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Started by Lady Amy of York, February 18, 2009, 06:05:50 PM

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Lady Amy of York

Hope evryone  had  a happy  Easter. :) Mine  was   nice, spending time  with my son and  husband. The  easter buny  hid  plastic  eggs  with coins inside  and  my son  enjoyed  hunting  for  them.

Well, i think i may have  spoked  too soon  about  feeling better.

As i said i had  two good  days Thursday, and  Friday, where i was  able  to get up and  walk about  with no pain.

Then on Saturday, I woke  up with some  pain, but i had  promised  my son I  would  do Easter  stuff with him, plus I am determined  not  to baby  myself , so  I   got up and  sat on a chair in the kitchen  and  we  dyed  Easter eggs,  and frosted a cake.

Sunday  i could tell i had  overdid it  abit, so  we had  a  relaxing, restful Easter sitting  around  watching Easter video's  on  the  tv.

Yesterday  i woke up  feeling better, but  then last night after dinner, i  started  with  the   tremors, shakes, numbness, dizziness and  back pain again.

This  seems  to be  the  common  pattern here. Whenever I start to feel better, and  start being active, my symptoms  come  right back again.

  So it is  back  to finding the  cause  of  all of  this.  I  have  a couple routes/ ideas i am investigating,and  in  the  meantime  i am  trying  to   think postive  and  keep  the faith,  and  also  remind  myself  not  to overdo  it . :)

On the bright side, it is a lovely day out and i can look out  the  window  and  see  my daffodills in bloom, and I have my son here keeping me  company, and  my  puppy  at  my feet. :)

Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Amy I'm very glad to hear that you had a nice Easter with your husband and your son but like you said before don't overdo it cause that is the last thing you want right now.

Hugs and love to you Hon.  :)
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

What a week. What is  the  saying,"  It never rains  it pours ."   Have you ever had one of those weeks  when you  should have stayed in bed?   Allow  me  to vent.

Monday: My back was bothering me  and  since i still had  not received  the  wriiten report  from my last MRI i had  done in Rochester, I decided that I  could  atleast  go  and to  te local MRI  place  here in town  and  get copies of  all my previous  MRI"s.      So i did  that.  Was reading thru the  reports  on the  ones  done on  my spine  and  found  a  report  from 3 years  ago  when i was  seeing  the neurolgist  that  i  know  longer  see,  and it mntions  bulging discs  and  heniated  discs.
  So that is  twice now  that ,that neurologist kept info  from me.  First the tumor on my spine  and  near my heart, that nearly killed me, and now  the   discs.  I  was furious  ! >:(

Tuesday-My husband  gave me quite  the scare. He  was out taking care of  the horses after diner  and  came  in  complaining of  pain in his  chest , shortness of  breath  and  pain  down his  right arm.  I called 911.  Thankfully it ended up not being  heart related.  Thinks  that he lifted  something too heavy in the barn, but it was enough to scare  the heck out of  me.

Wednesday-  Finally got the wriiten report on the latest MRI  i had  done. If  you recall the neurologist i talked to on the phone  said nothing showed up on the MRI  and  to come back in six  months.  Well, i would like  to honestly know  where se  learned how to read.
  Because  right in  black  and  white  on the  report  it states  that  they fond  some  small scars on the  brain  common in either  MS  or  a  stroke.

  Oh, and when i had asked her about my spine  and  wheter it showed  any bulging discs  she had said  there was no mention of  the  dics  at all.  That was  a bunch of  Bufalo butter, cause  once  gain  right in the  report i mentions   bulging dics, herniated  discs, and  something about  the spinal   canal.

UGH, so it makes me lose  all faith in  neurologists !  don't get me  wrong, i am sure  there are some  good ones out there. :-\

Then  to top the  day off    the puppy  got loose on us.  Could not find her anywhere.  My husband  and  son went searching for her.    we have about 8 acres, half of it being wooded. We get coyotes, etc.
Finally after a hour of  searching  they  found her.

So just when i thought  that was  enough for  the  week, it just got better and better.. :P :'(

Thursday :   Last week i had faxed a request  to   well known  diabetes  and endocrine  center in Syracuse. I  listed my symptoms,  and  said i was  wondering if  any of  them could be  diabetes  related or  hormone  realted an  would  like a consultation  with one of  the  doctors  there. I  had not heard anything  back, so i decided  to call.  Talked  to receptionist  there,  and  the  earliest  they could  get me in was  sometime in August.   ARRRRRRRGH  ! >:(  :'(

Friday:  I just took it easy.

Saturday:  I ended up going to the  emergency room by ambulance, cause I had one of  my fainting episodes.   Diagnosis:   dizziness.   Gee, no kidding.  How about telling me  why it happen ? ::) ::)

Sunday  :   At bedtime  my  5 year old  son started running a  104  fever. Great, this  kid  never  gets  sick.    Called  his  doctor, and  was told  to give  him children's  tylenol, check him every  two hours  and  call  them  in the morning. if  the  fever goes higher during the night to take him to the  emrgency room. :( :o :(
checked him a hour  ago..down to 100

Mondaymorning  2: am---    so here i am , can't sleep.  keep checking my son.  Also  thinking about my dad.  My dad  is   having surgery today.   He  is  having knee replacement surgery. Normally i would  not be  concern except for  the  fact that he is in his  early  80's  and  is  a heavy  cigar  smoker.
     So between, my son  and  my dad, and i am    tossing  and  turning here.
     Saying  prayers  for  both  of  them.

On the positive  side, i am, up and  about and  walkng around, and able  to do afew  things  around  the house.  :) Just can't bend or  reach for  anything. I still tire  easily.  i still have  some  backpain and  some numbness  . The biggest concern is the  dizziness and  fainting spells, but i  am taking it one  day at  a  time.  I am convinced that it is up to me  and  God  to get me  back on my feet.   I am focusing on eating healthy, taking my healthy vitamins  and suppplements, and  exercise, reserching alternative treatments, cause i have had it  with  doctors  for  now !

So that is  the  latest ! Thanks  for  allowing me  to vent. :)  Never a dull momment around here, that is  for  sure ! :)

Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Amy there is an old saying that goes "In each life a little rain must fall". We all have good weeks and bad weeks but the thing to remember is not to let the bad things get the best of you. I have said it before and I will say it again you are a strong and amazing person and such an inspiration to us all. Hang in there girl cause like I have said before I have faith in you that in the end everything will be just fine.

You are still in my thoughts and prayers as always.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

lady serena

Sorry you had such a bad week, I hope things are now on the mend for you and your family. Praying for you and your family. Lady Serena
Guppy # 81
Fins up

Lady Amy of York

So far  things  are  going well  this  week.  ( Knocks  on wood  ;D ;)).

My dad's  surgery  went well.

My son's  temperature  was  down below  normal  today  and  the  doctor  felt that he just had a 24  hour  virus.   Still making him rest and  take  it easy  today.

As  for  me  i am taking  a break  from  doctors  for now.  I  am    relying on my faith  in God,  the power of  prayer,  friends, and  family,  and   focusing on  healing  myself  thru  diet,  exercise  and   vitamins  and  healthy  natural  supplements.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Celtic Lady

Amy, so sorry to hear about the rough week you had. Glad to hear that 2 of the guys are doing better. Do let us know how your dad is doing.


Amy I'm so glad things are looking up for you. I hope your week continues to get better and that you get to feeling better as well.

God Bless you as always.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Thanks Lord W !

Well, by a small fluke, i may have found out one of  the  things that is going on with me.  A nurse from the emergency room at the hospital i went to on Friday  just called me.   They got the  report back from a urine  test  they did  on me.   (  it takes five  days for  ahospital to get a urine  report.  Yikes !   ::) ::) )     
  Anyway  the  report  shows that i have  ahuge  amount of  Ecoli  in my system.
Don't know  wherei picked  that up from, but who knows it could  be  causing some of  my symptoms. So they were calling the  local pharmacy here  to get me  on  some  meds  for  it.
   Like I said, never a dull momment around here. I maybe  Irish, but i think the leprechauns  are  mad  at me,  fo i sure  don't have  the  luck of the  Irish  lately.  LOL  !   Oh well, what is  the  saying," With evry bit of  sunshine, a liitle  bit of  rain  must fall !"   See, atleast i still have  my sense of  humor  working ! ;D
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Well that is good to hear. At least you know you may have found the cause to some of your symptoms. See what the power of prayer can do Amy.  :)
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Ain't that the  truth. I am a  strong believer in prayer.  I have witnessed     over the years  the powers  and  miracles  of  prayer.  Myself  and  my son would not be  alive  today if it were not for prayers  and  the  miracles of    the  Lord  above.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Amy anytime you need someone to pray for you you know where to find me. Don't ever forget that.  :)
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Started on the medicine  for  the Ecoli.  it is a very strong antibiotic  and is  making me  feel yucko,  but i need to get rid of  the Ecoli  in my system.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Amy dear you still remain in my thoughts and prayers as always. Please keep me posted on how you are doing and the progress you are making on getting rid of this Ecoli in your system
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

white trillium

Interesting, well hopefully getting rid of the e coli will bring some improvement.

You've had a busy few weeks.  Happy to hear that your son and dad are doing better.
Everything starts as somebody's daydream. ~Larry Niven