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New Campground Rules

Started by ourevilone, November 04, 2008, 06:15:01 AM

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We were told on Sunday that taping off and roping off camping areas will no longer be allowed. You just have to get there and run people off the old fashioned way I guess.
I am really scared that this is going to cause some fights. Just this last weekend we were standing at our camp and requested a couple not camp as close so we could fit in a few more people still coming. The old woman charged out of her car yelling that it wasn't taped so we couldn't save it. She finally saw things our way. But people are so used to being able to get out there and get your spot roped off to save that there will be lots of confusion, anger, and possibly violence. I once had a guy tell me he was going to hit me for having a spot saved. Luckily he saw the error of his way before he landed a blow.

Also, the fire rules are being tightened. No ground fires, no dug pits... I didn't pay much attention at this point. We have raised fire pits. But does this mean the big drum circle fire will have to be in a pit to be legal? Is this how George is planning on killing it?

All of the fussing of that previous thread has started George taking a serious look at camping. He has decided to tighten the screws on us as a result. Tape and fires this week, what will he decide to take away from us next week?

At least security is as always absolutely wonderful. All of the officers out there are very professional and helpful. I even like the new big guy(Craig, I think).


Yes the new guy out there is named Craig, a few of us introduced ourselves to him Halloween Weekend.
"I'm sweet, innocent, virginal, and full of all things goodness and light"


I don't know, but it may very well have something to do with some trouble we had when we first arrived.

We were SUPPOSED to camp with McLotofus, but we arrived a bit late and the area that MacLaren had for us was PACKED, with not even a parking place, so my husband and son walked and looked for something open that we might camp at least close.
'round the back side a place was found, more or less off to the side/behind McLotofus, and behind/beside SafeHaven (darn that flashing light!) LOL

We drove to the rear and proceded to park the vehicals long enough to survey the area, before we backed into the spot to set up and were immediately approached by  a few young men and young ladies that started yelling at us we could not park there as they had a large RV coming in the following day for a wedding. My husband tried (in vain) to explain that we would be moving the vehicals, we just wanted to survey the area first, and would only be there a few short minutes, to which the one young lady became VERY beligerant, and began screaming curse words and obsceneties at us, yelling she was the GD Bride and could have whatever she wanted and we had better be moving our arses out of there NOW. My son approached her in an attempt to talk to her and calm her down and she snapped a knife out on him and threatened to run him through!  :o

Now I understand she had been drinking and celebrating, but this was VERY WRONG. I also understand these people are very popular in the Ren community, but we hadn't done anything to warrant this reaction, had been very nice up til this point, and my son gets a knife pulled on him?? Not cool.
My mother was with us, she was a Ren camp virgin, and may as well have been a Faire virgin as well since she had not been to faire in 25 or more years. This was the very first thing she experienced and was frightened right off and wanted to leave.

Luckily a very nice (and quite sober) young lady came and spoke to us as we were getting ready to pull out trucks out of there and go elsewhere, and she calmed us down, the bride was drug away by other members of her party, and the issue got resolved quietly and peacefully... the way it should have been all along.

Luckily mother forgot about the incident and had a wonderful time.

As I said I am not sure but it may be reasons like this that has caused the reaction.

A chill in the air, over your shoulder, the Ice Queen's cold stare, you can only be one place. The Texas Ren Faire!


Quote from: Taarna on November 04, 2008, 07:43:49 AM
, to which the one young lady became VERY beligerant, and began screaming curse words and obsceneties at us, yelling she was the GD Bride and could have whatever she wanted and we had better be moving our arses out of there NOW. My son approached her in an attempt to talk to her and calm her down and she snapped a knife out on him and threatened to run him through!  :

I feel sorry for the Husband to be. I hope he knows he's fixing to marry a knife fighter with a temper.


QuoteI feel sorry for the Husband to be. I hope he knows he's fixing to marry a knife fighter with a temper.

Indeed. It's unfortunate that some drunk bride to be would pull a knife on someone like that. I'd be sorely tempted to tear her arm clean off for her gesture. Security should have been contacted immediately, and she should have been escorted off the premises and banned for life.

Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy

Bonny Pearl

Well, whether it was the other thread or not we can only expect some things to change.  I for one feel a LOT safer out there now that the authorities are showing more of a presence.  What needs to be kept in perspective here is that the rencampers didn't invite the druggies, ravers, techno-kids, etc., they invited themselves and ruined a lot of things for us.  Unfortunately, it is just something that happened.  If George wanted to close the campgrounds he could have sone so and then we'd all be out of luck.  I'll take the changes thank you.

While not being able to rope off areas is a bit of a drag, I think it might make for more of a communal feeling around the grounds; which I don't think is a bad thing.  The folks who camp on a regular basis will figure something out and everyone knows the favorite spots, etc.  There are workarounds to all of this.

That's just my two cents  ;D
Gypsy Wanderer
Kingdom of Onondaga
Order of the Hatchet
Landshark No.88


All we'll have to do is be polite asking people to relocate a bit for our clans. I don't think many problems would arise if a bit of tact is employed.

If someone is unreasonable, then crowd them out ASAP with a show of population. If they pull a knife, call that number many of us have saved on our phones.

Of course, if they seem friendly, they could possibly be invited to the clan, I suppose.
Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy

Queen Bonnie

 Sounds like Bridezilla-itis! Poor hubby. I am sure the campgrounds will be safer with rules. I heard they are requiring ticket purchase to camp now? Not that I do- but I often get asked about camping!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Quote from: Queen Bonnie on November 04, 2008, 08:51:19 AM
Sounds like Bridezilla-itis! Poor hubby. I am sure the campgrounds will be safer with rules. I heard they are requiring ticket purchase to camp now? Not that I do- but I often get asked about camping!

It's because we would be honored by thy presence Queen Bonnie!
A chill in the air, over your shoulder, the Ice Queen's cold stare, you can only be one place. The Texas Ren Faire!


Quote from: Taarna on November 04, 2008, 07:43:49 AM
I don't know, but it may very well have something to do with some trouble we had when we first arrived.

We were SUPPOSED to camp with McLotofus, but we arrived a bit late and the area that MacLaren had for us was PACKED, with not even a parking place, so my husband and son walked and looked for something open that we might camp at least close.
'round the back side a place was found, more or less off to the side/behind McLotofus, and behind/beside SafeHaven (darn that flashing light!) LOL]

You seem nice so I am guessing that you are not the old bat I had a run in with. No, there were no knives involved but over the same area. Safehaven had a wedding Friday and we had one inside on Saturday. The one that attacked us jumped out of her rv, beer in hand(way early in the morning), and started screaming at us. It took all I had not to laugh. Poor old woman, obviously stressed out.
It is always funny to hear about a scuffle from both sides, the stories never match. She is most likely sitting at home telling people about this crazy woman who disturbed her morning brewsky by telling her to camp elsewhere.

I hope the no tape thing works out. I don't normally tape anything off unless an old hag or stupid man yell at me that it has to be taped.


LOL no, I didn't have a run in with anyone, I can assure you. I stayed my butt in the truck and kept smiling believe it or not. Then I suggested we go find a cop, but the men folk said no. We were just going to move along but another of their party was very nice and we came to a peaceful understanding. I think the alcohol (probably had mixed several as the couple was celebrating understandably) had taken it's toll on her that night. I have been told the young lady is quite nice, however having been a medic for 17 years, I do also know that alcohol will relax one enough to release inhibitions and latent tendencies. I wish the newly weds well and a joyous life together.
A chill in the air, over your shoulder, the Ice Queen's cold stare, you can only be one place. The Texas Ren Faire!


I have always used tiki torches to hold my ropes.  If I can't rope anymore, I suppose I will just put out my torches, in my typical rectangle pattern for my clan, giving a nice visual to anyone who is not sure where our claim ends and the free land begins.  There are always holes in the rules.  And hey, without rope run between the torches, there will be less drunks with bruised knees Saturday morning (o:

*Can't wait for the Highland Fling camp out*
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara

~*Lovely Lisa*~

I never get there early enough to rope off anything, but am very appreciative of those who are.  The ropes honestly are sometimes really annoying, especially since our group isn't near the roads, so we always have to drive through everyone to get to our camp.  I guess we are just going to have to see how it goes.
"Not all who wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkein

Lairde Guardn

When going to a place that does not allow you to rope off areas, Take along a few blue tarps that are really cheap to buy.    Lay one in each position where you want your tents to be and as each tent arrives put them up in those spots and move the tarp.  and I have found that no one will bother the tarps. 
Lairde Guard'n
Lairde Highe Chieftain Emeritus
Irish Penny Brigade
Rogue, Teer, Otter
Landshark, Bard, DG, RFC
15.8% FaireFolk pure, 84.2% FaireFolk corrupt


OOO, not a bad idea. Although, I'm more inclined to say let's put up a tiki border.
Blaidd Drwg