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New Character

Started by Hawkworthy, April 11, 2009, 06:03:46 PM

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Alright, here goes...In reality, I'm a falconer. My character is also going to be a falconer. After researching the historical aspects I have found that the falconer was a servant that kept his masters falcons and depending on who his master was, would determine his social standing. My costume will probably basic to middle class. My characters name will most likely be "Hawxalot" Now, what would the appropriate prefix be for a man with the title of falconer? Sir, Squire, etc.
Does this question make any sense?


Well I don't think you need to worry about what the "appropriate" title is for someone named "Hawxalot".

I like just calling yourself plain "Hawxalot".  If you want a title maybe call yourself Sir Hawxalot like Since Lancelot.

Maybe Sir Lancelot could work drawing blood at a hospital in his free time.

Maybe people could say you are "Hawx" I.E. hot but in a hawkish way.

Maybe you could "hawk" items, get it?  Hawk items.

Maybe you could also make coughs sounding like "Hawk!" and then spit (Hawk up things).

You also need to get a leather hawk mask, that would rock.  I have seen leather hawk masks online.

Check out this url for a hawk mask.


Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.


Now that was interesting...I guess it's true, ask a stupid question....BTW, I did kinda like the red-tail hawk mask.

Anna Iram

 ;D ;D ;D

I think "master" might be appropriate. Edit: link not working but go to Master (form of address) in the Wiki

As for *who* you' would be a Falconer to...did you know there were laws governing who might own a particular bird?

Crazy Elizabethans...


Thank you M'Lady! Your response is most appreciated. Master....hmm, has a nice ring to it. (Although after enjoying the company of many fine hawks and falcons over the past twenty-two years, they are the  true masters in the relationship) They are really incredible creatures. As to who could have what bird, the laws were very specific and very stiff penalties went along with those laws. Our laws today are similar in that they allow only certain birds to specific falconers but those laws are based on the falconers years of experience. In the Elizabethan culture, it was based upon social status. ie; A lady would never be allowed to fly a large falcon such as a Gyr or peregrine and a king would never "stoop" to flying a kestrel. An interesting concept when you realize that today some of our best falconers are "ladies" and some of my favorite birds have been kestrels. ??? Anyway, back to my character, I'm still working out the details/storyline, but at this point probably a duke, earl or possibly a prince would be my choice as anything higher would force me to reconcider my own status, garb, etc. I read that the kings royal falconer was fourth under the king and sat at the kings table. Geeesh, I'd probably have to shine my shoes and everything.HeHe! Thanks again and once I get it all figured out I'll do a formal introduction on the intro thread. Have a royal day, M'lady


The laws that are being reffered to are called "Sumptuary Laws".  They defined what station/class you had to be at in order to wear certain cloth in your clothing, what colors you could adorne yourself with, and I am sure(though not positive) what birds of prey you could keep..   I may be able to help you a bit in your character development.   Have sent you a PM.  Let me know. 
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel


Thanks Blakduke! You have been most helpful.