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The Immortals

Started by NORSEMAN, February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM

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Lady Christina de Pond

I lay beside Jozeph thinking If anya doesn't kill Raphael I will. His mind wasn't on the plan Jozeph had been laying out i had felt his eyes on me as i stayed close to Jozeph listening to his plan as if i really were his battle chief. I think about how Jozeph told Raphael that i had to stay in his room to keep me from Raphael. I hadn't planned on the morning before happening I had been thinking on it and thought of approaching Jozeph after the Monks were gone. Jozeph advanced it and I'm not sorry he did i don't know what time will bring for now I'm content
I doze off to awaken to Searing passionate kisses i respond back
"Evening already?"
" Yes stay put I'm going to give Raphael his orders I'll be back"
I laugh as i see Jozeph throw on cloths
" Don't be in too much a hurry" I taunt from where I'm sitting

Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari



I looked down at Anya as laid her on the bed, oh how I missed her. So many years lost due to that pig Rafael. Kissing her check.

"Anam Cara"

I said and than kissed her neck. I took in her scent remembering all the good times we had spent together.

"Tor, I've missed you"

"And I you Anya."

I kissed her lips as I ran my hand up her thigh, and bite in to her neck. Anya let out a moan as I did this.... I feel asleep with my arms wrapped around Anya it would take more than death to take her away from me now.

I woke up to feel someone running their hands down my leg. Smiling I looked at Anya and I warmed to see her smile.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Lady Christina de Pond

I hear Jozeph giving orders to Raphael and Raphael preparing to leave I know Raphael will be gone before Jozeph returns I consider having a bath drawn while waiting on him but decide not to. while i wait i play i push things around and know Jozeph will be antious to have Raphael gone so he can find out what i've been upto in his adsence
I finally hear the door open and knew that Raphael has gone.
I watch Jozeph look puzzled for a few minutes an watch him smile
"I know your still here i can smell you"
I giggle and Jozeph is there in a second
"I thought i told you to stay put" teased Jozeph
"Oh you wanted me to stay over there"
" Yes did you rearrange the furniture?"
" just slightly"
Jozeph looks around and Laughs then mutters something about babies before i can respond he's scooped me up and carrying me back to bed
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


I must hurry too implement all my plans, most were put in order the night before when Georg led the gypsies in what they should do and during the day today they rode close enough by leaving the tracks of seven horses nearby and intentionally dropping a crucifix too tag them as monks, then they rode far down the valley as I'd ordered but all the time slowing their pace so Raphael will belive they have been out for a long time and are tired but lead them far far back into the mountain valley which my loyal friends did well finding the monks encampment and  travelling through it so our false trail will lead Raphael straight toward a much larger force than he has.

I watch as Raphael and his cowards ride out the gates he salutes his sword too me as he passes and the gallant fools ride on toward they're destiny if all goes well, georg was even good enough too have a campfire built where the crucifix was left so as too mock a resting spot and leave a smoldering smoky fire too lead these heros who normally could not find they're own shadow in the noon sun!.

I watch from the battlements as the smell of the distant smoke wafts through the still mountain air, immediately in the distance I see Raphael take my bait and now is the time I must gather my own army that poor Georg rounded up and has hiding nearby in the lower pastures, I tell Essy this is far too dangerous for you battle chief I've arranged for you too have a visitor while I'm gone, the young blacksmith from the village he willingly donates blood and you may enjoy him!, I quickly bid her goodbye and the servants bring my horse too meet me as I come down already dress for an extended battle.

I mount the horse and ride toward the lower pastures where my men wait, poor Georg I send him back too the castle he is exhausted he has been up since first light and he's far too important too me too loose in such a trivial battle, he reluctantly accepts but I  see in his eyes the desire too go but the loyal man is getting old and his mortality shows perhaps I'll have Essy turn him I'n not sure but for now that must wait.

I take notice of the men its not a great force but expertly trained and thirty men strong its a good light fast moving force and should be quite adequate for this battle and we turn down another valley riding quickly and on softer territory than Raphael we make much better time and soon find ourselves nearing the only pass that converses the mountain where the monks have their camp far below near a creek at the head of the vally where Raphael approaches, we ride high into the pass but not over the crest here we dismount and take a cold supper for the men, I drink some fine madera too help thin the blood in my veins and now we wait soon too my dismay the clouds began too roll in from the North and the bright moonlight is obscured but this may be too our benefit and now we ride across the pass and downward too within a mile of the battlesite.

We barely get too this point when we hear the battle cries of Raphaels heros screaming a charge at what they believe too be just a few monks beside a campfire and ride headlong into this hornets nest, realizing what he's done Raphael gathers his men around him, they take a brutal toll upon the monks with rapid fire crossbows and mere slaughter against sleeping helpless men with sword and halabred but soon enough the monks react too this attack and rally against him, by my count nearly twelve monks fall as the battle began this taking almost half the original force of thirty monks but then they rally.

At this Raphael realizes he's far outnumbered and as I suspected he and his lieutenant abandon the others too the monks and make they're cowardly escape heading up the valley toward my smaller force who left the original tracks and now wait with chains too bind this great coward.

The men who are left fight gallantly but the monks are too powerfull and the men only cut down five more monks before the last falls with deadly wounds, this leaves twelve monks and they are tired and totally unaware of our leisurely pace down the hillside and we sit there upon the edge of the fire surrounding them before they realize they're own deaths are imminent.

Raphael the coward turns and hacks deep into his loyal lieutenants thigh wounding him badly he did this too give anyone persuing a wounded target too deal with while he escapes, he even used the same sword he used upon Tor and that evil weapon disables the man as he escapes into my second trap and soon finds himself cut off bound and contained with herbs and charms the gypsies use too contain this coward, they bind him and take him too an old cave where we once hid along long time ago during the great wars, Tor and Anya follow them as the gypsies lead for the same charms that bind Raphael harm them as well and the gypsies handle him until he is placed deep within the cave and left for Tor and Anya, I pray them good luck and may they're revenge be fullfilled this final time against this tyrant.

As for the twelve monks left it was a quick and as painless death as I could give them, they in they're own way were good men if not misguided I don't let them be tortured just killed and they area rid of this menace from the religious zelots.

I order the gypsies too remove they're heads and line the road toward the castle with these for soon the Queen comes there and her enemies lifeless heads shall be there too greet her as she arrives.

We start too leave but suddenly I smell something!, there hiding in the bushes! its another young monk!.

Sieze him I say!, he pleads for his life and I grant him this wish with one exception he must join our ranks as vampire!, he renouces his vows and kneels I drain his blood and he falls dead upon the cool ground place him upon a horse I tell them and take him too the crypts he'll not rise before tomorrow night and then I'll attend too him!.

I want too ride too the cave and see Raphaels last breath but I have no grievances against him as Tor and Anya, this is my gigt too them I leave them too enjoy his company as long as he lasts I return too the castle and watch as the heads of the monks are staked upon the roadsides and the other monk is placed into the crypts and I stand over all this wishing it were two hundred and fifty years ago and I were still a knight in the holyland and not here,as I turn I see the pale blue of the coming dawn I think sometimes I'll just stand there and greet the sun but not today!.

Lady Christina de Pond

 I pout a little at being left alone but i feed on the black smith and invite him for tea then i start exploring the castle and the thought crosses my mind of rearranging the whole castle but i didn't want Jozeph to be out of sort trying to find his best garments with the queen coming.
I decide to get the gypsy's to help clean the whole castle afterall she is a queen even if it's a vampire queen. after that i visit the study and spend the rest of the eveing there. at dawn I crawl into my own bed and sleep the day away hoping my friends return soon
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


I watch from the hillside as Jozeph and the men head back toward the castle, I hold Anyas hand tightly and she asks "Tor what are you going too do?", but I just kiss her and tell her he hasn't earned the right too die yet!.

We go into the cave and the gypsies at my signal release the coward under his own power but a coward even a vampire he's still a coward, I thank the men and pay them well telling them too let Georg know we will stay in the cave until tonight!.

I turn then toward Raphael, "do you remember long ago Raphael?, when you went too the witch too get the wicked sword that gives wounds that never heal?, well I lay in my grave dead too the world and my love Anya, in constant pain, no food ,no one too talk with, just the blackness of everlasting hell for me!.

I had along long time too consider and contemplate upon things and every day I would spend time pushing hard against the top of the coffin and my muscles grew stronger and stronger even though I had no blood, no nothing until finally I heard something digging outside the coffin and I scratched through the side and there was a gopher I instantly drained him and the blood gave me strength too continue my pushing exercises!.

Sometimes worms crawled into the casket with me and I took them as well, anything that came about, even maggots from the graves next too me!, but I kept taking food and waiting, I passed the time by singing and talking too myself but after several years this became almost maddening I don't even know how long it took!, theres no way too tell you don't know day from night, Christmas too summer! all I knew was a living death and a wound so painfull even dead I could feel its terrible pain!.

Then after long long tries I got too where I was actually lifting the top dirt and all, a rat fell in with me and I devoured it, then several others and my strength increased and finally with all my might I blew the lid dirt and all from above me and crawled out of my moldy grave, I had blood lust and took several people before my sences returned too me then I began life anew thinking everyone lost too me until I found Anya in Prague!.

Do you know how long it took too find the witch who made that evil sword for you?, years!, but finally I found her and bid her make me a dagger like it and told her not who I was until she finished then I slew her with the very sword you used as payment for her part in my imprisonment but I kept the dagger for you!, yes just for you dear Raphael!, don't you feel special?.

Look its almost dawn Raphael today you will rest but tonight I assure you a grave and living death twenty times worse than anything you bestowed upon me!, yes I've already found your tomb!.

I walked toward Raphael and he attempted too fight but as I said over the years I'd gained such strength he was nothing too me I took the dagger and pinned him through his torso this alone would be enough too give himgrieveace wounds but this wasn't enough for me!, I severed his arms and legs with the dagger leaving already festering wounds as he'd given me.

Lying there now helpless upon the floor of the cave he asked is this it is this your punishment too me Tor?.

I answered no!, not yet theres much more for you dear Raphael, I then took some blacksmiths pincers the kind that cut hot steel and pried open his mouth and told him my voice kept me company your won't!, I used the pincers too tear out his tongue and tossed it into the mornings light too burn there before him as blood ran from his mouth and tears from his eyes.

I told him now "see Raphael the childs coffin there?, you shall spend the day inside it!, but tonight I shall carry you too Prague and there in the cemetery there is the tomb of the old dead arch bishop I will break it open and put you underneath this bishop so for all time as they sprinkle holy water upon him it shall burn you as acid and you cannot move or yell and there you shall live!, but I'm not through yet!.

Oh no! I am going too pull your fangs and leave you the only way too take sustenance will be gumming the maggots that fall off the old bishops decaying body!, this Raphael this is what I'm going too do too you ,you wretch you've not earned death and I tossed him into the casket and slammed the lid shut!.

I took Anya by the hand haolding her close I said "I have blankets and equipment placed back here we shall stay here today, Jozeph knows we are allright and tonight you and I shall bury this lump of refuse in his tomb where he can rot forever!".

She looked into my eyes almost seemed too be feeling sorrow for the fool Raphael but she soon changed and I laid her upon the blanket and removed her clothing taking her mind too other pleasures and other thoughts she was a sexy woman and I needed too examine her every inch and know her as I once knew her.

She recieved me and we made love for hours upon end until I told her she had gotten the best of me!, she simply sighed and said "I was hoping you'd be tired soon!", I hugged her tight and we slept!.


I rode back too the castle looking forawrd too seeing Essy but she was in her room, this is fine no doubt that shes a little upset with me for not taking her along on this battle but it was for her own good and besides I often feel alone and  somewhat down after seeing so many lives snuffed out in the blink of an eye over a cause that isn't even worth its action.

They don't know it but I police my own territory and kill rogues as I find them, as I've said before mortals often find donating a bit of blood a very exciting experience and I allow none too be turned!.

The only exception I've made is for the young Monk now sleeping in the crypt he I have a use for and will train him well if he proves suitable then I already have a task for him but if he proves unreliable I shall chain him too a tree to meet the morning sunshine!.

The gypsies come by and tell me that Tor and Anya sleep today in  the cave hideout no doubt Tor like a cat wants too play with his victim for a while!, it nears dawn and I retire now for the day hoping Essy will forgive me and return too my bed.

Lady Christina de Pond

I heard Jozeph come in but he went to his room I waited but didn't hear him move so i got up. I slipped through the door
"I take it you suceeded"
" yes Anya and Tor are dealing with Raphael"
" I..." I started as i crept closer to Jozeph's bed
"I know you wanted to go Essy but i was trying to protect you. You are just learning to use your skills and i didn't think you were prepared should it turn ugly, I like your company"
" Jozeph are you becoming attached to me?" I ask sitting on the side of the bed
"maybe" said Jozeph as i felt his arms around me
"Jozeph will Anya and Tor leave us once they are done with Raphael?"
"I don't know Essy" spoke Jozeph
his lips then found mine and I knew what he wanted. I thought for a 250yr vampire he acted like a young man I don't know how long we gave and received but I know i looked down  more than a few times to see us floating in extacy
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


I wake up after a short nap with Tor's arms around me. I have not felt so happy in years, I could only wonder how it was that Tor healed if it was just the time or if the witch did not place the spell properly or maybe something else. I looked at Tor's face and body and not seeing any signs of his former injuries.

"Anya way are you awake it is still a few hours before sundown."

"Not sure my gra. I think I am afraid I am going to wake up and you will be gone again."

Tor sat up taking me with him he put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"I will not leave unless you ask me to. So many years lost."

I could feel the anger in his body as he spoke about the time we had spent apart.

"How is it that you found me Tor?"

"For years I listened to rumors that I thought might be about you, I followed every one and usually seemed to miss you by years but some time months. There aren't very many red haired female vampires out there and it helps that I know your hunting style." Tor smiled at me I knew he was proud that I had been able to take care of myself for all those years. "Any way I followed a lead to a small village there was a young girl named Liz she remembers you fondly.  It took a long time for me to convince her I didn't mean you any harm and when I found that I had only missed you by a few months I new I was close."

"How is Liz?"

"She is good she is now married and happy she does miss you. I tracked you to Prague only to find out that the vampires here had gone to visit the queen but where expected back soon. I stayed near Prague waiting to catch your scent. I had smelled it around the town but it was very faint and that night I found you I though I was dreaming.

"You always could tell where I was."

Tor had a big smile on his face. He pulled me back down under the blankets with him and kissed me. It was a night I would not forget anytime soon. 

"Anam Cara I will never leave you again I promise you this."

"I will not let you go Tor."

This brought a bigger smile and a deeper kiss.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP

Lady Christina de Pond

I awoke and felt Jozeph stir
"Jozeph? when did you say the queen is coming?"
" soon why?"
"I have the sensation she's here"
Jozeph looks at me and jumps up and dresses quickly I dress normal pace and am nearly done when Jozeph flung the door wide open and Georg was outside
"the queen has arrived" spoke George
Jozeph looked back over his shoulder at me
"we already knew that somehow. has Anya and Tor returned?"
" Anya and Tor are expected today" answered Georg

Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


Tor woke me up just after dark. It felt so good to be back in his arms but I was still worried he would be taken away from me again. I dressed as Tor got ready to take Rafael to the bishops crypt, he had fashioned a bag to carry the coffin.

"Anya we will have to be very careful I fear the Queen may show up early. And I do not wish to spend more time with this riffraff than need be."

"How long where you in Prauge before you found me?"

"I think I just missed you before you headed to Vienna, but I have been here before a long time ago."

"Well you are a few hundred years older than me."

I laughed and tossed one of the pillows at him. Tor put the coffin down and pick me up with speed that I did not remember.

"Anya my gra you should now better than to tease me, but alas we need to hurry there is only a small time frame to get into the crypt before someone will notice."

I started to lace my vest up when Tor stopped me and finished laceing me in and kissing me.

"Who is teasing who now?"

"My sweet Anya I wish we had time but we must hurry but we do have many many years to make up for."

We meet some of Jozeph's gypsies as we exited the cave they informed us that they would take the blankets and other things back to the castle. I thanked them and Tor gave them some money. They warned us that we would have to hurry there where rumors that the Queen was close by. I again thanked them and told them to let Jozeph know that we would be back as soon as we could.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I walked out of the cave into the cool evening air and felt for the first time that now I could carry on my life that scoundrel Raphael is finished!, I stood there for awhile overlooking the valley below and wondering if I was imposing too much on Jozeph staying with him but for now there is more things too do and I returned inside and lifted the small coffin containing the muted body of Raphael and heard him groan as I picked it up.

Anya looked too me and the love in her eyes almost made me feel sorry for Raphael missing this in life but not sorry enough not too leave this vampire excrement in the tomb forever!.

With Anya by my side we became as mist and flew upon the wind and soon found ourselves inside Prague and at the gates of the large cemetery, once again the skies above us clouded over and soon a light drizzle began and was already freezing upon the cast iron gates as we neared the tomb.

Suddenly I was starteled someone was there!.


I stepped out from behind a tomb quickly poor Tor almost dropped the casket containing Raphaels body!, Essy giggled sweetly in the shadows at this childish stunt by me but even a 250 year old Vampire must have his fun and it was completely worth it!.

Poor Anya was about too pounce upon me for this but my laughter spread too her and she soon joined us in this good laugh, I bid Tor take our guest from his coffin so he may laugh with us and Tor set the small coffin down but poor Raphael he said nothing and didn't find my joke the least bit funny!.

I told him he was a humorless toad!, and should have enjoyed that for it was likely the last laugh he'd have for a long long time!.

At this Essy once again began her giggling and we all joined in with her save Raphael but then nothing was going too save this vile wretch and this we all knew!.

I told Tor, "You great beast of a man lift this wretch up for I feel he cannot recieve the full effect of the plethora of smells and excretions inside such a fine home and we do want him too savor every maggot that falls from the old Bishops body now don't we?".

Raphael tried too scream but since Tor had removed his tongue it only created the most disgusting noise and I again bid Tor bring the wretch for I will no longer waste any time with him!.

Tor carried him and we went too the large marble tomb of the bishop there I'd been totally magnanamous and had opened the side exposing a small opening under the bier that the poor bishop rested upon, then Tor shoved his wretched body underneath!.

My poor little Essy wouldn't let us close the tomb until she could shine a lantern upon his face and I must admit the look upon it was priceless and then the Great Tor picked up the marble side wall and shoved it tightly back into place!.

At this I bowed too Tor and Anya and said I'm sorry dear friends but I've promised my Essy a warm meal in a romantic place! and I know where the lovers from Prague go too rendevous so what could be more romantic!, I bid you goodevening my friends and we shall see you back at the castle I trust! so I took Essys slim elegant hand and we were off for dinner!.

Tor yelled he was quite hungry himself and would like chinese for a change, Anya looked at him and said I thought we were having Italian but he said my dear we just had Italian the other night wheres your sence of adventure and they kissed and set off themselves!.

Lady Christina de Pond

"I thought vampires didn't marry" I commented to Jozeph as we walked together
"some do"
"Jozeph i know you took me as your mistress to protect me from Raphael but what of the gypsy girl who you were playing with when i showed up will she not be jealous you seem to play with me more"
"I took you as my mistress to protect you and I wanted you"
I give Jozeph a peck and he looks at me with raised eyebrows
"If i gave you more right now we might not eat tonight and with you. we would be out here all night and die at sunrise because you would get carried away"

Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari


Taking Tor's hand we race into the heart of Prague looking for dinner. Tor wanted some Chinese this I though would be hard to find but Tor knew right where to look.

"Do you want to play? My Gra?"

"I am always up for playing. Just from hearing those men they are up to no good."

"So Anya do you want to lure them out or should I?"

I give Tor a kiss, and ponder.

"I think you should draw them out."

"Ah you do like to play with your food."

"Tor you are so changed and at the same time not"

"I have only grown in strength and powers but who I am has not."

"Go now my love and get us some dinner I will wait here."

Tor like a wisp was gone I could hear him talking with one of the men and after awhile I heard them walking towards me it sounded like Tor and 2 others. I upbraided my hair and let it fly lose around me finding out a long time ago men seemed to me more distracted by lose hair on a female.  I waited until I heard Tor ask them not to harm him it was hard not to laugh. I walked up to Tor slowly creating an almost floating effect. Coming up to Tor I kisses his neck and smile at him.

"Do not worry I will save you."

Tor has a big smile on his face. The men look at me in surprise they are unsure if they should be afraid or not.

"Who are you?" one of the men asks

"I am death."

"You should listen to her for she speaks the truth."

This the men look at him and they where scared.

I walk up to one of the men and Tor grabs the other.

"Shh this won't hurt...much"

Tor laughs as I show the man my fangs and bite into his neck. I drain the man and let him drop to the ground I look over to Tor and he is finishing with his. As he had done so many times in the past he cuts the heads off both men and I use a knife to hide the bite marks.

"Anya I am still hunger."

He backs me into the wall and kisses me. I feel his hands on my neck and than his lips before long I feel his teeth on my neck and than the bite.

"Oh Anya how I have missed you."

"And I you but know I must feed again. I don't remember you being so greedy."

"I'm sorry my Gra. I am sure one of the gypsies will give you some but I have other plans for right now."

Tor kisses me again and lifts me up and carries me back to the castle. I laugh and hold him tight it feels so good to be back in his arms.

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP