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Ummm... "bondage camp"??

Started by BarbarianQueen, November 04, 2013, 12:36:30 AM

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Finn, I'm glad you read my welcome and relief over the safety and good experience of your kids before it was deleted.
Your family and my concern for them was truly the reason I started this thread.

Sir Martin

Finn - let me also welcome you to our humble forums.  I'll be out at TRF a few more times this season, so give me a holler if you see me out there.


Im happy to see them at trf I would love to see the gate hand out signs for every one. if you dont want anyone under 21 in my camp. I would make my own.I have been going to trf for 15 years I have 3 kids. When they were old enuff they could go with me. Yes It was before they was 21 but they were teenagers and already having sex.For the last 4 years I have been up set because folks under age 16 run wild. THey  think the fire and drums is a babysitter.I start saving when in come in from trf. so I can go to trf. I am a adult, love there is a camp ground that i can have adult fun. I understand the kids like to come to see the fire and drums.but at 10:00 and after keep your kid in your campsite in the Quite camp. It part of having kids. last year there was so many young kids running all around I called trf and email them about all the kidds. Me and all the ones I have taken with me love to come back. we could not have fun not enuff moms and dad to take care of there own kids. after that. I was going this year. and if it was still like this I was going to quit going. I just got back today. all the moms and dad at trf. Thank you for having your kids at there camp
SO eveyone over 21 could have some fun.It is always a new adventure. I truly love trf. Ill see yall for the 16 year. Bondage camp dont let just a few run you off   I have the big wood


I camped by them last year. and had no issue. They kept thier activities confined to thier area. Other than the sound of a whip or paddle i didnt even know they were there. Its not my type of life style but to each his own as long as its legal.

Terre Albert

We monitored there activities this weekend and was happy with the efforts to hide their activities and respect others.   


I have not actually ever attended Bondage Camp, but I know many who have, and I've had occasion over the years to visit other parts of patron camp (I can admit that, now that I dont' work out there anymore? lol).  From what I've witnessed personally out in patron camp, and what others have confirmed on this thread, there is potential nudity and sexually suggestive activity going on in any number of camps out there, on any given night.  Bondage camp differentiates itself in two ways:
1) They openly warn passers-by and camp wanderers of what they are doing, so that visitors on walkabout aren't accidentally exposed to things they might find shocking or upsetting... would that ALL camps were as conscientious about the sensibilities of their neighbors, I have on more than one occasion gone visiting and unexpectedly come upon some pretty, erm, *adult* activities - some of dubious legality.
2)  They make a concerted effort to obscure their activities from direct line-of-sight visibility from roadways and thoroughfares.  Again, when things get rowdy and racy in other camps, it can be pretty visible.  I know I've seen it, from a car driving by.

It is unfortunate that a small number of the members of this camp were less than diplomatic in their dealings with neighbors during set-up; I strongly suspect that this was a case of someone either trying to be considerate VERY clumsily, or someone lower on the totem pole being a little confused about how exactly they were supposed to handle set-up coordination with neighbors.  Personally knowing the organizers, and having witnessed much of the communication around the planning of the event, I can guarantee that this is a group that takes respecting its neighbors and maintaining a good relationship with the campground VERY seriously.   Individuals who violate the rules and guidelines they set up specifically to avoid upsetting the neighborhood are NOT welcome back in following years.   To that end, I'll be happy to pass on the concerns re: set-up and "landgrabbing", and posting signage earlier to the organizers, as they are very committed to making sure that toes are not stepped on.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.


Ok, now I'll give my 2cents.  I know some of the organizers of Bondage Camp and did step in and say hello and watch for a little while both Friday and Saturday night.  I know that in the organizing the plan was to have RV's parked around the perimeter to try to "shield" the main areas and the "play" area was in the far end along the camping boundary with tarp curtains hung to conceal activity.  They had their own security who checked IDs on anyone who looked too young and even kicked people out who were gawking or watching just for kicks and being disrespectful.  That whole community is about tolerance, privacy and respect.  That said, there can always be a few bad apples in any group.

I have much less of a problem with Bondage Camp and the way they do things than I do with the 20somethings that drove right up into our camp that Saturday morning about 10am (my clan puts flags up around our staked out area so that it's evident there is a boundary), were either already drunk or still drunk and started putting up a tent right next to where we were eating breakfast.  We politely told them they were in a clan camping area and showed them a large open area they could put up their tents and then proceeded to let our neighbors know so we would all watch our things and each others things.  And we camp on the border of quiet camping!
Lady Crimson Cadena

Clan of the Celtic Rogues
Sherwood Forest Faire (Home faire)

"I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then" - Alice


You folks who posted recently realize that my original post was entered two years ago, right?? I wasn't at trf this past year for Bondage Camp weekend, so I can't comment.