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Discussion of Mudbeggar and Maiden

Started by Tremayne, January 28, 2009, 10:02:00 AM

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Indeed, I am not put off by dragons either, as I said I am writing on a story entitled a Trip to the Dragon's Cave.I only asked because I was unsure how either of you felt about magic as a story element.I can take it or do without it happily either way. I didn't take it that Donna was saying that she was against it, rather simply saying that it was not her strength.

I can see plenty of potential for adventure in that either way we choose to go. If we lean towards magic then it can be a passing encounter or we can have on of the characters catch the baby dragon and bond to it and raise it. If we decide to skirt magic then it could be an encounter that the young folks relate to adults when they return and be used as an avenue to explore legends and local lore which could result in many adventures.

I think that this sort of writing goes best when we spend some effort talking about direction and ideas for the story here. It is more work then writting alone but to me it is much more rewarding as the story seems to take on a life of it's own. If you find this uncomfortable then by all means you should step out but I for one do not want to see you go, I feel that you add much to the story development and we would lose in that if you decide not to be a part of it. I hope that you reconsider and hopefully knowing that I felt exactly as you do at first, I almost deleted one of my posts out of concern that I was taking the story off on a tangent that the rest of you wouldn't care for, means that you are not alone in not feeling completely comfortable with the interaction part. I think that it just takes a bit trust and talking here to over come that.


after much thought.....I decided to continue the story; if no one objects that is.
In a way this type of writing is a more diffcult test of creative writing skills.
It is one thing to write a story from A to B.
It is another thing entirely to write a story from A to Z when all the stops between are a moving target.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Well, being that Blackbead has appeared to quit, that seems to leave it up to you and me. There are no objections from me,please by all means, write on.

I agree it is more of a challenge to write this way, but as I have said it is in my opinion more rewarding.I have seen it work, Martin Montgomery and I wrote on a story, of this nature,with other writers called a "Trip to the Dragon's Cave" in Queen Bonnie's realm. There was a series of fantasy books entitled Sanctuary that I read back in the 80s that worked along a similar premise. It was more a series of short stories all set in the same town written by various authors.

That some people do not care for it's style is understandable, in fact, that it can be made to work at all is in my opinion a statement about the participants determination and flexibility as much as it is about the actual writing. When someone sends the story off on an unexpected tangent, I prefer to see it as a opportunity rather then a challenge. Though I understand that there are limits to that, it is in that very aspect that I find this kind of writting so rewarding.


I apologize for not replying sooner but my time has not been my own these last few days.  I also apologize if I have offended anyone and I can see where my words could be taken as offensive.  I agree with you both, and with Harry Callahan: I know my limitations.  I learned something here - writing in this type of environment is just not for me.  I applaud your desires to go on with the story, however, and I will be interested to see where you take it.  I need to walk away but I know I'm leaving these characters in good and capable hands.  Best wishes in all things.

"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."



Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Impressive, sure you weren't a Dungeon Master in a previous life?  ;D


Quote from: Alphonse on April 05, 2009, 10:41:15 PM
Impressive, sure you weren't a Dungeon Master in a previous life?  ;D

No, married to a ASL game fanatic.  ;D
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Indeed! it has been many a moon past since last I played Advanced Squad Leader. Back in the 80's my first wife would throw fits because I would take over the kitchen table for days on end with map boards from my many Avalon Hill war games,lol. Since the advent of computer gaming the world of table top gaming has gone into decline. It was via gaming conventions that I came to find the world of ren-fests.