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2009 Dubuque Renaissance Festival

Started by Lady Renee Buchanan, December 18, 2008, 07:32:27 PM

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Lady Renee Buchanan

Great news!  Steve and I went to an indoor faire last weekend in Madison, Wisconsin.  One of the vendors made things from pewter.  We thought we recognized him and started talking.  We met him at the first Dubuque Renaissance Festival in June, 2008, where he had a booth.  He does lovely work, by the way, and we purchased a Christmas present from him.

But I digress!  He told us that the Dubuque Museum of Art, who had sponsored the faire, had contacted him about being a vendor for 2009.  So I went on their website and saw the dates listed as Saturday, May 30 & Sunday, May 31, 2009.  The faire was put on by the same folks that do the Des Moines faire.

We had a wonderful time last year and were hoping that they would have it again.  Here's the website:
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Lady Renee Buchanan

Here is an excerpt from an email I received yesterday:

This year, the Dubuque Renaissance Faire will take place on Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31, 2009.  Our hours remain the same - 10 - 5 and our location is the same at Storybook Hill Children's Zoo and Park.

Attendance for our first year exceeded our expectations and the feedback we received after the festival was completed was very exciting.  The people of Dubuque were enchanted with this new event and the buzz was gratifying.  We anticipate even higher attendance this year and have already been receiving inquiries from prospective patrons, to make sure we are bringing the event back!

If you are interested in becoming a part of this year's faire, please contact me or go to our website:


We had such a great time both days of the faire last year, that for this year, I volunteered.  It is definitely a nice little faire.  The vendors were good, the cast worked hard to ensure everybody had fun, the entertainment was good, and the overall comments from people who went were that they had a lot of fun (I work in Dubuque and spoke to lots of people about the faire and a lot did end up going).
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Lady Rosalind

How wonderful of you to volunteer!!!! We are still trying to decide which of our court members will be attending this year. I hope I get to go! ;D


My 10-year high school reunion is that weekend, but since it's not gonna be possible to make that trip, I'll be at the Faire as a consolation prize.
If love be rough with you, be rough with love;
Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. Romeo & Juliet, 1.IV

Lady Rosalind

Just confirmed that I will be at the Dubuque Faire! Please stop by the Royal Court area to say "Good day" to us! We will be dancing again, and I will be giving a version of my Fashion Show talk (sans our lovely Duchess, who cannot be there). Scandalous, really! I can't wait!!!!!

Lady Renee, are you still volunteering?? If so, let me know!  ;D

Lady Renee Buchanan

The faire never responded to my email with my offer to volunteer, but in the meantime, I entered the contest on the art museum's website and won a free ticket!  So I am going with one of the friends I went with last year, probably on Saturday.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Lady Rosalind

Great to hear that you will be there, and that you won a ticket!!!!

Lord Clisto of York

I am hoping to be there as well. Been talking to Lynn and getting with all of you in court again. We will see how my other plans pan out. Miss my dancing with Lady R. LOL... Have to learn it again.
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lord Clisto of York

It is official, i will be coming out for the weekend with everyone and rooming with the Tax Collector Richard. LOL... can't wait in just over a week.
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lady Rosalind

How wonderful! I trust you received a missive from the Queen regarding the Fashion show lines? We look forward to seeing you! Wait until you see the young Viscount - he just passed six feet tall!!  :o

Lord Clisto of York

I had not gotten the lines yet. I was going to contact her this weekend about them. I know people will be in Amana while i am in michigan. Please send them asap to my regular e-mail -

I will have my laptop with me. Otherwise I told Lynn I would improv them.

Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lady Renee Buchanan

Bringing this thread forward, because the Dubuque Renaissance Festival is this coming weekend, May 30-31st.

Hope to see lots of forum members there! 
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Lord Clisto of York

Huzzah!!! only 4 more days. I will be leaving Friday morning.
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lord Clisto of York

I have arrived here in Dubuque and am ready for the faire. I hope to see others here this weekend. Let me know who may be coming. If you see me, hail me down. I will be with the court off and on.

Lord Clisto
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Gauwyn of Bracknell

It was great meeting you, Lord Clisto.

This was our 9 year olds first faire.  We dressed him in some things we found around the house and he really enjoyed it.  We are taking him this Summer to Larkspurshire in Colorado, so this was kind of a test run. 

The Dubuque faire was a nice little get together - here are a few pics.

(hope this works!)
Born 500 years late

Gauwyn of Bracknell

Celtic Lady

Very nice photos, Gauwyn. I'm thinking that next year Sir Morgan and I will have to make the trip to Dubuque.

Lady Renee Buchanan

I can't believe that for the small size this faire is, we missed each other!  I was there both days, on Saturday with my friend Sarah, and on Sunday with Steve.

Next faire - we'll have to plan where to meet.  Your pictures are great!  Were you there when the pirate Captain Black proposed to his girlfriend during the act on Saturday?  And she had no clue it was coming.  It was one of the most fun times at faire I've ever seen.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Gauwyn of Bracknell

we were in a bit of a rush, we had to be back in Cedar Rapids by 3:30.  We really enjoyed this faire and will definetly go back.  It was my 9 year olds first and he now, too, has the 'bug'.  We did catch Captain Black, but not his proposal  :-[

We are headed to Colorado and Bristol and then off to our home faire, Minnesota.  Hope to catch you at one of these.
Born 500 years late

Gauwyn of Bracknell

Lord Clisto of York

Quote from: Gauwyn of Brocknell on May 31, 2009, 11:54:34 AM
It was great meeting you, Lord Clisto.

This was our 9 year olds first faire.  We dressed him in some things we found around the house and he really enjoyed it.  We are taking him this Summer to Larkspurshire in Colorado, so this was kind of a test run. 

The Dubuque faire was a nice little get together - here are a few pics.

(hope this works!)

Well, I made it back to Milwaukee by 9:00pm Sunday night. It was a pleasure to meet you as well. I had a great time there performing with the court. The weather could not have been nicer by being in the high 70's. I even bought a few things to take home since everything was so reasonable. It was so nice to see so many other people I knew. Even a few friends from Bristol came. All of the patrons were smiling and having a lot of fun with all of us. I took over 280 pictures, of which I should have about 100 posted this week. Got them resized already and will start putting them up online. It was great helping out to raise money for the Museum of Arts. Anyway, I will post once my pictures are up. In the meantime, here is a small TV interview that was done there, on I believe Saturday. I guess it was on one of the local channels. If anyone hasn't seen it, it is real nice. Just follow the link below -

Lord Sir Clisto
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished

Lord Clisto of York

Hail everyone,

I just finished posting my pictures from the Dubuque Renaissance Faire from this past weekend 5/30-31/09. What a great time!! The weekend could not have been better in every way. I got to see many old friends and meet a lot of new ones. And, it is always a pleasure to perform with Queen Catherine and her court. This event runs for only one weekend, and is a fund raiser for the Dubuque Museum of Arts. So, if anyone is interested, just follow the link below to see the pictures.

Have a great week everyone,

Sir Clisto
Invictus Maneo - I Remain Unvanquished