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Started by Dracconia, June 18, 2008, 04:54:50 AM

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I am currently in Australia. I have been meeting family of the woman who recently adopted me. Tommorrow I meet a new bunch and then on the 21st we are having a memorial for my da who passed a year ago. Everyone else is so cool with everything and I keep having bouts of tears...I am scared that I am going to embarass myself..the only one not really part of the fam any helpful words and thoughts I would appreciate!
PR ~Faire Daughter~

Lady Amy of York

Hugs to you sis. I know it is hard being in a new place  and  meeting new people.  You feel nervous about meeting them, well they may be nervous about meeting you too.  Tell some jokes,  showpictures  from back home.  Tell them about  ren faires.  Anything to break the ice.  Just don't tell them about diving into pools of rum, or about your four older  crazy pirate  sisters ! ;D ;)
    Don't worry about crying.  People are suppose to cry at memmorials. It is nothing to be embarrass about.
  Besides the Dracconia i know, assistant harem mistress of the  Diva Pixie harem,  and sassy baby sister to Captain Amy  is one tough, brave, chick ! ;D
  and if you really get nervous, you can think of the night 2 weeks ago when we stayed up late, and dressed up Beeboy  and Clereon  in woman's  clothes ! ;D

Hugs and love   from your big sister ( the  smart, pretty, sexy, cool  one  ;D ;) ::) ::)   )
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Hugs, hon...your other older sister chiming in here.

It really is difficult to be in a new place, with new faces, and trying to get through a hard situation. Memorials are a tearful event, so I would say let them flow. If someone asks you "why are you crying" just tell them what you just posted to us, and thank them for being so cool about everything and welcoming you into the fold. Don't worry about embarrassing yourself, you're just being the honest, caring person you are.

I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts.

Deborah (your older escaped from the convent sister)
If all is going well, you've obviously overlooked something!


Well, I think these Ladies said it!
Don't worry, crying is a natural thing!
We'll be thinking of you!  ((hugs))
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL


Thanks guys....I don't know what time it is there...but it is 4 pm here and almost everyone from the memorial is I sneaked in here for a bit to post and soak up some love.. This trip hasn't been as hard as I fact the tears arent flowing as free as I thought today either...but everyone is really cool about everything so far. Anyway...thanks again...and hugs! I love yous guys too!
PR ~Faire Daughter~