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Started by BubbleWright, September 28, 2010, 03:54:24 PM

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I am a playtron who in addition to being in garb, bring my Renaissance Bubble Machine (RBM) to Faire. Before attending any Faire, I email them, showing what I do (not selling or accepting donations), documenting that bubbles were made at least as far back as 1560 and that the construction of the machine uses technology available at the time (bellows and simple lever). I was shown the gate at one Faire (even though I had emailed them 2 weeks previous, received no response, and went any way). I do not have a problem with what a Faire may or may not allow... after all, it is their sand box. This being said, I have quite a different problem I would like to put up for comment.

A first time RenFaire is being held in a neighboring State about 100 miles away. I emailed them with my standard "is it ok to bring the RBM to your event?". The organizer of the event was quite taken with the Machine and sent a barrage of emails with lots of questions. Based on my replies, a 9 line paragraph was posted in the entertainer section of the Faire web site and other mention was made in press releases. I will be paying my way in (Senior rate). At my home Faire (PARF) I have a season pass and make bubbles at the Gate and around the Shire. However, if I want to see a show, shop, or chat with others I do so and feel no obligation to continue making bubbles. I guess I'm a little put out that I wasn't consulted about my being listed as an entertainer... I don't consider myself one, rather part of the tapestry. Those who know me will tell you what I do is done in a very laid back way, not interfering with any performances, vendors' wares, or eating facilities. I did confirm to the organizer that I would be there. My inclination is to go, enjoy the Faire, and make bubbles as I choose. I will let them know that I will not be making bubbles all day. Any comments? Thanks................  The Bubble Wright

PS- Photos of my machine found here-
"It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
   Antoine de St. Exupery

Rowan MacD

  I love that machine ^_^!
 Looks like the RBM is portable, so you can just set up next to the shows you want to see, and make bubbles when you want.
 I would just tell them that you will be making bubbles between approx. such and such time at this or that spot if they insist on a 'schedule', but heck; mobile street vendors who sell pickles and lemonade don't have to be in constant motion.  
   Oh, and if you are on the schedule as entertainment, it's kind of silly for you to pay to get in!
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

Lady Nicolette

I think that if they want to list you as an "entertainer," then you should enjoy the privileges accordingly.
That being said, you and your machine add a lovely ambiance, it's one of the kinds of surprises that one loves to see at Faire.  You have been/are doing the right thing in asking in advance for permission to various Faires to show up and create a fun experience even before people have entered the gates.  If they neglect to respond to you, then, it's kind of shame on them...But I would keep a copy of the letter/e-mail sent and response, if any, on hand to prove that you'd attempted to go through proper channels...
"Into every rain a little life must fall." ~ Tom Rapp~Pearls Before Swine