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Quick question about the parade?

Started by Paladin, September 03, 2010, 02:22:55 PM

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Just curious if they still bring bunches of flowers to parade for people to pass out?  And if I'm not able to find a booth that wants to employ my banner-carrying services, as a playtron would it be frowned upon for me to walk in the parade with you guys?

I've done a million parades over the years, but always as a participant.  Just making sure I won't step on any toes by doing it if I'm not officially part of the show...

Captain Cornelius Howard Duckman

Haven't seen flowers in quite some time, and as to walking in it...well, as long as no one ousts you.

Poldugarian Warrior

Yeah, you may want to ask a merchant or the faire to be able to march in the parade. My brother and I since we dress in armor and look like guards, we thought we'd bring up the end of it with Hob the Troll, and we asked him, and he said no, sorry no patrons allowed in the parade. So we just went about our way and didn't press the issue. We'd had done the parade a year before, but we carried the banner for Pyramid Leather, and this year we weren't, so unless your carrying a banner or are a chracter they probably don't want patrons in the parade for legal reasons, even as a banner carrier you have to sign a waiver saying if you get injured doing the parade you won't sue.