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A Gypsy Tale

Started by SarviaRose, June 04, 2008, 09:08:42 PM

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The storm was the worst the county has seen in years a group of gypsy had camped out near the Worthington estate to wait out the storm. A young girl around the age 4 got separated from the rest and quickly lost her way in the storm. After the storm had cleared the gypsies looked in vain for the young girl. Without being able to find her the gypsies sadly made their way away from the Worthington estate. The head maid form the estate was coming back to the estate after running an errand in town when she heard crying coming from behind a fence. There she found the young girl who was soaked and scared from being out in the storm.

"Shh little one, I'll help ya" the maid said as she picked up the little girl and took her in to the kitchen of the estate house. There the kitchen workers dotted over the little. Wondering why her head maid was taking so long the Lady of the house, Lady Donna Worthington went to the kitchen. There she found her staff with the little girl. The Lady who had longed for a child of her own decided than and there to raise the young girl as her own she knew her husband, Lord Richard Worthington would not argue with her. The Lady was worried the gypsies would take her back for there was not mistaking with the child's clothes where she belong. She told her staff to tell the gypsies if they showed up that they had not found a child.

The Lady looked down at the little girl and said "Come Caitlyn let us get you some new clothes to wear"

The years went by and  the Lady never could get the wildness of Caitlyn to complete go away and would often find her wandering outside far from the house, but she did love her as if she was her own. Too soon for Lady Worthington Caitlyn was 18 and Lord Harold Harrington a man more than twice her age and of considerable wealth made an offer for Caitlyn's hand in marriage the Lady and her husband quickly agreed. They had told no one of Caitlyn's true past but had told everyone that they had taken in the daughter of one of the Lady's cousin who passed away.  The Lady thought it was the best match but if she had know the true nature of Lord Harrington she would not have agreed to the wedding.

Lady Caitlyn Harrington hated Lord Harrington and everything about him. She was very happy that he was gone for weeks at a time. Though they had only been married a few months she knew he was an evil man with the blackest of hearts. Caitlyn was glad the house was huge and found many place to hide from Lord Harrington when he was home.  Caitlyn had made friends with most of the staff and enjoyed spending time with them. They would tell her of their families and life outside the one Caitlyn had come to know and would often call her Lady Cait with great affection but only when she was alone.

"Lady Cait, Lady Cait ohhh I have news for you, the gypsies have returned oh them men such handsome things, even the old ones" Jenny one of the kitchen girls announced one afternoon.

"Gypsies you say, ohh what news. I have never seen a gypsy before I have only heard stories and very few of them my mother did not care for anything that dealt with gypsy, I hope I will get to see them it is a good thing Lord Harrington is away I have a feeling he would not take kindly to the new"

"Aye you are right Lady Cait you are right he only cares for others like him"

The rest of the day went on as normal and the night came fast. Caitlyn was getting ready to go to bed when she looked out the window she could see the campfires of the gypsies and felt something awaken in her, something from her past. The following afternoon Caitlyn was trying to figure out who she could go visit the gypsies when Jenny came running up to her.

"They are here, here Lady Cait in the kitchen come see three of them"

Caitlyn followed Jenny to the kitchen and there she saw the most handsome men she had seen in her life. One was old enough to be her father, one a few years older than her and the third a few years younger.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Caitlyn said.

"My Lady we are looking for some bread" The oldest said he was looking at Caitlyn as if he should know who she is.

"I will gladly give you as much bread as you like" Caitlyn replied looking at the youngest and wondering why he looked a little like her "I ask only to hear some stories in return"

To this the middle one smiled "Aye my Lady come to the camp tonight and I will tell you as many stories as your ears can handle, my name be Jasper by the way the old one be George and the other George's son Johnny"

"I will be here, I am Cait"

The three left leaving Caitlyn to wonder how much fun she will have at the gypsy camp. Caitlyn was getting ready to go meet Jasper when Jenny came running up again with new that Lord Harrington was arriving and was in a sour mood.  Quickly Caitlyn wrote a note to Jasper letting him know that she will try to get away as soon as she could, and gave it to Jenny to deliver.

"Damn gypsies they best be gone by the tomorrow or else I will make them leave myself regardless of what the sheriff says"

"Good day Lord Harrington" Caitlyn said as he entered the study "How did business go?"

"What does it matter to you how business went it is none of your concern" Caitlyn tried not to look hurt but it did not work, Lord Harrington looked up and sighed "How many times do I have to tell it is none of your damn business"

"I am sorry I will go see how the cook is coming along with dinner" Caitlyn could tell he was drunk on top of being in a bad mood.

Caitlyn started to leave the room when Lord Harrington grabbed her arm and squeezing hard "Do not try and hide from me tonight you are my wife and you cannot shun your duties as that"

Caitlyn ran from the room knowing her arm was going to bruise and than and there decided she would leave with the gypsies. Caitlyn went to her room and packed a small bag with some clothes. She could hear yelling coming from downstairs and than Lord Harrington stomping up towards her chambers. Caitlyn hide the small bundle under the bed just as Lord Harrington entered.

"I have been called back to London I leave with in the hour, but remember Caitlyn you can not hide from me forever we have been married over a year now and you have a duty as a wife" 

Caitlyn watched him storm off to his chambers, she thought about his threat knowing she would not be there when he got back. The hour crept by slowly finally Jenny knocked at her door and came in.

"Lady Cait he has gone now, let me look at your arm" Caitlyn did not ask how she knew about her arm she had learned quickly that the staff always seemed to know when Lord Harrington did something to her, without a word she lifted sleeve so Jenny could take a look at her arm "It looks pretty bad does it hurt?" Caitlyn shock her head even though it hurt greatly.

"Jenny have you delivered the letter yet?" Jenny shock her head no to which Caitlyn smiled "Good I am going to runaway with the gypsies"

Jenny smiled brightly "I think that is best thing you can do Lord Harrington is an evil man and can be very mean, we all worry for your safety, I heard the Lord talking he will not be returning for at least a week, that will give you plenty of time to get far from here, oh Lady Cait we will miss you"

Caitlyn went and said her goodbyes to the staff all of which seemed relived, Caitlyn wanted to ask them why but stopped herself, she was in fact the forth Lady Harrington the thought sent a shiver down Caitlyn's spine. Caitlyn found Jasper waiting for her and he did not seem surprised to see her caring a bundle of clothes with her.

"Are you ready to return to your true life Cait?"

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Cait following Jasper across the fields to the Gypsy camp it had looked a lot closer from the window of the manor house, but by the time the pair had reached the camp Cait was feeling winded.

"It did not look so far away from the window" Cait said as she turned to Jasper.

"Ah the heart has a way of playing tricks on you when you see something that you truly want" Jasper replied with a bright smile.

After a little more walking they entered the camp. For Cait the Gypsy camp was a wonderment, there where little children running around playing, and such wonderful smells that she though for sure she had entered another world and in a way she had it was a new world to her. She followed Jasper closely even though she was not afraid they would harm her she was worried about getting lost in the crowd of people. Cait looked around taking everything in all the different people in different sizes and age working together and happy. The more she looked she suddenly realized they where packing up.

"Are we leaving so soon?"

"Yes Cait that Lord Harrington of yours is not happy with us here and more he will be livid when he see his pretty young wife is gone."

"Oh," Cait hung her head; Jasper turned to look at her he could hear the concern in her voice.

"Oh no Cait" Jasper said and taking her in his arms hugging her close "Do not feel bad, my lovely, all here know who you really are and they are not put upon by leaving here so soon, we are only traveling through anyway we need to make it to our winter camp before to long anyway"

"But how do they know who I am, I am so confused, Jasper what is going on?" Cait replied holding Jasper close and could start to feel tears coming down her cheek.

Jasper looked down at her and smiled; he then took the sleeve of his shirt and dried her tear. With no words he took her hand and led her to one of the wagons.

"George, Louise, Johnny, Molly come out you have a visitor" Jasper said while knocking on the side of the wagon.

Cait remembered George and Johnny from the house she wondered who the other two might be. From the wagon the family came. Jasper introduced each as they came out. Louise looked a few years younger than George and like she was about to start crying. Cait knew why when she saw Molly appear. Molly looked like she was about to faint. Johnny finally hopped out with a wide smile.

"Cait meet your family" Jasper said, to this Cait did faint. Jasper quickly grabbed before she hit the ground.

"Oh my" Louise said with tears flowing freely, "Jasper put her in the wagon we need to get out of here as soon as we can, the Lord will not be happy and I am not going to loss her again."

It was only a few hours later when Cait woke up but the gypsy caravan was already far from Lord Harrington's estate.

"Mother her hair it is like the embers of a fire just as mine is black as the Raven's

"Hush now Molly do not wake her she may not remember anything of us she was very young when we lost her, but yes it is the only difference between the two of you is your hair. Hers has always been as red as embers and yours dark like a raven"

"No need to be quiet I am awake, this explains why my mother never would let my nannies tell me tales with gypsies in them and my wildness as she had put it" Cait started to smile she was going to like this new world with all the difference of the world she knew it was familiar.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


"Louise, umm mother, mom?" Caitlyn still not sure what to call the women next to but of one thing Caitlyn was sure of was that she like her. "Is my real name Caitlyn or is it something else?"

Louise smiled and took Caitlyn into her arms "You can call me what you wish but I won't be lying to you I would love it if sometime in the future you would call me mom. As for your other question yes your name is Caitlyn my guess was that they could not get you to change it to something else."

Cait smiled and hugs Louise back taking a joy of the warmth she can only remember one other hug that made her feel that way it was from Jasper. Cait could tell she was going to like her real family. The gypsy caravan continued through the night and most of the next day. Cait would look out the back of the wagon and she could she Jasper riding a horse he always seemed to be in sight of her he would smile when he would see her head pop out of the wagon; she was starting to wonder if he ever slept. Sometimes she would join George or Johnny in the front of the wagon they would let her hold the reigns. When inside the wagon Cait was quickly learning how to cook with the help of Molly and Louise.

"Molly, do you always travel as such a pace?"

"Only when we have to, I don't know much about this Lord Harrington but from what I have heard about him and his temper is legendary. When the old Lord Harrington was the alive we where welcome here but that was before I can remember. From the stories I have heard the Old Lord Harrington and the current Lord Harrington are complete opposites.  I think the only reason we camped near him was because mom and dad had a hunch that they might find you there"

Cait wanted to ask more questions but the thought of Lord Harrington caused her to go quiet. Her hand unconsciously went to her arm the bruise had only seemed to get worse in the few days since she left him and at times it hurt.

"Cait!" Molly let out shout that caused Louise to come back into the wagon. "Let me look at your arm"

"It's nothing Molly" Cait replied and tried to sound convincing but Louise had already sat next to her and was already ripping the sleeve. Cait tried to pull away but remember she was in a wagon and there was no where for her to hide.

"Molly tell George and Johnny to stay out"

Molly went to the opening of the wagon, Cait could not hear the complete conversation but she could hear George's voice raise a few octaves. Before Molly returned she stopped at one of the many boxes and pulled out some clothes and than turned to another box and pulled of some jars.  Just to be safe Molly latched the front opening and the back door.

"That will give us some privacy, Mom"

"Oh my word Cait" Louise could not hide the anger in her voice and Molly had a shocked expression on her face when she looked over. Wordlessly she handed over the jars and clothes.  Louise handed Cait a blanket.

"Cait please take your shirt off and wrap the blanket around yourself the bruise is very high up on your arm and I've done enough damage to your shirt. Also I want to check you out for any other bruises you may have" Louise said to Cait well holding her hand.

"Okay but can you two turn around" They both nodded and turned. As quickly as Cait could she wrapped the blanket around herself and left the shirt lying next to her. "Thank you, Mom, Molly you can turn around.

"How in the world have you been able to use this arm with" Louise was shacking her head "He did a lot of damage to your arm I'm surprise it is broken"
Molly came over and gently applied some cream on the arm and wrapped it up in a bandage. Cait looked up into Molly's face and could see she was on the verge of crying.

"How could a person do that to someone Mom? If he had been here and done that he would have been run off if not worse."

Molly had now starting crying, Louise hugged her tightly and Cait reached up with her other arm and also hugs Molly.  Hugging Molly had an unexpected effect on Cait she felt a rush of warmth and could remember the few years she had spent with her family before getting lost but for some reason she still could not remember how she got lost.

"Mom, Mol please don't I'll be okay. I'm here now and safe"

"Okay Molly lets quickly look her over it will should be stopping soon and we are going to set up camp for a few days we have made much better time than we expected."

In silence Cait's mom and sister looked her over they found a few more bruise but none nearly has bad as her arm but each had cream applied and carefully bandaged. Once they where finished Louise handed Cait a lose shirt and skirt of her to wear. Both Louise and Molly opened the front opening and joined the rest to give Cait some privacy. Molly had wanted to stay but Louise dragged her out with her. It took awhile but Cait finally sure she was alone started crying so much had changed in the past few days; finding her real family and knowing they truly cared about her, leaving her husband, and finding Jasper. The memories that came back included memories of him they had always been close and the thoughts of him caused Cait to smile.

"Cait, its Molly we are going to stop soon is it okay if I come back?"

"Just a moment Molly" Cait dressed as fast as she could but she felt naked no corset, no petticoat, no overskirt or under skirt just a shirt and skirt. "Umm okay its safe"

Molly crawled back in and gave Cait a warm hug and wiped away the traces of tears "You don't know how much we missed you and you've remembered something you called me Mol no one other than you had ever called me that and you should see the smile on mom's face she is beaming because you called her mom"

"I don't know how to put it but when we hugged earlier every thing came back, even memories of Johnny and he must have been just a baby. The only thing I can't seem to remember is how I got lost I don't have a memory of it at all, I remember the storm and than being with the Worthington's"

"I'm sure it will come back" Molly said smiling "And if you have remember everything you remember Jasper also, even though he was also very young when you got lost he has never forgotten you, it was him who told Dad and Mom where they could find you. I'm not sure how he knew but he did, He had been trying for years to get us to travel through this area again, OHHH Cait I believe you are blushing"

All the sudden Molly fell forward "Opp I wasn't paying attention, would you like to come out of the wagon and help set up camp" Molly could see the worry in Cait's eye "Don't worry you will catch on and we will all help"

"I feel naked Mol" to this Molly started laughing.

Molly took Cait's hand and led her outside. The camp as already full of activity, Johnny came running up to Molly and Cait. "Dad would like you two to go get some firewood"

"Umm okay" Molly started laughing again and once again took Cait's hand. "They gave us an easy job in this area it shouldn't take us to long besides I'm sure you want to see Jasper again"

Cait throw some grass and leaves at Molly and stuck her tongue out at her. After about a half hour the sisters had as much firewood as they could carry and returned to camp. Cait was surprised at how fast everything had been set up other families already had fires going and children where running around laughing.

"Can I take that for you?" Cait turned around and smiled as she saw Jasper there, Cait nodded as Jasper took a hold of the firewood "Chad get off your butt and take Molly's"

A young man around Jaspers age stood up form one of the near by fire rings, Cait turned and to look at Molly she was blushing as Chad walked over to her he also had a big smile on his face.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Blackjack Roberts

Caitlyn sat back for a while listening as the several musicians tuned their instruments. The brightly colored wagons, the fine stew, the clear autumn night all combined in her to bring a feeling of home like she had never experienced before. Several men and women began to dance around the main campfire. Their colorful dress seeming to flow in the air as if they had become the music. A music that touched her deep within and she soon found herself rocking in time to the tune.

Jasper came to sit down on the large log that served as one of several benches the tribe always placed about the family fire. "The music stirs you, Pena. Do not be shy. You are among your Natsia again. Here you are free."

"But," Cait all but stammered, her face reddening in the light of the campfire. "I don't know how to dance."

"Of course you do." Jasper smiled beneath his newly forming moustache. "It' in your ziv, your heart. Come, I will help." He stood, bowing and held out his hand to her.

Caitlyn put her hand in his and stood up, brushing the back of her dress down. "I suppose I can try. It's a lovely tune. What is it?"

"Sharrafi Kralyissa." He smiled cryptically, and led her over to the fire.

From the back of her wagon Fenella watched as Caitlyn began to swirl along with the others. For over forty years she had been the Chovahani for the Beshaley tribe. She sighed, unconsciously fingering the charms that hung from her wrist among the many silver and gold bangles she wore. It had been by her suggestion the young one had been left behind. A necessary evil, but the cards did not lie. Now that she was a woman she was at least partially safe. That is until either the bostaris she had accidentally been married to caught up with them, or the other learned that the child yet breathed. Sometimes the cards did not tell all.

Louise slipped up beside the Gypsy witch. "Is it over now, Fenella? Is my daughter finally safe?"

"I wish to Duvval I could say so, but I can not." The old woman sighed again. "At least the vision of her death as a child has been averted." She turned to look the distraught woman in the eye. "As soon as you can you must send her to me. I must dukker drey her vast to know more. Until then she must never know who she truly is. Should Marynia learn that she has survived she will be in mortal danger."

"There is also her Bengui of a husband to consider. The man is completely evil and will not give her up easily."

Louise dropped her head to stare at the ground in front of them. "I know. It's just that it was so hard for me to leave her with the Gorgiken all those years ago. Now I fear for losing her again."

The elder woman hugged Louise close. "Do not dispaire. Her palm will tell us much. She is safe for now and Jasper will fulfill his vow to watch over her and protect her. Caitlyn will fulfill her destiny if we have anything to say about it."


Lord Harrington was glad that he had a carriage to take him; an evil smile crossed his face he couldn't wait to get home his wife would be there waiting for him. The work in London had put him in a sour mood and the stop at the tavern had only help to secure the mood he was. The carriage pulled to a stop and before the footman could come around Lord Harrington was out of the carriage and starting up the stairs. The usual flurry of activity started as various servants came forward to retrieve him coat and hat. He did not seem to notice the worry in some of the servants faces.

"I want some food sent to the study and can some one send her to me" Lord Harrington said to no one in particular.

"Umm Lord Harrington, Sir, she is not here. " One of the male servants stated with a shaky voice.

"What do you mean she is not here?" He replied the venom growing in his voice.

"She left with the gypsies" The man said but the last word came out in a whisper.

Lord Harrington could feel the anger about to explode in him. He turned to look at the man but noticed now that all of the servants where watching only one was not watching him a young woman who worked in the kitchen she was staring that the one who had spoken looking like she could kill him for tell him.

"Go, all of you, except you! My study now" Lord Harrington was pointing the young woman and than again to no one. "Do not forget my food"

Jenny stood there quivering for a moment trying to compose herself, she did not want to be alone with him the Lord Harold Harrington had bad reputation and there was more talk about his other three wives now that Caitlyn had run away. Jenny prayed that the rumors of his violence where exaggerated.

"Come on you, I am in no mood to wait for you" A hiss came from male voice that Jenny wish she could not hear.

Jenny slowly walked in to the study; he motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs. He walked around the desk and took a seat, Jenny still just stood there not sure her legs would work. The Lord glared up at her Jenny felt that this would be her last night on this earth with the look on his face.

"Sit" He waited for her to sit and than continued. "What is your name and tell me what you know about Caitlyn's disappearance"

"Jenny, I work in the kitchen. Yes Caitlyn is gone she left the same night you left"

"With the Gypsies, Jenny I promise I would get mad at you?" Lord Harrington said in a silky voice, but Jenny saw in his face and his eyes that he was already mad.

"I don't know" was all Jenny could get to come out, she could see in his eyes that he did not believe her for one moment and she filled with fear.   

Lord Harrington got up from his chair and walked over to Jenny. He put his hands on both sides of the chair and stared at her. Fear overwhelmed her as he moved on of his hands and brushed it down the side of her face and before Jenny knew it she felt pain.

"I am sorry Jenny, for slapping you, but I know you are not telling me the truth"

Jenny rubbed her face now more than ever thankful Caitlyn left, he was a monster, and she was also determined not to tell him more than he already knew. Lord Harrington finally gave up trying to get information out of Jenny but not before he slapped her few more times.  Finally a knock came to the door.

"Lord Harrington your food"

"Come in. Jenny you can go for now. I would love to see you again" His voice was tainted with so much sugar it made Jenny want to throw up.

Moving faster than Jenny could think she was out of the room, she could hear Lord Harrington laughing behind her. She ran to the kitchen throw down her apron and ran out the door taking with her what little money she had. Nothing was worth waiting for Lord Harrington to corner her again. She was sure there would me more the slaps to the face if they where to meet again. Jenny continued running until she was out of site of the house she slowed her pace. Her mind was reeling trying to decide what to do next. She decided to go as far away as she could with the little money she had.

"So little Caitlyn has run away from me and with Gypsies" Lord Harrington said to his self once alone in his study, he picked at the food brought to him and started laughing she was not the first wife to run. He had found the other one also. Thinking of his second wife made him smile she put up a good fight to be rid of him but in the end he got her back. He wrote some notes to the men who had helped him find his second wife, placed them in envelope and sealed them. He came out of the study and handed the envelopes to his butler.

"Have those delivered I will be waiting for the response."

Lord Harrington was already planning his reunion with his forth wife and thinking of whom in society would make a good fifth wife.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Jasper held Caitlyn in his arms he was smiling so brightly that Caitlyn could not help but blush. No other person made Caitlyn feel so happy.

"What is this song about Jasper?"

"That is not for me to explain to you, Cait, but it will be don't worry. There is someone you will need to talk to but when you are ready. For right now enjoy the night with me"

With that Jasper took Caitlyn's hands and starting dancing again.

"Jasper, have we always been close? I feel like we where close before you know before"

"Cait we have always been together since before you can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of you."

Caitlyn smiled up at Jasper as he spun her around again. After awhile Jasper lead Caitlyn away from music and dancing. They walked for awhile in silence. Jasper leaned down to give her a kiss, his hands brushed the bruises left my Lord Harrington, and he felt Caitlyn stiffen in his arms.

"Cait don't be afraid I am not the baulo you where forced to marry" Jasper looked down at Caitlyn and noticed the bandages. He pulled her close. "I won't lose you again Cait. What is behind the bandage?"

"Bruises, My mom said I was lucky my arm wasn't broken. I have had worse if you had not guessed Lord Harrington is an evil man. What does baulo mean anyway?"

Jasper laughed he couldn't help it. "Baulo means pig. I suppose we do have a language of our own. You will pick up on it"
Jasper resisted the urge remove the bandages so he could see the damage first hand but he could tell Caitlyn was already on edge from talking about Lord Harrington.

"Cait you can you can hit me if you like but have you ever been with Lord Harrington?"

Caitlyn backed away from him and lifted her hand and slapped Jasper across the face and looked up in shock that she has actually just hit him.

"OH Jasper I'm sorry" She turned to walk away but Jasper grabbed her hand lightly and pulled her into another hug.

"Cait don't worry. You can't hurt me unless you leave us again. I'm sorry for the question. Lord Harrington was not kind to you" It was not a question for Caitlyn.

"Jasper, other than hitting and yelling at me Lord Harrington only kissed me at our wedding. I was scared of him from the first time I meet him. I hide our wedding night and every night after that he would try to come into my room. I think I know the layout of his manor better than he does"

Jasper could see the tears coming down Caitlyn's check and pulled her even closer not willing to let her go. This time Caitlyn leaned up and kissed Jasper. Jasper was taken aback but kissed her back. Nothing felt better to either of them than that first kiss they shared with each other.

""Sharrafi Kralyissa" Jasper said and before Caitlyn could say anything he leaned down and kissed her again.  "Come Cait lets get back to you family. I know I am beyond happy you are back with use but so are they and I have been monopolizing your time"

"Jasper do not be silly. But you are right I would like to visit with my family"

The couple walked back to camp holding hands as they went.  Fenella stepped from out of the shadows and smiled she had no doubts about their feelings.

"Let's hope Marynia and that Bengui Lord leave them alone for awhile" Fenella muttered under her breath and headed back to her wagon. She needed to prepare for Caitlyn's visit.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


"Cait! Wake up"

"What is it Johnny?"

"Mom wants you to help make breakfast"

"Uhh okay"

"Come on sleepy head"

Caitlyn crawled out of bed and put on a shirt and skirt that someone laid out of her. It was a cream colored top and a dark green skirt with embroidery on the bottom, to Caitlyn it was more beautiful than any of the dress she had before. Caitlyn wondered if someone could teach her how to do it. When Caitlyn was fully dressed and headed out of the wagon.

"Good morning Cait. Oh you look lovely in that. Come help me make some food for your Dad, Brother, and anyone else who might show up" Louise smiled at her daughter and than noticed a look of apprehension on Caitlyn's face. "Apasavello, I believe, you might not now how to cook. Is that right?"

"I know very little of cooking I know how to make bread and some eggs from helping the kitchen staff." Caitlyn told her mom in a quiet voice. "I would get very lonesome there and the staff was willing to keep me company"

"Lucky for you eggs are on the menu and I can teach you just about anything"

"Can you teach me how to do embroidery like on this skirt? I have done needle point but the patterns are so different"

Louise smiled up at Caitlyn "Of course I can and Molly can also she did the embroidery on that skirt"

"Where is Molly?" Caitlyn asked as Molly handed her a bowl and some eggs.

"Break the eggs into the bowl. Molly is helping Chad's family his mother is ill and when we reach the winter camp area she and Chad are going to be married. They are very happy together her face brightens as yours does when you see Jasper"

This made Caitlyn blush. Louise continued to show Caitlyn how to fix breakfast. Caitlyn was pleased that she caught on quickly and from the look Louise was given her she was happy also. Shortly after they had finished cooking George, Johnny and Jasper showed up.

"MMM Louise it smells great" George told her as he kissed her.

Caitlyn laughed as Johnny made a face at their parent's show of affection.

"Oh one day Johnny you will meet someone who will make you as happy I as I am with your Mother"

"George you need to thank Cait also, she did a lot of work also"

George smiled as his daughter and walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Cait I am very proud of you. I know this way of life is very different than the one you had been living" George told his daughter and than went back Louise who was scooping out food for them.

"Dad I enjoy of being able be of use"

"Cait it smells wonderful and you know we will all help you adjust and protect you" Jasper said as he puts his arms around Caitlyn.

George shot Jasper a look he was not sure he wanted Caitlyn to know what other dangers there where out there for her other than Lord Harrington. Caitlyn smile up at Jasper not noticing look her dad shot him. She felt very comfortable in his arms and it was hard for her to believe she felt so comfortable around people she knew for a short time.

"Cait eat before it gets cold and than you and Jasper can go off and do whatever"

Caitlyn smiled at Louise and took the plate she was offering. Jasper patted on the area next to him for Caitlyn to sit. George wanted to talk to you Jasper before the couple went on their own way but Louise was making it hard for him. Caitlyn and Jasper finished their meal and offered to help Louise clean up but she just shooed them away.

"Louise we need to talk to Jasper. I don't think Cait is ready to know. I'm worried Jasper will tell her about Marynia."

"George don't worry. Cait is stronger than you think that Lord Harrington has done awful things to her and she is still happy and wants to be happy"

"What did that bostaris do to her?" Rage filled George as he thought of him hurting her.

"She has bruises all over, she is healing quickly though. She will go to Fenella when she is ready. Jasper has already promised me he won't tell her anything"

George got up and hugged Louise close.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Unknown to those in the camp high above them upon a heavily forested hill they were being watched by a single rider upon a coal black horse.

He hesitated there for a long time, much longer than he'd wanted but the blood still flowed from a wound he'd recieved the day before.

Normally he'd have spurred his horse and rode into camp at full gallup swinging his axe high above his head with his band of maruders they'd sack the camp but they'd fallen into a trap just two days ago and all but he had fallen before them.


Lord Harrington sat in the pub brooding the men should have been there by know if need be he would search for Caitlyn his self. He was about to leave when three men came up to him.

"Lord Harrington?" One of them asked.


"We are here to help you find your umm misplaced property"

Lord Harrington began to talk with the men giving them a description of Caitlyn and the direction the gypsies left in.

"Now understand do not harm her, I have my own plans for her. Just grab her and take her to the nearest place you can hide her until I arrive." A wicked smile crossed the Lord's face.

Lord Harrington whet up to his room with wild thoughts about his reunion with Caitlyn. The men left the pub and back to their hideout.

"So Carl what do you think about this Lord Harrington?"

"Does it matter? He is giving us more than enough money to live off of for a long time"

"Andre really do you have any idea what he has planed for her?"

"Again does it matter? Are job is to find her. Now both you and Carl stop its not like we are good men."

"Andre she is little more than a child and he has a reputation about as bad as ours"

"Stop Dennis before I smash your head in. We will do this job and if you don't want a part in it you can leave."

"Andre you know I am not going to go anywhere I know you better than that anyway I wouldn't make it out the door" Dennis stated.

"You two get some sleep we will check out the camp near the Lord's house and see if it can give us any clues"

The trio settled in for the night but Dennis still had his doubts about searching for the young woman. He could only think of all the tales he had heard about Lord Harrington and what he might do to the woman.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Blackjack Roberts

The small band moved onward the next morning. Stopping briefly at the town to panhandle a bit and allow Fenella a chance to earn a bit of money for them by selling her cures and telling fortunes. As was usual they had barely gotten started when the constable showed up with an order for them to leave. Still they had managed to collect a reasonable amount of food and coin to keep them going until the next own on their way to the winter camp.

Caitlyn looked resplendent in her new clothing. The colorful red skirt that flowed in a softly shifting bell shape down to her ankles matched the scarf tied in a bandana style about her head. Her hair flowed in large curls from beneath, falling in a cascade past her bare shoulders. Large gold hoops adorned her ears and matching bangles jingled when she moved her arms. The puffy white off the shoulder blouse was separated from the skirt by a wide black leather waist cincher, finishing the effect.

For the first time in her life she felt comfortable in her clothes. They were far more comfortable than the latest fashions that her estranged husband had forced her into and for the purpose of the Gypsies far more practical as well.

The sensuousness of female Gypsy dress was no accident. The clothing of the women was deliberately designed to attract the attention of the Gorgiken, for while their minds were occupied with their lust the children could easier cut their purses unawares.

Later that night after camp had been made in a small clearing deep in the forest, Louise came up to her daughter as she helped with the cooking of the stew in the large community cauldron.

"Cait, would you come with me, please?" Her demeanor was one of both deep love and concern.

"Why, what is wrong, Mother?" The lovely new Gypsy asked. A small frown of worry creasing her brow.

"Nothing is so much wrong, as there is someone who wishes to see you. Mama Fenella." Louise  managed a smile through her worry. Her child had been through so much in her short life and Louise prayed that the Chovani would see no more hardship in this precious flower's future. "She wishes to speak with you."

Caitlyn smiled slightly, she had been with her people long enough to know that the band's Chovani was one of the most respected members of the tribe. Both healer and witch they were the most responsible for the safety and health of the band.

"Of course." Cait rose and absent mindedly brushed her skirt before walking away with her mother towards the Gypsy witch's wagon. "May I ask you a question. Mama?"

"Surely." Louise replied thoughtfully.

"Why is it necessary for the children to steal?"

Louise stopped and turned to her daughter. "Because it is part of our Jivika, our livelihood." She drew a deep breath. "Surely by now you know that rarely do the Gorgikonaes accept us and it is nearly impossible for us to find work from them, though we would prefer it to thieving, or begging."

Caitlyn nodded her understanding.

"We are the wanderers. It is in our blood and nature as much as it is for a bird to fly." Louise continued. "As such most avenues of making a living are closed to us, so we do what we must to survive. If we can find gainful employment for a short time we will, if not."

"I understand, Mama." Caitlyn smiled. "I really do. I was just curious."

Entering the dim light of Fenella's brightly painted wagon Cait had the feeling of being transported to another world. The candles, the crystal ball that was pushed to one side of the round tabled that was covered in a black silk cloth with gold fringe. A strange, oversized deck of cards sat in front of the elder woman.

"Come in, My dear." Fenella spoke in her heavily accented English. "At first I had intended to dukker your vast....that is to read your palm. Recent events have led me to believe that reading the cards would prove far more reveling. Please to sit down."

Caitlyn did as she was asked and the old woman handed her the deck. "Shuffle these until you feel the need to stop, then hand them back to me."

For what seemed like hours Louise paced outside the rear of the wagon, fretting as to what the Chovani may discover in the mists of the future. In truth barely a half an hour had passed when the door above the short set of steps opened and her daughter emerged.

"Thank you, Fenella." Cait waved back into the gloom of the interior of the wagon cheerily, then turned to her mother. "She wishes to talk to you now, Mama." She smiled.

Louise hugged her child warmly. "I shall see what she wants to discuss with me, and tell you later. Go, enjoy your time with your family."

The look in the Gypsy witch's eyes sent a chill down Louise's spine. "There is a danger coming." Fenella said grimly. "One that could harm us all. I see three men. Evil men. They come for Cait......and something more. We are being followed by a fourth. The problem is his intentions are shrouded in mists and I can not see his heart."


I watched the gypsies for what seemed a long time but then realized I'd dozed off sitting there upon my horse, the light was begining too dim for this day and I was tired as onto death.

I mostly slid out of the saddle taking care too unsaddle and stake my faithful friend in a small green patch for him too have his supper.

Then wearily I began too gather the makings of a campfire, knowing all the time the real intent of this fire but still I dreaded it, having done this once before and soon the fire blazed up so I laid my old hunting knife there into the fire waiting for the blade too turn as red as I could get it.

In the mean time somehow I gathered my strength and opened my pack from the saddle, inside I took the last two pieces of dried meat out and laid them upon expensive china dish I'd picked up somewhere or rather from someone.
I then pulled out the most important thing too me at the time , a pottery jug filled with spirits but for this time it was more of a necessity.

I checked the knife slowly turning a dark cherry color in the ever brightening fire, I done this before but I relished it not!, I took a deep swing from the jug and settled down before the fire and wrapped the hot knife in a piece of buckskin then quickly pressed it too the wound in my side.
It sizzled and popped, flesh if you've ever smelled it burn has a stench all its own but it seared the wound closed.

I felt sick but forced myself too eat the dried beef I'd laid out then finished the bottle, I'd not slept for two days and it was now catching up with me and I laid back beside the warm fire and fell soundly asleep.


Caitlyn headed back to George and Jasper her mind was wondering what the old woman has seen, she wished she would have told her instead of talking to Louise first and having her tell her what she saw. Caitlyn could not help but think the Chovani saw something bad even though she tried very hard to show no expression at all. Molly waved at Caitlyn as she came near and Chad did also with a big smile on his face.

"Cait how did it go with Fenella?" Molly asked with a concerned voice

"I am not sure; she would not tell me anything, she wanted to talk to Mother first"

"Wow Cait I have not heard you speak so proper since your first day with us." Molly walked towards her sister and hugged her tight. "It will be alright no one will take you from us. I will fight and so will Dad, Mom, Johnny, Chad and Jasper to keep you with us. And I don't think you would go easily you are stronger than you think you are sister."

Jasper watched as the sisters talked he could not help but smile when he looked at her but like Molly and Caitlyn he wanted to know what Fenella saw. The thought of losing her again caused him pain. Jasper tried to shake the feelings of dread and decided to go for a quick walk he did not want to seem upset when he joined Caitlyn and her family.

Caitlyn watched as Jasper got up and walked away from her, she could see his eyes where wrought with concern. Molly turned her head when she felt Caitlyn's movement; she hugged her sister even closer.

"Cait you do know how he feels about you; right? He has never forgotten you even though he isn't much older than we are"

"Yes I know" Caitlyn said with a blush. This made Molly smile.

"Come Cait, I know you haven't eaten yet and I am sure Dad saved you some. Chad will you come with us?"

Chad smiled up at Molly he got up and took her and offered the other to Caitlyn and together they headed across the came to where George and Johnny where sitting. George looked up when he heard the sisters laughing. He smiled to his self in spite of his worries.

"Cait, Molly, Chad it is great to see you. Johnny will you please get some food for Cait. Do you two want anything?"

"No Dad we have eaten already."

"Dad where did Jasper go?"

"I don't know Cait but he will be back. We all want to know what Fenella has seen."

Johnny came up to Caitlyn with a bowl of food for her; Caitlyn smiled and thanked her brother. Caitlyn was almost finished when Louise came walking up to them, the look on her face told them all that the happiness they where feeling right now was not going to last.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I awoke after awhile still uncertain of what I should do but now I was being driven solely by hunger and pain, I saddled my horse and gathered my equipment I had no idea of what I'd find in the camp below but it had too be better than what I now had.

I cautiously made my way down the thickly wooded hillside finally reaching an area near the road and quitely rode toward the gypsy camp, just outside of they're camp a cool sparkling brook ran and by now my horse and I both were very thirsty and we drank from the little brook.

I heard the brush rustle slightly between me and the gypsy camp, I fingered my sword by instinct but somehow I just felt there was no reason too have fear when my eyes focused on the small shadow of a woman slowly moving back through the brush toward camp.

Near the brush from where she would've stood there was a basket almost as if she knew I was coming and needed food but shouldn't enter as yet, I rose from the spring and made my way across it, the cool mountain water felt good on my fevered body.

I slowly made my way toward the basket the lady had left for me and opened it, inside there was some food, bread and a small vial of medicene, I took this but left four gold coins in its place and made my way back too the horse, the food inside smelled so good I'd almost eatten half it when I returned too my hilltop campsite.

As I unsaddled the horse I couldn't help notice from beyond the gypsy camp another trail of smoke now arose, someone else is near and this did give me a bad feeling, very bad, but for now my own troubles were more important and the medicene eased my pain, I don't know who the lady was but she'd saved my life and now the fire I see beyond they're camp I felt meant trouble not for me but for them, a trouble I was especially good at handling.


Jasper wondered in the forest just outside of camp he finally decided it was time to head back to camp her could hear noises in front of him but before he could go and investigate he heard footsteps behind him, he tuned to see a beautiful woman walking towards him, it was  Caitlyn.

"Cait what are you doing out here alone?"

"Jasper "Caitlyn ran towards him and throw her arms around him.

"What's wrong?" Jasper said as he hugged her close to him

"Mom came back from visiting Fenella." Her voice couldn't continue.

With out saying a word Jasper kissed her and than broke there hug. He took her hand and as fast as he could with out causing Caitlyn to fall ran back to camp. They entered camp and Caitlyn's family turned to look at them.

"George, Louise. What is going on? Cait couldn't tell me" Jasper squeezed her hand.

"Jasper please sit" George motioned to the space next to him.

Jasper refused to let go of Caitlyn and shock his head. George tried once more to get Jasper to sit but he refused again, George gave up. Louise closely watched Jasper as George retold the news Fenella has relayed about Caitlyn's reading. As the news sunk in Jasper went to his knees almost taking Caitlyn with him.

"Jasper!" Caitlyn said in surprise.

"No this can't be happening I" he paused "we just got her back. They can't take her away from us."

"Calm yourself, Jasper" a new voice said as she joined the family.

"I'm sorry Mama Fenella." Jasper said as he stood back up and pulled Caitlyn close almost crushing her under his grasp.

"Jasper, I can't breathe"

"Cait I don't want to let go of you" He replied lessening his hold

"Jasper stop we have more pressing issues. The three men are closer than I thought if you look you can see the smoke from their campfire." Fenella said as she pointed.

Louise and Molly joined Jasper and they all hugged her tight. Caitlyn struggled with all the emotions that where running through her, Louise, Molly and Jasper where the only reason she did not collapse to the ground.

"No they can't be here already. I should have never come with you."

Her family, Jasper, and Fenella all looked at her. Fenella was the first to talk.

"You are wrong Chavi, my child. You belong with us"
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


The medicene the gypsy woman had left for me had taken effect and I awoke from a sound sleep feeling better than I had in days almost as back to normal, I wasn't sure how long I'd slept but now I had business to attend too.

I struck my camp,gather my belongings and saddled the horse, my old ways would serve me now well enough for I was determined to stop the men from hurting the gypsies.

I don't know how they'd done it but the old woman had come too me in my dreams she said she used her power too heal me now she wants me too help them, I knew it was only a dream but it was so real I couldn't forget it and it had given my an almost burning hatered of the men by the fire.

It was mid morning when I set out which wasn't the best time for this but one must use the day one has left and in my most cunning tactics I almost silently moved through the brush in a semi circle around the gypsy camp, stopping only too water my horse and refill my flask in the cool brook near them, I could hear them in they're camp like a family happysome going about tasks and others playing sweet music.

I wanted too stay and listen but I moved on avoiding the road and finally reaching a thick grove of pines near a bend in the road, this I thought a perfect spot too waylay a coach and lighten its load of coin but not today!.

I recovered my bearings seeing the hill where I was camped and the gypsies smoke from they're camp and again I set off through the brush keeping close enough too see the small road but far enough too maintain cover and after a while I heard the heavy footfalls of a man unaccustom to the woods he made so much noise he seemed to step upon every stick and pile of leaves as I stood motionless behind some bushes he walked past not 30 yards from me carrying a fresh killed deer.

He was an evil looking fellow and would be easy enough for me too put an arrow through him but I wanted too know where they're camp was, the woods are full of animals, deer and such and one so unaccustomed as he never noticed me following far behind and too his right although once he stopped and drew his own bow but what he heard I knew not it was back toward the gypsy camp.

He made a straight trail and I doubted he'd change his path so I broke from him and again circled too the right crossing the road about half a mile from where he'd cross and sure enough he soon plodded out of the woods and across the road so on I went as well riding far enough into the trees too hide and await him but he never come so I knew his came lay between me and the road.

The woods were thick here and I had too walk the horse through them making much more noise than I'd have liked when finally I found what I searched for the smell off cooking flesh upon the fire then voices, cruel plotting men full of evil.
I made my way back nearly one quarter mile from them placing them between myself and the gypsies and made a cold camp, no fire, just too rest my horse and myself, I leaned against a cedar in the warm sunshine and dozed off.