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poetry game. =)

Started by Madame Seame Brushnstomp, November 27, 2012, 10:12:48 PM

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Madame Seame Brushnstomp

I was thinking that it might be fun to have a bit of a game. Play along if you would like.

The rules are simple add a bit to make the poem turn and twist. ANything goes any style, any topic, just continue the poem. Sound like fun?

The sunlight filtered through the trees above
the delicious breeze played with the curls in my hair
as I look around at my current surroundings
I am over joyed to yet again be home, the ren faire.

Capt Spleen

One from Sean Prometheus Daniels,
The other, Capt Dungeon Spleen.
Quick! Obtain bundles of ren faire manuals,
And then slow, no, slower..... we walk, better to be seen.


And lo, what is there we see
Upon the waining of the light
A bonfire and dancing bosoms
Freeing from bodices in the night!


As we pass the scents of baking bread
our hearts turn young once more
as memories rush past of days gone by
and friends we made in days of yore.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

Jack Daw at Work

But, not long after quenching thirst,
I find my mind go blank as slate
And, in hot temper do I burst,
Did you take the bread from off my plate?!
Steve "Jack Daw" McIntyre

"The honour the Sleat Carpenter still preserved for his descendants."