTERBUGS BATMAN, That's a ton of time spent taking pictures
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


I took three pictures without using my camera. That was in about five minutes, which equals about three pictures every five minutes without using my own camera.

I probably could have taken more, but I had to figure out how to use Blushing's camera, and then I had to give it back. I mean, what's up with that? So, in one day at faire I was handed one camera to take three pictures, of which I was in none, which means that there were three pictures, one day, I'm not in them, and Blushing got to keep her camera- which I thought she was giving to me. Hmmmm. At least I still have my camera, which can take a picture in- like- fractions of a second.

And Zoe says I'm random...

p.s. Lady de Laney, you forgot to include the total number of people in the 792 pics...
Truth teller of exceptional proportion...
Proud to be a part of the Colorado Renaissance Festival...


Quote from: Demetrius on August 04, 2008, 10:31:23 PM

And Zoe says I'm random...

I used to call my drama teacher in high school Captain Random, but I think you can take that crown.  Or spandex tights, whichever is better for you.  ;)
Capitaine Zoë D'Arcachon
Elizabeth Covington
Fritzie the Fairy


I can't wait to see your photos Lady DeLaney, I'll be sneaking in peeks while I'm at work ...  ;)

As for our Captain Random ... He already has the pin to prove it!  So sorry I had to take my camera back Demetrius, but I promise you can play with it next season!  (and your photos are great too!)
~All human activity lies within the artist's scope~


Yeah on the Sunday of Masquerade I did 9 rolls of film all 24 photos except for 2 that were 36 for 240 photos most of them are different shots.    I posted all of them, really not up for cleaning them up.  Too busy to use photoshop and make them all pretty.   

Lady de Laney all of your are so gorgeous. 

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

Thank you Avan.

I am a person who does not use photoshop. At best I re-tilted my crooked shots to look right and that was as far as I went. I have photogrpaher friends who do use Photoshop, but I'm old school. Ansel Adams never used a photo editor, nor did Matther Brady or many hundreds of photographers. I believe in capturing the image and keeping it the way it is as natural as possible.

I look forward to seeing yours
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e