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Teen Rennies

Started by Saoirse_Anam, July 21, 2008, 12:58:37 PM

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I think we deserve our own thread! When you think about meeting people at faire, you go to the Guiness. It's not so easy for those of us under 21, so we have to come up with new ways to meet. So, tell us about you and your faire in a post!
Do it not for glory or profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something that did not exist before

Lady Elizabeth

 Emily, how kind of you to put my thoughts into action. We make an amazing team. I'm not sure if MiRF is ready for us this year. We are not as tame as we used to be. Bodice shops, jewerly men, making wild escapes out side doors.... good times.

Kathleen MacFerno

Allright I suppose this applies to me. I'm Cailey and I'm currently working for my second season at CoRF and adore every second. I auditioned when I was 15 and got on cast at 16 working as a magicians assistant in the Arsene of Paris show! Good grief I've gotten so sucked into the whole thing that now I'm only 17 (that's right not even legal!) and I feel more at home at the faire than i do most places! Plus I have met so many awesome friends through faire, so what if tey are all at least 6 years older than me! I love my "job" which consists of 4 shows a day with Arsene and another assistant in which I do such magical things as get cut up in a box, the parade in which i spot fot a firebreather, a tiny bit of front gate in the morning, and hanging out with/helping my super cool friends. I'm so thankfull that I got the spot with arsene because if not I'd probably be working at the front gate or a food place... YUCK! But i get the feeling that I'll be around faires quite a bit in my life but I don't mind because hey... it's fun!

Lady Elizabeth

That is awesome. I thought about working there but between marching band and other events I just don't have the time. This being my senior year and all I have a lot of work to do for college and future career stuff. Nothing compares to going to faires though. If I could do that for a living then I would be the happiest person alive. No joke. Nothing is more fun then wenching yourself up and causing mischief up and down the lanes of Hollygrove. What makes it better is knowing the jailor. Saoirse and I had my brother taken to jail for being a bad man servant and he had to sing to us while impersonating Elvis. It was a blast. Such fond memories are made at the faire I don't know how people survive without going.


all of my faires are very far away to be able to work there :(
But I do agree it is very difficult to meet friends without hanging around the pubs... which I especially can't because I'm nearly always with my bf and he's quite allergic to ciggarette smoke... :( so I almost never see anyone I know for some reason :( :( :*(

So instead I play with little kids when I'm in my fairy stuff.. :)
"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.
That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know."


I'm sort of a teen, though only for another month. HUZZAH for turning 20. But then again, I'll still be under 21.


My home faire is 2.5 hours away from me. I actually know there are 2 that are closer, but I've not had the chance to visit those yet. And it is my home faire only because it's the only one I've been too. I went once. Last year. That was my first faire. AMAZING. Loved every moment and my friends and I are already planning the coming trip.

My only real regret is having not gone to faire before last year. *sigh* Oh well! I've got plenty of faires to come! HUZZAH
You see this training pin? It could be yours. You could learn all about wenches! And that's a promise! - My friend Mike


Its nice to see some kids around my age finally...been waiting for ya'll to show up! :D

Well...I can feel you on all my friends being 6 years older if not more at faire, Kathleen. Until about four months ago, the closest friend I had at faire was almost ten years older than I. My best friend out at faire though is two years older than I am but I dunno, I love having friends of ranging ages and especially being the baby of my Clan. Always makes for a good time and plenty of big brothers and faire uncles to protect me all the time!

Underage people are allowed to be around the pubs at Scarby so it's never affected me much but in a couple months, at TRF, I know I won't be able to go inside the Prince of Wales, but meh. It's alright, the people that I want to see or want to see me will come and hang out with me. :D I think you meet plenty of people without even going to the pubs...

Background on me, eh...I've been going to faire for a bout a year now, Scarby was my first in May of 07'. Instantly hooked, went to Colorado RF in Larkspur once last summer, then made a trip down to Plantersville for TRF once last fall. Did the full run of Scarby this past year and have plans in the making to hit Middlefaire and a small fantasy faire called Serendipity before TRF starts up in October. In the Spring, I'll be working for a booth at Scarborough so it's really fun and exciting! :D
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Quote from: eloquentXI on July 30, 2008, 01:03:59 AM
Well...I can feel you on all my friends being 6 years older if not more at faire, Kathleen. Until about four months ago, the closest friend I had at faire was almost ten years older than I. My best friend out at faire though is two years older than I am but I dunno, I love having friends of ranging ages and especially being the baby of my Clan. Always makes for a good time and plenty of big brothers and faire uncles to protect me all the time!

That's actually something I don't worry about. A whole bunch of my friends at school love faire and we go together. Some of my friends work at the faire and we call em up to tell them, hey this is when we're coming and then they spend the day picking on us in character. It's fun
You see this training pin? It could be yours. You could learn all about wenches! And that's a promise! - My friend Mike


You were lucky to find friends from school that would go to faire with you. I went to faire by myself with my best friend before I was dressing in garb once, but then after that, I went to faire by myself.  I found the forum though and the rest if history. ^_^;
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)

Kathleen MacFerno

yeah the first year i worked there i had a bit of an issue with this one guy who was 30-something and knew that i was only 16 but continued to hit on me any ways but I was overjoyed when i found out that one night after i had left he had gotten a bit of a talking to by a horde of my cool guy friends and he didn't even look at me the next day! I felt so loved and i still do! horay for ren fest friends!


Quote from: eloquentXI on July 30, 2008, 09:05:16 PM
You were lucky to find friends from school that would go to faire with you. I went to faire by myself with my best friend before I was dressing in garb once, but then after that, I went to faire by myself.  I found the forum though and the rest if history. ^_^;

Yeah, I was like, "I'm not coming alone, come with me." And they went "To faire? SURE!" It was great and some of my newer friends I found out work at faire and I'm just so amused by it all. HUZZAH.

And Kathleen, a 30 year old hitting on you? Creepy...
You see this training pin? It could be yours. You could learn all about wenches! And that's a promise! - My friend Mike


While I myself am WELL beyond being a "Teen Rennie", I do have 2 of them I call my tax deductions.. I mean my demons.. I mean my children. 

My daughter, is only 12, but she looks as if she were 18.  I have recently told her that her new Faire name is going to be "Felony", that way when the creepy 30 year old comes up and asks "What's your name", she can honestly tell him "Felony".  As it stands right now, if you ask her "What's the answer of the day"?  She will respond with "I'm 12". 
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove



ROFLMAO PurpleDragon... That is some of the funniest things I've seen all day. WOW, I love it.
You see this training pin? It could be yours. You could learn all about wenches! And that's a promise! - My friend Mike


Hahahahaha, that's great Dragon. I'll have to remember that if I see you/her at TRF.
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Oh, but you see, the funniest part will be HOW she says "Felony".  She has a sweet sing-song voice she uses when she wants to get her way.  I am going to tell her that she needs to use that voice when saying it and kind of draw it out.. sort of like "FELLLLOOOONNNNEEEE"  if you can imagine that ;) 
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove