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A new Forum! (no, not a ren one...)

Started by *Teach*, July 05, 2008, 12:06:32 PM

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OK, now that I have your attention I need some help.
I am in the process of totally revamping my work website. Take a look at it and tell me what ya think (there is even a contact page there to send me a note on if needed).

This one is far and away better than my last one. I am including a blog, a forum for teachers/students and parents, a page of current class assignments, and page of my files (powerpoints, labs, worksheets etc) to share. The files are being added now but will take quite a while to get them all up. I have a lot of files... way to many lol.

The forum (called "Teach's Forum") and blog (called "Hidden Lessons") are in very early stages of developement, so don't be to harsh on those. Feel free to go ahead and register on the forum and begin posting if you wish however. I will be adding several categories to the forum and building the basics up over the next few days. I am looking for ideas of what categories to have listed on there right now. I expect to get a lot of use from that once school begins (Getting teachers to think about teaching is tough during summer).

Anyways... I am looking for serious commentary, so take a look and let me know what you think

www. teachsplace. com

*and before you ask... no, I wont be making rum comments there. For some reason they frown on me for that at work... dunno why*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Wow... 36 views and not one comment

*gonna have to stick to rum posts from here on out...*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


I checked it out, and it looks great.
It is very user friendly, and that is probably the most important thing.
~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!


thanks Kate!
I was starting to feel kinda... unnoticed
sigh... poor me lol

*I always get noticed on the rum stuff though*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Anna Iram

Looks god Teach. What a great idea.

Is that a bat in you're hand in you're profile pic?   :o  ;D


Thats a paddle actually
Yes, I am in favor of corporal punishment
It works, quickly and easily and completely

*Either that or give them each a shot of rum before class...*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Gwen aka Punstergal

I was going to comment but then the storm came and took away my interwebz.. I sowwy!

I WAS going to say that it looks good so far (although it is obvious that you are not an English teacher <giggle>). Your resources (the powerpoint stuff and such) look VERY nifty and helpful!! Are you keeping the site specific to resources that apply to YOUR classes? Or would you like things for other areas of study too? As I'm digging through my storage unit in the coming months I could keep my eyes out for all the student-made resources that we did for Academic Decathlon. Also- can I ask what grade level this is aimed at? I'm afraid I studied things all out of order, so I'm not sure what would be useful to your target audience.

Side note: I want to say THANK YOU for being one of those teachers who is actively trying to make the education system better!
"Hell hath no fury like an enraged Gryphon Master"


I tell my kids on a near daily basis not to correct my english lol
As time goes by I intend to get to the point of having a fileshare area for people to load files for sharing. At the moment I just dont have the space or bandwidth for that. I will let people send me stuff to put on the site, I figure that will slow enough people down for me to keep up with growth.
The forum will be for all grade levels, but my materials are pretty my high school at the moment.

and thanks for the kind words...

*if I can find a rum downloader my life will be complete*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Quote from: Anna Iram on July 07, 2008, 09:08:50 PM
Looks god Teach. What a great idea.

Is that a bat in you're hand in you're profile pic?   :o  ;D

I was think'n the same thing!!!  Either a bat or one of those roasted turkey legs from Faire  :)  You're a very formidable looking man, I wouldn't think you would have too many disciplinary problems in your class.

I like the site, it's very easy to navigate.  Just curious...Are you familiar with the National Science Teachers Association?  Or ever attended one of their regional or annual conferences?  Our company has been providing the computer and audiovisual equipment for their regional conferences for the past 5 years now.  They usually have some really great keynote speakers, this year in Portland they have Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters.  Last year in Detroit they had Sally Ride and in Denver they had Homer Hickman the guy from Virginia that the movie 'October Sky' was about.  The very first year we worked with them I actually got to meet Bill Nye the Science Guy.  The exhibit floor at the convention center is like a super Walmart just for science stuff, I could do all my Christmas shopping in one fell swoop.           


I know NSTA, I am a member even lol
I go to the CAST conference in Texas every chance I get, similar thing but different lol
It's put on by TSTA which is the state version of NSTA. Being as big as Texas is though, our state conference is usually as big or bigger than the regional NSTA conferences lol.

And yep... the main floor is my wal-mart, i could go broke there very easily. Last year I bought a ton of little gadget type toys... regardless of if I could think of a purpose for them lol

*Fortunately they dont sell rum there or my checkbook wouldnt stand a chance*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"