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was it weird...

Started by Lady Anne of Kent, July 27, 2008, 06:59:38 PM

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Capt Gabriela Fullpepper

I have my servant in Toki LOL. I now refer to him as Sir Thomas my Master of the Horse. Kind of my Robyn was to Elizebeth. He helps me dress and I could never do it without him. I just need to find me a young girl of about 6 or 7 to carry my train for me or insure no one steps on it LOL

Now where did that damned horse run off to after dumping me on my head during the hunt!

You will find once you take that first step, it becomes very natural. As an example one of the court came up to me this past weekend took my hand in a courtly mannor, intoduced himself to me, asked my name I told him Lady de Laney we did some more courtly talk, I smiled and then he kissed my hand as a noble would do. Sad thing is he is a jester looking fellow LOL. Oh well guess a lady must start some where.
"The Metal Maiden"
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody e


Quote from: DonaCatalina on July 28, 2008, 08:49:16 AM
A few years back we went once in mundanes.
We swore we would never do that again.

Dona C, I am *so* with you on that one!!  Even on days when we're just running out to the grounds for a quick visit, or if the weather is really horrible... we still talk ourselves out of going in mundanes *every time!*  I just feel awkward and out of place if I'm not in garb. At Fair, I mean.  Everywhere else I do OK in mundanes! ;D


 The first time I dressed up it was a weird I thought that people would think I was supid and laugh at me, but when I got there I looked like I belonged there. People came up to me and thought I worked there and would ask to take pics of me in my garb and offten they ask for directions, as I got to know the workers there we became friends and I fell like they are family now and I love to dress in garb and would not go without it. I always dress in my garb I have from noble to pirate and I love them both. I like the pirate for the hotter weather and wear the noble in the cooler weather to fairs but all and all I like being in garb.


I've been to three or four faires, but this year is my first year to go in garb.  My stomach is all a-twitter just thinking about it and it's not until the end of August!  Even more nerve-wracking is that it's a small, not very old faire (; I'm afraid I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb.  Yikes!
What a strange power there is in clothing.  ~Isaac Bashevis Singer


yeah, it was weird . . . a little different if you are with the show vs being a playtron.  I don't know if it is more or less stressful.  took about 10 minutes to get into the swing of things.


I dressed in garb my first time to Faire in 2004.  The summer previously, our friend took hubby to one of the last days of MIRF's 2003 season.  They were in mundanes, and when they came home, told me they felt totally out of place.  I was still learning how to sew at that point, but our imaginations were fired and we went out a got a bunch of renaissance patterns.  By the time the 2004 MIRF season came around, we both had garb and we haven't looked back since. 

Except on days when we dress as pirates, we like being nobles and love the interaction our characters have with cast.  :)
When everything seems to be coming your way...'re in the wrong lane!


I was very nervous prior to my first visit in garb because I was too hung up on getting it "right"! I quickly learned that very few faire goers give a hoot about accuracy and learned to relax and enjoy myself. Going in garb is definitely a different experience from going in mundanes- you become part of the experience instead of just an observer. I still avoid interaction with the court becasue I'm not comfortable faking the accent and trying to speak correctly and don't know the proper protocol but I'm sure that will come eventually.
Cindy/Ciana Leonardi di Firenze/Captain Cin


In 2001 my friends said in 1 week we were going to scarby.  I ran home made a bodice, and chamise.  The bodice had velcro, but the stripes matched.  It was terrible, but cute.  The chamise got given to a friend, and bodice to a first timer who couldnt' afford to dress up but wanted to.

I don't feel "normal" unless I'm wearing something alittle 'off'.  I swear my favorite day at work was when they told us to dress up as long as we didn't wear masks, and show too much skin.  I just grabed a chamise, a basic gypsy skirt, my ruffled bloomers, and my ren mochasins. I put a ring of flowers in my hair,and off I went.  Yes i got alot of looks from customers, but I won best female costume (hubby won best guy), and I wasnt' even trying. I have never been so comfy at work!

My hubby went to his first faire in mundanes. By the end of it he had bought a Lady dra shirt just to feel like he belonged (and alot cooler in TX heat)  Now on he won't go to faire with out some sort of garb.  Even if it is just a sleeveless cotton shirt, and a kilt he is in garb. 

I've gone once as a royal, and I really didn't like it as much because the dress didn't fit quite right. (It was a rush job and I lost alot of weight from inicial build and actually wearing it.) I'm tempted to try again. The day the hubby wears his royal doublet I need to wear my royal. Then again any other day he could be my jester.  ::)
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


Quote from: sealion on July 29, 2008, 11:15:34 AM
I still avoid interaction with the court becasue I'm not comfortable faking the accent and trying to speak correctly and don't know the proper protocol but I'm sure that will come eventually.

Oh, dont feel you have to have a perfect accent or perfect and proper behavior to go and talk to them.  At MIRF Caroline is the most gracious lady in the entire world and the entire Court is not hung up on proper protocol.  Really.  If it does make you nervous, just say hi to them as they are shopping or something.  Or even go on the buddy system.   :D  That makes it easier as well.
Mistress Margaret Baynham
The Sweete Ladye
IWG #1656 MCL (IWG forums) (IBRSC forums)


Quote from: LadyStitch on July 29, 2008, 11:47:21 AM
In 2001 my friends said in 1 week we were going to scarby.  I ran home made a bodice, and chamise.  The bodice had velcro, but the stripes matched.  It was terrible, but cute.  The chamise got given to a friend, and bodice to a first timer who couldnt' afford to dress up but wanted to.

I don't feel "normal" unless I'm wearing something alittle 'off'.  I swear my favorite day at work was when they told us to dress up as long as we didn't wear masks, and show too much skin.  I just grabed a chamise, a basic gypsy skirt, my ruffled bloomers, and my ren mochasins. I put a ring of flowers in my hair,and off I went.  Yes i got alot of looks from customers, but I won best female costume (hubby won best guy), and I wasnt' even trying. I have never been so comfy at work!

My hubby went to his first faire in mundanes. By the end of it he had bought a Lady dra shirt just to feel like he belonged (and alot cooler in TX heat)  Now on he won't go to faire with out some sort of garb.  Even if it is just a sleeveless cotton shirt, and a kilt he is in garb. 

I've gone once as a royal, and I really didn't like it as much because the dress didn't fit quite right. (It was a rush job and I lost alot of weight from inicial build and actually wearing it.) I'm tempted to try again. The day the hubby wears his royal doublet I need to wear my royal. Then again any other day he could be my jester.  ::)

We need more nobles..........! I'd love to see your dress. ;D
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


The first time I went to faire, I was kinda in garb. Peasant shirts were in at the time and I had a denim peasant shirt from a regular store. I combined that with a polyester broomstick skirt in green from the thrift store. I didn't even have a bodice to complete the ensembe. But it still looked cute because the colors worked well together. I've gone completely mundane a few times and it always feels much stranger to me to not be dressed up.

Elinor Hakebourne

I felt nervous the first few times...I still feel a little self-conscious wearing garb, because I don't go very often (I'm lucky if I get to go one day a year)... I was thinking--and still am--about possibly going to faire in 'danes (just because it's simpler and, frankly, at the end of the day the boning in my corset gets annoying and makes it hard to breathe), but everytime I do, I think, "But it's not faire if I don't wear my garb! It would be weird to not wear my garb!"

...So I guess I don't feel as nervous/self-conscious now as I thought I did :) I will say that my first time to Sterling Renaissance Festival, I yearned to be in garb, because garb is sort of the icing on the cake...the final step to really feeling like you're escaping to another world for the weekend :)


I laugh when I think of my first time....I just threw some things together I found at the thrift store and from my own wardrobe. It was bad, but I had a great time. I wasn't too nervous because I had gone several times in mundanes and knew what to expect. Nobody got snarky with me, but it's true, the more your garb improves the more you get noticed and people want to take your picture.

Relax and have fun! I'm sure you'll look lovely in your noble attire, and being dressed up really adds magic to your experience!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


Quote from: Athena on July 29, 2008, 10:14:35 PM

Relax and have fun! I'm sure you'll look lovely in your noble attire, and being dressed up really adds magic to your experience!

You know - the 'relax and have fun' bit is also part of making the outfit look better.  Sort of a "Don't let the outfit wear you" kind of thing because if you look too stiff and formal, you won't be having fun and you will look, well, stiff and formal. 

I was nervous too when I started wearing garb to faire - but then, somehow, your garb becomes as easy to wear as your dane clothing.  A bit more fussy to get on than a pair of shorts and a tshirt, but you know what I mean.   :D
Mistress Margaret Baynham
The Sweete Ladye
IWG #1656 MCL (IWG forums) (IBRSC forums)

Friar Rohn the Chronicler

I myself have never dressed out (garbed) before. I have been going to our state's Renaissance Festival held at the Castle in Muskogee for about 10 years. The grandchildren have always garbed in some form. I can remember even when the Queen hijacked my little niece and incorporated her into her retinue for several hours once due to the dress she was wearing (she was introduced to everyone as a visiting member from Spain's Court). Looking back on the photos and seeing various princess and Knights Templar outfits we had had designed for them (the oldest nephew still has the shield and sword that he has saved in storage for his children someday). This last year, the youngest nephew garbed out during the Pirate weekend and loved it. We discussed it over and looking into having him next year go into their Academy and becoming a official player but then decided at his age it would be more fun at his age just to enjoy the festival until he gets older and makes a decision based on experience. To be honest, they also required that as a minor child, I or another member of the family would have to be with him at his assigned area at all times. That would have killed my photography hobby.
We decided to have two suits designed for next year's faires (Kansas City, Scarborough, Muskogee) that will be along the lines of noble class. Mainly because when reviewing most photos from previous years......there really were no noble class children represented. Except of course, the very talented young lady playing the Princess at Muskogee. We were worried because many players were advising not to be in that style of dress mainly because of the expense (which is not a issue). My nephew is quite aware that he will be asked to be in photos but was worried that the suits (doublets and paned slops) would be considered by perhaps kids from his own school as....well..."girly". To overcome those concerns we included him on the decision of colors and fabrics. We chose his style of accessories and peace tied weapons (medieval Bling-Bling). I seriously doubt that any of the official nobles would treat a child with disdain or contempt for any reason. I've seen them for years and they have always treated everyone with respect and kindness.
For myself, I ordered a simple monk's cassock and a wooden tankard. I can't do anything about the camera or the giant zoom lens. I had found that many of who I thought were cast members, were simply playtrons and just enjoyed garbing. We will fit into that area.