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Summer Pyrates Way

Started by SirBlackFox, July 28, 2008, 10:23:44 PM

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he Summer issue is rapping up it's visit to the printer and should be in the mail dead on the 31st as planned (whew).

Subscribers to get this issue closed a month ago, but it's already available on back order if you want to get a head of the game. We have to close subscriptions when the issue goes to press because of the lag time in getting all the mailing addresses set up. (Talk about the boring part of the job)

Anyway. . . in the Summer Issue you'll see:

• 100 photos from PyrateCon 2008 - including a shot of thousands of pirates marching up Bourbon Street!

• Highlights from the Pirates Ball at the Blackbeard Festival in Hampton, VA

• A feature about Captain Blood (and not just Erol Flynn)

• A photo feature of the Whydah exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philly

• 4 Page catalog from Dress Like A Pirate

• Pirate Weekend at VARF (Revisited)

• Pirates of Science Fiction!

• One-on-One with Louie Frase from Pirate Master

• Treasure! article written by our own AMRAS ELFWINE!

• A visit to the Pirate's Dinner Adventure in Orlando, FL

• We take a look at Jolly Roger Caribbean Rum

And of course 5 hot wenches (no longer image-enhanced models. . .but REAL wenches), jokes, cartoons, crossword, Re-enactor's Corner, and lots more.

TONS of stuff in this, our 8th issue!
Publisher, Faire Magazine, The Concordium, & The Pyrates Way
Founder, FriendsofMDRF

Black'n McCrack


Summer Pyrates Way is in the mail to subscribers! woooooooot!
Publisher, Faire Magazine, The Concordium, & The Pyrates Way
Founder, FriendsofMDRF

Black'n McCrack