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2010 Sewing & Garbing Projects

Started by gem, January 01, 2010, 10:57:01 AM

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As far as renaissance fair garb stuff goes I have to make

1- 1 bodice! for myself, it will be reversible
2- 2 skirts for myself, one will be a 2 colored panel skirt, the other will be a solid colored skirt
3- a chemise or two in different colors
4- two cavalier/pirate shirts for my husband, one blue, one back
5- 1 pair of tights for my husband
6- 1 pair of loose pirate pants for my husband
7-random jewelry pieces, bags/pouches and accessories.

and most of this will need to be done before April for Rendezvous
and the biggest problem is that since I had gastric bypass in December, im not sure what size to make because ive lost 30 lbs so far, and April is 3 months away! who knows how much i will lose then! i guess elastic or drawstrings for the skirts! and back and side lacing for my bodice!
Clan M'Crack-Season M'Crack

Genievea Brookstone

Quote from: LadySeasan on January 13, 2010, 04:02:34 PM

and the biggest problem is that since I had gastric bypass in December, im not sure what size to make because ive lost 30 lbs so far, and April is 3 months away! who knows how much i will lose then! i guess elastic or drawstrings for the skirts! and back and side lacing for my bodice!

Good work!!
Genievea Brookstone
Lost child of the Woods

Genievea Brookstone

Forest Huntswoman

The cut pattern and fabric

Sea of Green...cuz thats what it looks like right now lol

Blanket stitching on the collar...only about a third of the way done.

Semi Finished Sleeve

Long way from finished. 
Genievea Brookstone
Lost child of the Woods


Well, my grand goals kind of dwindled away to not much!  But the good news is I've actually made some decent progress on my corded corset this week.  A few days ago I marked all the boning channels and seam lines, and today I sewed the pieces together and started sewing the boning channels.  Huzzah for progress!!

I've told Milord I'd like to get the Gimli tunic done for his birthday in March.


#49 list for this year...all depends on money, and cooperation from family and friends.

For me
Overskirt (got the material)
Hat (not sure what style name it's called by) (got the material)
peasant blouse for faun (just bought this lovely burnt orange crinkle cotton!)
bodice/vest for faun
underpants w/padding for faun
fur pants for faun (edit...SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The free swatches for the fur shipped today!)
white chemise (I've got the material)

For mom
skirt (maybe two)
chemise/peasant blouse

For dad
hooded robes for his Druid persona

For friends
skirt (she has material)
chemise (blouse)
pajama pants (teaching her to sew, these will double as bloomers) (she has material)

I'd like a duck tape dress dummy too. Plus, who knows what else I'll end up making, funds allowing!
Royal Protector of Raccoons, Mistress of the Poi, Best Friend of Windland/Nim, Guppy, Seamstress for The Feisty Lady.


Oh lord....I dont want to think about it... ;p
for me:
Jerkin, Doublet, slops, shirt, ruff
doublet bodice, overskirt, hoop, bum roll, sleeves, pouches

For friend:
Same as above

Also embarking on learning to block felt hats...which should be UBER fun :D  I cant wait...


Started the overtunic.  Wound up using a cheapie pattern, following the pattern and winding up with something that will double as a tent!  Need to take almost 2.5 inches out of the center, then will finish up the hem and neckline.  Then I'll fix the pattern before cutting the undertunic.  Also need to add gores to the undertunic.  Should I only add gores to the sides or to the front as well?


I think (important word being think) that I have decided to do a theme this year for garb.  Woman from 16th century-ish history. 

Grace O'Mailey 1530-1630 Irish "Pirate"
Elizabeth Bathory 1560-1614 Hungarian serial killer
Mira Bai 1498-1547 Rajput Princess, poet and Hindu Saint
Sofonisba Anguissola 1532-1625 Italian artist
Lady Sanjo Mid 1500's wife (one of several) of Takeda Harunobu Shingen
Helena Snakeborg 1549-1635 Swedish born  noblewoman and Maid of Honour of Queen Elizabeth I

And if time permits I want to do Mina Harker from Bram Stoker's Dracula for Day of Wrong. 
Technically I have nothing but time, to get motivated!


That sounds incredible! I can't wait for pictures!!
Royal Protector of Raccoons, Mistress of the Poi, Best Friend of Windland/Nim, Guppy, Seamstress for The Feisty Lady.


A little ambitious but it's all stuff I've been wanting to do and I thought it'd be fun to do as a theme sorta thing for faire.  And have a little fun with woman in history.  I think I am going to start a live journal or blog for it.  WEEEEEE!!!! 


Don't forget all you talented and ambitions folks, to go back to your posts and cross out and date your finished items.   I will tell you now that the act of seeing it crossed off was just like replacing the bulb in the light at the end of the tunnel! 

You will motivate me to see yours marked off too!



Things changed! A dear Friend has been asked to join the Laurel so she is being honoured for her cooking skills which are plentiful.
She has an Italian Persona, so to again honor her, I want to have Italians made up for the family this will happen we think in June.

So here is the one I have been wanting to bring to life:

I am making this out of linen and lining it with linen because of where I am (California) and the heat issues.  If I can find cotton sateen in orange and deep green I would much rather do it in that because it mimics the sheen we see in the portrait.  I found what looks like the perfect colors from Fabric-Store, and I have 4 yards of each of the fabrics on hold for now I might have to move to having 5 yards for each for just in case issues.

Wish me luck!


Lady Cilean Stirling
"Looking Good is not an Option, It is a Necessity"
My Motto? Never Pay Retail


No more ren garb as yet, but to add to the pile:

ANOTHER red wedding dress, 50's style!  Not heard back yet on that one, but the bid is in.

For Maquerade next year:

A complete set of 18th C garb for a 3 day event!  This is set in the Venice carnival, circa 1760...

3 chemises
1 pair of stays
1 pair pocket hoops
1 under petticoat
1 quilted petticoat
1 carao jacket
1 sack back gown for the masked ball
1 polonaise a la Anglaise
1 velvet cloak
2 fichous
At least one hat!

And I need to sort out hair and find shoes...

I'm aiming to start on the underpinnings over the summer, and do the main bulk in October/November/January/February, as the event is in March.  We shall see!


Here it is the beginning of April and I have done absolutely no sewing!

#1- Finish the green wool Florentine gown I finally started back in Nov. from fabric purchased 2 or 3 years ago!

#2- Possibly make a Venetian gown from the deep red and gold  damask purchased for the project last year.

Honestly, I'm not holding my breathe on getting any new garb done this year with a second grandbaby coming any time now, one kid graudating highschool this spring, one getting married in September, and one getting married in October.
Cindy/Ciana Leonardi di Firenze/Captain Cin


Cilean, cotton sateen would be beautiful in that gown! If you can't find yardage, you might look for cotton sateen sheet sets. A couple of king sized flat sheets should be enough.

However... I've always pictured that gown as being velvet! And Renaissance Fabrics has the most beautiful orange velveteen in stock right now:

If Cindy hasn't sewn anything yet this year, I no longer feel like such a slacker!!  LOL