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Started by Element of Air, August 07, 2008, 11:25:32 PM

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Element of Air

So, 5 years ago my mom found a funny spot on her leg, it was melanoma (spelling) a skin cancer that can appear anywhere in or on your body. A week ago she found two other spots, one in her shoulder about 1 in x 1 in x .5 in. the other is in her lower back. They are also cancerous.

She is going to have to get them removed and also getting a full body scan to locate any others. The doctors say she might need radiation. My mother just went through gastric bypass this last March and has since lost over 70 pounds. I am so proud of her. She weighed about 300 pounds previously due to health issues. So with this drastic weight loss, they don't know if this is why they are able to locate the cancer and if it is, how long they have been there.

My Mom is scared and worried and she has gone through a lot this year with her surgery in March, I just ask that you can help to support her and giver her strength in whatever way you know how.

Thank you so very much.
Royal Duchess of Air, Music and Beauty in the court of Queen Bonnie.
Royal Order of Landsharks, Guppy No. 25


Element of Air just stay strong through this and know that the doctors will take good care of your mom.I'm sorry to hear of those cancer spots however,it's always hard to find out that someone you love just recently found something like that on their body especially when it is cancerous.That is always scary.But don't worry cause you have the rest of your family and all of us your faire family on these forums that will send lots of love thoughts and prayers your way.

I am a sending a hug to you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers while you are having to deal with this.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

lady serena

My thoughts and prayer are with you and your Mom.
Guppy # 81
Fins up

Charlotte Rowan

You and your mom will be in my prayers!
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.


Element, of course - I will definately keep your Mom and You in my prayers. May her healing be quick and sure.


Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable


Element, I am keeping your mother and you in my prayers.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.
Loki-terr (in training)

Element of Air

Thank you all so very much for you help and care.

I am in a positive mood about the situation, but I still want some comfort for her and myself. I think what bothers me is that I am my mothers baby girl and only being 20 years old and the farthest from her, it is difficult. I know she would feel so much better if I was right there with her still living at home in California as she is going through this. But I am in Texas and all of the rest of the family is home with her.

But thank you all. It really means so very much to me. I can not express to anyone, just how amazing this rennie family really is.

Thank you.
Royal Duchess of Air, Music and Beauty in the court of Queen Bonnie.
Royal Order of Landsharks, Guppy No. 25


Cass, here's a huge hug for both you and your Mom. Its tough to get news like that, I remember the day that I got the call my grandfather had found a cancerous tumor on his bladder. I have faith though, because from what you've told me, your Mom is an amazing and strong woman! Sending warm thoughts and strength for both her, you, and the rest of your family.

If you need anything, just pick up the phone ok?
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)

Joyce "Delfinia DuSwallow" Howard

Element - hugs and prayers for you and your mom.
MDRF Dandy  "Delfinia DuSwallow"
Sun'n Penny - Clan O'Morda
LandShark #71
Maker of Buttery Nipples


I'm so sorry about your mom having cancer. I hope that the cancer is very early and that she wont require any treatment besides removal. I hope that they catch every last bit of the cancer and take it off. *hugs*


Prayers of peace and healing are lifted up!!!
