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Quiet around here

Started by flidais, March 26, 2012, 04:15:15 PM

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Last week when we had all that warm weather, I opened my sewing rooms windows, put on some Owen and putzed around my sewing room with dreams of sitting at the Guinness with my friends again. 

It's been pretty quiet around here.  I know there have to be plenty of people dreaming of faire.  Is anyone else planning their festival year out yet?  Making garb?  Getting together with friends doing Rennie stuff?


Quote from: flidais on March 26, 2012, 04:15:15 PM
Last week when we had all that warm weather, I opened my sewing rooms windows, put on some Owen and putzed around my sewing room with dreams of sitting at the Guinness with my friends again. 

It's been pretty quiet around here.  I know there have to be plenty of people dreaming of faire.  Is anyone else planning their festival year out yet?  Making garb?  Getting together with friends doing Rennie stuff?

Yeah, I did pretty much the same thing, but I put on Tartanic. But it was very hard to control my pattern pieces in the breeze lol! I just finished my own interpretation of Lady Marion's dress from Robin Hood 2010 (more medieval than Renaissance, I know) so I'll be wearing that at some point. And I got it in my head to make a new bodice this year--don't really need it, but do we ever? And making the hubby a new pair of pants. Planning my visits--one the 2nd weekend (day trip), and the whole last weekend 6 of us are renting a cabin nearby (camped last year and Holly is so damn swampy and buggy that I swore no more tent camping there!) so we're pretty stoked! How about you?
"Not all those who wander are lost..."


I'll be there opening weekend and highland weekend most definitely.  Hoping to cam p both weekends, we'll see how that plays out.  We always camp there in Holly, but in a pop-up, and we've been blessed with pretty good weather when we've been there.  Lots of really hot days there, some chilly and a little damp, but no super down-pour type weather.   I usually try and make it at least one day a weekend for the rest of the season.  All just depends on the rest of life.

I would really like to make it to Bristol and ORF this year.  I really enjoy both of those, but again, it's one of those things where I have to wait and see how life plays out.

Been doing lots of garb planning, but haven't done alot of sewing yet.  I'll get there.  :)


Been planning the trips because there's no way I'm not visiting more this year.  Sheesh, only a few days is just not good enough but we'll see what the summer plans have in store for me.  Definitely going Labor Day and Day of Wrong, oh yes!  I've just got to figure out what other weekends.  I'm going to plan on the last weekend of Holly too.  It's always so nice.

I, too, want to hit up Bristol and ORF since I've never been.

As for garb.  I keep debating whether I want to make more or just fix and redo what I've got.  There is a Belle inspired project in the works...
Galene, Nereid in pirate form
Lady Alethea Talbot


Been planning ever since 2011 ended.

Working on my costume some more (got a whole bunch of new stuff for 2012) and will be testing it out at GARF this year before MIRF rolls around. Hoping to get the season passes this year and hoping that there is a feast!

robert of armstrong

 I so can't wait to walk through those gates and.....exhale

How bad is this?  A week and a half ago, I happened to be in the area where the old Ontario RenFest used to be held.  Now, the Faire closed down after the 2004 season, when the land was bought up by developers.The land still hasn't been developed.

I had to stop, and went for a walk, across the field that used to be for parking, and into the grounds proper.  Although all the buildings are gone, the grounds are otherwise still as they were, just really overgrown - there are still octagon shaped benches around trees, and fences around the old archery area were still there, and there were even foundations for two of the vendor shops still there.  I wandered out to the Field of Honour (the jousting and foot battle field), which still had it's benches on the hills surrounding it, looking down onto four foot high grasses.  I even found the old suggestion box, still sitting on top of of it's post outside where the exit used to be, which at least a couple generations of birds have turned into a birdhouse.

I got goosebumps walking around there, remembering what was where, the people that we enjoyed it with and the things we did, the times we had.

When I got home, I had to empty out two closets and a couple bins of RenGear, spread it out on the spare room floor and look at it, longing to hit a Faire.  Although I had the urge to gear right up, I couldn't go too far - I put on a pair of bracers, then took them off.  I put on my helm, then took it off and put it away.  I put on a peasent shirt and a vest that I hadn't worn in years, then took them off and put them away too.

Why can't I live at a Faire?

I can't wait for the Gates of Hollygrove to open.
Always on the lookout for my next noble cause.

And because a flail don't need reloading, that's why.


Sir Bruce--me too lol! Not familiar with GARF though :/

Robert--Awww, that's so sad. It's such a shame when any faire goes under. But alas, you're not alone--last week I put on one of my Ren outfits and wore it while I studied lmao! What is *wrong* with us?? I remember seeing you last year at the gates and thinking, "I hope I can make/get something like what he's wearing for my husband someday." Then I saw you on here lol! So this year I may sidle up and peek at your garb if you don't mind. :D
"Not all those who wander are lost..."


I can't wait for season to start! It's getting warm and beautiful out, it will be here soon!

Captain Cornelius Howard Duckman

Only one month more before Mayfaire kicks of the Renfaire season in michigan!


I'll be there this year, of course. Not sure when just yet but most certainly attending!
Willy Nilly on-the-wash town Strumpet
Castleteer Pillar
Irish Penny Brigade member


Mayfaire is fun! I think BlackRock Medieval Festival will be alot of fun too in Augusta, Michigan.


Nothing is "wrong" with us.  lol  We are no different than the folks that long for the seasons of golf, hunting, fishing, etc....  We love faire and have found families there.  So I don't think it strange at all that we dream of walking thru the gates.  Or even that we try to live it in some little way, every day.  My everyday tea mugs, are my faire mugs.  I love those things, I don't care where I am. 

Got my app for my MIRF early bird passes.  Gonna be there lots this year.  Still trying to figure out how to fit in Bristol and ORF.  The BlackRock Faire looks pretty cool and alot of great people are involved, so I would like to try and hit that one.  Also the MI Pirate Fest is something I'd like to try and finally make it to.  Woooohooooo!  It's almost May, faire is in the air.

So pretty much my schedule is not in stone yet. Other than that we got a campsite for opening weekend of MIRF.


Quote from: flidais on April 29, 2012, 02:40:46 PM
Nothing is "wrong" with us.  lol  We are no different than the folks that long for the seasons of golf, hunting, fishing, etc....  We love faire and have found families there.  So I don't think it strange at all that we dream of walking thru the gates.  Or even that we try to live it in some little way, every day.  My everyday tea mugs, are my faire mugs.  I love those things, I don't care where I am.  

Got my app for my MIRF early bird passes.  Gonna be there lots this year.  Still trying to figure out how to fit in Bristol and ORF.  The BlackRock Faire looks pretty cool and alot of great people are involved, so I would like to try and hit that one.  Also the MI Pirate Fest is something I'd like to try and finally make it to.  Woooohooooo!  It's almost May, faire is in the air.

So pretty much my schedule is not in stone yet. Other than that we got a campsite for opening weekend of MIRF.

I like that flidais! And I whole-heartedly agree. I don't know a lot of Rennies off boards, so the "Non-Rennies" tend to give me strange looks when I talk about corsets, bumrolls, and slash-and-poofs lol! Hence, I don't talk about them much in mixed company.

Are the early bird passes the ones where they serve you breakfast? How much is that? I've never tried Mayfaire, I know it's small. Worth the hour & half drive??
"Not all those who wander are lost..."

Captain Cornelius Howard Duckman

Not that small. Still the second largest faire in michigan. And totally worth it, plenty of acts you don't see anywhere else.


Everyone in my "real world" knows about my love of faire.  If they don't I am always more than happy to share with them.  Also I have been blessed to have so many of my faire friends as part of my everyday life.  My best friends are rennies and there's a handful of them that I talk to at least once a week. 

I've never made it to Mayfaire.  Between my daughters recital and the Alma Highland Fest (that my husband usually competes at) I've never been able to go.  I have however heard that it's nice and I'm going to try and fit it in this year since my husband is injured and won't be throwing any large objects any time soon.

The early bird pass thing, is an application that MIRF (and prolly other faires as well) sends out earlier in the year, and if you purchase your season pass or royal pass before a certain date you get a discount.  Every since I bought my first season pass at the gate, they have been sending me these in the spring.  I imagine you could call the office and ask to purchase one over the phone if you didn't get anything in the mail.

I'll go grab the flyer right now....

This year the early bird rate for a season pass is $60 ($79.95 at gate), child's season pass is $30 ($42.95), and the royal pass(this is the one that gets you extra perks) is $105 ($120 at gate).  You must purchase your pass before May 31st to get the early bird rate.  All of the "at gate" prices I used are from last year.  Call 800-601-4848 to order.

I think purchasing a pass this way is awesome.  Really you need to only know that you'll go more than 3 times for it to pay for itself.  Also it helps get some $ going for the faire so that they can get everything ready for us.  I guess I don't really know that, but it's how I like to think of it.  :)