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Not Allowed Any More New Projects. Who's with me?!

Started by gem, October 10, 2012, 05:11:58 PM

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LOL, Rani, I'm in the same boat!  Between mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, a full time job, and helping at my hubby's office, the only sewing time I have is at around 9 or 10pm and I use it to make scrub hats that I sell at work.  (lack of money doesn't help either... ::)
Got faerie dust?

Adriana Rose

Finally I have gotten around to working on a skirt that I started last year. Its almost done, but as I am working on it my mind is all " Hey this would look good in pinks and purples" then after that gets swatted away " Hey the monster would love to have tunics that look like The Avengers" yeah at least that can be done in the spring along with all new shirts. That is a must though.

Before I start anything more I have to finish the projects in my "think about what you did wrong box" and well that is slowly not going to be for a long time.



Lemmee explain no that takes too long lemmee sumup! I have so many projects I have not finished!  Hanging Head!

1. 12th Night Gown/Faire Gown
    A. Create Bodice - it is cut out but I have not had the time to put together plus I have lost weight.
    B. Cartridge Pleat the Skirt- have to clean the kitchen island for space.
    C. Forepart- Purchase Silk Taffeta to embroider, then create the forepart.
    D. Gown Sleeves, I have made the under sleeves but I need to create the Gown Sleeve with the extra Silk Taffeta from Forepart.
    E. Italian Bonnet- Needs to be made.
    F. Escoffion- Needs to be made.

2. 12th Night Hubby's Kit
   A. Pannions are done.
   B. Jerkin is still in pieces.
   C. Shirte is done.
   D. Cape is not even begun

I am stressing out a little on how much I have to do for 12th Night still.

Lady Cilean Stirling
"Looking Good is not an Option, It is a Necessity"
My Motto? Never Pay Retail


You have the best ideas Gem!! Ugh, I'm embarassed by my list, but since my folder is right here  ;D ...*ahem*

Dane projects:
1. Vest for me--actually in progress, just stalled
*2. Blouse for me--have everything needed (actually made two b/c it was so cute and easy)
*3. Pj pants for hubby and me--have everything needed
4. Workout pants for me--have everything needed
5. This plaid skirt: I only have the pattern; it probably belongs in dream projects, but c'mon it's just a skirt. *on hold for fabric*

1. sleeves for yellow/red bodice I finished this summer--cut out AND pinned, what's the deal?? *addendum--want to embroider down the front of each sleeve before attaching lining*
2. Wonder Woman bustier mock-up--cut out *Update--actually putting together the mock-up!!*
*3. Finishing touches on my and hubby's Victorian outfits--buttons, etc.
*4. Alice in Wonderland pinafore-style apron and hem skirt for my sister--have to cut pattern but have everything; and the skirt will take no time but, ya know...
*5.Victorian hat reworking--everything's pinned to it, just need to sew. Update--new band attached, need to make a gold pleated piece for the back then attach the bow.[/s]

Need to do list:
1. cartridge pleat last year's teal ren skirt
2. fix mike's ren pants closure
3. high-neck chemise--must have. period.

Dream Projects:
1. Spada Gypsy painting--yeeeeahhh...well, we all know I pretty much have everything to do it except drafting skills :-\ *Update: I think I would rather do Centuries kirtle sew-along instead of this right now*
2. high-neck chemise--again, have everything...because I'm a horder
3. square-neck Victorian chemise--no pattern
*4. Victorian petticoat--kind of a priority seeing as I need it by the 26th; I'll have to wing the pattern, but no biggie--Update: making three rows of ruffles 266" long...*sigh* *DONE BABYYYY!*
5. *Someday* I'd like a Victorian nightgown set
6. I also want to make a 1950's dress with a rouched bust out of that awesome blue sheer polka dot fabric I got from one of my hauls
7. Latest dream project--Michelle Yeoh's Peking fighting outfit in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon--does anyone know where I would even start??
8. Victorian hiking outfit from Laughing moon.

Okay, I have 2 more weeks of break left. I need to prioritize.
1. WW bustier mock up
2. embroider sleeves for yellow bodice (this can be stretched out, I have time)
3. Nightgown (possibly not Victorian, but lots of pintucks) in flannel--fabric is old and has weird stain.

What would *you* pick out of these lists for me to do?

"Not all those who wander are lost..."


Wicked, did you decide? You could always go with the Screaming Rotation method--work on whatever piece is calling to you most strongly!

I am making great strides with the Overdue Embroidery Exchange. I made a radical design change after finishing the initial embroidery, and I'm very excited about the results. It's a brain-bender, though! I'm having to "chart" the stitches as I'm stitching them, and then backward-engineer the design so I can chart it on paper, and then stitch it again in mirror image.  :o (That's me after a couple hours working with the 36-ct linen. LOL)

I need to hustle on this, though, and not only because it's over a year late! My brother is having twins, and I need to start their birth pieces... AND I'm really starting to get twitchy for a sewing project. I want to get started on Milord's green shirt!


Gem, I think I've been going with the Screaming Rotation lol. I have the WW bustier mock-up boned and I just have to do a final fitting. Then I decided to embroider a small piece for a friend. Then I got distracted by really cute vintage sewing machine fabric and made a needle book and 3/4 of a sewing apron out of it. I'm winding down now because school is starting next week (grrr grumble cuss).

So when I say embroider I mean just starting out and literally just throw some back stitches and satin stitches onto an iron-on design...all that stuff you're talking...sounds very exact and meticulous and, well, *correct* lol! Maybe someday I'll get there. I need a tutor! I found a *phenomenal* blog that acts as an online tutorial for stitches, but nothing about charting or counting or the like.

Congrats on your brother's twins! He'll have his hands full!
"Not all those who wander are lost..."


Is it Mary Corbet's blog? She's *fabulous.* The only blog I read every single day. :D

I've been thinking about starting an embroidery/handwork thread here, if there's any interest in discussing period embroidery, but I need to finish Overdue Exchange *first,* since it's for a member here & she doesn't yet know what it looks like!


Huzzah! I think I may have tracked down the fabric for Milord's new green shirt.

He wants this. I had this, but he preferred this, and I could only find these. Late last fall I got my hands on this (it's OOP, so it was a lucky find), and today I FINALLY unearthed some heavy green cotton gauze. I had to convo an etsy merchant and beg her for her source. She was mysterious and unforthcoming--BUT has agreed to sell me the yardage we need!  Milord has approved the color, so as soon as she sets up the sale, we are good to go.


(I've been very, very good since Fair ended, and have not visited the fabric store ONCE. After seeing "The Hobbit" I did spend an afternoon thinking about Bilbo's patchwork robe, but once Milord confirmed he wouldn't actually wear it in public, I regretfully let that one go. :D)

Adriana Rose


Hee! That is a very true point, AR (and I would look fetching in one! :D), but it's Milord who's the crazy quilt fanatic in the family. The instant Martin Freeman walked on screen in that, I knew he was going to be asking me for one! But after further reflection, we've decided to update his dwarf kit instead. Whew! (I don't quilt! I did source some vaguely similar drapes, but that's as far as it went, thank goodness! I was afraid I'd be spending the next 10 years doing patchwork from my stash....)

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

It appears that 2013 is looking to be a Piratey Year!!!

In the lineup so far are several Pirate coats for men, one includes another Captain Teague coat and Angelica Teach inspiured ensemble from PoTC: On Stranger Tides for a Client's wife. She has an Underbust Corset already. I'll more than likely be making the Hat as well

"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

Another Pirate Coat I want to make this year. Anyone interested, PM me.

"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


Well, I have been a very delinquent seamstress, and I've added a project--and about 20 yards of fabric--to my list. ...And I'm about to buy another 8 yards of linen during's sale this week.  :o

So in an effort to get a little caught up, I am going to try to finish most of the following by the end of this week! I don't think I can actually do it (particularly with a neck injury), but I know I can get a lot done. Time to hustle, if I want more linen!

1. Outstanding Embroidery Exchange Project: The stitching is finished, but I'm having Spangle Indecision at the moment. I need to work that out today (Spangle Indecision is RESOLVED! Huzzah!), and then make some velveteen bias binding (velveteen is prepped and pressed). I'd like to have at least a start on the construction by the weekend.

2. Milord's Green Shirt: I have everything; just need to prep the pattern (update: Pattern is cut & waiting to be ironed) and make a mockup. Update 2: Mockup is cut & ironed & waiting to be assembled & fit.

3. Blue Velvet Elizabethan Jacket: Pattern is drafted; need to cut out the mockup and do a test fitting. (update: have cut out muslin.)

And if I'm feeling really ambitious...
4. Santa Hat. Not on my original list, but I bought a pattern for it, so now I'm committed.

Yikes! Better get started!!


I'm trying to finish up ufo projects, at least one or two a week if it is small stuff.

Black wool fitted gown that I posted about before is sitting in time out.
Ufo Ruff done and starched
Regency stays - lining and outer fabric cut out
Elizabethan loose jacket thing from 2006...cut out, needs lining, sleeves and trim decided on.
Tudor pointed hood, needs wire and velvet facing

Rani Zemirah

I'm so hopeless when it comes to NOT starting new projects until I cross old ones off the list.  I've just volunteered to make some very simple "starter" Wizard's garb for a friend's husband, since the whole family will likely be accompanying us to TRF this season for AHE.  It will just be a VERY basic robe and tunic set, and he'll just use scrub pants for the bottoms, since this will be their very first visit EVER to a hard site Faire.  They have only experienced one soft site event in the past, but they are ALL hooked now... thanks to my daughter and I!  :D  heheh  I'm guessing they will most likely all be going home with new garb pieces purchased there on the grounds.  I'm going to lead the mom into Moresca... and just come back in 2-3 hours to collect her! 

At least this is the only new sewing project I've taken on in the last several months.  Crafting projects, on the other hand... well, lets just not talk about those.   :-[
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede