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The Tudors

Started by daylight, May 21, 2008, 07:22:57 AM

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 Does anyone watch the Tudors on show time? I love that show is getting so good.

Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

I tried to watch the first season as did Toki. Neither of us liked it. I would much rather have seen someone who fit the bill of Henry playing Henry instead of the skinny Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Steven Waddington who played the Duke of Buckingham would have been a much better choice. The HA of the show also doesn't seem right after reading a ton of Allison Weir, and Richard Starky books on the Tudors.
"The Metal Maiden"
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My sister made me sit through two episodes. It was painful. sorry.

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Marquesa de Trives
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Baroness Doune

There are three things that I look for in any TV show or movie that purports to be historical:

1.  Historical accuracy - Extremely hard to find anywhere in TV/film, I know, but there are a few.
2.  Costumes - I like historical accuracy here also, but it is not essential.  I would expect the costuming to exhibit some sense of the period which is being portrayed and the costuming should fit person wearing it.
3.  Characters believable in their roles or an actor/actress that I particularly like.

I can be persuaded to watch a TV show or movie that meets even one of the above criteria.

The Tudors is made of fail on all counts.


I recently read a book, "Mistress Anne", by Carolly Erickson. There were so many things in several recent episodes that were direct quotes from her book. I love this series. The Six Wives of Henry the VIII with Keith Mitchell from Masterpiece theatre was my start of facination with Tudor England. While "The Tudors" isn't that H/A, I love it as a fine example of the corruption and soap opera atmosphere of Henry's rule. And we think our politicians are corrupt. This is a series you have to enjoy like "Dallas in the renaissance!" The producers admit it isn't H/A. That was not the goal of the show. But if it encourages others to learn about this time period I'm all for it.
Countess of Phoenix
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 CountessofPhc I do agree with all you said. I like to see what all happens in their life. That Queen Ann you have to love to hate her. Thank you for  your reply


I tried watching the first season but the attrocity they commited against Mary and Margaret Tudor turned me right off. >:(  My argument/problem with this is not that they are historically accurate (that is to be somewhat expected) but that they would change historical facts. In terms of Henry, history provided the necessary elements, there is no need to come up with things or to change history to emphasize drama. There are even enough surviving rumors and gossip form the time to "fluff" the story.I have watched some of the more recent episodes and have to admit that they have improved.
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


The producers said they combined the two, Margaret and Mary Tudor into one character, because there were too many Mary Tudors in the storyline.  Didn't want to confuse the viewers between the king's sister and daughter. then add Mary Boleyn and there really are a lot of Mary's.
Countess of Phoenix
Descendant of Celtic Nobility
Designer Extraordinaire
We are only limited by what we can dream


Well that only sort of excuses them of the merger and if it would have been only that I might have been ok with it but they had her marry the king of Portugal instead of France and actually kill him...and this is just one of the many...
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


I have seen the last of the two episodes for this season that chronicle the fall  and demise of Anne Boleyn. For as much as they have done one way or another IMHO they "missed the boat" in that they did not have her admittance that she had miscarried her salvation (she instead begs Henry for one more chance with Elizabeth in her arms), there was no portrayal  of her trial, the fact that her uncle was the one to arrest her and preside over her trial and the irony in that she stayed in the same aparments at the Tower both for her coronation and her incarceration.
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


I will agree that the first season  irritated me..especially the Mary Tudor/ Brandon Affair. 

The second irritation was the Field of Cloth of Gold.  This was such a huge event...wish we could have seen more.

The second season was better...less the focus on Big historical events an more on interpersonal relationships, though an easy out, made the show more enjoyable.

As for the season finale I especially liked how they did Anne's Execution....
It is not historically accurate...but then what is from hollywood?

At least it is a period peice on television and doing well.  Looking forward to next season...
I would rather endure a thousand biblical hells then live a life of perpetual inconsequence.

Emerald Shaunassey

Quote from: Lady_Glorianna on May 23, 2008, 07:04:48 PM
I tried watching the first season but the attrocity they commited against Mary and Margaret Tudor turned me right off. >:(  My argument/problem with this is not that they are historically accurate (that is to be somewhat expected) but that they would change historical facts. In terms of Henry, history provided the necessary elements, there is no need to come up with things or to change history to emphasize drama. There are even enough surviving rumors and gossip form the time to "fluff" the story.I have watched some of the more recent episodes and have to admit that they have improved.

Thank you Lady Gloriana!!! Nice to see someone else who dislike that the producers couldn't pull their collective heads outta their butts enough to see that they screwed up history in a BIG way!  Margaret, Dowager Queen of Scotland marrying Charles Brandon?!?!?  Get real... not what happened at all!  And having this "mixed" character of Margaret/Mary marrying the King of Portugal rather than the Dauphin of France?????  Jeez.  I did have high hopes that they would at least get the documentable stuff correct.

Yeah, for the fluff stuff that it is, it's not bad - soundtrack from first season is great!  But, it *really* turned me off to see the screw up with Margaret/Mary/Charles SL.

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Taffy Saltwater

This one makes me think about the old line about the man complaining about the bad food & such small portions - 10 episodes is a season?  The royals were so well documented so it is odd that they have played so fast & loose w/history.  As far as costuming, well, at least there are no visible zippers and I am crazy about the little plume that curves around to the front of Henry's cap.  This show is like chocolate - if I can't get Godiva, I'll take Hershey's.


I don't know about this one....I haven't watched it yet because I'm not impressed with the actors they've chosen and the majority of opinions I've heard have not been positive. To be honest, some of the ads I've seen have turned me off. They show modern looking actors in sexy poses with clothes hanging off the shoulders and sleeveless gowns/doublets, throwing sultry gazes at the camera or each other. More Melrose Place than sixteenth century England, IMO.  I certainly don't look for historical accuracy in films and TV shows, (I leave that up to documentaries) but it seems the producers of The Tudors are aiming for a very modern feel to an old story. I'm thinking they're trying to attract an audience that normally wouldn't be interested in historical drama.

Maybe in the future I'll give the series a chance, but for now I'm still holding off.
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I admit, I like it.  It took some time, but I've managed to separate my knowledge of history from the show.  To me, it's like watching a Harry Potter movie, in a way.  I -know- they're doing it wrong, I -hate- that they're doing it wrong,'s still entertaining.  Yes, the Mary/Margaret thing got on my nerves in a big way, but I pushed it aside, because, feh, I was entertained.  (By the way, did anyone else notice the dramatic change in Henry's voice between the first and second seasons?  The first season he had a rather normal voice.  The second season it was all...crazy and weird and whiney/nasally and higher.  It actually quite irritated me.)

Athena: I'm completely with you on the ads.  They're ridiculous.  Anne Boleyn in a strapless gown?  Hardly.  Thankfully, that isn't in the show.  Doublets with no sleeves are, on occasion, and it annoys the bejesus outta me.  Other than that, the costuming isn't eye-burning or anything.  Except that all the women manage to get out of their gowns far too quickly to be realistic.

I am really curious to see how far they take the series, as in...will they stop with Henry's death?  Will they even make it that far?  Will it continue through Edward/Mary/Elizabeth?  ...Will they leave out Edward and Mary like so much of history does?
Mischievous Little Imp.