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Where Sterling Has Stood In Terms of the Renaissance Festivals of The USA?

Started by Cobaltblu, May 24, 2008, 05:00:08 PM

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I have heard in more than one place that Sterling is the "gem of renaissance festivals".  I certainly agree that Sterling is a very nice festival with a wonderful plot of land and buildings and atmosphere and entertainment.

I looked at websites of other faires and many are sponsored by major corporations like Pepsi and so on...and don't appear to have anywhere near as nice a plot of land.  I would be very surprised if I found a faire with a better physical layout or physical atmosphere.

Historically how has Sterling been seen or ranked amongst festivals?  I've had many people on these forums say "Oh I heard Sterling is really good".


Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.


Sterling is one of the oldest running faires (30+ years). One of the main factors for Sterling's reputation is the environment or the "feel". Care in the placement and building of permanent structures, the look of the grounds are prime examples. Another element is management committment not only reflected on the previous but also in the hiring of personel (ie artistic directors, actors, etc)knowledgeable and passionate towards the subject matter (the renaissance period).
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


Sterling is one of the most historically accurate Faires in the US. From the wares allowed to be sold by vendors, to the costuming, to policies regarding actors (i.e. No using plastic cutlery or paper napkins, speaking in dialect at all times), Sterling goes above and beyond to transport a guest of the Faire completely out of the 21st century. Independent performers are also held to similar standards to maintain the illusion. In a recent trip to a southern Faire, I noticed that the jousting field was enclosed by a green metal fence. Not very Elizabethan (or Tudor). For authenticity, come to Sterling.


Does the faire discourage playtrons who are not historically accurate?  I confess I was contemplating a visit to Sterling.  But dare I say, I may not be very period specific!!!  'Twould be rather annoying to travel several hours and not get in!
Bringer of Doom and Pestilence


The times I have been there, just like at any other faire, as long as you do not break the law, you can come dressed in whatever you like.
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


Don't worry about it Darklord, I have seen many different and strange beings at Sterling.

Come and Enjoy.
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis

Drake Starsong

Never fear, while there are many who dress period, there are many who do not. You will see your share of dwarves, elves, and everything in between. My group tends to dress according to out D&D characters :P
Yo ho Yo ho!



Don't forget "midevil kinevil" that was here a couple years ago. I wonder if Elvis will be back too?
*links and URLs not allowed in signature* - Admin


Bringer of Doom and Pestilence


Last year there was also a small person (either a very small man or a teenager) who wore a life-sized bat costume. Seriously. Head to foot in an all black bat costume, complete with wings and talons and a mask and everything. It was weird.


Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis


I found this video on youtube of "Chris the Robot" playing pillow fight and that rope ladder game at Sterling in 2007.

Interestingly he seems to have copied his character from "Awesome-O" from Southpark.

Thankfully I didn't witness "Chris the Robot"


Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.

Sir Douglas of Waterbury

Im sorry if the presence of cash registers concerned you. During the preparation to close the sale it was drilled in my head by many who had worked there including the former owners that there was an awful lot of money not winding up in the fairs bank deposits and unfortunately it has required us to implement a few changes. It is paramount to me that we maintain the integrity and authenticity at Sterling and people seem happy with the restoration efforts of our shire many new and wondrous things are on their way in the turn around process over the next five years I pledge to you all to do my very best to adhere to the high standards and traditions long associated with Sterling.


Cash registers are no problem.  I actually didn't even notice them when I attended opening weekend.  However when I saw the earlier post regarding them I came to the same conclusion...that maybe on occasion people were taking something for themselves.



Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.