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So I rented "The Other Boleyn Girl..."

Started by gem, June 25, 2009, 12:33:44 AM

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I knew everybody absolutely tore this movie (and particularly its costumes) to bits, but I kind of wanted to see for myself, so I popped it in my Netflix queue, and Milord and I started watching it tonight. 

So I'm looking with a really critical eye, and I'm thinking, "Well, I guess Jodhi May's smock looks a little sloppy there, and I wish one of the men had a high-necked shirt on, but otherwise...?"  There were even costume elements that were obviously based directly on period artwork, particularly the Holbein portrait of Katherine of Aragon, and his sketch of the back of a gabled hood.  I just didn't see anything I'd describe as an atrocity.

So I'm expressing my perplexity about this to Milord, who says something about it being a TV/BBC production, and I said, "No, it had a theatrical release; I remember the previews."


And then I said, "...And I thought Scarlett Johanson was supposed to be in this movie."

::)  Um, yeah.  Enter IMDB.  Apparently Netflix gave me the 2003 BBC version, staring Jodhi May as Anne and Natascha MacElhone as Mary, NOT the much-maligned 2008 theatrical version with (yes) Scarlett Johanson and Natalie Portman!  (Not realizing there were two, I typed "Other Boleyn Girl" and put what it gave me into my queue!)

Anyway, we're about halfway through, and there's something kind of intriguing about it, including (yes!) the costumes!  I have been staring at necklines.



I've not yet seen either, but I think I'd much rather see the BBC version  ;)
50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.


Aunty Beeb usually does a decent job of the frocks.

Baroness de Vale

I just rented this one myself but between sewing and the kids I have not watched it yet. The newer version was interesting as far as story line but I wasn't impressed by the costuming. I'm hoping this one is better.


I'm wanting to see both.  Just havent remembered to pick them up when I go to the store.
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

The 2003 BBC version of THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL was an extra feature with THE SIX WIVES of HENRY VIII. I perfer this version FAR BETTER!!! The fact that Jarred Harris, son of the late Richard Harris, made a superior Henry VII to Eric Bana's. The portrayal of Anne Boleyn by Jodhi May showed more depth than Natalie Portman's. The costuming, lighting, overall atmosphere was superior to the 2008 version. 

Maybe I am spoiled when it comes to history and how it is portrayed. Perhaps as well, the BBC does a better job than Hollywood. That was how I felt about the two ELIZABETH films. While the costuming was stunning, too many liberties were taken with the actual historical facts as to how they happened. ELIZABETH R with Glends Jackson ROCKS!!!
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


The necklines, or lack of chemise, drove me bonkers too. That's why I refuse to watch The Tudors. The covers of the DVD's I see at the store make me wanna throw up a little.

I did like the stiffness of the bodices. Reminded me of these types of gowns.

I actually bought the Boleyn DVD anyway. It's a good story to keep with my collection. In the bonus features, the author says there are only footnotes referencing the existence of Mary. The movie story is mostly conjecture.

But what the hey, it's good for a rainy day. And we've had a lot of those in the East Coast lately.

Lady Kathleen - have I told you lately how much I love you? It needs to be said.
Now I've added these to my wish list:

Are they the right ones?

Artemisia Moltabocca
You haven't had enough coffee unless you can thread a sewing machine while it's running.


When I got The Six Wives for Christmas I was excited to see it came with the BBC Other Boleyn Girl.  But it fell flat for me.  Neither girl looked how Phillipa Gregory described them and quite frankly it bored me big time. 

After I reconciled myself to Natalie Portman playing the villain Anne (as Gregory wrote her, not my opinion) I was very much looking forward to the Hollywood adaptation.  But I was disappointed again only this time by how loosely based on the book it was!  And how loosely based on actual HISTORY too.  And finally...those French hoods...they distracted me the whole time.  I'm sorry, I know a lot of people said they were well done and authentic, but they just looked plain wonky to me, every single solitary one.  I think the prettiest French hoods in a movie were worn in Anne of the Thousand Days and Elizabeth R.  Since they didn't care to keep the history accurate, they could have at least been consistent and left the hoods innacurate (and pretty) too!  Scar Jo was a good Mary, I must admit, looked just as I pictured Anne's "milk and honey sister" but Nat was SO not the Anne for me.  She was nowhere near as devious as the character in the book, I felt such sympathy for her all throughout that movie, where as the book makes you want to just reach in and throttle her.  Because even when she was burdened past her breaking point and constantly working to hide it,  she still returned to her room and was horrible to Mary.

I feel like they wasted their shot at bringing this amazing book to the screen.  All that said I do own the DVD but I haven't watched it since the theater.

Lady Amy of York

Quote from: Lady Kathleen of Olmsted on June 25, 2009, 09:35:43 AM

The 2003 BBC version of THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL was an extra feature with THE SIX WIVES of HENRY VIII. I perfer this version FAR BETTER!!! The fact that Jarred Harris, son of the late Richard Harris, made a superior Henry VII to Eric Bana's. The portrayal of Anne Boleyn by Jodhi May showed more depth than Natalie Portman's. The costuming, lighting, overall atmosphere was superior to the 2008 version. 

Maybe I am spoiled when it comes to history and how it is portrayed. Perhaps as well, the BBC does a better job than Hollywood. That was how I felt about the two ELIZABETH films. While the costuming was stunning, too many liberties were taken with the actual historical facts as to how they happened. ELIZABETH R with Glends Jackson ROCKS!!!

I love Elizabeth R . The costumes  are to die  for  !  Glenda  Jackson  is  an excellent actress.  If  you like  her in Elizabeth R   then I highly reccomend  that  you  also  pick up  the  movie  " Mary  ,Queen of  Scots "  where  Glenda Jackson  once again plays  Queen Elizabeth,  and  Vanessa Redgrave  plays  Mary.  Excellent movie.  Wonderful costumes. I love  the  gowns  and hats  that both actresses  wore. In one  scence  there is a riding outfit  that Elizabeth wore  that is  just stunning !

Another good  movie  ababout Anne  Boleyn is "Anne  of  the Thousand  Days". with Richard Burton.
it was up for  10 academy award nominations  including  best picture  in  1969,when it came  out.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

Quote from: Artemisia on June 25, 2009, 10:31:49 AM
The necklines, or lack of chemise, drove me bonkers too. That's why I refuse to watch The Tudors. The covers of the DVD's I see at the store make me wanna throw up a little.

I did like the stiffness of the bodices. Reminded me of these types of gowns.

I actually bought the Boleyn DVD anyway. It's a good story to keep with my collection. In the bonus features, the author says there are only footnotes referencing the existence of Mary. The movie story is mostly conjecture.

But what the hey, it's good for a rainy day. And we've had a lot of those in the East Coast lately.

Lady Kathleen - have I told you lately how much I love you? It needs to be said.
Now I've added these to my wish list:

Are they the right ones?

YUP!!!  Those are the right ones, Artemisia!!! 

ELIZABETH R is the BEST out there on Queen Elizabeth I. The facts, costuming, set Direction are superior to what has come out afterward. The detailing on the costuming is remarkable that many of the gowns that Glenda Jackson wears were done from actual portraits of the Queen herself. Which is why this version is my #1 Fave!!!
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde

Lady Rosalind

Quote from: Artemisia on June 25, 2009, 10:31:49 AM
The necklines, or lack of chemise, drove me bonkers too. That's why I refuse to watch The Tudors. The covers of the DVD's I see at the store make me wanna throw up a little.

But... but half the fun in watching the Tudors is yelling "WTH kind of hat is THAT???!?!?!", or "Why is she wearing that?!?!?!?!?"

Well, that and watching the deliciousness that is Charles Brandon...  ;D


I think I need to see the BBC version, because the 2008 version was terrible!  It was one of only two movies I've ever seen where I just couldn't wait for them to end.  A lot of the costumes were a bit of a joke, especially the French hoods.  Although I have to say I was actually imporessed with the early English hood that Mary wears in one scene - a la Anne Cresacre.  Also, although I love Natalie Portman, I don't think she's cut out to play a British character.  And I wasn't really all that impressed with Eric Bana - he just didn't seem very human (but I loved him in Troy).

One of the things about it that really irked me was that the movie didn't follow either historical events or the book it was based on - I mean, pick one or the other.  If you're going to change a movie that's based on a book, at least change it to something recognizable instead of something pretty much just made up.  Where in the book did Mary nearly have a miscarriage and have to stay in bed for several months?  And what happened to her daughter, who was born before Henry Carey?  And what about every other character in the book besides Anne, Henry, and Mary - they were pretty much cut from the movie.  I realize the book is wildly inaccurate, but if you're going to base a movie on a book, actually make the movie like the book.

Genievea Brookstone

QuoteWell, that and watching the deliciousness that is Charles Brandon...  ;D

I second that!
Genievea Brookstone
Lost child of the Woods


I THIRD that (Charles Brandon).  I love The Tudors for the MEN....after all, we ALL know the story, so we aren't watching it for historical enlightenment!! :D

And I did enjoy the HUGE costumes they put on Eric Bana in THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL  to make him look portly... the fabrics looked delicious.. and Mama Boleyn's gable hoods were nice, too. The details on the chemises that the women wore for bed and birthing were beautiful...