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Any one going Celtic weekend and which day ?

Started by Lady Amy of York, July 28, 2008, 12:28:34 PM

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Lady Amy of York

Hi. My husband, son and I are planning to go to faire again this  coming weekend  for Celtic weekend.  Not sure  which day yet.   Right now it looks like Saturday  may be the better of the days weather wise. 
  Wondering if  any of you folks are going  to be there and  which  day . always like  to meet up with people  from here . :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


I'll be attending on Sunday.  I'll have friends with me, but I'd love to meet up with people from here.  I'm usually too shy to do anything of the sort!  I'll meet up whenever!


I will be going on Saturday, so I can meet up with "Bubboon"... :D..yeaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
I hope Mark will be able to go,,,,that's if he survives camping with his sons this week!  ::)
See you there!!
irish  ;D
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)


I will be there both days as normal, I'll look for you both.
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis

Lord Finger

Marie the Ditchwitch

Stop in the Herbal Booth (Earthcraftyr,High Road) & say hi! :)


Unfortunately I will not be there Sat, but I will be meandering about taking pictures on Sun.
Hopefully I will see you.
*links and URLs not allowed in signature* - Admin

Elinor Hakebourne

I'll be there on Sunday! HUZZAH! I'll be in my Elinor garb--green bodice and bright blue skirt...I'll be wearing my R/F pin but it hangs on my belt, so you may not be able to see it very clearly...Say hi if you see me!


As always, I'm around every day... feel free to drop by my show (St. George and the Dragon, 3:30 @ the Minstrel Stage... end of shameless plug) and say hi... always a pleasure to welcome forum folk to our fabulous festival!
Those who say a certain something cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt those doing it.

The Bunny People

As always if you find our rabbits you'll find us. 
Magically yours,
Maxwell of the Bunny People.


Hey Ho!
I will be at faire about 1:30 on Saturday.
Amy I shall look for you, so I can do a family picture for you!
CB.....hope you are well enough to attend!
irish  ;D
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Lady Amy of York

HI Irish, it is looking like if we go, that we will be going Sunday instead.  Tomorrow  all the weather reports are calling for a very wet rainy  day. I don't mind a liitle rain, but they are saying it is suppose to rain most of the day  and not lightly  .  So we shall have to see what Sunday's weather will bring.
  Rotten weather. Sure today, it is just gorgeous out. It figures !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Haven't been on the forum for a bit.

I will indeed be there on both days!

See you tomorrow and Sunday...and I am feeling much better.


Click on my website icon on the left to view my photo album of garb and items.

Lady Amy of York

Well we won't be going at all this weekend. Boo -hoo !  yesterday we did not go because it stomed here most of the day.  So we said we will just go  today ( Sunday ).    BUT  we are going to stay home today. Boo-hoo ! :(
I had noticed yesterday that my young son who is four  did not quite seem himself. I thought maybe he was just tired, but i was wrong.  He woke up this morning sick to his stomach.   Must havea touch of the stomach bug that is  going around. Poor liitle guy ! :(
  So needless to say i will not be going anywhere today.
  Oh well, we still have twoo weekends of faire left, so hopefully i will get back one more time.  So far this year I made it to opening weekend  and pirate weekend.  Keeping fingers crossed i get atleast one more weekend in !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Awwwwwww, hope the lil' one feels better soon. Mark and the boys came home from camping, sick with upset stomachs.
I will be there, the final weekend on Sunday.
Take care!
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)