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The Immortals

Started by NORSEMAN, February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM

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The excitement flowed through me as I felt the firmness of Essy's breasts and softness of her lips and I longed too have her but I think I understood better than most what she felt and I thought of Anya alone but over the years I've learned that patience can sometime bring better results, I was once a knight a real knight of the Prussian King I am above rape I never pushed myself upon a woman I never had too and wouldn't start now.

I went too meet Georg who was already loaded and had the wagons waiting outside the front door too carry back the treasures from here and bid him and the mercenaries a safe trip and I would be along soon.

I sent the treasures back too Prague for I felt certain that the Queen will be irrate that I had done this but she and I were something more than just friends and I knew she might be mad but I had always been able too talk her out of it in the past and I thought then of her, she looked barely 22 years old but was well over 450, she might have been beautifull but I've senn her drain an insolent naive vampire in her own throne room before but I had hope this she'd never find out of!.
Queen Zarah had been both good and bad too me over the years but with mostly justified reasons but I'd never killed one of her judges before so I was somewhat nervous at the thought of her anger but as most thing I began watching Anya's little behind as she walked past me and I forgot it all!.

The sun was setting blood red and this I thought too be a bad omen but more likely a cloud blocking the setting sun, so I said ladies are you ready too return too Prague?, they both nodded yes and like shadows we vanished into the winds blowing South.


We took the shortcut heading back toward the castle and easily outrun Georg and his men we arrived at the castle and the gypsy guards swung the huge gates open at my calling and we went inside all happy too be back home and safe in the castle, we all retired as daylight approached but this time with my gypsy maid too keep me company and the day passed without incident but early the next evening there was a commotion outside the gates and I heard Georg yelling too open them and I went too meet my new visitors but then my heart sank when I saw the closed special coach open and out stepped Beezle, Sasha and Ivan.

She knows I thought!, Sasha and Ivan were enforcers for the queen and as my intuition told me Beezle stepped forward with a rolled scroll and said "I'm sorry my Lord that I must deliver this!", I almost knew it would happen and took the scroll from Beezle and shook his cadaverous looking hand and invited him inside, too Sashs and Ivan I said "For now I'm still Lord of this castle and I say who may enter and who is a servant and you two smell, sleep in the barn if the horses will tollerate you!", they looked surprised at this and lost the smug grins they had when they arrived for they knew I had more than enough strength too kill them both so with a scowl they turned toward the barn as Georg laughed.

Beezle said "she is infuriated this time Jozeph! thats all I know she found out very quickly you know the other judges kiss up too her and thats how she knows everything almost as soon as it happens!".

The girls came down the main stairway and I asked them too excuse us for there is business too attend in the study and Beezle and I entered and began our talk.

Georg came in and the ladies asked him "Georg what is happening?, "Georg said "he went too far this time he killed another judge and even if he had reason thats not the ways its done!, the Queen no doubt has called for him too come too court and I fear this its not the first time shes called him by any means for doing things he should not have but never this!, she even sent those two mortals outside they are vampire hunters who enforce her rules and this she has never done before!".

Lady Christina de Pond

I looked at Anya and i looked at Georg
"How soon do you think she will give him to come?"
" I'd say two weeks"
" would it take him that long to arrive?"
"No but she will expect him within a week but she will wait two then he's dead after that"
"Georg when he calls for his things to be packed would you see to it our things have been packed as well we are going with him. he could have taken what he wanted from us and then killed us but he took us in we shall go with him"

later i passed Jozeph in the hall I could see the desire in his eyes he stopped me. His hand rested on my waist. as he looked into my eyes i felt his hand moving up my side
" I would never force myself on you or Anya for that matter but come to me when your ready" spoke Jozeph
I smiled as he started to walk away. When he turned and stopped i nearly went to him knowing the queen could kill him if she wanted.
" might i also suggest you sleep with one of the gypsies men they will do your bidding you live here now"
I thought on it a while and went walking in the camp I found a man to my liking and returned to my room with him. he was passionate and did what he could to please me before he left he said I could call for him anytime
I was sipping tea and reading later when i found Jozeph in the room with me
" I see you took my advice"
" I did have a seat if you would like" i smiled
" actually I came to ask a favor from you i would approach Anya but she's occupied at the moment and i saw him leave"
" Jozeph you brought me in from wondering around ask"
" I have been busy trying to prepare for a quick departure to visit the queen and haven't ate I am really not in the mood for dazzled criminals could i?"
" yes ofcourse where from?"
" I normally prefer inner thighs but since I don't think we are ready for that i'll go for back of your neck
I stood up and turned my back to Jozeph i pulled my hair to the side and i felt his arms around me i felt him bite down and his hands roam upward. He didn't suck long but played a little Knowing he had aroused me again he left me for the day to sleep
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


Essy's neck was long and slender and her blood was sweet, she didn't know how much I needed her right now much less how much I wanted her sleek body and too make love too her she would be in for quite a surprise with a vampire as a lover and the ways I could please her were almost endless but for now I must seek Georg and give him my orders for the day.

I found the old friend of mne sleeping soundly in his chambers and hated much too awaken him but I had little time and much too do, "Georg"  "Georg" he roused up and answered YES yes! I am awake sir!.

Georg it is worse than we thought, don't tell the girls but I must leave before the sun rises, the carriage the queen sent is a vampire carriage and completely dark so Beezle and I can travel inside unharmed those two baffons aren't here too kill me but I suspect if I don't go they shall try!.

But I am going we are leaving shortly!, my orders for you are this, the queen demands my presence and its likely a little game shes playing ut I want you and you alone! too load 115 lbs of gold and the chalise from the special safe you remember it, no wait maybe you should bring a couple guards as well for your safety old friend and bring them too the main palace in Vienna you should be there in three days but tell the girls not too go for if this gelous queen know I had some women she'd take them rather or not they be my lovers!.

I think try too persuade her that this wretch was stealling from me and was asked too stop but continued then maybe she will only put monetary sanctions against me but the chalise is the only reserve thing I have if this doesn't work so guard it carefully goodbye old friend and tell the girls if I'm sentenced too death too flee from here for she will appoint someone too take my place, my cousin reigns in Latvia they might find sanctuary there!.

Goodbye my friend!.

I followed Beezle out too the iron carriage and entered it wasn't too bad inside and the baffons were ordered too ride front and back as guards and soon we were well on the way toward Vienna.

Lady Christina de Pond

 Anya and i wake and find Georg working on loading the last of the things Jozeph bid him to pack
"Georg where is Jozeph?"
"Mi Lady I'm sorry but he's gone to the queen. I would have had yours and Anya's things packed but he said not to bring you the queen is the Jealous type and he fears the queen would presume you both are his mistresses and take you both from him. I believe he enjoys both of your company he wants to protect you both. He also said for you too to stay here and if word comes that she's sentanced him to death. Jozeph believes the queen will give the estate to someone else and thinks you ladies my wish to fly away. His cousin in Latvia will take you in if it should come to that"
"thank you Georg have a safe trip and come back to us soon with Jozeph"
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


"Essy, I do not like this."

"Me either."

"I don't dare give the Queen any more reason to be mad a Jozeph. I have heard tales and saw her once."

"Anya, I am not sure what to do either."

"We will think of something. I worry for Jozeph he has been nothing but kind to both of us. I can't help but worry. Do you want to go hunt? I think we both need food and time to think about what to do."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Lady Christina de Pond

I agree and we both go out and hunt the whole time i keep thinking and wondering what we should do. I dislike waiting so i began planning.
I wondered how much Anya knew of this queen and wondered if we could arrive at court unnoted. I'm not a greedy vampire but i wondered if we could over throw the queen.
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


We seemed too make excellent time in route too Vienna and luckily arrived there nearing dark so maybe I might speak too the queen this very night but my thoughts were soon abandoned as her Bailiffs met us outside the palace and proceeded too show me toward a dingy tower across the courtyard and there I was placed in a closed cell and left alone there wasn't much in the way of accomodations here stone walls and straw on the floor for sleeping!.

It wasn't long until I heard a key rattling in the door and it creaked open there stood the queens messenger with a proclomation for me and he proceeded too read it, "By order of the Queen of all Eastern Eourpe I qUeen Zarah by hereby remove and revoke the judgeship granted too Jozeph Bartos the Justice of Prague and further pending the following charges against him!.
1 Murder of a Vampire of the royal blood
2 Using his authority out of his jurisdiction and not notifying the reigning judge for action
3 Murder of the inhabitants of said castle
4 Illegally removing the treasure from said castle too his own
5 Illegally appointing a interm commander too the castle and bringing a mortal merchant into it as an  agent of your own bidding

These charges do not require an answer at this time but this is the charges upon which you are incarcerated and the door slammed behind him filling the blacked room with further gloom, I laid down upon the hay and soon drifted off for what seemed a short time but then the door opened again and the Queens own bailiffs removed me and took me back out into the night and across the courtyard toward the palace, I asked them isn't it almost daylight now but they laughed and said it is only recently dark you've been inside the cell for three days!.

I was brought before the Quen and what appeared too be a hastily assembled court and placed into the box before her throne, she looked toward the bailiff and bid him read the charges then toward me and asked my plea?.

Well since I had no representation I felt my only chance was too hold out until Georg arrived with my bribe so I plead "Not Guilty".

She then bid me justify the bringing of a mortal into the princes castle!.

I told her it was merely a business move he had been given my blood and was under the supervision of my servant he was no threat!.

She simply said "Guilty!"

She then said justify the moving of the treasure too your own castle!.

My Queen I simply did this too safeguard it!, it was taken under heavy guard and was always safe!.

The Queen replied "MMMH Gulity but perhaps justifyable!".

Next justify the charge of the inhabitants of the caetle and do hurry up I'm bored with this!.

I told her I killed the inhabitants for they were also guilty in the theft of illegal taxes with the prince, I'm sure if your majesty would have your records checked the totals would not nearly amount too the treasures he had aquired!.

This interests me!, Chamberlain check the tax rolls and we shall return too this charge!

Next she said, justify using your authority outside your own territory!.

Majesty I used my authority for I was the nearest Judge available too handle this as you know the prince was judge is Dresden I felt under the circumstances I was justified too cross the border and assult this castle it not being my intentions too kill them only too bring them before you but he had made lovers of male children and turned them, these he sent forward too kill me and I became irrate at the violation of your order not under any circumstances shall you turn a mortal child much less for his depreved purposes!

The Queen rose from her seat and demanded "You say he turned mortal children into his sex slaves?", this is an unexcusable violation of my own rules!, this changes everything!.
Jozeph Bartos you I doubt were actting valiantly in my service too kill a royal but if he did what you say then this justifies all your claims and exhonorates you completely can you prove this?.

No your majesty I cannot!.

The court turned almost silent then suddenly Beezle stood up, majesty may I bring fourth a witness who can prove this?.

The Queen replied yes of course!.

Then my good friend Beezle brought in Georg!, Georg shuffled up toward the Queens throane and poured the contents of a small velvet bag into his hand, "Teeth your majesty!, child Vampire teeth!".

She became irrate and yelled Jozeph this is anothe rof your tricks!.

But Beezle jumped up and said "Majesty sniff them!, see if they do not smell of this pedofile prince!".

She did and with a rage greater than any other demanded!, "these charges are untrue!, Jozeph I reinstate you as Judge and I further promote you too chief justice!, now Baliff remove judge Bartos too my chambers this court is dismissed and I shall attend too the details of the monies involved in private!, now everyone leave me!.

I was taken back too the Queens chambers where she returned very soon showing me exactly what she had on under her robes, but she has sworn me too secrecy about her actions and all I can say is that for me it was a happy ending, for her unless I miscount she had about 18 happy endings but that is a secret!.


Well at least I wasn't going too be killed but the Queen unless it might be from dhydration!, but neither was I being released from the palace I had Georg take the gold too a goldsmith and melt it down and shape it into a large golden puffed heart and inscribe on it "To Queen Zarah from her most gratefull servant Jozeph and presented it too her this evening along with the Chalise, "the chalise of Lilith!", I had known she sought it for years na dhad saved it for just the right occassion.

Georg told me he expected Essy and Anya here anytime, he told them too stay behind but he said "Of course no one ever listens too me!".

Lady Christina de Pond

we arrive at court looking very much like we belonged there and were admited in as if we had been there all our lives
"that was easier than i thought" i wisper to Anya
"I think they only let us in because we looked like courtiers"
"guess we better do what we can to find Georg and Jozeph hopefully he's still alive"
"yeah lets find Georg he may have information or heard of what has happened to Jozeph" spoke Anya
"I agree thats probley our best routte"
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


Essy and I tried to stay in the shadows as much as we could I wasn't worried about anyone knowing her scent but their might be a few who knew mine. We turned a corner and I whispered to Essy that Beezle was coming. Essy quickly opened a door and we entered, we got lucky Georg was in the room.

"Girls what on earth."

"Georg. Oh thank goodness it is you."

I gave Georg and hug and so did Essy.

"Georg what news of Jozeph?" Essy asked.

He went on to tell us what had happened to Jozpeh. Both Essy and I let out a sigh of relief that he had not been harmed. I started to get edgy well Georg was talking.

"Anya are you alright?"

"Someone is coming I know the scent it is Rafael."

I started to head to the window. But Georg stopped me.

"Anya it is almost day time."

"I have to go I do not wish to see Rafael."

We all stopped when we heard the door open. A vampire entered looking as if he was 30, he had long brown hair, it was Rafael.

"Oh my dear Anya it is good to see you again it has been what 120 years?"

"Something like that, Rafael."

"Come let us walk together it has been to long. I will bring you back to your friend do not worry."

Essy and Georg both gave me a worried look as I left the room with Rafael.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Fortunately the queen did allow me too stroll the palace even though I could not leave and as poor Rafeals luck would go just as they turned the corner too head down the next hallway who should they meet but the new chief Justice!.

Anya broke free of his grip immediately and ran toward me, I percieved from the look of her face she was not comfortable with this rogue and as a matter of fact he was one of the accussers against me.

So I grabbed Anya and lifting her up off the ground I gave her a passionate kiss and said "Play along!", I then carressed her  and must admit I was rather enjoying this ruse until Raphael cleared his throat, I turned and said "well Raphael how can I thank you for finding my sweet Anya for me?.

The look of surprise upon his face wasn't too be taken lightly and he became even more enraged when I said "Thank you Raphael that will be all!", his face turned the most interesting color of red but not even the great Raphael would go against the Chief Justice and grudgingly bowed and left qurtly!.

I smiled slightly too Anya and she hugged me again and asked me everything that had happened but I told her I imagine Essy is with you as well! shall we find her and I'll tell you all about it for as it seems I'm now the Chief Justice and while I'm still being held here I'm in no danger other than the trials of the Queens court and fools like Raphael.

We entered Georgs room and Essy ran toward me and hugged me now I felt fortunate that two such beautiful women were actually concerned about me and I explained all too the girls bur rold them the Queen has not given me leave and shes taken the prince's castle in Dresden from us but other than that shes not upset.

Lady Christina de Pond

"How much longer will she keep you here?" I ask
"not much longer she is easily bored" answered Jozeph
" you know Anya i think you and i should stroll around and find us a vampire or two for lovers there seems to be an abundance here" I tease
"your becoming awefull spoiled if this was my holding i would take you over my knees" teases Jozeph back
" Is that a threat" I laugh
Jozeph looked at me
"Just wait then" He teased
I laughed
"alright Ladies i must go to the gathering with the queen tonight if you wish to come don't stay long I don't need word that i have two mistresses here. rumor that i have one is bad enough I will ask how soon i might be able to return home. Georg protect them best you can if you will hand me the gifts i have for the queen I shall go"
as soon as he walked out the door i looked at Anya
"shall we go?"
" I'd rather not run into Raphael again"
" O.k. you and Georg stay put I won't be gone long i just want to see her."
I slid out the door and was gone in a flash smelling the direction that Jozeph had taken
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


"Georg can go with Essy. I just need to think for awhile and I'd like to be alone for awhile"

"Anya I can stay here."

"No go I'll be fine."

It took a lot of prodding but Georg finally left. I had to get a hold of my thoughts Rafael was evil but since Jozeph "claimed" me he would not dare harm me but it didn't mean I could not play with him. A plan started to form in my head I knew Rafael very well and I could guess he was still not happy that I had chosen to leave after Tor dead rather than become his mistress.

There was a knock at the door but I knew it was Rafael his scent filled the air I was about to curse my vampire nose. He knocked at the door again I knew he wouldn't barge in as he had done before. I slowly walked to the door.

"Rafael how can I help you?"

"Anya I apologize for earlier I did not know you where under the protection of Jozeph."

"Do not worry Rafael. How can I help you?"

"I want you to reconsider coming back with to me."

"Rafael I was never yours. Tor was my heart and he is long gone."

"I would treat you better than Tor ever did."

"No you would lock me in a room only to be seen when you wanted to impress or wanted something more."

"Anya why do you hate me so?"

"You know why Rafael. I still choose who I take as a lover I will not unwilling be yours again."

This mad Rafael's eye burn he knew I spoke the truth. Tor and I had been more than lovers and Rafael never understood that.

"Anya I would not do that to you, I am so sorry about what happened."

"No you're not. Now leave."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Lady Christina de Pond

I nearly run into Jozeph as i round a corner
" I knew that sweet smell was you"smiled Jozeph
" O.k. i thought you were going to the queen's gathering what did you stop for"
" to sniff your sweetness"
"ohhh sure you did" i laugh
"no really i smell trouble"
"Anya I left her back in the room she was afraid she would run into Raphael"
"I don't think he's at the gathering lets get back to the room"
we quickly returned to the room and quickly over took Georg who was following me. the door was open Jozeph motioned for us to stay still near him.
We could hear Anya inside
"Leave now" spoke Anya
" ahhh but you didn't say please" clucked Raphael
" If you don't leave I will see you brought before the queen for interferring with my personal interest" spoke Jozeph
" are you so big a fool you would bring not only one but two mistresses with you to see the queen?" asked Raphael
" It is not i brought them it's more or less Anya and Essy are old friends and well they found each other and have been reconnecting now get out of our rooms" bellowed Jozeph
Raphael left in a huff
"are you O.k. Anya?" I ask
" Yes i'm glad you three showed back up"
"It was Jozeph he smelled trouble"
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari