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Start the year of right help out on January 2nd

Started by Barret, December 29, 2009, 10:48:52 AM

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It sounds like there is yet work to be done to make Sherwood ready for it's grand opening and that the fine folks putting it together could use our help. I am thinking that going down and helping out on the 2nd sounds like a great way to start the year off on the right foot, put in some volunteer time for a great cause after I have slept of the revelries of New Years. Being from Austin it is great to have a new faire coming so close to town and I think it is really awesome how much the management has invited the community to participate in prepping the grounds and really making the faire our own.

I will be heading down Saturday morning with my girl friend, planning to arrive around 9 AM and figure we will work until about 4 when the light starts to go away. It would be awesome if we could get a good group of people to show up and get some work done (Austinites I know you aren't very far away). If you can only come for half the day or a couple hours that's fine, the more the merrier and the easier the work will be. Come ready to work, lets all pitch in and take advantage of the opportunity the faire management has given us to make Sherwood our place to gather. If we get enough people wanting to come and work all day I will see what I can do about getting some lunch stuff for everyone.

(if you need inspiration think about how great it will feel opening weekend when everyone is there to know that you had a hand in making it happen)


Just give folks some idea of what I plan on doing, so volunteers can come up with other ideas of what to accomplish.

Note: Alex, the volunteer coordinator is the person who will have the grand plan and worklist.

I'll probably come up Friday.

As much as I enjoy raking up leaves, I'll bring up my large shop-vac. That way I can dump the tank into 55 gal trash bags. By putting the generator on my truck bed and using long extension cords, I can reach a large area. I will be starting at the top of the hill and working downhill. Of course, if someone is really into raking, bring on the grass rakes or leaf blowers.

Once the leaves are out of the way, the limbs and stumps will be more visible. The limbs will be bagged and dumped at a central burn location. There will no longer be multiple burn piles going on. The stumps will be marked with orange paint and then dug out. Bring shovels and axes. Of course, someone with a stump grinder could have a blast, plus that mulches the trunk wood.

I'll be spreading grass seed outside the main gate close to the wall.

Once we have enough folks working in the Faire area, I'll move over to the general campgrounds to start picking up branches over there and trying to level out the ground.After that I'll spread grass seed.

Going to be a busy weekend, but there aren't too many weekends left.


Having never been out there before, where should people wanting to volunteer meet up? Or should we just look for the guy vacuuming leaves?


Quote from: Barret on December 29, 2009, 01:54:05 PM
Having never been out there before, where should people wanting to volunteer meet up? Or should we just look for the guy vacuuming leaves?

Entering at the SWFF "Butterfly" gate on Highway 290, and following the white road through the twists and turns, you will come to a crossroads. To the left is a road going around the outer ring of the Faire. To the right you will see various construction equipment and a road that goes around the outer ring of the Faire (yeh, it meets up with the left hand road). There is a large gravel area with a travel trailer and a box truck parked. The travel trailer (Maxlite) is mine and I should have a worklist posted there, along with a volunteer signup list. I will get the work items from Alex, who is the volunteer coordinator.

If in doubt or lost, my cell # is 832-567-7795.


Sounds good! Thanks for the info.

Now in the words of Jerry Maguire, "WHO'S COMING WITH ME?"