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Prayers for my horse

Started by Lady Amy of York, November 03, 2009, 01:33:49 PM

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Amy just knowing the fact that Tempus is starting to make progress is a big chip off mine, yours, and everyone elses shoulder that has been pulling for you through this.

He is still in my thoughts and prayers at this very moment.

Hugs and love to you as always my dear.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Betty Munro

Sounds like there is progress.  Big wounds take big time (to heal).  Sending more positive energy your way for continued healing.  Sounds as if the wounds are not in the way of the halter?  Anyway, keep up the handwalking.  Tempus has to keep up his spirits to continue to heal.  It has got to be tough to be tied up all the time.  Even if they are used to being in a stall, it must be hard for him.
Persevere.  Keep us posted.

Lady Amy of York

Thanks everyone.  yes, it is  nice  to see some  progress being made. now we just have  to wait  for  the major  wounds  to start healing over, which will take  time.
Poor tempus, he  wants  so much to get out and  run  and roll.   My luck,  and knowing the  winters  we get here, by the  time he  ehals  and is ready to go out again, we probably have  2 feet of  snow  on  the  ground !

  Betty..  he  does not have a  nylon halter on  right now, just a simple  slip knot, rope  tied halter .

Capt Morgan... I am using something similar  to  that wound  salve.  You spary it on and makes a protective  barrier.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Lady Amy of York

Well, last week, it looked like we were finally making some  progress in the  healing process.   Along with the small gashes,  the huge  deep,  wounds  and  gashes  were starting  to try heal.

But  then on Thanksgiving :

Tempus was getting agitated  from being tied up, so he  was refusing  to eat  and  drink.   He  always  has  been  a very stubborn horse. Anyway my husband  was  concern  about Tempus not eating or  drinking,  so  my husband  untied  Tempus.
  Tempus  was behaving  and   being a good boy.  He  ate and  drank. My husband  decided  since  Tempus  was  behaving  to give him atreat and leave him untied  for  abit.

  Well, we got busy  with Thanksgiving  dinner,  and i did  not know  that Tempus  was left untied, and  my husband  just plainly  forgot  with evrything else  going on.

Well, the  darn horse went and  rubbed his face  and head and opened  the major, big nasty wounds  back up.

So he is back  to being tied up, and now it is going to take  even longer to heal.  He has a big bump on his  forehead. He  does not like  being tied up at all.  he has been kicking his  stall door like crazy, but i can't keep having him open his  wounds  up. Not unless he  wants  to pay  for  the  vet bills ! :P :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Lady Amy of York

Well  Sir Tempus  is  being a trouble  maker.   After he  rubbed  his stitches open on Thanksgiving, we went back to having  him tied up,  which  he  hated.
But it was  working.  Things  looked like  they were finally  going  to strat healing over.   But  then what  does that darn  horse  do.    He managed  to figure out how  to pull  hard enough  to break   the  cross  tie  ropes(  and  thes  were  strong  , sturdy  ropes  too  ) and  free  himself  and  rub  open  his  stitches  again.  Ugh   !!!  That  horse   !  >:( :P  So  back  to square one  again  ! got  to love  them  to have  them...cause  they can drive  you crazy  at  times.  :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


An idea......what about putting one of those cone things around his neck, until he heals?  ??? {Or maybe find something to pad the fence where he likes to rub..maybe sheep skin padding?}
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Celtic Lady

Amy, i'm sure you probably know this already but if you put some rubber such as bicycle inner tubes around the posts of the stall walls and attach the crossties to them he should only be able to stretch until his but touches the wall.
Not sure if a neck cradle would keep him from rubbing his face as it only keeps his neck from bending from side to side and from being able to flex his neck so that he can touch his chest.
I hope he's doing better.


Oh, poor horse! I'll be praying for him.

Lady Amy of York

Tempus's  one  side of his  face is doing better, but  the  other side is  still a nasty, mushy  mess.  It is  still all bone  and  dead tissue.  The  vet  came  out  last  week, and  was  all  concern about one of  the  wounds  over  his  one  eye.  She  was afraid  he  might have lost his  vision in the  one  eye, but  knock on  wood  it was  not  the  case.   His  two  major gashes on his  forehead  when she   removed  the  bandages  were  mushy   and  when she  removed  some  dead tissue  there was  alot of  pus   ,  so he is  back on atibiotics  and  hot  compress  treatments. 
  I feel  so sorry  for him,cause  he   is  starting  to get  tired of  being  tied up. 
   Thank goodness I  either  have   neighbors  who are  sound sleepers,  or  who are very patient  and  understanding,  cause Tempus  is outside  in  the  barn every night  kicking  and  banging at  his  stall  door.  The  vet says  he  needs  to  be  tied  up still  atleast  thru  the  end  of  January.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Betty Munro

Healing energies continuing for Tempus!
Not sure if this has already been suggested ... would a  mild sedative help?  Like valium for horses?  Does such a thing exist?

Lady Amy of York

Thanks Betty. He was on mild sedatives  for  the  first week he was injured, but then the vet took him off of  them, because he was getting so tipsy, and he is a very tall horse, and she  did not want him falling and  breaking a leg.  Although last night we was ready to give  Tempus  a sedative.We were out cleaning stalls  and  we untied Tempus  so that  we could  walk him a bit,  and  all he wanted  to do is rear and buck up in his  stall,  and lets just say it is not fun to be cornered in a stall  with a huge rearing up horse. And then since he was acting up, my other horse decided to join in the games  and act up too.  But call me  crazy, but I still love  them anywway ! :) 
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Betty Munro

Oh my, that sounds very scary!  I vote for mild sedative.  Maybe a half dose of what he was on before.  Not enough to make him unsteady on his feet, just enough to take the edge off.  Glad you didn't get hurt!
Prayers continue for the both of you!


You, Tim, and the horses still remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please do continue to keep us updated on his progress and how he is doing.

Love ya as always my dear.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Thanks  all. Tempus is  healing slowly.  Slow  but sure.  He is  still tied up, which  drives him crazy, and he lets  you know  he is not happy.  When  you  go  to feed him, he  sends his  feed bucket  flying at  you ! ::)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Betty Munro

I know he's healing from really bad cuts, but would it be possible to still ride him?  That might give him something to focus on ... if the halter isn't in the way of the wounds, then maybe?  Or just keep taking him for as many walks as you can?
All we can do from here is brainstorm and keep praying for his healing!