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Where are the Duelists ?!?!?!?!?

Started by fortuna, September 11, 2008, 10:22:57 AM

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I just checked the LARF entertainment schedule on their website and noticed that my favorite act, THE DUELISTS are not on it. Also missing are the Brobdignagian Bards, The Bilge Pumps and the Bedlam Bards. If you look at the stage schedules there isn't even a place where they could be inserted later!  What gives??? The only reason I go there are to see these groups!!!


Its true, those acts aren't with us this year. I don't know the particulars for each one but the entertainment director did tell me who wasn't on the schedule. The Bilge Pumps are a victim of high gas prices as they explained on one of their blogs.

The Bedlam Bards haven't been with us since 2005. I miss them too.

I've heard that gas prices are affecting a lot of entertainment groups. The faires aren't raising contracts to match so people are playing closer to home. If things improve we hope to see these groups return next year.

There may be a stray Bard or Duelist wandering the village on his own so you might see a familiar face. Don't be afraid to stop them and wish them well.

Ursula Chandler
Louisiana Renaissance Festival
Cast, RLHC


Thanks for the answer. With gas prices as high as they are I think I will save my money go to Scarby this year where I can see the acts that I enjoy. Without either of the Bards or the Duelists, there is little there else for me that I like. When my family and I started attending LRF back in 2001 they had a large cast that was everywhere. They had a King and Queen that went out of their way to make everyone welcome. Everywhere you turned it seemed that there was someone in costuming that would come up and talk to you. I seem to remember a very unique area with a gypsy wagon surrounded by a bunch of characters that were a real hoot to watch. Since about 2005 things just don't seem the same. They changed royalty. They appear to have a lot fewer costumed characters. The gypsy wagon is gone and seems to have been replaced by a white elephant. Most of the acts that I enjoyed are gone now. At first I thought some of these changes were due to Katrina. Now it really disappoints me to say that, for whatever reason, the quality of this festival seems to have declined.


I can't speak to the earlier faires, since I first attended in 2007.
I will say in LARFs defence that I found it to be a very friendly faire with lot's of interaction from the cast and management. I had a great time there last year and I'll be going back again this year. (I just wish there wasn't so much overlap with TRF :-[)
I live in Houston and drive a full sized van, so it's a substantial trip for me too. I find the cast interaction and the friendliness of cast, the acts and the paytrons (both garbed and mundane) well worth the trip.


When we started attending back and particularly in 2003 and 2004 there seemed to be literally hundreds of friendly people in costume as part of their cast and they were literally everywhere. For the last couple of years it seems like there were at most two dozen. While their current queen is a real good actress their former Queen was a real darling and a real charmer in a much more personal way. She had a way of making everyone she came in contact with feel special. Since Katrina something just seems to me to be missing. Maybe they are starting to become too commercial??? All I know is that the the groups and performers that I really enjoyed and are the reason that I went back year after year are no longer there. For me this has really killed the spirit of this festival. I guess in a way I am voting for the performers I like with my dollars by going to a place that I can see them.


Really? Wow, commercial. How so? I hadn't noticed.

A lot of stuff that we did in the past has gone away and there are things that I miss as well. I don't regret that LRF has grown. We bring in new things every year. They certainly don't replace what is missing. I can't agree that the charm is gone.  If you're looking for the LRF that happened 5 years you won't find it, just like you won't find the Scarby or TRF of 5 years ago.

If you do find yourself venturing out to Louisiana again I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Ursula Chandler
Louisiana Renaissance Festival
Cast, RLHC

Jean Pierre Dewell

OH I will be there! I love going and wearing my Musketeer uniform!

Jean Pierre Dewell
Jean Pierre Dewell
Royal Musketeer
All for One and One for All!!


Marc Gunn posted yesterday on the Brobdingnagian Bard's website that the guys have decided it's time to pursue their own interests for a while. They are not booking anything beyond what is already on their tour schedule.
Esc be no lady!
Bringing Good and Bad appropriate
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I knew that about the Bards. I didn't want to say anything until they made the official announcement.  LRF cast attended their last house concert this weekend.  It was a great concert but a little sad because most of us knew it was the last.

Ursula Chandler
Louisiana Renaissance Festival
Cast, RLHC


What ever happened to that group of guys who would battle with padded weapons?  I thought that was awsome! 


Ordo Procinctus will be there, in their normal shop.  Ready to show you the way to train for battle.