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Every Year

Started by AmazonSage, July 22, 2008, 11:18:14 PM

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Every year about this time I FEEL SO UNPREPARED!
At least I've already got the new cloak finished... But the new bodice isn't anymore then a pile of fabric... Of course I don't need a new one for this year but HA lol how could I not have a new one each year...  I've got a fest-virgin boyfriend (mwahaha) and I've yet to get around to making his shirt...  And I know I'll want to do a dozen other things before opening cannon...
AND like every year I finally get what's needed done by third weekend...
I'm off to go get my dog off my garb which I've tossed all over my living room floor.
~ my yearly MNRF rant, do feel free to join

Lord Figaro

Brandi just about finished the garb she wanted to make for maddie "the dog". She's going to be our official kilt inspector scottish terrier.  She just needs to make the signs for it. But she got a cheap jacket and attached the kilt to that. Then attached mirrors to the jacket. So be warned men in kilts. Pet the dog at your own risk.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana

Will Gamwell

Every year that has passed has been very simple for me in terms of getting ready for Faire.  Don't have much to worry about really.  Other than my boots, kilt, hat(or head scarf), belt, pouch, & Mug, everything else is provided by the festival.  This year however I have had the same feelings that my girlfriend has every year.  Too much to do, not enough time.  Sooooo much to buy, and not nearly enough money!

The list of things in which I have approx 23 days to do.
Clean & reshape hat (it's a little bent out of shape)
Either buy or make shirts for the run.
Either buy or make pants for the run. (most likely make)
Making a vest.
Planning to make a doublet as well.
Unstitch my old kilt entirely and re-pleat to how I want them.  New fastenings as well.
Find either replacement tent poles for our tent.  Or buy/borrow a tent.

Thing I plan to buy this year during the run.
A new belt.  My old one was borrow off and never returned
A new larger pouch.
sword (and frog)
eating utensils
a flatcap (or make one)


I thought I was so smart at the end of fest last year. I had everything I needed, wasn't planning any costume or character changes. Now I can't wear my corset this year (tried, got it on, just won't be able to wear it for a full day). This year will be a loose bodice and sports bra underneath. At least I got a chance to test it out at WiRF.


OK, so I'm officially totally unprepared for fest.
I won't be able to go until September, however, I am not going to have any time to prep for fest.
But I figure I'd make an anouncement here since it seemed appropriate.

I will be making plans to go to fest on the weekend of the sixth of september.
It will be the "I'm not in jail or hospital, and the protest is over, and after 2 years can finally have a life," fest celebration.
I will be planning on relaxing all day at fest, if not all weekend.
Of course, should I be in jail or the hospital, and should my savings be spent on those outlets, I'll have to plan for a later weekend, though I would much rather spend more time at fest and less time in jail (though some of the card games are pretty rad, it's nothing compared to MacG games).

However back to costumes, I'm going to be on the prowl for making a new one, and still haven't decided what kind yet...
I probably won't have much time to work on it, or get it near completion for this season, but luckily, fest will be back next year to have it ready for.
Can't wait for fest!!!!
"All of you who dare live free, combine with us upon the sea."

Will Gamwell

18 days and here is where I sit with my list:

The list of things in which I have approx 23 18 days to do.
Clean & reshape hat - Haven't even touched it yet.
Either buy or make shirts - Fabric has been purchased.
Either buy or make pants - Fabric has been purchased.
Making a vest - Ditto.
Planning to make a doublet as well - Nada yet!
Unstitch my old kilt entirely and re-pleat to how I want them - Is unstiched...that's as far as I got.
Tent - Purchased a new 4 season tent that is 9'X9'X6'6".

New items added 
Go to FaireGrounds to clean up certain areas.

hhmmm... not making much progress and still adding to the list.

Random Girl

Things to do for this year...

Buy a maglite.

Yep that's it.

Oh...and find a fun hat for nights I site walk.

Safety Services Maven of Midnight
Crew member of the S.S. Hookers and Blow
Odissimur Iocos - We hate fun


I got a fun hat for you for u Nessa.

Things I have to do:
1. Make two vests for pirate outfit. Fabric purchased. (May have to "pay" wife to do this for me.)
2. Fix daughters garb.
3. Need to buy pewter chalice-may have to do that out at fest.
4. Purchase weason passes-done out at fest
5. Get pancake mix and syrup, clean stove from TWIG.
6. Decide what to wear first weekend....
Knight, FOP, Pirate, Woodsman...I am a man of many faces.

LJ DaGuerre

There's just five biggies for me:

1. Check official MNRF website for updates - then figure they're not going to happen but I know it's at the same place, and I'm going anyway.

2. Put off costume 'till next year - again...

3. Dust off snarky replies to those who ask why I'm going to see "those people" again.

4. Start diverting "cost-of-living" funds to the "entertain-my-weed puller-off" funds.

5. Remember to bring petri dish this year to collect samples of the black nose crud. (If I find the antidote - I'll make millions.)


YAY!!!  I just realized that I have both the first AND last weekends off from work!  I won't have to work to figure out who to trade with.  SQUEEE!!!!


Grommets, grommets, I need more grommets...
I want black grommets... do I have enough time to order those?

Where did I just bury my belt now?