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Tell Us About Your Persona

Started by Amras Elfwine, May 10, 2008, 01:23:29 AM

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Duke of Cardiff

Introducing K'ith and Edit
Benden Weyrleaders.
this is part 1
Keith is born "and the Angels Rejoiced" in Southern Boll son of a Sea Holder and like all good sea holders could swim before his 1st turn

At about his 3rd turn he was noted for singing by the local Harper (a journeyman at that point) who took him under his wing and taught him.  He still learned the sea and had a great love of Ship Fish.  Keith sailed on several fishing trips with his father (even ones he was not supposed to) until one day during his 10th turn  a Master Harper noticed his singing and begged the boy's father to allow him to come to the Harper Hall and learn.  This Harper, the Mastersinger would later be turned to tears by this same boy. 

While at the Harper Hall, he learned the craft well enough to be placed in the 2nd year apprentice program.  All this happened before his 12th turn.

One day during his 12th turn, a Blue Dragon, named Moreth, and his rider T'flar came bearing a gift from the Benden Weyr Leaders to the Masterharper.  While walking across the courtyard, Keith bowed (as is appropriate) to the dragon who spoke to him.  The dragon insisted this boy stand as a candidate on the Hatching Grounds for the clutch that was hardening.  Being as this is the primary Search Dragon for Benden, there was no need to double check.  Keith was given the option and less than a sevenday later, he was a dragonback heading to Benden.  This is the event that brought the Mastersinger to tears.   During his stay at Benden he was still able to study with the Weyr Singer to become a journeyman harper.

On a bright midsummer morning Keith wearing his white robe entered the Hatching Grounds with the other candidates.  It wasn't long before the clutch began to shell.  There was a whirl of activity, even he is not sure how long it took or who impressed first.  All that he remembered was the most beautiful set of whirling blue green eyes as they locked with his.  In his mind he heard the Bronze dragon, his dragon, speak to him and tell him his name was Gamenth.  It was then Keith became K'ith. 

During Gamenth's 1st turn he began to grow much faster than the other dragons.  So large was he that many people mistook him for a Golden Queen until they got close enough to see he was Bronze.  He is on record as the largest Bronze on Pern to date.  After his 1st turn and training going Between he began his conveyance duty like all good Weyrlings.  Due to his young age he was not placed in a fighting wing for 4 turns.  It is during this period that Gamenth gets the name "the Benden Bronze" and the counting song is written about him. 

It is during his 16th turn that K'ith returns to the Harper Hall to take his journeyman exams.  Nearing the end of these an emergency rush of medicine is needed to quell an outbreak of illness in Ruatha.  Considering it would take him merely three heartbeats between to get to Ruatha, whereas the best runnerbeast would take days, K'ith volunteered to take the medical supplies.  Upon his arrival, a young girl of about 15 turns was trying to quell the frightened runnerbeasts with a young friend, but all the 5 turn old young boy could think of was seeing the big bronze up close.  After their duties were attended to and the runnerbeasts were once again settled, the girl finally relented and escorted the little boy to see the "Benden Bronze". 

Edit was born to the Master Breeder at Ruatha Hold.  This made her second cousin to the Lord Holder of Ruatha.  Although her mother tried her best to teach her lady-like skills, Edit was almost always found with her father in the beasthold.  She was so absorbed in helping her father care for the runnerbeasts, that she had little time for anything else, including boys, although they did notice her.  During her 15th turn, her father kept her in and around the beasthold more, to keep her isolated from any who might have the illness.  It was on one such day that the "Benden Bronze" arrived with medical supplies from the Healer Hall.
There are things that go bump in the night.  We are the things that BUMP BACK!


I will tell you a little of my life for your diversión. My father was the first cousin to Don Alvaro Pérez Osorio, Conde de Trastámara y Marques de Astorga.

I was born in the Convento de Religiosas Madre de Dios in 1501. It was actually an accident that I was not born in Sevilla in the house of my Mother's sister. My father, Don Hernan Osorio de Moscoso, was due to embark on a voyage to Nueva Espana and it was intended for my mother stay with her older sister. But my mother, Dona Ana Lopez de Xerez, started her labor two months early while they were traveling from Cadiz to Sevilla.

I have two older Brothers and one younger. My beloved mother died when I was about five years old giving birth to my youngest brother. My father was with the Court of the King at Santiago when this event occurred. Ever after he was convinced that my mother might have lived if he had been there to insist on a physician. But in consequence he resolved that my youngest brother and I would travel with him wherever he went. It was about this same time that my father arranged a contract for my betrothal to the son of the Marques de Villafranca. At that time the boy was the heir apparent to the Marquisate as well as the Duchy of Alva. Alas, he died the year afterwards and the contract was let lapse.

Since I traveled with my father from an early age, my education and upbringing were quite different than most girls from noble families. I shared the tutor and confessor of my younger brother. So I learned languages, literature, mathematics and poetry as well as other subjects not usually considered appropriate for women. My poor aunt worried herself continuously that my father would let me become so educated that I would be unmarriageable.  

My father did spoil me shamelessly, though he had some help from my older brothers who were much older than I. I rode horses considered too spirited for a lady and kept my own kennel of dogs. By the time my youngest brother was sent to foster with the Viceroy of Naples, I was almost as wild as he was. Briefly my father brought Dona Osanna to live with us in hopes of settling me down. We became closer than sisters, but all too soon her family sent for her return.  My own family entertained the hope that one day I would marry the heir to a duchy. On my late mother's side I had blood ties to the Catholic Queen Ysabel, which drew some offers for my hand. I dashed my father's hope to have a duke for a grandson when I chose the man who became my husband.

I fell in love with this tall, dark and handsome man at a blessing of the grape harvest. He asked me to dance with him at the ball that evening. He was heir to the Marques de Trives, a small politically unimportant region in Galicia near the Portuguese border. His family bloodline was impeccable since he was related to the oldest ruling families in Cordoba and Zaragoza. But most important to me, he seemed the perfect courtier; educated, polite and romantic. (It was only much later that I discovered he was romantic mostly by accident.) I think my eldest brother was most bothered by the fact that my intended's immediate family had no connection to any of the great orders of knights. At first my father tried to resist my pleas, but he relented when I threatened to take matters into my own hands. I have always wondered if my parent's marriage was a love match also since my father never remarried. When my father was satisfied that I would be truly happy with my choice, he graciously surrendered my hand to Don Juan de Cordoba.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Well, my pirate character is very loosely based on the Immortals off of Highlander.

I am Cairn MacBane, born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1698. Sadly, though I died in 1725 during a bar fight. Upon coming back to life, I thought I had just been knocked out and went on with my life. Finally around 1735, I was found by another Immortal known as John Willard a student of Methos who informed me of what I was. After training me for almost a decade, I ignored his advice and joined in the Jacobite Rebellion following Bonnie Prince Charlie off to war.

After the fateful battle and aftermath of Culloden in 1746, dis-enchanted and angry at the world, I stole a ship and currently prey the seas picking off any English ship I can find under the name Capt. Jack Benson. I am known as the "Scourge of the English Channel"

Mischief Snicklebritches

I am Katherine Remington, Dutchess of Lyfeld, affectionately called Kitty. I am short, well fed and as stubborn as a natural red head, though I have dark hair.
Generally speaking, I am the youngest Duchess at court and naturally this inspires a lot of jealousy.

I was an only child, but as a child I overheard my nurse talking once about a twin that I had. My father adored me, and still does, but my mother never liked me much, or at least, she never acted like she did. When I was 16 years old she took me, under the guise of a holiday in France with only her, to a convent and left me. My father came to my rescue, but only after they had shorn my hair. Shortly after my return, again to the credit to my loving mother, I was married to Nicholas Remington the Duke of Lyfeld. I was 16. My Father, James Havershom was the 5th Earl of Essex and my mother, Ann Havershom was herself a duchess by inheritance before she married my father. The Duchess of Kent, and also the cousin of Jane Seymour. All other relatives are unknown to me. However, Nicholas' mother is still living. Amelia Remington Duchess of Bath.

I am known as the court brat. I am loud and outspoken, but know how to be demure and coy when the occasion calls for it. I have no desire to sit in poorly lit rooms bent over needle point when there are horses to be ridden, fox to be hunted and dogs to be trained, bred and played with. My dearest friends are Princess Beatrice of England (CoRF) and Prince Demitri Polokovski of Russia. And I suppose Nicholas, my husband.

I have a terrible gambling habit that I indulge late nights in local pubs dressed as a commoner. I generally do very well, but unbeknownst to my husband I have lost several thousand pounds of my allowance in bad wagers.

I am generally good natured but have a quick temper and am hideously jealous. I love children and want several, but not with Nicholas.
I carry a solid gold rose brooch on my person at all times. It was the last gift given to me by my lover who mysteriously disappeared from London the night before my wedding to Nicholas. I to this day have spies trying to find him. Its been nearly four years since his disappearance. 
How do I know I haven't missed it?!...what if it WAS the chicken!


I am Ryan Leask, of the Leask Clan of Aberdeenshire.  No title, as I be no one of import, just a simple wayfarer that looks to travel the land as I like.  Quiet when I'm idle, oft blended to the background, lest raised in song or engaged in good conversation.

Born to Craig Leask and Caroleen O'Baley (me Da had a thing for the lasses from Ireland, for some reason), I left me birthplace when I were a young lad, barely over a dozen years of age.  Barely anything but a dagger, a hunting bow, and the clothes on my back when I did, I lived off the land.  I did the occasional odd job when I came to any village or town, often times as trade for a warm bed for the night... or at least a haypile in a stable.

As happens to young travelers or those ill-suited to defend themselves, I was waylaid a year after I started out.  Easy pickings for the bandits, though they didn't find much and nearly took it out of me hide.  They did learn me a lesson, and after too long, I were able to "acquire" a sword.  Took to it like a fish to water, and soon, knew me way in life:  help those that help themselves to others' workings to find an early grave.  After learning to use it (often by mimicking what I'd seen from the shadowed outskirts of camps with sparring soldiers or knights), I began to do that.  Nothing too big, mind you, and certainly nothing organized, but a couple highwaymen be easy when you drop one with an arrow.  It made for a good living, at least, though never much more than a couple small coins and a meal I didn't have to catch and cook meself.  Unless it were some unlucky merchant or the like, when it became a bit more from their purse.  Or for the right coin, a "wronged lover" might find themselves avenged of the "wrong-doer".  But that be a story for another time.

This I've done for a dozen and some years.  I've not the thought of stopping, at least just yet.  But then, what need have I to stop, as I still love to wander the lands.  And as long as the lands call, there be work to be had along the way.
What's a Grecian Urn?  Are we talking union, or non-union?


Good Morrow, all!

My name is Eleanor Moorley, (and if my sisters tell you my name is Nelle, pay them no mind!  I have a proper, court-worthy name, after all!), and I am a young, unmarried maiden in search of a husband!  (So in sooth, if you do meet a young, handsome, wealthy, preferably titled and landed gentleman or noble who is single yet, please send him in my general direction).  My father is a merchant of cloth, although since he's gone quite batty my mother runs the shop in his name.  I have quite a dowry to my name in fine cloth and gold, and would be a fitting bride for anyone of high Gentry or Noble blood! 

Having three younger sisters, my parents did think it wise to send me away to a young ladys' polishing academy, where I earn my keep by singing with the other maidens who board there.  You can find us on the streets of Larkspurshire (or even at the royal pavillion when the court is visiting!) entertaining with our harmonies.  Singing has indeed become my favorite passtime of all, and I do hope that in my married life I will be given leave to do so often.  With our vocal talents and the entrance this gains us at court as the King and Queen's entertainment, we all do hope to marry quite well, and quite soon. 

Also please stop by and say hello, we're working on our courtly manners and sociability! 

Yours Truely,
Eleanore Moorley.
Nelle Moorley



I am Sir Michael of Mentor. Knight Commander of the military order of Jerusalem Knights. I am very skilled in the Art of War and have taken an oath to protect the weak, defenseless, helpless and fight for the general welfare of All. Of the people, for the people, God save our King. The past eight years, I have been on a quest from the King of Fayetteville. I serve as protector, escort and advisor to Princess Emma of Fayetteville who is now 8 years old. Each year she desires to attend the Great Lakes Medieval Faire, and I see that she is safe and happy.

Sir Michael of Mentor
Knight Commander
Jerusalem Knights

Knight Commander - Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 
Pontis Mori Quam Foedari - Deus Lo Vult!


Krisstina Trow is a young girl hailing from Aberayron, a coastal village in Cardiganshire, Wales. As a lass, she helped her mother make nets and other fisher's gear for her father, and havin' cut her eyetooth on the spar so to speak, was always eager to hear the sailor's stories and songs of life and land o'er the sea. By no means a weakminded or meek wench, Krisstina found her place amongst the sailors as a close friend and companion and until leavin' the shire at 16, she scrounged fair livelihood by entertainin' sailors in the pub with song. Although all manner of tunes have found their way into her repertoire, Krisstina's heart will always be the closest bound to ballads of love lost in the waves and songs of sailors who yearn to return home.


I was born Knil Bloodmoon, the son of a simple folk on a river plain, long long ago. By my people I was called Knil the Many Colored, for my then black mane was often colored various hues and corpsepaint covered my face. Raised to be a warrior of the tribe, I fought and won many battles against fellow man, fae creatures, and foul beasts. At a young age I was blessed by She Who Thirsts, an eldritch being of unfathomable power, and I began to change. Struck with what my tribe deemed "shaman sickness", I traveled into the North to seek out my enigmatic patron, but found only death and ruin. The power that had been granted to me had also corrupted me, many dark deeds did I commit, and I gave myself over totally to the shadows. In my travels I came across Magnus the Wanderer, a mighty, ageless being, and Mormegil Silverfist, a paragon of the Eldar race, and with their help I was saved from the Greater Darkness. Now I hone my mystical power, keep the library of the Black Tower, and wander the occasional Faire.

I am Knil, Keeper of Secrets, Chronicler, Teller of Tales, and Mystic. I am no longer human, but I long to be so. I enjoy a good story (and there have been many here!), playing the ocarina (which I'm dreadful at), a pipe every now and then, jokes and jests of all kinds, beautiful things, and, again, a good story. 


Bonjour.  Je me pel Pomponne l'Honnete.  Pomponne l'Honnete de Calais.  My life is that of a simple mariner.  I serve aboard HMS Flirt.

My family lives in the English city of Calais.  I have two children who have lived to adulthood:  my son of 18, Michel, who is seeking his fortune as a herring merchant, and my daughter of 15, who works at a tavern in town.

I work hard as a sailor, and I spend much time away from home.  I used to think that I have been all over the world serving His Majesty, except now they have found a new route to the Indies.  I have not been there.

I take tobacco in seegar and pipe.  When not on duty, I have been known to drink almost anything.  I prefer mead and ale.  I tasted a bitter hot drink called kavve from the Ottomans, and always look for it now.

Both my knife and cup are decorated with knotwork that I tied.  I am very skilled at throwing axes.  It is a skill I learned while repelling boarders.

I have no use for murderous, treacherous pirates.  I do not believe in fairies.  I have seen monsters in the sea.


I have two characters. I'll post one now and the other later (I'm too tired to do both right now!)

Friar Cody McManus

How now and well met!

'Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Me name is Friar Cody McManus, Cody being given to me by my mother, the bloody English wench that she is, and McManus being me proper Irish name, of course descendin' from me da'. For whatever reason, me da' and me mother fell in some spell of love and had themselves a baby, much to the chagrin of both families. As it was not proper for an Irish lord like me da' an' and English wench to be marryin', I was born a bastard. Needless t'say, neither family fought for the right t'keep me. I was given over t'the monks over on Lindisfarne, where I was raised and whatnot.  Naturally, I joined their ranks and took the tonsure when I was but a boy. Oh, I learned me English and I learned me Latin, but I never once touched Greek and I have no straight intention of it. I looked at it once, I did, an' it gave me the hurlyburlies in me tummy for the next few hours. In any case, since I wouldn't touch the Greek, I was never sent t'the seminary, which is just fine in my books anyhow.

I took t'traveling when I was a boy. As a Friar, that was possible for me--unlike those bloody Benedictine snoots who stay locked away in their monasteries. Bunch o' pansies in my mind! In any case, I travel about, doin' what I can whene'er I can. I teach. I preach. I write. I sing. Those sorts o' things. While I was off in Germany, I heard the teachin's of a little German professor over in Wittenburg. He was off talkin' about the grandeur o' the church. He right pissed the Holy Father off, he did. At first, I thought it nothin' to consider--some little German priest with a corncob stuck up his arse. Then I sat down and started readin' what this monk had t'say. The funny thing? I liked it! Never ye fear! I'm still a friar in good standin' wit' me order and wit' the Holy Father, but I do like the things that that Luter had t' say. As a matter o' fact, I think I'll start preachin' those sorts of messages--y'know, the whole God loves ye kind of thing, the y'don't need the church for salvation, the pope's got 'is crucifix shoved too far up his--oh! I might wait off on the last of those.

In any case, I'm a simple man with a simple life. I live t'serve God and God's people. I'm no scholar and I certainly ain't no theologian. I'm just a dirty soul from Ireland, tryin' t'make this world a little happier. I leave with a quote from me old friend, Brother Billy: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints--the sinners have much more fun, darlin',  only the good die young!" Although he didn't call me darling. Let's get that straight! (No pun intended, har har har!)

Brian Green Knight

I am Sir Brian Fitz-Matthais FitzGerald, the oldest illegitimate son of Matthias Fitz-Maurice FitzGerald who was himself an illegitimate son of Maurice Fitz-Thomas FitzGerald, the 2nd Baron of Kerry. Matthias had usurped the title 'Baron of Kerry' from his half-brother Nicolas (the legitimate heir) for two years shortly after the death of their father Maurice in 1305. The family name of FitzGerald was the only legacy Matthias provided to me his bastard son when I was born in 1301 until the year 1309 when he petitioned Donough O'Brien, the King of Thomond at the time, to accept me as a page in his court at Cahir Castle. In 1311 Murtough O'Brien became the King of Thomond after slaying Donough in treason. I became a squire in 1313 and earned my spurs during the Irish Bruce Wars on May 10, 1318 at the battle of Dysert O'Dea after slaying three of the personal guards to Richard De Clare, who commanded the Anglo-Norman forces, thereby enabling King Murtough O'Brien to slay Richard De Clare and win the battle. I continued to serve King Murtough O'Brien until 1322 where upon I left his service in good standing to travel as a knight-errant throughout northern and central Europe competing in tournaments and serving various nobles in numerous border skirmishes and minor wars.

In the spring of 1326 I returned from the continent and came into the service of Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster whom I served throughout the deposition of King Edward II and had been both companion and protector for Edward of Windsor when the Earl of Lancaster was assigned guardianship over the newly crowned and underage king in 1327. On October 19, 1330 I joined a group of loyal followers to King Edward III in a nighttime raid of Nottingham castle and the subsequent capture of the king's regents, his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer the Earl of March. I was one of the knights who escorted Roger Mortimer to the Tower of London and also bore witness to his hanging on November 29, 1330. In that same year I took up service to my king and liege lord after my former lord released me from his service. In the year 1333 I had accompanied my king into Scotland when he broke the Scots ability to resist further subjugation at the battle of Halidon Hill on July 19th.

Over the next several years I served my liege well as a lieutenant of the garrisons for several of his castles throughout England, Ireland and Gascony. In the year 1340 I sailed with my king's fleet and fought in the battle of Sluys on June 24th, where I was badly wounded and had to spend the remainder of the year mending at Castle Rising in Norfolk.

In the year 1346 I accompanied my king and his heir the Prince of Wales, Edward of Woodstock into France and participated in several raids throughout the region and stood by my King as we watched the prince win his spurs of knighthood at the battle of Crécy on August 26th when his position came under attack.

On October 2, 1346 a month after the start of the siege of Calais, my king commissioned me to make due haste to Ireland and present his writ of summons to his vassals and my distant kinsmen, the Earl of Kildare and the Earl of Desmond to provide men at arms for the siege of Calais. Upon arrival to castle Kinsale I delivered my king's writ of summons to the Earl of Desmond and he bestowed upon me the title Knight of Kerry since the previous lord and Knight of Kerry (my half-uncle Nicolas) had died while imprisoned several years previously after he rebelled against the crown.

Upon my return journey to my king at the siege of Calais, I took a sentimental diversion and spent an evening camped by the shores of Loch Gair where I had fished and swam in my youth. Upon the rising of the moon I was visited by a beautiful lady who beguiled me to escort her back to her domain under an earthen mound not far from the stone circle that was on the western shore of the loch. My lady's domain was a gateway to the wondrous realm of the Tuatha de Danann and she was no less than a cousin to the goddess Áine!

My lady is an immortal and frolicsome spirit who has a fondness for the ways of mortals and their merry making and I am forever her enthralled knight and escort whenever she makes her frequent excursions into the mortal realm.

Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world. Planning his vengeance, that he will soon unfold. - Iron Man

Sir Michael Geare

I am in a group portraying gentry level privateers so my character is one based from actual history. 

Sir Michael was born into a rich, well-to-do family in Bristol England. The second son of Francis Geare, a merchant in the spice trade and Jane Pollard, a rich heiress originally from Stafford-Upon-Avon.  Brought up spoilt, rambunctious and always eager to pick fights, Michael was finally sent to school in Cambridge. While he did well academically he never finished school, instead he was smitten by the adventure bug. Fame, fortune and ambition called and he left Eaton with a few friends to Plymouth to try out their fortunes.  When his father threatened to cut him out of his inheritance, he reluctantly returned to school only to leave again when his father died 11 months later. He sold the house his doting mother had bought for him in Cambridge, and with the money he again went to Plymouth to search for fame and adventure. Records indicate from 1575 till 1584, Michael worked on many different trade vessels, mostly they were trade ships going to Antwerp, Venice and around the Mediterranean sea working his way up from a boatswain's mate to master.

England and Spain engaged in a privateering war between 1586 though 1603, which is when Geare was active in the West Indies. Geare's first voyages were under Sir George Carey. He then worked for John Watts from 1588 through 1591.  In 1590 Michael was the Master of the Little John captained by Christopher Newport with a fleet of six additional ships which attempted to relieve the Roanoke Colonists by Governor John White. No record is available whether the relief effort was successful or not.
In 1591, he was made captain of the Little John, which was one of five ships under the command of William Lane that raided the Spanish ports in the Carribeans. According to Lane's accounts, Geare was in the forefront of most of the fighting, gaining for himself a rather large booty plus extra loot by smuggling goods into England. Geare bought a share in the Little John and renamed her the "Michael and John". From 1592 to 1595, Geare had four successful versions in the ship. In 1595, Geare encountered a Spanish warship near Havana. The battle cost the lives of 50 of his crew as well as a pinnace, the Spanish prize he had captured. Geare fled the action in the ''Michael and John'' and was able to recoup some of his losses with the taking of another Spanish prize, after which he returned to England.

In 1596, Geare command of the Neptune and it's pinnace with John Rilesden and Christopher Newport. Towards the end of the year, Geare along with 15 men stole the pinnace plus several more prizes before setting anchor at Jamaica where he joined Sir Anthony Sherley. Geare, Sherley, and William Parker sailed to Honduras. In 1601, Geare was in command of the warship Archangel and captured three valuable ships. Geare was able to get two of the ships back to England but was separated from the third in a storm. The crew of the third ship sailed her to Morocco where she was sold.

Geare was instrumental in the capture of two Spanish warships as well as several other ships during 1602 when his ship was part of a three-ship consort led by Christopher Newton. In 1603, Geare at the age of 45 retired to a large home in Stepney, a suburb of London. He was quite wealthy and had been bestowed the honor of knighthood the year before.
'The exercising of weapons puts away aches, griefs, and diseases, it
increases strength, and sharpens the wits.'


I was born as Lady Melissa to a prosperous merchant family. My parents had contracted a betrothal for me to a local baron, a very good match politically. However, I did not care for him as he saw no need for romance.
My father hired a young man named Dereck to fix several things around the estate. I was smitten rather quickly with his stories of places I had never seen much less heard of. He won me with roses and chocolates. He showed me romance. We fell in love. He asked my father for permission to marry me, but my parents refused. I was already betrothed and marrying him was below my station. So we did what any young couple in love would do. We ran away. I changed my name to Lissame Rhosyn. He is now Greggory Thomas.
We ended up in a small port town known as Eminence. There, we met Captain Vechs and joined the crew of the Bloody Compass, I as purser and he as First Mate.


I'm part of the Court at Bristol and my character is based on a real person as well (with much personal interpretation).
The following is a short bio prepared for Guilde purposes:
Mistress Mary Radclyffe was the daughter of a love match between Sir Humphrey Radclyff and Isabel Harvey. She is first cousin to Thomas Radcliff, the Earl of Sussex. In 1561 she was laughingly presented to the Queen as a New Yeare's Gift by her father and became a Maid of Honor. She then became a Mistress of the Privy Chamber and was later one of the keepers of Her Majesty's jewels. Though reportedly quite comely, she never married and stayed in Elizabeth's service her whole life.

Oh verily I do revel in being at court! Where passion and desire be the life-force of this throbbing sphere. Where love is always false and deception is an art. My true loyalty is only for Her Majesty and we do share some great wisdom and soundness of mind in that we neither of us shall ever forfeit ourselves to the tethers of Marriage. Nay indeed for to be a wife is to be owned by one man, and it is best for women such as we to be shared by the hearts and minds of all. Her Majesty for her people's sake, and I for my nature's. I care little, however, for the conflicts of religion and politics that are the plague upon our pleasures at court. I would rather pursue the delights of dancing, riding, and being in the company of pleasing persons. I have also taken up an interest in collecting curious verses and putting them down in a small journal I do keep with me. But let me not prate on. Take with you the assurance that I do desire in all ways to be of service in matters of leisure and entertainment and therefore, dear friend, should you wish any want satisfied, simply cry 'Radclyffe'.
Kat Brown
Guilde of St. George - Bristol
'07-'08 Lady Anne Cecil
'09-'12 Mistress Mary Radcliffe