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Things I learned during the run of Sherwood Faire...

Started by Blue66669, April 05, 2010, 11:49:15 AM

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1. Flashlights are overrated, and if it were a horror movie, I would have been the first to die.
2. Wasps are tricky buggers.
3. The butt jar IS NOT the home of the next new booze fads.
4. Racing to beat the sun will only be successful if you've got a good partner in crime.
5. Sometimes, cannon is the most wonderful sound in the world.
6. Absinthe CAN be made with a plastic spoon and a sugar packet.
7. Leading the pack sometimes means that you don't get to stop where you want to, you may get lynched LOL.
8. Those crazy italians will fry ANYTHING.
9. Being a treehugger isn't so bad sometimes.... (thank you tree, you're my hero).
10. Wrestling in a bodice is NOT ideal.
Blaidd Drwg


My lessons:

1:  Hunt down a pair of good boots.
2:  There is one absolutely nice thing to going as a dark elf.  The makeup doubles as SPF 100+ sunblock, so I don't look like a lobster come sundown.
3:  Pickle juice is very important come warm weather.
4:  Rubbing alcohol burns fast, but doesn't really get a fire going.
5:  Never run out of confetti eggs, and if one isn't good at throwing, sneaking behind someone and crushing the egg atop them works.
6:  Having a key that has a bright LED flashlight came very handy.
7:  Trying to teach kids algebra or the limit process using sand art is difficult.
8:  The ability to do a loud belch on command is very sought after.
9:  It never hurts to stretch out a nearby spriggan.
10:  It is incredibly hard to find good troll toes to eat at a renaissance faire.


1. The best thing to do with a lazy afternoon when the tootsies hurt is to chill at the hooka bar and listen to good tunes!
2. Making out with a tree and giving it a pole dance doesn't make the tree like you more!!
3. Decrees made in Bubbilicious land are only valid there!
4. Queen Elizabeth really doesn't fit in medieval times!
5. Peeps really do fly well with the help of a trebuchet
6. Love potion from the Apothecary is the best fix for a sour mood and to get you ready for a good evening!!
7. Always stay at the drum circle long enough for the musician from the bands at fair to get there!
8. There's really no point in going to bed early if you've camped next to the biggest drum circle!!
9. One can never have too many hand wipes
10. Although the land of Sherwood does have a million trees, sunscreen is still necessary!!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate


1. Ogre toes are quite possibly one of the greatest foods ever created. (And also work to slow down that pesky heart.)
2. Always prepare for the coldest possible weekend. (If you don't your ladies lips could turn blue.)
3. On a freezing day, the shows seem to migrate to the bonfire (along with everyone else in faire).
4. Keep hand warmers in the camping box at all times (see number 3).
5. Just because your shower set up worked when you tested it at home does not mean it will be working when you set it up at camp. (and hoses will melt quickly when water isn't flowing through them)
6. Bachelor party weekends become drunken rolling clouds of profanity quickly. (and, when being told to watch one's language because of children one should probably not automatically respond with "Well you should get them out of the *&^%ing pub")
7. Going to each and every camp on a Friday night is a great way to meet people and get free rum! (but do not expect to be in bed before 2am)
8. We bring wives to faire with us for a reason! (We should not be allowed out unattended, see number 6)
9. Always check to make sure you have all your garb twice! (Leaving my new war belt the first weekend after I got it did not make me a happy Teach)

*10. Genetics does not mean my son is able to drink as much rum as me... yet*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


1. I obviously need to camp next year.
2. I need to bring copious amounts of rum if I do so to appease the natives.
3. The dust will add 15 pounds to your weight by the end of the day.
4. Arancini's are now my official faire food (sorry turkey legs).
5. When throwing an axe be aware of who and what is behind you.
6. Never leave your wife the credit cards and go grab something to drink.
7. Never volunteer at the magic show.
8. Never try and make a budget for each weekend (Oh look more shinies!).
9. Devise a tree outfit for next year to "assist" the ladies.
10. I really need to camp next year!

Brian O'Leary

1. There is an adventure around every corner
2. Nocturnal expeditions into the patron campgrounds are fun
3. Those Valhallans are crazy, and know how to throw a party
4. We need a propane heater for our tent next year
5. Being a light sleeper isn't a problem if you're always the last to go to bed
6. I can get away with skipping showers much more easily by wearing a hat
7. I get fewer sidelong glances from Zane by wearing a hat
8. Hats are fun
9. If I scurry around really fast I can eat and drink whatever I want and still come out lighter than when I started
10. Blue gets mad when I have fun after she has gone home on Sunday evening
Craft Director
Sherwood Forest Faire | Sherwood Celtic Music Festival
Admissions Coordinator
Sherwood Forest Summer Camp


Quote from: Brian on April 06, 2010, 04:00:19 PM

10. Blue gets mad when I have fun after she has gone home on Sunday evening

You're damn right I do... all fun should include ME!!!
Blaidd Drwg