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who are the champions?

Started by dashka, September 28, 2009, 07:12:54 PM

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I'm a freelance reporter doing a little reconaissance as I contemplate doing a national magazine story about jousting in the US. I am trying to get a handle on the world of full contact jousting and hope you all can help. As far as I can tell, there are a couple of different jousting associations out there, some of which seem to be regional rather than national or global. And there are several people who claim to be world or national champions. So I need some guidance. How many real (as opposed to theatrical or staged) jousting tournaments occur in the U.S. each year and what are they? Are there are any that are generally agreed to be the place where champions are crowned? Are there any generally agreed-upon U.S. champions or is it more anarchic than that? How do I sort out competing claims and competing rules? It seems that some jousts only confer points for hits in the target area, while others confer points for unhorsing an opponent -- do these two styles produce different champions? Any attempts to educate me on these finer points would be much appreciated! Or, if there are any generally agreed upon "experts" I can speak to, that would be wonderful as well.


Thanks for any guidance you can give



I can offer you 2 pieces of advice.  I do not know where are are located, but if you have the time, funds, and travel ability, then come to Mobile, Alabama on the second weekend of November 14th and 15th for the GCRF Renn-faire held this year at the Henry Aaron
Stadium.  We have the full contact jousting troup of the "Knights of Valour" headed by Shane Adams, who at various times has been world champion.  I don't know about currently.  Secondly on January 22nd/24th of 2010 will be the full contact world jousting tournament held at the equestrian center in Penscola Flordida.  Either or both of those events should send you on your way to the beginnings of a great article.

Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel


you may want to try contacting Jeffrey Hedgecock with Historic Enterprises.  He hosts several jousting tournaments and has done a lot of research into full contact from what I've heard.  His contact info is on the website.  I believe he is also on the boards but not sure what username. 


one other note I didn't mention earlier.  Jousting tournaments are also held in Europe.  I know England and Germany have them.  Theatrical jousting is a different beast.  For information on that check out websites for Hanlon-Lees Action Theater, New Riders of the Golden Age, Noble Cause, even Medieval Times.  You should be able to get responses from some of them.  There is also a program called Early Act First Knight (headed by Randall Parr) that does a character education program in schools based on the principles of Chivalry.  They also perform a live joust at the schools.  On a non historical theme check online for Maryland jousting.  Jousting is the official state sport and they have several tournaments that involve jousting games.  The SCA (Society for Creative Achronism) also has a strong Equestrian program where participants compete in games of skill on horseback.  Hope those help, please let us know if you decide to write the article.

Angela Harris


Florida is probably one of your bigger real tournaments, but Estes Park in Colorado (Scots Fest, first weekend in September after labor day) is more likely to be the true International Jousting Tournament. It's more central, more teams from all over North America show up and it has "the worlds largest purse" which tends to bring out the best.


The article now appears in the New York Times Magazine-

?'Is jousting the next extreme sport?'


Very well written article. But in response to Charlie Andrew's quote, I would like to point this out:

See you in Estes Charlie, and be prepared to shut your pie hole.

Jouster Dave

I am writing this to express my views concerning the recent NY Times article on jousting.
   My name is David Schade. I have worked with The New Riders of the Golden Age, Warhorse Prod. since June of 1999. We are, what the article termed, a "full contact" joust troop. More specificaly we use full suits of armour, a buff and grided gaurd work. Our lances are10'ft long,  1 1/2" think pine rod. No cuts to assist in breaking or balsa tips.
   As a jouster I wished to express my disappointment with the "attitude" about injuries. It seems distressing to me that individuals would revel in being injured or injuring others. Also looking down at others who wish not to be injured . I find it shameful to say the least.

   I have worked with The New Riders for 11+ years. During that time, I have seen a few injuries. Mainly a dislocated shoulder or sprains, things of that nature. Usually as the result of making a mistake on a stunt or falling incorrectly. I myself take great pride that I do not have a big list of injuries or having injured others. Things happen during a show thats just the nature of what we do. "Theatrical" troops have guys that get hurt too.
   If I was getting broken up the way these individuals described I certainly would not have made it for as long as I have.

   I enjoy competeing with the guys on my team. We also enjoy the fact that after our matches we can walk away and do it again later.

L Dale Walter

> It seems distressing to me that individuals would revel in being injured or injuring others.

Nothing tough or cool about being a quadriplegic.

What I find most interesting is the number of fans in the stands in the video.  There really aren't any.  Hard to support an event with numbers like that, and that is admitted in the article.

>We have the full contact jousting troup of the "Knights of Valour" headed by Shane Adams, who at various times has been world champion.

Is this kind of like when a baseball team wins the "World Series"?  The article went to great lengths to talk about how the jousts in Europe will not admit the Americans, so I guess I am confused as to how one can be "World Champion"?

I think the jousting as an extreme sport could happen, but not until everyone stops fighting amongst themselves.  The constant "trash talking" serves only to make everyone look like an amateur.

Fred Piraux

Hi Jouster Dale, L Dale Walter !

Good to read some level headed attitude in your words.

Quote from: L Dale Walter on August 06, 2010, 12:00:30 AM
The article went to great lengths to talk about how the jousts in Europe will not admit the Americans, so I guess I am confused as to how one can be "World Champion"?

European Jousts regularily host northern americans.
The International Jousting League ( was formed to make possible truely international events. It would be dumb from us to refuse US participation !

I would like to submit a list of jousters... Each one ot them has participated in 1 or more European events (Belgium, France, Poland) in the last few seasons with either IJL or another minor organization. They represented their nation with talent and accepted to run under standard IJL rules and requirements :
Greg Canter - USA
Jeffrey Hedgecock - USA
Jordan Heron - Canada
James Merrilees - Canada
Jeremy Oneail - USA
James Terksbury - USA
Jeffrey Wasson - USA
Stacy Wasson - USA

The point in the article is a bit different.
European jousters do NOT reject americans (!!!) They are just not interested in the northern american jousting system. Nothing else.

Since the Euro joust concept is gaining ground in the US, the IJL fully supports the development of World Joust Tournaments circuit in northern america. The development of this circuit should further favour access of american talented jousters on the european circuit.

The requirement list is not that long : safe equipment, riding skill (not just sitting on but also stiring !), low maintenance attitude.
Rejects : Jousting Divas, Loud Speakers, Red Eyes.
To introduce yourself : just contact IJL secretary : !!!


L Dale Walter


Thank you for the information.  I have a group of people that are very interested in the IJL.  As we are located in Michigan, I have sent an e-mail to the organizers of The Grand Hastilude in Ontario, and asked if it would be acceptable if we could attend to witness your competitors, and the way your competitions are run.  Hopefully they will see fit to allow us to attend their event.

Thank you again,

L. Dale Walter

Fred Piraux

Well done, Sir !

Jordan Heron and Barb Leeson, the Canadian IJL BOR, will be more than happy to give you detailed explanations and feed you with stories and good laughs ! ;)

Do also feel free to drop by at :
Questions and fast answers into one !!!



very interesting conversation.  I think one of the difficulties is that jousting worldwide and especially in the states seems to be under the auspices of different groups as opposed to just one so it can get confusing.  Add to that the differences between tournaments, theatrical joust shows etc and it's no wonder we can't keep it all straight.  Last I checked there were about 20+ joust teams operating and performing here in the states.  Perhaps we could post a new thread on the board listing both teams and organizations.  I have been working to compile a list for my business so i can send out info to them but takes time.  What do you guys think?  Might help some looking to network or get into jousting professionally but don't want to post something that is not allowed on the boards either.


Hi Fred-

Don't forget participant

Ann Shilling-USA

Also, the newest WorldJoust affiliated Tournament -

The Tournoi du Lys d'Argent
will be held at the Medieval Festival at St Colomban in Quebec Canada on September 3, 4, 5, 2010. This is an IJL affiliated tournament.

Quebec is a French speaking province but the organizers have assured me the jousting and combat will be in English for the non-French speakers in the audience**, so we hope to see you there!

We also have plans for several WJT/IJL Open Tournaments (i.e. meet the safety standards, bring your own horse and anyone can participate) at various locations around the US in 2011.  I will endeavor to post them here in case anyone is interested in participating or knowing more.


(**just a little humour here!  ;) )


Hey Dale, I look forward to meeting you at the Grand Hastilude!
....And I'm bummed I won't be seeing Fred and Gwen in Que.