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Newbie needs help modifying garb to different time...

Started by Jude, July 19, 2011, 10:39:02 AM

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Hi all,

Please help me; I'm not very creative!

This is my second season going to Faire.  Last year I spent a good chunk of money on 16th-century garb and went to several Faires. However, GLMF was my favorite, and I'm headed back there this weekend.  I'm trying to figure out how I can "convert" my garb into something more appropriate for 13th century Avaloch without spending much more money (I'm all out! :( ). This will probably be my only Faire this season, and I don't want to wear the garb I have, as is.

I have: a thigh-length ivory chemise, black bloomers (knee-length), a flat cap, a couple of snoods, a tankard, belt, dagger, a fairly upscale reversible bodice (Faire Finery - I fancied myself a merchant's widow) and a full skirt (deep green).  I don't sew and I'm just awful at this kind of thing.  I felt really out of place at GLMF last year because I was three centuries too late, but I really can't buy more pieces.

Is there anything I can do?  I'm willing to do a pirate or a wench or anything I can pull off and feel more authentically 13th-century.  (I don't have any long dresses at all.)

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!



I haven't been to the fair you're talking about, but I did a Google image search and poked around their website, and honestly, I think what you have is fine. I didn't see anything there that looked "authentically 13th century" at all.

What I saw was a lot of Fairwear, the same sort of thing you see at most fairs.

That said, you're not happy with your current garb, and that is definitely something we can help you with!  Do you have pictures?

I think your bodice and flat cap would probably date you as looking more Ren than medieval, so I'd skip those, to start. If you wear your chemise OVER your skirt instead of tucked in, maybe with a belt, you might manage more of the layered tunics look of the Middle Ages. Your snoods should be OK, but you could easily make a veil like the woman in the image above, or wear a straw hat. I also saw that they seem to have a lot of fairy characters, so that's one direction you could go with your current garb. Make a floral garland, go for some sparkly makeup, no wings necessary.

Good luck!


Unfortunately, you either need to deal with what you have, buy something different, or learn to sew.  Making a sideless surcote is easy, cheap (if you use old bedsheets or something else like that that you have lying around), and would look more in line with what you want.   There really isn't a way to make what you have look 13th c.  It would be like trying to make what you are wearing right now 18th C.   


According to the GLMF website, the theme for this weekend is "Fun Fire and Fantasy".  Sounds like it's anything goes, so I would not worry about wearing the garb you already have.



Thanks to those of you who responded!  I ended up buying a couple of thrift shop pieces and turning my merchant-widow persona into a pirate.  'Twas fun, and it worked well.  Huzzah! ;)