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Get to know your neighbors

Started by ladiedragon, May 07, 2008, 11:33:00 AM

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My name is Sarita, and my husband Tom and I hail from the Island of Galveston--two miles of the coast of Texas and 50 south of Houston.   We've been faire veterans for about 10 years or so.  I've "lurked" here for quite awhile but am good friends with Capt. Morgan and Raevyncait (sp?) and probably a few others, too :))

Our home faire--even though it's nowhere close to home--is Scarby.  We've attended Maryland, Louisiana, and Ontario--the one in Canada!

We'll be back at Scarby this coming weekend and then again for Memorial Day weekend, too.  (Even though it's not renfaire related, we'll be at the Scottish Festival as well. *g*)

I think we may need an there a Renfaire Anonymous?


lady serena

Hi I'm Lady Serena,
I'm an ren-addict, ;) been going to MNRF since 2000 with the hubby in tow. I was introducted to the addiction by RenRen and her hubby, so now we all pack up every year and head down to MNRF for the weekend and oops, almost forgot Twig Ren faire tha is held every June in Twig MN.
Guppy # 81
Fins up


*waves* I am ladiedragon or LD as most would call me. I am a member of RFA. And as a member I must address the addiction that I have.  I had my first experience in 2006. I was unsure of what to do. I came with the appropriate items I was informed to bring. I was shown what to do, and where to go. I must admit, I always said I would never let myself become an addict. It was just one time. *or so I thought*

I was still unsure of what to expect. The first few hours were a very different feeling for me. I followed the "leader(s)".  I watched,listened, and learned. I still thought "I'm not gonna get addicted, nope, just a one time thing."  Boy was I wrong. Hours into this first time experience and I could start to feel something change in me.  Weirdly enough, there was this feeling of family evolving and a feeling that my life would never be the same again. I didn't know if I could stop, but would I really want to? 

My symptoms: feeling of family, being engulfed in the atmosphere, the people, and sites, the sounds, tasting this delicious thing called mead, the food, laughing,interaction with others, forming memories,forming friendships, are just a few of my addiction symptoms. As the day wore on, I knew I was gonna be in trouble. I realized that this experience made it all the more hard to stop.

So yes, I will say it loud and clear. I am ladiedragon and I have been a ren fest addict (RFA) for almost 3 years (officially), and I am d**n happy of my first experience and getting to me all the other wonderful people who enjoy this as much as I do.

anne of oaktower

Greetings, friends.  Anne of Oaktower here, off the wagon but glad to be on the raft! ;D 
Counting down the days until GLMF and Pittsburgh RenFest.

Hope our faithful leaders soon have our home fumigated and rid of those nasty hacking pests so we can return.  In the meantime, here's to our home-away-from-home!  *raises a toast to fairemly and friends*
aka: Oak-hearted Annie / Anne of Oak Barrel / Barefoot Annie

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."


So, I'll put my name in the mix. I'm Joe in mundane life, and Master Thomas Meehan, Playwright, poet, author in faire life. I live in Fairfax, VA, and work right here in the heart of the city in DC. I am a newbie on cast at the Virginia Renaissance Faire, and I'm loving every minute of it. Little stressful right now, but life is good! We open in 2 weeks! Come join us!
Please go ahead and clear your throats... the hack has arrived!

William Blackheath

Is there still room?  (Looks around)  I guess so - this is one mighty big raft!  Excuse me. . . excuse me. . . sorry about your feet, I'm a bit of a klutz. . . is this seat taken?

(Stands, doff his hat with a flourish and bows to all.  Then realizes he's standing in a raft and carefully sits back down.)

Greetings to all.  I am William Blackheath.  Please call me Will or just Blackheath (a former love called me William; it's a long story).  I hail from Bristol, and this summer will be my eighteenth season.  I have also made it to MRF for seven of the last eight years.  No garb the first few years, but in about '94 I started dressing as a peasant known as Kevin the Quiet.  A few years later I decided to upgrade and Blackheath was born, a mercenary rogue with investments in several businesses in London, and ties so some shadowy persons at the periphery of court.  (Okay, it's mostly a story in my head;  I don't use it too much at faire, as I don't want to interfere with the cast.)  About three years ago I started developing Gydeon Ashe, Captain of the Scarlet Myst.  Pirate?  Of course.  Privateer?  If I can steal or forge the proper papers!  A veteran of Queen Anne's War, and someone, like Will, who's searching for honor in a dishnorable world.

Call me a rennie, playtron or renaholic; they all apply!  In the mundane world I have been, among other things, an actor, writer, journalist, disc jockey and audio visual technician.  I am a student of history, with the Medieval and Renaissance periods a passion.  But sometimes I just like to dress in garb and go into the woods to have fun, people-watch and drink ale!   I've met some very nice people over the years, but mostly my group has kept to itself.  So I joined these forums last January to get to better know the ren-faire community at large.  I am very glad I did, as I've found the honor and chivalry I've been searching for.  Of course, all the bawdy humor helps too!


Hello all!
My actual name is Amber, here I am mellingera, aka Lady Selwyn. I went to my first renfest (MDRF) in 2006 and I was hooked the moment I stepped through the gate. I made my first garb for the following season and liked it so much I have turned into the seamstress of friends and family (They pay me in fabric, how was I to resist!! ;D). It is lovely to converse with those outsede the sewing circle, this was a fab idea!


We now have an "Introductions" area of the forums.  Please feel free to continue to use this thread until the dust settles...

R/ member since 2003


Hail All,

My mundane name is Bill but many know me by Dirtfarmer/Bill Dirt/Dirtboy or some other variant of that based on the character I played at the old Virginia Faire Peregren the Dirtfarmer.  I have been attending faires since 1990 when I went to Maryland and was hooked.  I've been working as cast at Virginia (old and new) and North Carolina faires for the last 10 years and try to, as often as I can  to visit other faires and play the streets (when I'm allowed).  I worked as the nobles guilde assist director/director at VARF for several years, until I burned out and now just play noble characters in the guilde/street.  My other Rennie passion is designing noble costumes.... too bad I can't sew or I'd be dangerous.


Greetings and Salutations! I'm LadyHawkeontheHill (yes, there really IS a hill...) I've been attending faires for 12 years now and I'm an armchair quarterback jouster. I love the sport! As a matter of fact, it was a knight in great leathers (as opposed to shining armor) that got me involved in the culture of dressing up and playing  8).
Willy Nilly on-the-wash town Strumpet
Castleteer Pillar
Irish Penny Brigade member


Quote from: DB on May 07, 2008, 05:12:24 PM
We now have an "Introductions" area of the forums.  Please feel free to continue to use this thread until the dust settles...

I guess I intended this thread to be sort of a get  to know you thread. like the title says. not so much an introduction thread or a RE-introduction.  as like i said before, we tend to mingle in our own sections, which is always cool. but here we have the chance to really get to know other people that we other wise wouldn't know on the forum.


Hello, I'm Amyj and I'm a renaholic!
I'm more commonly known about my local area as "Amy of Bob-n-Amy".  My first faire was in 1997 (checks souvenier mug) at KCRF, but my local faire is Greater St. Louis ren faire.
I don't have a persona or even a propper ren name...I'm  hoping to have one bestowed upon me eventually...Err...I like to make garb, cook, do lots of artsy-craftsy things...
Ummm...I have 4 cats, no kids, one boyfriend of 17 years and 2 glorious nephews who I plan on making ren addicts as soon as possible.
I'm so glad to have the family here back together, I don't know what I would do without you all.  Thanks to John for making things well again!!!!  ;D
I'm not fat, it's just that a skinny body couldn't hold ALL THIS PERSONALITY! ;)
Historically Accur-ISH


I never really intruduced myself before, I just kind of showed up randomly and started talking.  I seem to have a habit of doing that.  I am a local of the STL Renfaire, and still relitivly new to the scene.  In the 3 years since I've joined the cast, I have carved out my own little nitch of the faire grounds for my demonstrations, I've also started a guild on cast to perform other trade demonstrations as well.  If you attend the STLRF, look for the Artisan's show schedual, I'm hoping I managed to get that pushed through.

If you can't tell, I joined faire and hit the ground running.  I joined to have fun, it became my creative outlet, but I stay because it's now my home and where I find my family.

anne of oaktower

Quote from: DB on May 07, 2008, 05:12:24 PM
We now have an "Introductions" area of the forums.  Please feel free to continue to use this thread until the dust settles...

Ummmm....does this mean we're going to be here awhile?  It's a really nice raft - really, it is - but, I'm getting a little homesick  :'(

aka: Oak-hearted Annie / Anne of Oak Barrel / Barefoot Annie

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."


Hi, I'm Bagpipebabe. I have been going to Scarby for a few years now. I still have a lot to learn about being a ren-addict.