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Getting Ready For Faire. What do you do?

Started by Will Gamwell, July 22, 2008, 09:54:22 AM

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The night before Faire starts, I always try to walk as much of the site as I can at about midnight.
Former King Henry VIII
Renaissance Magazine Issue #66 Cover Boy


I spent this last weekend going through the garb and making sure everything was
in good condition.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Hyper-ventilate, drive those around me absolutely mad with "Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" or an hour by hour countdown.  Basically the same things I did as a child on Christmas Eve!  ::) :P


Immediately after the previous faire, I start making a mental inventory of what in my garb worked, what was uncomfortable, and what looked silly, along with ways to fix it.

In the spring I start to order my stuff I need.

Throughout the summer, I organise it, try it on, alter it, etc.

Though I work out anyway, just to burn off energy and be healthy, I want to step it up this summer so I can have some obvious definition, so I don't look like the female equivalent of the skinny little dudes in 10 tons of armour and weapons.

The morning before I go to the faire, I pick up whomever I'm taking, and go to Sheetz to get gas and refreshments.

Oh yes, and it's imperative that I'm late no matter how much I try to be on time.


I always stretch my leg muscles. My first weekend actually working a faire resulted in a week of agony after I strained my thigh muscles curtsying to everyone I saw. I also do vocal warm ups, as I spend a good part of the day either singing, hollering or squeaking, and the first weekend the SECOND year I worked faire led me to completely losing my voice. Try doing Shakespeare when you can't even whisper- it's fun.


I spend about 5 months getting ready for faire and at any given moment, I'v got enough garb and other odds and ends in my car that I can be garbed and ready to go for any unexpected faire event or promo.

To get ready though, I'll spend countless hours on site getting teh grounds ready and prepairing my own demo area, I spend a few weekends going to faire performance classes, rehersals and promotions.  I have a cd of drinking songs, faire music, and pirate derges that I'll listen to for a solid week with mixing in some good classic rock and roll as I drive up to site, and celtic music as I drive off.
Quote from: Queen Bonnie on February 16, 2009, 04:18:00 PM
  Make sure I have at least 40 or 50 pounds of COB ( crap on belt)  POOF! I am there!
yep, I do that too though it just kind of ends up that way since I'm always needing and odd asortment of period tools as I move around.  I'll start wearing that and my garb as I do sitework to get used to the way it all moves and feels hanging off me.


First fair in 2 weeks... I'm definately not ready.  Need to finish my new bodice, overskirt, dye old underskirt so I can wear it until the new fabric comes in for the new underskirt.... make guideropes for pavillion, new poles for backstage....the list goes on and on..... happiness is working on faire....


Quote from: Merry on March 01, 2009, 10:23:48 AM
the list goes on and on..... happiness is working on faire....

It seems you can write a list of everything that needs to happen before faire starts, but for every one thing you'll write down, you find 15 more small, little, or hopefully only rarely large, things that still need to get done


Quote from: jcbanner on March 02, 2009, 12:26:34 AM
Quote from: Merry on March 01, 2009, 10:23:48 AM
the list goes on and on..... happiness is working on faire....

It seems you can write a list of everything that needs to happen before faire starts, but for every one thing you'll write down, you find 15 more small, little, or hopefully only rarely large, things that still need to get done

I know....isn't it great ;)


Panic because no one else seems to find the fact that faire started last weekend and things STILL need to be done a problem!
PR ~Faire Daughter~

Eric the Ugly

I guess I struggle through life for about 300 days or so.

Seriously, though, I used to walk more often, but now that that's part of my daily exercise routine, I guess I won't have to do that this year. Just the usual, I s'pose: ordering new stuff, trying it on... hhmm.. I change the type of music I listen to around this time of year if that counts as "preparation".
I also have had to work on my sleeping schedule that last couple of years, as I will this year, due to working nights seven days a week. So I have to get used to coming home at about 5am-ish and going straight to sleep (ugh) so's I can get up and be at Fest at least by 11:30am-noon or so.


Quote from: Dracconia on March 04, 2009, 08:16:10 PM
Panic because no one else seems to find the fact that faire started last weekend and things STILL need to be done a problem!

I'm right with you there!  Seems that for every 10-20 cast members, we'll only get one that really puts in the long haul to help finish things up.  :'(


i have to write lists for what i'm camping with, what events are going on, what i want to carry on belt/basket etc..
i've been on cast for ncrf for 4 yrs and i've slowly been adding to garb attire/camping stuff
once i walk in the christmas parade i'm in ren faire mode itching for jan's practices to start
start playing the ren cd's and memorizing songs for the pub/closing time
buying fabric/supplies - coming up with bits and character ideas
march is pure madness of pulling it all together till that day..that magicial day
friday!!! the day before faire starts when people/castmates/rf's/mcrack/wench/rogue/etcs...
come from all over pitching tents getting things set up walking around talking to people
helping whoever needs help getting the last details done for both faire and campsite
watching our faire come to life then walking it at night and lastly the first bonfire
whether or not there is a fire ban there is a pit somewhere with chairs around it
wake up surrounded by friends and then become the character....
Chieftess Nailin'
Irish Penny Brigade
Daddy's Princess
IWG # 3894

Eric the Ugly

It boggles my mind how I have almost an entire year to prepare for the next season for GARF...and yet each year it's the same old thing... I wait until Feburary or March to start ordering some new clothes and odds and ends. Why in the world do I do that?!?   ::)

Lady Gwyndolyn

I spend the months before faire begins checking over all the garb worn last season, doing any repairs to my own as well as Dark Wolfs attire.  I try to make something new for every year, wether it be new tights for Dark Wolf or a new poet shirt... to a whole new dress for myself...  sew.. 
Lady Gwyndolyn
Duchess of Kearsley