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half way thru the 3rd season

Started by rengypsy, March 05, 2012, 09:01:47 AM

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a bit of reflection on reaching the half way mark of sherwood's third season...

rains and cold
less patrons than we hoped
but the spirit of faire is strong
the soul of sherwood is healthy
the grounds are attractive
there are kids galore
running playing finding their space with the forest
and that is good
clans are laid as foundation stones
in the campgrounds
and in garb throughout the faire
people speak of community
people sense we are about something different
watching as the roots grow deeper and deeper
dreams of kids and adults manifested
our artisans and entertainers
bring out the best of what faire should be
adding their talents and art
to the mosaic of this tale
to be told and experienced for generations

sherwood lives!!!

four more weekends
some sadness even in thinking
it does not go on forever
but great joy that we meet here
each spring
and celebrate our ideals
it's all about the journey and the people we choose to make the journey with


Can't wait to get there this weekend. I seriously missed being out there last weekend (of course I missed the best weather thus far).

*rum is packed and ready to go*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


I have a FoF pass for Scarborough and drive to TRF for at least 3/4 of their weekends. Of the three I like Sherwood the most for now. Has such an intimate feel to it. Not too big, not too small....just right. Even contemplating camping (if you knew me you'd KNOW how big that is).

Maybe not as many patrons as you hope for but it does seem like more then last year. ???
Save the Earth (it's the only one with beer)!


Pretty stoked for spring break weekend!
Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. - Voltaire


we are having a gathering of our druids to move the rains off to the east saturday. 
it's all about the journey and the people we choose to make the journey with


Quote from: rengypsy on March 06, 2012, 08:52:39 AM
we are having a gathering of our druids to move the rains off to the east saturday. 

You should also consider obtaining the services of Merlin the Elder.   ;D

Last I heard, he was looking for a nice place to move into on faire grounds.   ;)
--+ Glaodian +--
aka "Gman"
Si vis pacem para bellum

C Dragonworks

I am going to make a run to College Station later this maybe tomorrow and will drop off more cards at Starbucks...I find few people in the College Station Bryan area realize it is happening...I keep spreading the word....   We need to get more posters and cards out in the towns around here!!!!

Merlin the Elder

I'd love to come back down, but I've shot my faire budget for the time being, and that's a long, fairly expensive trip. I'll do a few remote spells, if that will help...
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...


Any wizardly spells from anywhere might help.

My Daughter and I are doing the wine tasting and prefer not to have it watered down by rain.  It is under a really, really big tent, though, so it might have a Paris in the spring effect. 

I'm casting a few spells myself, as well as stomping on the ground in frustration at the forecast.

Polly PoPo
(aka Grannie)


Druids, Druids, and Rangers,

Step forward.  We need your parting of the heavens spell...forthe weekend.

it's all about the journey and the people we choose to make the journey with

Queen Bonnie

 I am doing my best- but weather this year is difficult! We need more wizards to help!!!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!