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Good old days

Started by fluffy tail, June 12, 2008, 02:14:47 PM

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Baron Doune

When TV went from Black and White to Color.

The Flintstones on Friday night.

Warming my toes above the heat register by the light of the Xmas tree while watching Bugs early on Sat mornings.

There was a pretty good chance (1 in 3) you were watching the same program as the President.

Going to the butcher and buying Hamburger...3 lbs for a dollar.

World Series games on in the afternoon and we all had those little radios that would work by attaching the leads to a fence.

The first Comdex, Compuserve Informational Network, Andrea with a start up company called Word Perfect and the indoor soccer game at Comdex at the Sands.  And the first version of MS Windows, no it didn't work right then either.

Morgan Dreadlocke

Quote from: Laird Slorach Gomerel on June 13, 2008, 05:47:20 PM

Scrapes & bruises from *** made from old *** parts & ***

That sounds like a great title for a new topic. Ya up to it?

Ahh, listinin' to the Indy 500 live on the radio then seein' it on tv that evenin'. Adventurein' in Paradise wi' Bill Burrid.  ROFLin' as me uncle  dissassembles his new color tv lookin' fer bugs when Granny tells 'im  the first few minutes 'o The Wizard 'o Oz is in B&W.

An I surely miss havin' an alarm clock that didn't take a 'puter wiz to program >:(
My intentions are to commandeer a venue, sail to Tortuga, then pick, strum and otherwise play me weasily black guts out.

Welsh Wench

Old metal skates that you had to use a skate key to tighten them onto your sneakers. You would wear the key around your neck on a string so you didn't lose it and you had to remember which part of the sidewalk to pick your feet up so you didn't go flying into the bushes.

Or those flesh-coloured noseplugs you used to wear around your neck all summer long.

Walking to the public pool (a 45 minute walk) coming home to eat lunch, go back, come home for dinner and then go back and swim till it closed at 9 PM.

*Captain Morgan--it was Cumberland Pool*
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Sir Ironhead

Quote from: Baron Doune on June 13, 2008, 06:10:44 PM
When TV went from Black and White to Color.

There was a pretty good chance (1 in 3) you were watching the same program as the President.

When the TV had a dial you had to get up to change and only had 13 channels on it, only 3 of which you could get anything on (cause public TV didn't count back then).

There were almost as many programs in black and white as in color.
IBRSC #1389
Sandbox Inspector
Iron'n M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #41


I grew up with computers in my house the whole time. But before you start thinking I'm a dad had his office at home and the computer took up the space of about two full-sized refridgerators, except they were taller. The printer was the size of the teletype (remember those anyone?), and the Disks that went in the disk drive were these big huge things that were about 3-4 inches thick and were probably about 15 inches in radius, they had a pop-up handle in the middle of them to carry them with.


Collecting records and listening to cassettes.

$10 filled up my gas tank. *sob*

The higher the hair, the closer to God!

When the "M" in MTV literally did mean music.

When VH1 had music shows instead of reality celebutard shows.

Being a loyal reader of Sassy magazine.

Space Invaders, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong were addicting.

Watching WWF every Saturday with my brother. YAY Hulk Hogan, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, and Andre the Giant! BOO Roddy Piper and Iron Sheik!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


Quote from: Angelhood on June 13, 2008, 07:03:55 PM
I grew up with computers in my house the whole time. But before you start thinking I'm a dad had his office at home and the computer took up the space of about two full-sized refridgerators, except they were taller. The printer was the size of the teletype (remember those anyone?), and the Disks that went in the disk drive were these big huge things that were about 3-4 inches thick and were probably about 15 inches in radius, they had a pop-up handle in the middle of them to carry them with.

My brother and I used to get to press the button that lowered the window to the tape drive so my dad (the computer person at that office) could change the tape.  The "don't rewrite" protection was a thin ring of plastic with a "pull=tab" like an oversized bracelet.  we'd stack 20 or 30 up our arms.  Then go play with used cards flying out of the keypunch machines! 

I HAD pong on the TV, my grandmother bought it for me.  And we still have our original mobile phone, in the bag about the size of a loaf of bread.


Capt. Marga
Corp Capt Marga, Dame Den Mother, Scarborough Royal Guard.  Keeper of the Costume Closet.  Artist, Rennie, Etc, etc, etc

Once Debauched

Quote from: Lady_Delaney on June 13, 2008, 02:26:41 PM
When Cartoons were on Saturday morning and they were REAL cartoons
Gotta Love Bugs Bunny and crew, Tennesee Tuxedo, Hanna Barbara, Tutor the Turtle, Underdog, WOW what cartoons
Don't forget Tom & Jerry, Bullwinkle & Rocky, Flintstones, Beanie & Cecil, George of the Jungle...

How about Super Chicken, Dudley Do Right of the Canadian Mounties, Hong Kong Fooey, Speed Buggy, Johny Quest, and the REAL Speed Racer?  OOOoo what was the cartoon with Mutley the dog and they were all in airplanes? Anybody remember that one?

I remember the gas rationing in the 70's.  We had a green station wagon.  My Mom would open the very back and I would sit with my legs dangling staring at the car behind us for what seemed like forever.

And for those of us in St. Louis... Chuck-A-Burger!  That was THE place to be after a car show.  They finally closed the last one on the Rock Road a few years ago.  I think I shed a tear when I heard about it.  *sniffle*

OOooo... One of my favorites... Garbage Pail Kids.
IWG  #3527 Local 29
IFRP #1228 Loblolly Lass, HMS Lying Bastard
ROoL #29
Tequila:  The interactive shot

fluffy tail

Quote from: Welsh Wench on June 13, 2008, 03:57:05 PM
I\I remember when the drinking age was 18 for 3.2 beer so we drank twice as much.
I also remember drinking Ripple and Boones Farm Strawberry Hill because that was all we could afford.

Yep loved 18 then and the things you could mix Boones Farm Strawberry Hill with. Hey a $1.95 could get you a nice buzz them.

Tie dyed t-shirts.

IWG #3371
Royal Wine Taster
Tinker #2
landshark #38


Let's see...

I remember gas at .86 a gallon
Cigarettes at .75 per pack
HBO was a switch on top of your TV
MTV ran for 8 hours per day and actually SHOWED music videos!!
Kids played outside until their parents yelled or rang a bell

NoBill Lurker

Quote from: Once Debauched on June 13, 2008, 11:20:12 PM
OOOoo what was the cartoon with Mutley the dog and they were all in airplanes? Anybody remember that one?

That would be "Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines."
So what are you doing this weekend?
I'm going to BARF!!!
You're going to...wait...WHAT???


Quote from: Once Debauched on June 13, 2008, 11:20:12 PM
Quote from: Lady_Delaney on June 13, 2008, 02:26:41 PM
When Cartoons were on Saturday morning and they were REAL cartoons
Gotta Love Bugs Bunny and crew, Tennesee Tuxedo, Hanna Barbara, Tutor the Turtle, Underdog, WOW what cartoons
Don't forget Tom & Jerry, Bullwinkle & Rocky, Flintstones, Beanie & Cecil, George of the Jungle...

How about Super Chicken, Dudley Do Right of the Canadian Mounties, Hong Kong Fooey, Speed Buggy, Johny Quest, and the REAL Speed Racer?  OOOoo what was the cartoon with Mutley the dog and they were all in airplanes? Anybody remember that one?

No one remembers Captain Caveman?!  I loved him.  XD

I remember when kids got more education from their parents than from TV shows.  Sure, we watched Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, but everyone I grew up with learned their alphabet and numbers from their parents or grandparents.  For that matter, I remember when kids knew their alphabet and how to count to at least 50 or 100 before kindergarten, and most of us could read as well.  I was talking to my kindergarten teacher not long ago, and she said, in her class last year, she had to teach over half the kids their alphabet, and at least as many couldn't count over 10.  Back then, kids weren't limited on what they could learn, either.  They didn't dumb down the subject matter for the whole class, just so kids that weren't getting it didn't feel bad.  Those kids got tutored.  (This changed around my sophomore in high school, and it actually caused my grades to -drop-, because I was so bored!)

I remember family camping trips when you slept in a tent, or at most a pop-up camper, and you weren't "bored."  You could run all over the campground all day, making new friends, and your parents didn't have to worry.

I remember friendship bracelets, and how devastating it was when someone asked for one back.

I remember Fraggle Rock!

I remember when kids from "broken homes" were more of a rarity.  (In elementary school, we actually had a special "group" at lunchtime with a counselor, who taught us about divorce and things.  My parents split up when I was three, but my gram still put me in that group so I could understand it.)

I remember when a teacher could hug a crying student without getting slapped with sexual harassment charges.

Mischievous Little Imp.

fluffy tail

Eating an ine cream cone while laying on the hood of the car.

Going to the drive-in with at big paper bag of popcorn and seeing 2 movies.

Sitting at the edge of the runway and watch planes come in.

As for remote TV, "hey get up and change the channel"
IWG #3371
Royal Wine Taster
Tinker #2
landshark #38

Baron Doune

Endless Summers, the thrill of the last day of the school year, penny candy.

Lady Nicolette

Baron, penny candy reminds me of going around the neighborhood and collecting bottles for the refund money.  We'd bring them in and then buy penny candy with the refunds.  The market had a screen door with the 7-Up logo and catchphrase from then, "You like it, it likes you."  If you wanted candy for another penny or two more than you'd collected, you'd then go back out and scrounge until you found just one more bottle so you could get it.

We had both a bakery delivery and the milkman, right to our front door.  My coyote-dog, Cotton, one time took all of the eggs out of the container on the front porch and set them on the welcome mat.  She didn't break one.  We would run out to the bakery truck which smelled like heaven to get fresh cinnamon rolls.  We also had the ice cream truck in summer. 

TV: Crusader Rabbit.  Clutch Cargo (very weird!)  Farmer John.  Romper Room.  The Beatles, the Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan.  President Kennedy's funeral.  Jack Paar hosting The Tonight Show.  Laugh-In and The Smother's Brothers.  The Addams Family.  Steve Allen!!!!! 

Music:  Too much to list!  But I remember '78's and '45's and of course, LP's (33 1/3)...Radio wasn't fragmented.  KPPC (arguably the first LA underground station) played everything.  Joan Baez never charged more than $2 for a concert and the most expensive tickets were, I think $8 in that time frame. 

Everyone about your age was your friend.  And they really were.
"Into every rain a little life must fall." ~ Tom Rapp~Pearls Before Swine