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Sewing Injuries

Started by PhoenixRose, August 20, 2011, 11:22:36 PM

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So what sort of injuries have you gotten while sewing?

I'm asking because I just put a heavy duty machine needle through my finger while sewing my bodice.   :( Ouch! And my bf doesn't want to hear me whine anymore so I'll talk about it here instead. lol

That's pretty much my first injury other than the stray needle pokes. But I've only been sewing for about 6 months. I'm sure there are more to come.


OUCH!! I have done that. Ive also caught my finger under the foot and not stopped my foot on the pedal soon enough, and that hurts too:)

One thing you will learn in time....ALWAYS unplug that machine before you do anything like try to fix something, or clean it,or oil it or ANYTHING that involves anything like that!! lol

and when you get tired, stop. That is probably how 99% of sewing accidents happen.

Lady Rebecca

My biggest sewing-related injury actually occurred when I stepped on my tape measure. Somehow, I managed to step on the end capped with the small sharp edged piece of metal, and instead of going flat to the floor like a tape measure usually does when you step on it, it dug in and took a sizeable chunk out of my big toe (probably about the size of the top of my pinky finger). Ow!


Thankfully *knocking on wood* I have not had some of these injuries. I am known for the notorious pin pricks and not realising I'm bleeding until I see red dots all over the fabric. So now I have a mini first aid kit that sits with me while I sew. I learned I have to pull by hair up completely outta way before sewing or it gets sewn into seams. Or cut off while cutting out fabric.
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)


Not an injury per se but still rather amusing:

The one and only time I've been able to give blood (I have VERY low iron) was after I had been working on a pair of stays.  I was trying pierce through four layers of canvas by hand and kept piercing my middle finger on my right hand.  I had to get the stays finished that evening so I couldn't stop.   I just kept trudging along, trying to ignore the jabbing pain from jabbing myself multiple times in the right finger. 

The next day was a blood drive day at work.  They tested my left had first for blood iron levels and it was just .3 too low.   I agreed to let them test it again which meant they'd poke the severely poked middle finger of the right hand.  I must have jabbed my finger at least 30 times the night before.   I braced myself, they poked the finger and...the blood iron went up by an entire point!   It went from 12.1 in one hand to 13.1 in the other -more than enough to give blood that day. 

I still swear the only reason it went up that much is because there was iron left over from the sewing needle in my finger.

Adriana Rose

I have caught my finger on the thread holder thingie on the sewing arm ouch I have a scar from that.

I was trying to finish a skirt on the way to festival and there is a vintage Mustang rally that happens yearly so they were driving by and while gawking at the purdy cars I stuck a sewing needle almost trough my finger my mom thought that was hystarical.